Show I 1 STRAYED FROM ROM dr richards pasture last fall a red cow branded 1 I E eon on the left hip white spot in forehead the finder will please leave her with bishop hunter and shall be liberally rewarded marcha tf TAKEN UP N ogden city one dark red ox bic 12 years old I 1 IN branded L K on the left hip with a small cross between the L land and K also branded on tile the left horn with the letters L K with the crosses above and ana on the same horn with the letters E T branded W WY Y C and S S alo one pale red and white speckled cow six years old with square crap off of the ear arid and swallow fork in the right no brands visible the owner is requested to call prove property pay charges and take them away marcha ain G BELNAP GOOD cracker and hard bread baker wanted amply A apply at the deseret bakery two doors norih nonh 0 of f J E reeses keeses store marcha lt I 1 CARD R W A SMITH would thank those who M MR have patronized him in in connection with mr cannon for their patron patrom ige ge and also acquaint them that his present partnership partner hip will be dissolved about the ath of march that he intends to start f or san francisco in in about three thee th ee weeks in in order to supply himself with a new and fashionable stock he will return in in about six months to renew business bus ness when he would feel thankful for a continuation nati on of the same liberal patronage marcha 1 in m NOTICE I 1 IS S hereby given to those interested in the big kanyon creek water sect that a meeting of tae the proprietors p prie tors of the same was held on the of febuary and the following rules delatin re relating latin the same were adopted 1 charles kenneda was appointed water master with aut authority hori y to direct s to be made and to direct when each person ma may y use the water for irrigating ri he be having a general superintendence of 0 the water and ditch 2 to repair the same a tax of two days labor for each five acre lot and one days labor for each city lot using water aiom said ditch was levied to lobe be laid out at the call ot of said kenneda kenned a on oil or before the first of april in ill default of laboring two dollars in in i money was to be paid for each day by the of april 3 if any should be in default in forming performing pei said lab labor or or paying sa said id money by tile the time appointed the water is to be winheld from them 4 if said tax proves to be insufficient to complete the repairs and keep the hp same in good order for the present year I 1 then lien said kenneda is authorized t to 0 lay an additional tax not exceeding one half of fi alie i e aforesaid amount said water master gives ives notice that lie he requires the men to com commence on tuesday the 2211 day of march and continue from day to d day ay until the ditch is fully repaired A few teams are wanted marcha ain Z SNOW chairman NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC HE machinery of the deseret manufacturing Manu factoring JL company having passed into the hands of the i trustee in trust this is to notify all persons i interested n te I 1 that orson hyde will here hereafter after take t the he superintendence and control the department allotted 1 eted for making sugar from beets and all those holding equitable claims against the company are hereby informed that arra arrangements ments will be made to cancel them as soon as circumstances will permit BRIGHAM YOUNG trustee in trust for the church of jesus christ of latter day saints marcha tf I 1 FOR FOB SALE OR RENT THE HE house and premises consisting of 3 city i lots uner good fence adebie house 16 by 40 adebie stable 16 by 22 on Emig emigration rution street S W corner of the lith ward opposite cedar posts the whole premises can be rented for 8 per month or bought immediately for le less ss than cost of the improvements in cash or stoe stock k an excellent location for tavern stand N bat B at my place on little cottonwood is a 2 year old dark red heifer and calf left ear cropt coopt the owner can get her by proving property paying charges I 1 marcha tf ANDREW CAHOON NOTICE I 1 IS S hereby given to all ali whom it may concern that application appl will be made at the next sitting 0 of the county court of great salt lake county by the subscribers for the exclusive brivil privilege le re and grant of that tract of country conn try de designated signa ted as the he cove in in green river F pren ren lying on the east side of the big mountain n directly east of what is commonly I 1 called C barrys cherrys Cher rys iett settlement lement in davis county and the west side of the next great moun mountain taia east where tile the two big mountains nearly intersect the waters in the cove forming for what we call the west fork of willow or kanyon creek which runs on the east side of the second big mountain east cast of great salt L lake lap city on emigration road and dempes into weber river we shall make application for the exclusive right of all the timber rock water ater and grass in said cove from the summit of th the mountains around said cove and if there is any person that can produce any good sound rea on why said privilege should not be granted they 1 are hereby requested to make the same man manifest fest on oil i 1 or before the sitting of said court SANFORD PORTER I 1 SANFORD POUTER jr OZIAS KILLBOURN marcha tf LOOK book HERE C AME into my yard about the of february v last a three year old heifer white hind legs and belly also some white on her back and white star in her face no brand the owner can have her by proving property and paying charges marcha tf JOHN gaily fth ward NOTICE THE tare HE members of the quorum of seventies are requested to meet urn on the last saturday of each month at the house of solon foster in the esth ward great salt lake city at 6 p at those at a distance who cannot conveniently attend will please send their names and place of residence to toj J M barlow clerk of tle the quorum one door dast e ast of the tithing office CHA CHARLES RLES BIRD senior prest marcha ain deseret nail manufactory tto THE HE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of G S L city arid and surrounding country that lie he has now in operation a nail manufactory horse and ox nails and nails kept constantly on hand and for sale at store prices at his shop on the corner of emigration anaw and I 1 council houe street iron wheat flour taken in exchange for nails P S brands made to order cut on iron or steel marcha tf WM J I 1 as fa nor OR san bernardino and san francisco war wanted ted J I 1 want passengers for the above places to start in three weeks great salt lake city to san bernardino 25 days great sait sail lake city to tc san francisco 30 days fare to san bernardino 80 fare to san francisco I 1 each passenger allowed to carry 25 lbs ibs provisions found by subscriber VV A SMITH marcha lin E lection notice NOTICE OTICE is hereby given that on monday next alc at march eth 1853 at 1 r P M there will lie be an election held at the council house for the hie election of mayor 4 alderman and 9 councillors councilors Counci lors for G S L city who will be chosen by he hc voice of the people ROBERT CAMPBE LL marcha 1 in city recorder STRAYED ano RON ROM range near neff jeffis mill a red bay mare no white except saddle marks stands about 14 hands high branded 0 on the left shoulder 4 years i old last spring any person having found the above or having information that may lead to her recovery will be liberally rewarded by calling ailing on oh SA SAMUEL near city creek bridge ath ward marcha ain I 1 I 1 I 1 the books will be opened HE members of the sixth quorum of seventies T THE in the valleys of the mountains are all requested to meet the presidency of said quorum in council cil on the ath day of april next in the ward school house at 2 P M as business ot of importance wi will 11 be transacted thosa thos members of the quorum scattered through the states are called upon to report themselves at once and let the presidency know of their views intentions ac relative lalive re to retaining retaining their position in the quorum as all actual or de desired sired vacancies vacancies m must be filled u up p as living materials are required lor the work all letters must be directed to the president ISRAEL BARLOW western bugle copy 3 times and forward bill to israel barlow marcha 8 ain LOST AN iron gray stud poney about three years old light gray face heavy mane and tail a few white hairs on the right side of his back caused by the saddle last seen down in the big field fied I 1 whoever will bring the same to the subscriber will be libe liberala raly rewarded D B huntington marcha 8 4 in I 1 ath ward NOTICE THIS HIS is to give notice that we intend to petition the co county anty court at its next sitting for the control ot of the wood water timber ac of the first kanyon south of mill creek kanyon in G S L county to be controlled as that court may direct 0 P ROCKWELL marcha 8 ain n FRANKLIN NEFF DESER DESERET ET POTTERY aware WE E have still stil on hand a good supply of earthenware which we will exchange for wheat flour potatoes ac A few cords of wood wanted immediately as we are anjou to burn another kiln for which we will pay in ea earthenware 1 ALFRED CORDON supt bupt marcha 8 tf H ereese every ry body am now prepared to take all kinds of stock on I 1 shares on liberal terms I 1 will take calves from three months to one year old and return one half at three years old to the owners I 1 will be responsible for all destroyed dis troyed by wolves or through my neglect L LD D YO YOUNG UN G marcha 8 am 10 DOLLARS REWARD REWA LOST T OST one red shaded cow nearly black horns turned up and curled in had a rope on stray e pd a from spencer s pasture last august was with calf any one returning the bame to the scriber 1 12 1 2 blocks south ot of tithing office will receive seven dollars also one red ox branded D on the horns and rope on hangs down about on foot supposed to be about dr richards pasture three dollars reward R DAFT 8 at NOTICE 0 tile the proprietors of the third subdivision of the TO abig big field or the five aare lots west of the state road roada the committee have apportioned the fence for the lots and assigned each station and you are hereby notified to have it put up by the day ot of april next P S for information of local location loc aion ion you will please call on the chairman odthe of the COID committee mitlee nit Lee mr albert gregory residence in the 3rd ard bishoprick ward the grass in the streets is reserved to meet the incidental expenses of the field by order of the committee A P ROCKWOOD clerk marche ain STRAYED smallish sized dun coloured STEER 5 years abold A old branded Y A on the near hip pretty horns wide spread rather wild looking whoever has found said ox and will vill bring him to the subscriber shall receive a liberal reward for his trouble I 1 H C KIMBALL CITY TAXES ALL LL persons that have not paid their city tax for 1852 are notified that unless the they y settle thern them immediately there will be further cost and I 1 r shall be compelled according to my orders to levy upon p property r arid and sell the same at auction for tax and costs the names of delinquents will also be published in the deseret news bishops are requested to give notice in their wards will take corn wheat flour butter batter potatoes lumber store and city orders and cash office in house of elea eleazer z er millers ward 2 blocks south and 3 blocks east of tithing office J C LITTLE assessor and coll collector ector of G S L city ft bla 7 ain G x D WATT REPORTER S on hand when called for to make verbatim vei balim 1 I 1 IS reports of the blessings of children confirmations a sermons lectures ac ac and may be found in the presidents office north west corner of the counsel house up stairs P S when any of the wards call a meeting for the blessing of children it may be found for their benefit to have G D W present on suet such occasions TO THE SEVENTIES I 1 wish to say to the seventies that owing to he urgent press of public business and the immense amount of labor required making improvements fencing building houses and barns in ill all parts of the territory I 1 have determined to suspend pend operations on the seventies hall for the present As there is a large quantity of lumber in the cot ton wood kanyon where the irillis mill is located for the benefit of that building I 1 still wish to have that work go on the road mede and perhaps perli aps another mill in ill built the lumber will be essential and i if fit it could be obtained now would become advantageous to the temple if not to the hall I 1 propose to tile seventies and all others who now do ormay hold shares in the hll hall that whatever amount they pay on their shares to the tithing office for tile the immediate use of the temple or ot otherwise her wise will be credited to the ila hall and expended on the erection of that building as soon as circumstances cu cum instances stances will permit also lumber or any other material received bjorn that source will be so credited d ted and repaid it is my int intention to prosecute the work of tile the wall all around the temple block and the foundation I 1 for the temple as rapidly as possible and to this end I 1 wish to concentrate as much as possible the public labor and means the hall will also be erected and in good goad ti time me but all things in in their proper awer per and wisdom seems to dictate that this is the course to pursue at present I 1 YOUNG I 1 NOTICE 1 IS S hereby given to all whom it may concern that application will be made nt at the next sitting of t the lie county court of great salt lake county by the subscriber Sume I 1 riber for the occlusive privilege and grant of the he kinyon kanyon K commonly known knowd and de designated sig as dry kanyon in the east ade de of the west mountain in in said county being the first north from ginghams Bing hams kanyon in said mountain at which time and pla alae c any person knowing any reason I 1 1 why said privilege should not he granted are requested to make the same manifest B L ADAMS 85 5 REWARD STRAYED S OR STOLEN from tile the range west of jordan one red and white OX mostly red branded on the left horn tc BROWER 4 years old 1 in the spring any person bringing said ox to the subscriber living in the ward or to J cain at the post office or give information iv here he be may I 1 be found shall be entitled to one y year ear s subscription I 1 to the deseret news af A C brower BROW BB fR R I 1 I 1 X arrival and dar ture of afie V S eromand omand fr from and to 0 S le JL office the tae eastern mail leaves for mo do the of each month at 6 a in arrives the I 1 last ast day of aali each month at 6 11 p m B the western mail leaves for sacramento ci california the 1st ast day of each month at 6 a m arrives the last day at 6 p in the oregon mail leaves for the dallas the of dee dec F feb obern eb april june aug and oct at 6 a ni arrives the last day of nov jan march may july and sept at 6 p in the above mails will be closed at 4 p m precisely thelast the last day of each month the brownsville Browns ville and millers creek mail leaves every monday and thursday at 6 a in arrives every tuesday an and friday at 6 p m the southern mail leaves every monday at 6 a im for american fork provo prove springville Spring ville payson salt creek and manti post offices and returns every saturday at 6 1 p m no i agul ar mail to fillmore city or parowan carowan Pa rowan when will the mail close how late cau I 1 get a letter in this mail please read the above and not trouble the post master to answer such questions west ions STRAYED fl ONE NE black HORSE 4 years years old about 14 hands high one hind foot white strayed on or about the ath of november 1852 no other marks recollected whoever has found him will receive a reward on returning to mr lemuel blind man many or to EDWIN GRIFFIN kays creek BEETS ahe HE sugar works situated |