Show JUANITA Elsie Glen Lloyd and Della Delia Re- Re mun have been visiting Mrs Inas Neilson in Provo for a few days Della Delia has accepted a position there and will remain for some sone time Lloyd Zu vel t and family V enjoyed enjoy enjoy- ed a visit from his father from Utahn Saturday I Neville simmer Wimmer and Elmer Curran Curran Curran Cur- Cur ran ca cane came ic dawn from fron their respective respective respective tive jobs as range riders Saturday night to spend Sunday with home folks returning Monday Mr Carl Wilton Vilton attended the birthday party given for Andrew Cle Clemmens in Duchesne last Sun Sun- day Guests of Mr Lir and Mrs Fred Cur Curran Curran Curran ran and family Saturday evening evening- and Sunday were Fred South- South and Jack Griggs who were on their way from Yakima Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington to their homes in Denver Colorado Carl Milton has plums for sale Place your orders early and be sure to b get some sone of these thee nice plums Mrs Jarry Grant and sons son LI Lloyd yd and Duane Mrs Berthena and aDd daughter Nelda and amI Je se Hugh fro from Mount Pleasant were visiting Mr and Mr Mrs Fred Curran Friday Mr Hugh w was s looking for a location for bees in this neigh neighborhood Lawrence El ElTer ner Ellsworth Ailen Ai- Ai len Ien and Id Ida Curran a ended endel the theba ba baseball games in Duchesne la lat t Sunday and saw Duchesne beat t o el c t by a score scores of G to 7 7 I |