Show Has Ideas About Ryder Cup Gene who of late has gone in for all kinds of reducing diets and exercises is down to pounds He thinks this years year's Ryder Cup team should be t composed of Sara Sara- 1 zen Hagen Manero E Shute Horton Smith Ralph Guldahl and Picard Pic a r d. d The The J Cards by the way have little fear of the Giants this year J L. L They think Pitts- Pitts T Tony Manero l burgh probably has the best team in the league but that the Cubs will provide the main op op- opposition opposition opposition position and that Rip Collins Collins' will star in the full games Harry Voiler the fight movie man has plans to win the light heavy weight championship with Al AI De- De laney lancy Delaney's Delancy's injured hand in incidentally in- in incidentally incidentally has entirely healed and he will soon resume fighting One of the prides of at the Stevens Broth Broth- Brothers Brothers ers the racetrack and ball park restaurant men is that they have more than 1500 employees But that no valued employee ever has left them except on account of death or extreme old age Millionaire John Hertz doesn't seem to care who knows how sore he is about rumors that the Illinois commission will favor f a v o 0 r Washington Park over his Arlington Park in the assignment of ot dates this year Wilcey Moore former Yankee sinker ball pitcher still has hasa a l span of mules called Babe and Ruth which he won from the home run king his first year on the club Babe bet Moore that he wouldn't make three hits during the season He made four Moore is a gentleman farmer at Hollis Okla in the winter He is with the Kan Kan- Kansas Kansas sas City Blues this season Stan Laurel the movie comedian inter inter- interrupted interrupted interrupted a vacation cruise to stop slop in Cuba and watch the New York Giants work out Benevolent cit cit- citizens citizens cit cit- citizens of Auburn Wash are caring for Amos Rusie old New York Giant pitching star and his wife who were dispossessed recently when a mortgage was foreclosed on their farm Although his best friends tell him to forget it Jack Dempsey still dreams of or promoting one big heavy heavy- heavyweight heavyweight heavyweight weight championship fight Harry Hooper regarded as one cf cr the th fin fin- finest finest finest est sun fielders in hi major league his his- history history tory once was charged with three errors on two successive pitched balls when playing right field for forthe forthe forthe the White Sox He lie fumbled two flies flics and made I a wild throw on one of or them Shoeless Joe Jackson new weighs pounds and owns I two automobiles Joseph Widener has shipped four juveniles Un Un- UnI Unbreakable I breakable sine Entert-sine Silver Spear and Soda to England Fred Perry I shares Ellsworth Vines' Vines enthusiasm for golf Hans former heavyweight wrestler is a mat ref ref- referee referee on the Pacific coast Two sophomores with the Iowa baseball team on its southern trip are relatives of major league play play- I ers Harold Manders of Adel I Ia la right-handed right pitcher is a cousin c of Bob Feller FeHer and Arthur Manush i of Burlington is a nephew of Heinie Heini Manush Although Glenn Cun Cun- Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham set sel them both in the same race the American mile record is lower than the worlds Cunning Cunning- Cunningham ham ran the distance in 4 but since the International federation does not recognize tenth of a second timing in races above a quarter of ofa a mile the world mark is listed as |