Show Wheat Proved to Be Most Efficient Feed Experiments Convincing to Live Stock Breeders Many farmers nn and live stock men nave lave fe fed cheap wheat profitably during during dur dur- ur- ur ing the thc past year eur but It remains for Prof W. W L L. Blizzard BUzzard head of the department ep of animal husbandry husband husband- I ry A A. A and M. M L colle college c of Oklahoma to present comparative e figures relative relative rela rela- tive tire to the value of oC wheat as a alire alive live lire stock feed Professor ProCessor Blizzard BUzzar does oes not make statements in a a. haphazard manner lie does not practice guessing but gets het the time facts before he writes or talks talks to the public Knowing that i there was a great grent surplus of wheat wheatland and a n shortage of corn In this country country country coun coun- try Professor Blizzard set about to to learn whether or not it would pay to feed wheat find and at what price As a result of his feeding experiments experiments ments meats he lIe found that the lowest cost per pounds of gain In weight was att attained ned by bj feeding wheat priced at CO GO cents per bushel as as' compared with cent CO-cent corn In fact there was 09 OJ cents difference which Is quite an item ittU with an any feeder of ot live lire stock He lie then made his calculations cal cal- al- al as to how hi high h wheat could go before It ceased to be he a cheap animal feed an and basing the price of corn cern at GO CO cents per bushel he lie learned that one ma may feed wheat profitably up to 87 cents per bushel Of course if the time price of corn or other feedstuffs advance wheat t at ata ata a relatively higher price could coul be used Wheat Is always on the market marlet before corn corn an and with a a. large surplus surplus surplus sur sur- plus available 3 live Uye stock tock men have havethe the thc advantage of this cheap and most efficient fetid feed at ht any time The Time best and most profitable way of oC reducing reducing reducing re re- the tIse surplus seems to be In Inthe Inthe the time feeding of wheat to live li stock Farm Farm and Ranch Hanell |