Show SEED COOPER STIVE I Tuesday in Salt Lake Ci City y a group of men from th the l loading leading alfalfa alfalfa alfalfa alf alf- alf alf- alfa seed producing s section of the state met and incorporated a 0 COlpany company com n pany for the purpose of stabilizing stabilizing stabilizing ing the price of clover and and alfalfa alfalfa seed produced in Utah Idaho ha done the same a few days clays before The purpose is to prevent the dumping onto the market of out seed a mountain-grown mountain sc sec j 1 which is commanding the highest price paid by the planter Although the 1931 crop of alfalfa seed is iz only 50 of normal in the northern north ern states yet under present co conditions conditions con con- c the price may not be high In fn 1931 5 above nomal amount of alfalfa was planted Warehouses Warehouse's are arc about cleaned up especially so far as mountain and northern sed sedis se d dis is concerned But Utah and Idaho the seed of these two states very important in the national national national na na- na- na crop may be held to a fair ar price No one desires or e a Do high price but under the conditions as asto asto asto to the 1931 crop it being so 10 low and old stock sold out our seed growers rowers should not be obliged to accept any price offered and then let the middle men make a big profit We Ve arc are willig to pay a faor price for handling and reselling reselling resell resell- ing inS but we want a fair price Unless this is done and our low Jow cro yield crop be prot protected we ma mal e expect lazy money y to offer I whatever the investor may y e expect j or pass out as the price Hence the necessity of incorporating and asking for a federal advance which will hold the price level fairly stable I Seed growing is a gamble at best To drop the price now would cause many a Do Utah man to give I up the seed game It is one of our states state's best crops and must be he protected Two million dollars for this crop which is should reach one year in three and a million million mil mil- lion Hon dollars the other two years is too big a production and too much of a crop to be dealt with in any other manner than as a major business Seed growing will in increase increase increase in- in crease if the market is kept firm and not otherwise I |