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Show rsi. ho:e sekunh. TE LATEST , ;ted with the Razor I have ' the finest 1 Through the courtesy of com missioner McKay, tse limbi j gabled tojirffent the following hill, which the gentletran state? now in the hard? 5f the judiciary c mmiiica f the Hoine. 'rr n Y"'j Photographic , juiy manner aid an v other person or persons to b arming trrgaunsts or polygamist? t live in ioIa-- 1 turn of any law of the United1 where the E imumJs and Wood tate? in reference t bigamy," burn bills arp ateo being con- pol gatny, or unlaw ful cohabit sidered. The CommUsioner n, or to coin u t any other of-- , states that he understands the f.E e d fun d !, w to be a crime So help me G. d. bill ha? Senator Edmunds en' Si,..itK,e dorsement, and he states that it is framed tu nmet the objecii ms Tuuutouy ok , to the Woodburn hill and tin Uvimp Idaho law, wi.ich trener.ed too Slibwrihed and S.ima d i c of -mut L upon the domain of t for-- me Ibis d hlief. lie states what 'S will clearly bo seen, that the pm Name of officer , F Designation of . posed measure goes much farther j than aui thing yet heard of Before wiiom oa h w s' Liken b. either in Utah or Idaho. lie 5 EC. That tile oatlis in' gives it as his beli f that the his act prmidel for, txcpt Woo Ilium hill it .elf will nut be each a? are required in locating, heard of ag lin, but that a n w ettlnj,4 upon , mUine a tit e Vdl embodying its mam provisi- to lands of.tiie jmb.i ' uouuiu, ons, with those of the following shdl, witiiin; thu'y day after, bill, will.be grafed on to Ed- the date of the eicetiof .vl.ich munds new measure an report- tlny are used, he posited in ed back by the committee. the office ot toe probate couit Seo. .That no perm i who i? and with its.c.erl;, if it have n tt bigamist or pffiyimisl, or who dork, if it have not a cl rk ,111 Wio is living in viol.itiem of .m act louiity or ii t in which such pntitleil "An net to amend sec- clctiou took plaie Jaudthe oaths tion odj2 ot the Id vised St ituie prov.ded for m cmjne tion with of tiie United States in referem e the location, settlement and title to bigamy and for other pur- to public land-- , shall, upon being poses, approved March 2J.1SS2. .?ub,?cnb d, be immeJ.ntely (Je-- . or who is und. r the age of t pos.ted .mi fil d wiih the regiv veins, or i.s unable to read tcr of he local land offiee, witli- find write the English Lingua y in which eueli lands , a y ltiiateii or is a member of, or who conAnd allot said oath-- , either, tributes tothe support of anv of them, or a duly cei ti Ftir'd opv of tiie same shah' he p, i,H t rganiz&tion. corporation, society, or other body, evidence ot I u icts reijubcd by by whatever name it ipay be this act 1 .be st ded therein in called ; that teaches, advises, any procedm r, civp or criminal, Counsels, encourages, or m anv m uldcli the m t'er siiall be manner aids its tnemher-i- , or n v drawn m question and it shall Other person or e,thur be lawful fir any United .States by itself, its officers or members, emmis-ionejustice, judge, or to commit any or either of the oprt, bi fore whom any pi o ee(j-iOtlenses herein heforo mentioned siiall be in which or any other offense define by aid oaths, r. enhtr of them, law to be a crime ; and no per-omay be m iterial, by proper war-- i who teaches, advises, tmmsels. tutor other proee?s to cause1 encourages, or in any m finer such oaths, or either o them, or aids any other person or persons a .certified thereof to be to la come bigi mists or poiyga- - taken and coj.y before him or brongiit flush, or to live in viol, itiou of it for the purpose of such pro- the aforesaid act approved, Man h e edmgs. 22, ls,S2, or to compiit Sec. That if any person, who jj.ny other ofjenae defined by Jaw to her upon taking and subscribing the crime, or who for any reason de- oath provided for ia clines or refuses to take and shall swear falsely in tldsaet, any the oath hereinafter such pornen siiall be p)(J. vided, shall be permitted to deemed to have committed register or vote at any election on .conviction beta inaftor to he held ii anv taeteof, shall be punished tine Territory of the United States, not exceeding $5,00j, or by by for any pulilic purpose whatnot exceeding five ever ; nor shall any sqdi person, years, lnhhe penitentiary, or bv in any of sajd Territories, be oth such fine an! tligibie for election or appoint- m the disci etion imprisonment of the court ment to, or bo entitled to hold or be permitted to hold or occupy, any office created by law, or any oilicial or public postion phtoe of public trust, honor, profit, or emolument, whether Federal, Territorial, municipal, or otherwise; nor shall any such poison in said Territories, or either- of them be entitled or permitted to locate or make settlement upon, or acquire title to any of the Linda of the public domain, or be entitled or permitted to sit upon any grand nr i . ; i , Uudio - ?.- - S7Fra;nes, g3?Chromo3, h , 7Books, i..l i . -. Q I n-- 1- ytuaio i u XAif-- : - ' rj? i i - , ij a-- X2l,NDERS0N. L o j - 1 r'li P ... W . Half Flock South of Tabernacle, S'? fc. L Main 1A u hov . i X; "j A to to anil age t ii V.s. - , -2 V, r o -- - , ir ? C t, s If; - c V' .1 i. I C 't 3 3 o A X ? ! fas 'ajij . ", 05 3 Cg-ti- Lete Genu'; i the - Temple bazar, e X 'J ' ft. . , . . 25 AudreM al i , 1, j ' MaDsV-X- , t . i .. 'r hen you come to the County i ' ru it be sure and tall at the -1 aC r-- iWrE W , x'tors 1 .. - " f Letters amt n.n. ty on short notice. :o).4iois.(o: - t Out-doo- St diunenj and Fancy 23 s Piou' i AbADsoxs j All work done by the Instanta-ni-i- i't Views of ResiProcess. dence?, Machinery, Schools; r Groups of all kiinh-mad- e in any part of the Couu fiSAlbunis, - ,FTfV;,. BE2 a. i'n, - j 1 sop In the Country. jfTirtures, . per-Qf- i ' fences herein before ijatioi.eJ erj any oilier oUciae defined Ly law lo be a crime, an fu ti.er swear ( or affiim) that! do PEAK. n. l at tfacheB,adviiJtPc,ounds, encourages, orintyiy manlier aids ''I shed at ti fuembtrs or any, of them, or Svi Fete Count, Utah any other person or ) erso.ls, to commit any or either? of the of 'hat, tu t Karl 3 o X Strut, Manti. 0 S3 1 ALL THE PAF.T3 MADE OF 2IALLHABLE & 7r.CTJC-H- F SI I 2 5 S?-?V- r 1, g?Sl:.s5Yf E&js-S- .IRON B Shrinking, Sweiilnir or Warping. Tnr I.iGHTFrr r.rv'iN, SransasPTand Eaeifut Hint i.irEu m iiii- V.CiiU). liie No , di-tr- Wi-.- g for Circulars to the II ? I 1 - n BLSI is CHLAFsr. mS S 6 SfSlSCFiaO S28BJ3E GO. 'd f - -- it ' me 'uti 5-- t?5 ! i -I i - B'f1 B Ohio --ff- iH. p? li T3 HE:-- -- Sfi, 't't .j , I PURE 1 -, I y ' i TfieOlpperTrjGSfclB r, n Tho leading Wheel Plow on the market. There 1 n YafflCte Ephraim o C - operative Mercantile Association Have a large stock of a per-s-hal- TL'lie Generyet al Merchandise that we are anxious to dispose of r, l, i.- -i i 1 CO, V-- Da ml .f lin. 4. im I ILL. for rrtj ( -- T Flows, OPEfl FI2E VENTILATOR - - Burn any kind of; SOFT CK HARO Cl keep., They a roo! Perfect I SAVE IF ICtop fire Imp 1 other By Fe:'w Ej , Uaod . Cxcluc-ivoi- ComferL,ft Conrcrvito;v r.' ndorsod by all E..v'-.-Lor- Liv'd Allow in , ' Carriages, Piet... Frames, Etc. Also ers n t1e Celebrated fVlt. Pleasant PLANING MILLS. l am kindf HOUSEHOLD custom work SEWING 0f PJaninc buying any atrva. Ask yoortT ae; if ha hu can sai t u for moaiala. - ffp Toiil.U,7 used for iiou!?e I igs,id everyth inS Cash MACHINE. Paid for Wool, Hides Pelts, Etc. aiVB MBXfjnAL. " Best H a NNu.v, f.'1-nw- - Prop. DU viii wUlnf1 hu iur i. C0 f , a A S . f T li E Z UTAH. - cB 0 &a 3 S J m '- Nr1 . A4X. fij jK 35 03 ra 03 racc co IM.-- 4 Hand Giwiade Ftm I nine, bimp). acoaom oi . iats ike aiioiv-o- l i S f Ui pe. Lazily biokui, c nf W k u oon4me liji it ma'iffl j t b, i Jverytnliifr it t mU -iu ditevent JT, i f confiujion ik 4,0 'i4t J by i.w lire ,;ed h' hat no iucipient fire citn i y' 5Q 3 3O O C hC-- CCS 20 S 03 03 a CO : ill HAvraa d! CO CO CO Q all Moulding and on Urn short! est possible notico,amS on reasonable term,. .Also aq kucUpfLu .caets the aheayMt- priaa Fire. Worth mow u8eopen.firate as OM'FVaVaBtUakir l , k : , Bj Uniform, r ok firvy y 2'. Importers and Dealers in all kinds of - 1 Cheeriuliii TiiGWPcrfctMtr.. Jolm Lowry :& Son 1 a 3SB 1 Headstones, Tablet?, at rt. ibles, Si.U, Caps, Arcin'-Cornerq Hearth-oiu- , ete,,' als i dc.ih-riu . the 'celebrated S.ui Fete Whit )ohte Stone F, 0 Box S. Mint , Utah lin P"s , EcoBBU'D GOLD'S HESTES lift 2 East 4th St- - 'V in HD BURN" 624-64- 5:;,. th.- - GIVE 5THV Sf Sleallbtnlx' '.an ttfactiii'cr.s of . - - PUT r to J koIeiET -- prt-parc- OF PATENTED. nd , PlJ .?irTS.5iJiKGE, RdilCOfiFARJi petit jury. J 1 THE 3 -fl o Jr D J VJ h y h 3x m -i f -- C C W v. y - , : . 1 ' 1 VT Z" Jih .' , ' "s s -- Vff7il- Vt- t; j i y , - yd f tKe tutmvn tr iv n ur-vrlunltiMiaionilagrat flllt H l t) ts i r in1 fnrnrpw i .Mai punpiifi ,4f h cf o ir ti n u. ia L 'rl . n ilo'w, (t m. Pprntv ' ir ,ir Mnjiufuot "y lurafc the W u w.i t Im i . btatba.1 HAVUAK 407-1- 0.) - 'I 1 oilier said ion e, j - lian auy Territory of the United States, and in addition to such other qualifications as are now or may hereafter be required fiy hnv, auv and all persons apphffi f0r registration or offering tovo(e at any election therein, and all persons who are elected or appointed to office, or. who may locate or intend to locate or settle upon, or apply to acquire tit! io . ay of the'landa ot tha public domain, shall fimttake and subscribe an oath, in substance as follows: I (name ofparty taking oath,) do s detnnly swear (or affirm) that I am a citirenof the United btates, and over the- age of 21 years ; that I am not a bigamist or polygamist, ror am I living in violation of any Luv of the United .State- in relation to bigamy, polygamy, or unlawful cohabitation ; th.d I can read and write the Engli-- k language, and I.am not a mem w of any orgnoia- tion, corporation, association society, or other body, by whatever name it mav lie called, nor do I contribute to the support of any etjch directly or indirectly or at ok gloss .j. Iverations. u ji - muiGj oa 0rerE nil tli, vi i. . i for us, so.1 ,n not a. praeties.1 pamwr f. Ce xas; '.osmple Bare ui,ul si aAjH, not kejt:1 rnoaic. i. IF tC. 18. lilt r, , Manuffteturere, CANTON, ;? .'Iltnim,A btirytes, ?, A Iu Wte for prices, terms or descriptive circulars to Also make a full Cultivators, Harrows, &c. niln imi u1 Endorsed most strongly by every one who has used it. OKBIKFF XSeat Paint Gurraotcsd to - MANSHIP. PABUH & $ol lSSd READY FOR Strength or Excellence of Work- - . par-tieula- . is nothing that can compare with it in Ltciitness of Deaft f v,w j i . sqb-eerih- g i) iuLmS i pei-pn- LINSEED ' I4r oadwai4 .rrl' |