Show I Diary Shows Washington as Successful Hunter HunterMan Man Many people are under the time impression im lm- that George Ceorge Washington's hunting experiences were confined to foxes In the vicinity of ot his home In Virginia Such is not the case In the autumn autumn au of ot 1 1770 70 he lie hunted buffalo while on his trip to the Ohio with his friend Doctor accordIng accord accord- Ing lag to the division of at information and publication of ot the George Washington bicentennial commis sion slon In his diary of ot November ember 2 of ot that year rear Is found found this Interesting Interesting Interesting Inter Inter- esting lt Item m on buffalo hunting We proceeded up the time river Kanawha Kanawha Kan Kan- with the canoe about four miles mlles more and then and went a n hunting killed five buffaloes buffa butYa- loes and wounded some come others three deer etc This country abounds in buffalo and wild gamy game ami of ot all kinds as also In all aU kinds of wild fowl there being In the time bottoms bottoms bot bot- bot toms a great many small grassy rassy ponds or lakes which are full of ot swans geese and ducks of different kinds It will be observed that Washington Washing Washing- ton modestly refrains retraIns from stating how many of ot the five fi buffaloes fell feU from bullets from his Imis rifle On New Years Year's tin day 1772 some friends called on Washington at Mount Vernon Several days later Inter he entertained them with a little hunting trip In the time nearby forests which he lie tells about In his link diary In this brief way Went a hunting a with the above gentlemen Found both a bear and anda I Iu a u fox but got neither I |