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Show Church Launches New Methods (for Contacting Public ir Onond&za 'Tribe Anxious to Learn of President fj Area Re ' ports Encourajj in? Result. 8ix mik'S south of the cK r of Syracuse j N. Y., And ahclterei on three ships by rolling hills, Ilea several hundred acres of land that waa granted to the Onondaga dian nation by the federal gov iern- f ment. Here it be Indian people the de- acemlanis of Ephraim have tablbthcd themselves, and u dcr the direction and leadership of the Vmted States Indian bureau hey IcUl- have developed thriving turat community of 600 peoplej. In fulfillment of the promise of Ood to these people, viz. At ertn period of tme they will be brofht to believe In hls work and to know by Fresfdeiit James; lif Moyle, who with, other mission is visitor Utotiferenco ptciudcnts. IF In Suit hnkoi These thrps aeiiv jies, Presiden : Mole said, are rdio broadcasting, placing; of cxhibi;iM in fairs and expositions and th3 use of Twopi; publicity, Kactnbf itheso fcctUltics havcfbccn practiced! for la yedtr ot more, hae proved their Worth and are now a permanent part or th? ot uamzaUon of the Ka&tern States 100. mission tide appeared the Union, Springfield, f . , inexperienced?! missionaries or anti es j t j pijr-seni- ed j bv Killer Ward B. young Older front Salt I.ake . In ithtn. Martel, This woi K wait sCrrird orlast year f tlr exposisi five when jr tions In the eaistern states were atentered, the tniwipn. placing This year tractive booths in each. been placalreadyare the booths have which popular ed in tell fairs, In alt eastern stkte along the Atnorth from Virginia roast lantic England states. Including tfcc New are annual These expositions and Are exhibited in permanent billldlngs. j Upon hilt arrival In Salt Lake President Moyle received a letter from Elder R. t. Scott. telling of the exhibit placed by the mission In the Eastern States exposition held a week ago In Springfield. Mass. President Moyle said this expoeltton was by far the largest entered by the Church and attracted more than 56.000 during the week It was held. The report of Elder Scott as follows gives an hie of the type of exhibits that 'have been featured by the mission, during more succeeded 'a City , the i-- In the j Visits Tho ihlrd new and '"1; . , frirr. iunkh of the (.iimc a year; T,ub!fcliy--- I 809 word news ar- - -- r tary, Bi-K- op st -- El he high counctii A, and Sunday stlhool, member i f stake' superin- tendency M the Sunday schools of and X- - M M. I. a., members the stake board it these two or- glniaations deaittii; with boys from 1 S to SO year a epresontatire of the stake board c f education and the stake clerk io act las secre- Is tlialrfiin in file wa rtP the niittee is cdaipoxed of tbe Idshop chairman, , fspc ctul etiipiia.siK-hiid on this as so no bishop hav to this rulingl the npt adhered , Aiaronic tivO'l supervisors xilember of the Sunday arhoot and , M- - 1 A. all pertb ten denoy and teachers dealing with ywutha of ,, of those ages, representatives ward board ot education and the Ward clerk as secretary. The, Church v.lde correlation be fajl for h meeting to the Pfogram lijBld once a month for both The best ward stake and trroups. possible supervieoy should be secured for the young boys In the dhurch to guide them through1 of early adoiesence to tpat period y bung, manhood By this lime it ie expected that tpe Immediate project, that Of ton survey complete membership ascertain how- - nnnv young men between members of th Church In thSr tpe axes of IS and SO reside identtfic are how many d wai ard with these organisation. rt.-w- t -- . J rs than tifo. members of signed to M. I ' Ras-nuiw- j oori-elatlo- to Men who hav IIiO couraito f,c ilatiaor in ilt of fpr. no Men who van low anrt still iiciMii' f.i Hina to rise. Mioenii.ij to a. alio. Men who can boar ihe burdon and glvo and tak. Men who will fhfUt for the riaht . , when they know the wrottR will win, who can should. c blame anrt conquer fear, who . can hold their head wlu n the end Is near. Jiton fcho ran start bvor when ail la lost and even hono haa no .o, who when Ihfnx look, blarK-o' on. kor , ROin Ion who loxe lit (Jo rhlldien kn 1 ' old irse. Sion who tdl repot Uh their hatida, tneb of the nrinb-r- t paae. anrt loke and Men who can try airani. who nerer whine or giunililo about their state. Men who use their minds an These i re mold, their fate. the men who will loin the ranks of the ureat. Bji RAT U JENKINS. 1 beimiiinrd Just as the prodding Bishopric ot the general aupertntendency Sunday school and ihe T. M. M. I, A. and the department of education commissioner form the correlation committee for the entire Church, so do these same officers in stake and warl form th com mittee, in charge of such work tn 1 tpe various unite Commit-The stake 1 f a member Of vtee composed Uf stake presidency a fhalrman, stake Aaremlc piiestboOd commit- - j " ' PrrHounrt -- ng i i gram. the activity, publicity, I under supervision of Paul Marriott of Ogden, It was pioneered by Elder also of Og,tieorg K,as William a result ot this activity den, and the mission! ha received hundreds of favorable articles' pnd notice in the newspapers of the mis- -, alon, sl President Moyle declared ther was a definite change in tho attb tude of people In tha eastern state the toward ihe Church and that win-tilactlvulcs are fAst !tuinary many friend and a largo rpumber'of Converts. . X. 8. booth, j IUUhtnlrts Koiults, The exhibit was brep&red Elder Scott ami Elder Straabcrg who da! the arllsud work. During the SpringlieUt ex tion tVu miHrtirmari distn Uuted J 2, sod 9 100 tract IS Books of Mormon, three Articles of Keith, 21 doctrinal pamphlets 49 copies of Idahona. Kivd honored gosiwl cn vereat tons were halfand 22 invitation repeiedjfdr home - people of God, largest newspaper giving a description Ju I j Bprlngh Typd of exhibit Tha L. I. R booth Was so arranged as tot at tract the attention of the puhj e to the Fruits of Mormonlam. The waits of the booth were patntdd io jwlth represent an ocean a scene coastwaves dashing upon rocky line, The eentr Of attraction was a minltsiHire lighthouse, even' feet high, i lahled. ?,Mormonlsm."-- The tferge lighthouse rested upon 'a rack, lthed IttKk of Hevclaton "The dame of the lighthouse no constructed as to rmUo h SO. !v the wdrdM Aq it did Health. Mbtfalifv and Frosporlt.vi rotation! in under deep appeared from a bijlghi 'red Illumination of dome the within flashing light the Up ht house. Inside the bp were attractive signs giving, of graphic style, statistic with fruit of "Mtrraonium largo sign, iRays of 14vlng 1M C from the Church of of Iaitter-da- y Saints"; hanging jover J booth. the entire into effect Immediately. Because of the several organics-tion- s dealing with the boys from 1! to 10 year of ago and the varied programs given by each, a constructive move for the better ing ot these conditions wai adoption of the correlation Iet, every mtonary who hasj groe4 to an Indian gpcnitittnlty. take advantage of the opportunity1 to teach the gospel to these chosen i re- ported to the Ir siding -Bishopric who stands at th, head- of the work for the entire Church, These reports indicate, the advisability of such a program being put into otfect In every stake, ward and unit of the Church,' It is advised by the presiding Bishopric, .that in the w ards and stakes-wjn-rthe correlation committee have not yet been formed and no meeting held this program be put tiona of thetr forefathers.! but from with which they the oagiemeH deemed, to accept the Clospel message w aroi firmly eonVluced that he premises of Ood to these peo pie rard ttoMr beginning to bo ful filled. tl Contrary to prevalent opinion work among the Indian people was found to pleasant, and Interests Ink- L y the radio. read by them Theto are at present 38 mission-artin the Knstifm States mission adwho write and read radio dresses and the thlk$ are well given from and well received, judging the amount ot Comment received ths mission bv the MtaUons ind f headquarter. SftiiitlugMtract' thut aPresident, Mpflgfor slatedradio prpthe attractions special hymns, grams lire the MoriruAT are andllduarteta tiolos. duet1 witheach1 program and the number of programs presented could have jbeeA? doubled had the muHicnl numbers been available, he said. j V to th presort It time, the mission has mver ijolHtj a station over which thelfl programs have been werb prepared where present to keep up; thethey Moik and provide are the programs The programs stimulating to (the missionaries irt- -r to serve who pafttclpateu they as the memtroduca the gosel small cities in bership4heis usually are presented, where programs or bbt theV ai appnreptly popular he thev wduld' t noli be continued, said. The second or khe three activities In the mission field la that of jubltion work. The flrit supervisor was of f his work, begun last year Elder Carl Olson of Price, who ha aincc been released and Is nown i al cirtjujla-tloBooks of Mormon among them. True, many I f the Onondagw beUeva ft the ancient tadi- - iava been lowed diligently the Incorrectness of the tradition of their fathers." Alma Ident Verd W. Edwards and JuHler Joseph S. Ieery of the KochUstter district, Eastern States mlklon have spent aoveral day in prekeh-In- g thei restored gospel of Christ to them When told of their true 4 lineage and the promises of Ood Inmade to their forefathers, thej bedian people in thjls eomthutiPyl ?ev-ersoon came very Interested and hundred pamphlets and sizn were in Jath radio hijoadn resident Moyle states, thfc is a plonrcjr in Using tho air for missionary work, The broadcasting is xniddr the direction of a youn$r eldr, I. brown from Frovo, Utah, 'who hold of the work when It started in May, 1939, and has radio director ri Editor froni thj n beginning. t.uln, MOlt Praise, In thin capacity, the young smnary, now on Hi 21,, has had a main editing and directing jor part work In radio broadcasting for the mission, President Moyle said; in view of his age, education and previous experience and that of the missionaries who have wrltj ten and roud addresses over the radio, such accomplishments would be regarded as something miraculous in moat communities, Freni- dent Moyle said. I Since the beginning in 1H30 the Eastern states ijntaslon has delivered 329 sermons over the radid. These SrmlmH httvci beciwdellvereil in, many of the oor large stattohs iho eastern stated. larger cities of dre tall wrilten by These aernvina men and women j who are seemlnsj-l- Excellent resulta front eftorta to correlate the activities of the Church frem the ago of 1 to N years, tn stake where the correlation program haa been 44 In cunnebtton eaKtiUR. i Experiments Prove Value Of Prog am For Young! Men. - Ancestors. 1 1 hi pr ient itrtcl effective y of missionary work constating; feott no to hulls fraCtinir and street neetinsrs, te beinidr supplemented in the Kttstern States mission by thw new, but tried dralYitie, It U ' Church Asks All Units Correlate Work of Youths Indians In N Greet Elders with Enthusiastic Interest -- To Keep Instructions WimcrninR the keeping have been sent out together-with forms upon which the enlistment and monthly attend,i anoe tjecorda are kept, and It urRed that these Instruction ,b foltowed explicMly and be refereed to fr&m time to time for perfec- tlon in the work. Only by ldL per eentl In thi correlation program can every boy bei glvenl equal opthroughout the Church, portunities in a it U found by experience some wards and stakes that the afford program newly adopted -- A larR attendance t friends and members featured the three district so salon of the Norwich conference of the British misMon, ot Sept 9, under the dlrtion !who President A. William Lund, Wallis with Patriarch Jamea H. k was the principal speaker. The mornini, aeasion Was devoted to auxiliary work and a pageant 'Salvation For the Head, was presented fn the afternoon. M lesion authori'les and elders in the alov photo were tn attendance. They are, left to riRht, front row: Cleon It Kerr, Mrs. James It WalUs: Tatriarch James H, Wallis;. Mrs. Josephine B. I.und, Reltef president of British mission President A. William POCiety, Lund; I. T. Baffin, district president; Howard F. Wood. Rear row; Jamea B, Beealoy, John W, Taylor El wood Corry, Herman I. Anderson. O JrtwlRht Wakefield. Har bid C. WllUams, F. Vernon Rw- o. . batter opportunities for training ot the youth, avoids1 unnecessary duraate of work aad plication greater enthusiasm fog. m work tp be don. I 1. 1 1 |