Show HAIR HAIR 1 r BUSHELS HAIR wanted immediately I 1 0 0 at the P public works tile the brethren who are killing their hogs will confer a favor by sav saving ing all the hair and bristles and bring the same to tile the public for which they will be allowed a fair price on their tithing feba alf D if WELLS supt bupt P W HEMP ahe HE subscriber offers four dollars per bushel fur for JL good hemp seed and aid twenty cents per ib for good clean hemp or flax in store pay at 0 H Cog swells or by the subscriber in the lath ward bring all you can whether in large or very small quantities nova ORRIN D FARLIN HERDING r ephe ae subscriber wishes to give notice to JL tin tile citizens generally that tie i as prepared to keep a herd of cattle catle on oil the west side of utah lake and on the finest range in t tl country he will be responsible tor for all cattle placed in his cli charge arge should they be lost or stolen terms 2 cents per head per day auga PHILANDER BE BELL LL SIGN PAINTER THE HE undersigned undersigner under signed respectfully informs the citizens of great salt lake c city ti that lie he has commenced mence d in the above line of business Ii siness and is now ready to take lake work N ork and finish it in the best english style on the most reasonable terms shop next door to J E reeses keeses store lumber produce ac taken in pay s epli WILLIAM K BARTON TAILORING 11 E subscriber wishes sto to inform the citizens of TG JL G S L city and vicinity that he has re com fenced business in the above line and is now prepared P ared to fill all orders committed to his charge at moderate prices cutting done at the shortest notice and warran warranted t to fit if made up tip correctly shop in the ward on first north temple s street t reet THOMAS COLLISTER WM JACKSON TAILOR W WISHES to inform the public that he h is prepared to enter fully into the above business busine s 8 arid and will execute all orders put in liis his charge with neatness and despatch N B a loves made to order also cutting done on the shortest notice work done for public hands for or church orders workshop at the house of 0 F mead irl iri the w ard rd having a boot and shoe sign on the roof no 27 I 1 tf HOME manufacture arhe HE subscriber lias has opened an establishment 2 ta JL 12 1 2 blocks south of the council house near String hams butcher shop for the manufacture of carpenters and shoemakers tools from his long practical acquaintance with the business in sheffield eng and tins this country he feels confident that all orders entrusted to linn jilin shall bp be done in a workmanlike manner JAMES WELLS N B knives scissors and razors ground saws sharpened carpenters tools repaired ac old files and steel bought or exchanged for cutlery ac jana california GOLD E would inform the citizens of utah that we aej W WE have effected an arrangement with the banking house louse of page bacon co by which they hey are authorized to draw on us from either san francisco or sacramento cities persons having friends in california from whom they expect money will do well to inform them of 0 I 1 tile the fat fact as they wll will find this a safe and speedy iway way to make remittances I 1 I 1 auga KINKEAD PROVISION MARKET arh ahe undersigned undersigner under signed wallace palmer have en 1 into the butchering and provision business on the corner of said wallaces lot ward facing tile the public square where they intend to keep constantly on land hand and for sale everything in the above line and will pay cash fur for fat cattle hogs sheep butter eggs cheese ac ac the utmost paints will be taken taken to accommodate th those ose who may favor us with a call GEORGE B WALLACE deell FREDERICK PALMER EAST AST BREAD CRACKERS ac con coll X scantly on hand and for sale at the california bakery opposite J E reeses keeses store feba 6 tf OLD IB SOLi ILmERS SO DIERS AR 1812 and 1813 and 1814 you are entitled W WAR to land or money call and I 1 will assist you to get it pension is due all who have in the least been disabled in the service or by the service of f the united states aylo 1811 S M BLAIR SHEEP SHEEP subscriber I 1 wishes to take a herd of one THE I 1 JL thousand sheep on the shares or such other conditions as may be agreed on I having laving had fifteen years experience in england in hei heading aig s sheep he ep and considering tooele thoele county the best place for that kind of stock lie he has seen in Ar america arnerich lie he flatters I 1 himself of giving general satisfaction to all 1 conc concerned enned for further particulars apply to I 1 WM A PICKET city aug A u 13 1852 f BEAUTY AND ECONOMY WILLIAMS L 0 T 0 J tailor and R renovator Rp novator respectfully informs the citizens ot of great salt lake city and vicinity that he is prepared P re re d to clean alean clothing monday and d parda thursdays ys are tile the days day for cleaning Ks public hands can have their clothes cleaned JUC I 1 for church 11 orders cutting I 1 and making done on the shortest notice SHOP up stairs over the tithing office betl 6 V TAKE NOTICE S from the subscriber on or about the 0 of october r three cows and two heifers heffers hei fers the oldest cow was red and a white spot in her forel forehead lead white on the flanks and expected to come in about the or of nov the next oldest was a pieced cow of the same size and larger horns and the other a three year old cow dark da speckled sides black nose and teats and veri very s short tl or little crooked horns the heifers heffers are t two w 0 years old one black with white on the rank flank a and d black specks in it and a white spot in the forehead the other is a red line back with a star in the forehead and larger horns than its mate any person giving information at the post office or to the subscriber on little cottonwood where the above cattle can be found shall be liberally rewarded 1 R W STRONG DAFT HAGUE BLAGUE T LOCK OCK GUNSMITHS and manufacturers of J 1 cutlery wish to inform the citizens of salt lake and surrounding country that I 1 hey have opened their establishment one block and a half of the tithing office and hope through their attention to merit a share of public patronage grinding and repairing executed with despatch ac nov 27 1 am TAKEN UP I 1 IN N pleasant grove utah county utah territory one middling size size dark red ox 6 or 7 years old some white on his belly and on the bush of his tail with half crop out of each ear and branded F D on the left hip the owner is is requested to call and prove property pay charges and take him away nov 27 1 tf GEORGE S CLARK THE LAST CAUL CALL abote A LL persons indebted to thomas S williams by note or otherwise are requested to settle the same without deley delay and save expense P C MERRILL JOSEPH CAIN post office nov 27 tf 1 OST THREE YEAR OLD BLACK HEIFER A A with a white mark at the root of other her tail branded with a mule shoe whoever will bring the same to J cam cain at the post office or to the subscriber will be rewarded 5 sm JOHN SHERRETT 8 ward I 1 I 1 exchange on st t louis HAVING entered into arrangements with the he wel wed known bankers page mid and bacon of st louis loins mo v we K are now prepared to sell sights or time bills of exchange on them in in sums to suit purchasers we are also 0 prepared re pared to pay nay on pres pies en tation tl the I 1 c d drafts abts of page bacon and co bankers s of san sail francisco and sacramento baci amento we will wil also purchase pu chase certificates of do deposits posits of money or bills of exchange on the eastern cities or any p parts of europe em one livingston LIY INGSTON KINKEAD sepa 22 tf DR DB D richardson P PHYSICIAN and surgeon would respectfully inform the citizens of this place and vicinity i that he keeps constantly on hand his hie celebrated celebrate physical vegetable bitters and pius adapted toi to the cure cfall of all diseases which arise from an impure state odthe blood and stomach winch which imparts lasting strength and vigor to tile the whole system I 1 see handbills hand bills for their utility medical advice given free of charge also I 1 have on hand crisses Tris ses spinal abdominal an and d uterine supporters AGENTS Js J s lewis parowan carowan city isaac mor I 1 ley manti city lorin lonn parr farr ogden city isaac higbee provo city N E corner of W temple and ad south sasi ats 14 hi ward auga I 1 S mr mabl D I 1 residence west side of ward Dopp DENTIST opposite osite sheriff fergusons Fergus ons novle itt WARNER W WILL ILL receive and open corsale for sale by wednesday 25 mst their stork stock of goods for the season which consists of a general assortment of staple an and domestic goods BOOTS and SHOES PAINTS and OILS GLASS HARDWARE and CUT LERY NAILS ac which added to their present large stock will render their assortment complete thankful for past patronage they solicit a continuance odthe of the same I 1 HOLLADAY WARNER augst 1852 TAKING A HERD THE Tso HE subscriber will take cattle to herd on reasonable terms also cows on shares JACOB HAMBLING tooele thoele county P S I 1 will be at the council house every other saturday in the forenoon tf livingston KINKEAD I 1 inform their friends and the citizens I 1 W WOULD generally of utah territory that they have authentic information from their tram train of dize which states that it will arrive in this city by the 15 day of agugust gu gust we will then be prepared to offer for inspection and sale our usual large lare stock consisting of eve ry description of staple dry goods such stich as Shee tings shirting stripes calicoes cali coes cotto nades sati ae also boots and shoes hats arid and caps nails groceries ac ac all of which are of the first quality and will be solid sold as low as they can be afforded in this market auga I 1 2 k mules and sheep ARE A RE purchased by us at liberal prices those LA L A wishing to sell will call on W H hooper at our counting house or john williams willi ams at our herd i on the weber who will attend to all calls in that line 1 HOLLADAY dwarn WARNER ER I 1 octa 24 am BROOM MAKING THE undersigner undersigned under linder signed has just opened an establishment for the manufacture of BROOMS and is prepared to exhibit as good a quality as can be ma made de in the united states lie he also will make brooms on shares for those who have the corn on hand SHOP in the ward adjoining the residence of A randall call and see an apprentice wanted octa THOS mcmillan WEAVING ahe HE sab subscriber scriber is prepared to receive yarn to JL weave into jeans cloth flannels Satti or blankets from conr quarters wide to twelve quarters wide if required plain cloth and flannels 12 13 12 1 3 2 cents per yard for four quarters wide ac in proposition to the width jeans and Satti 15 cents per yard all kinds of turning in W wood nd or iron done at the woollen factory we expect our fulling mill ready in five weeks nova 26 tf MATTHEW GAUNT ATTENTION ephe r ir HE quorum of seventies being desir JL ous to know the situation of the qt quorum torum and not knowing what has become of my seniors I 1 take the responsibility having been advised by the firsti first presidency dency odthe of the seventies of calling upon the I 1 in members of the e quorum m to report themselves to me i by letter at Fillmore city hoping I 1 may meet you I 1 at the next april conference and if there are any who formerly belonged to the quorum and have I 1 been been promoted or otherwise left the quorum theli thea would confer a favor on me to report the same NATHAN B BALDWIN pret prest I 1 fillmore city N v 21 1832 cecii I 1 LAT 40 45 44 LON ill 26 34 DESERET NEWS published every other saturday at five dollar per annum payable invariably in advance single copy 25 cents papers delivered at the post office which will bo open each sabbath from 12 to lo 1 clock p in TERMS OF advertising for a square of 10 lines or less insertion or each subsequent insertion 50 FOUND AND LOST found and lost articles from I 1 to 3 lines inserted once 25 acts AGENTS city bishops for their respective wards east weber LEWIS HARDY ogden city fe brownsville Browns ville ISAAC CLARK and E BINGHAM agdens hole LEMUEL MALORY box elder EM ELI H kays ward wm win KAY north cottonwood LYMAN cherry settlement A B CHERRY sessions settle settlement ment J JOHN 0 hr STOKER tooele thoele valley Jonir Grants grantsville ville THOMAS CLARK south cottonwood 3 C WRIGHT big cottonwood EZEKIEL LEE little cottonwood SILAS RICHARDS I 1 willow creek WM DRAPER mill creek REUBEN MILLER west jordan JOSEPH josepa HARKER I 1 lehi city utah valley BISHOP EVANS american fork bishop L E harrington I 1 battle creek and pleasant grove G S provo city ISAAC HIG HIGBEE BEE L dicius N X scovil 1 I 1 j 1 first ward J 0 DUKE 1 second ward JAMES BIRD third ward ivard ELIAS BLACIE BLACKBURN DURN fourth ward WM WALL fifth ward WM wilt FAWCETT I 1 springville Spring ville and spanish fork AARON palmyra J W BERRY payson C B HANCOCK HANco cx I 1 summit creek J S HOLMAN salt creek T B FOOTE manti city san pete co NELSON hiering Hie eiNg filim fillmore city millard co AKSON CALL parowan carowan city iron co J C L SMITH C coal 0 al creek HENRY LUT lunt I 1 s santa anta clara and rio virgin 1 JOHN D settlements I 1 san Barni dino california R R I 1 st louis boand mo and the states ir 11 s EJ eldra 0 agg generally pene rally new orleans MAJ AW JBROWN texas and southern states PRESTON THOMAS THOMAO I 1 washington gity city PRATT 1 I 1 liverpool england 15 wilton s st t S W RK ri I 1 11 ARDS I 1 all remittances I 1 in m the states may be made to eldredge Eldred gc st louis mo 1 11 7 17 1 t li A |