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Show KA5 ge. Almost all die of passion, nientil or bod Jv accident, 'i be passions kill men The common jtimes, even suddenly vssion choked with passion, has Little w men die " f . 1 i cj g. i fill Sffii ACE. S cf iifmwfii i I W unu weak often die young Eg. tcxlied men l1e longer than the strong, for the and the weak ig use their strength, i none to use. The latter take care of iselves, the former do not As it is i the body, so it is with the mind and M p,, if ' - Estate of boreu Cli iienen, deceased. Notice is hereby civt-i administraby the tor of the estate of bumi Cinis tensen, deceased, tat eiredit and all persons liavii claims against the aid deceased to exhibit them w itn the nei sary vov hers, within fou months after the rirst public, tion of this notice, to the saiu Have Constantly on Hand a full Stock of General Merchandise Consistin in it; for even though not L8' peranon euiy fatal, strong passions shorten life. The strong are apt to break, or, the candle, to run ; the weak to burn The inferior animal, which lire tem-livehare generally their prescrib-numbe- r of years. The horse lives ; the ox fifteen or twenty ; the about twenty ; the dog ten or twelve rabbit eight ; the guinea pig six or years. These numbers all bear a jf lar proportion to the time the animal s to grow to its full size. But man, of ' animals, is one that Beldom lives this ge. He ought to live a hundred f tjj s, according to physical law, for five i, i is twenty are one hundred, but instead Viifti, he scarcely reachea on an average t times his growing period; thfe cat six 2 St ; the rabbit even eight, times the ' The reason ik Sard of measurement. l ous man is not only the most irregu--ssan- d the most intemperate, btlfc the of all the laborious and aals. He is also the most irritable of animals ; and there is no reason to bees a : f, though tfe cannot tell what an ini-S- S j: iecretly feels, that, more than any a.asr animal, man cherishes wrath to ke i m, and consumes himself with the ; ul t.s own secret rejection. 3. '' L r& ' -?, Trs JorwzB or gzstlikxss. I , d Discount over r-- ?! w. : - REID, Pretide at. T. J. II.WODSKOW, Secretary. , t is related that a belated stranger stayed j,!(htata farmers house. He noticed j;,t a slender little girl, by her gentle ways, ft it pieat, influence in the house. She ; , , 3 hard-worke- d'N i 2N i J. 021 'L- at S dt Lake Citv, Mai eh 4th, 1SS6. idmmistr.itoi .at his residenc Moroni City, in the County of 13 R. 7 San Fte, 1 T. jj0 name3 the following wit- Peter Christensen,' nesses to prove his continuous Administrator of the estate of residence upon, and cultivat.on Soren Christensen deceased. 0f. said ianjt viz i Adolph F. Dateo at Moroni City, U. I. Peterson, Andrew Peterson, Han Marih 11, lS'-GFf, Peterson and Jacob Chi istian- 'sen, Millard County, Utah. 52 I) WEBB. Resrister. NOTICE. U. S. Land Otlire. Salt ,Lake NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NO. 2217. City, Utah, Match 5th, 1884, Office Lake at Salt City, Complaint having been cn - .'1111 tered at this Office bv Rees 11. Mareh 10, 1SS6. ' Notice is hereby given that Le welly n against William T. FeUler has Preator for abandoning hjs the following-naole- d intention to filed notice of his Homestead Entry No. 344, of in final make support dated Feb. 9th, 1378, upon the proof N. E. i S. E. i, S. E. x. E. i liis claim, and that said proof w ill Section 35, Township 13 S. bemade before D. Webb, Register Range 2 E., in San Pete County, of the N. . Land Office at Salt Utah, with a view to the cancel- Lake City, on the 1st day of lation of said entry ; the said May, lS8u, viz : Reuben P. Milfor the parties are herby summoned to ler, Emery County, Utah, ' .ilii 'd.lL'A tT i No d -- ftt. IC;. 1 Land Utah, Notice is hereby given that settler hag the following-namefiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County , Court of Millard Co., at Fillmore, Utah, on Saturday, April 17.183, viz: Neils Hansen, II. E. No. 5103 Jor the N. E. i Sec. 20 Tp. undt-r-igne- a, "a .0 K0T1CE TO CUKDITOUS. J ' L tsa , granger with him. The family came t tb see them start. The farmer gather the reins, and with a jerk said, Dick, b-But Dick didnt go long. i ! NOTICE FOR tUBLICAflON. Fashion LandOfTice atSaULakeCity.Utali, Ma'ch 4, lhO 3. V ,'bv No.22HV ;v -- rn T- - 15 7?T iip with a heavy hand ; but the stubborn make final proof in suport of oa!y sh0ok his head silently. A stout said proof will 7T"'a came out and seized the bridle, ( and his claim, and that rebel-1 J f a the !f iIV ud yanked, and kicked the udge or Clerk bemade befor 'S.ims pony ; but pot a step would he move. of Millard County, at Fillmore; W illie, this crisis a sweet voice said, on April 21,tvSC,viz : Adel-- j j,; int do so. The voice was quickly rec-- y City, B. Pack H. E No. ".) il fur now that magic hand Vvaa bert pfel led.the And e neck of the seemingly incorrigi--pa 'jj the S. E. Sec. 25 Tp. 17 S. R. 8 annual, and a simple low word, ww w. . La tK.Jsea, Instantly the rigid muscles relaxed, He names the following witPoor R llbd the air of stubbornness vanished. nesses IjO prove his continuous lint ;!h.k, said the sweet voice, and she pr 1 'itted softly his neck with the child-tmea- ji residence upon, and cultivation Now go along, you naughty and. viz :Sjfcmel Western i oL, in a half chiding, but in a tender of, said land, 1 Isaac Whicker, John Allre and c i' on the bridle. h rew slightly trer be. pony turned and rubbed his head Joshua Bennett, .ill of IXseiet, , to inur arm for a moment and started Millard county. iari on a cheerful trot, and there was no Viz : William Stewart, H. E, trouble that day. Nvo. 4976 for the N. W. i, Sec. 21, The stranger remarked to the farmer, MT. MJX'V.hat a wonderful power that hand, pos-liTp. 22, S.. R- - 5 Ciaes ,The reply was, "Oh, shes' good f He names the iollowing witIvs'l'-- and everything love her." his continuous cd j j j j 3- O tel: ! ti A V 1 V I v, l hi i'i r : trr rrSSr ' w iw i B , ih i 351 Main 7 j, '"fi.l. I GASC? -- f X ft a- - t r f iii I Af V.a son, 1 tts K.t Taese Estrasts 'fca ttJ b M yr Ben- , D. Watch Repairing, Xolico Of Ffnal Proofs Old E r)lmnt Corntr street , ru" v Sanpete counW. Chester YOU & 'S - v.; . : , v-. y- Ces ' Old-- - :! is 1 n arhicned H. ' J. E. Booth, HCluff, rst. c Secy. i. Pr PROVO pVJUNDRY .. 5 'HlVcs,Qucsnt;r:i! ,r Cottages, 6uidb.n " PTE Vallsy shf'-il- ej.ai!u;io ' 4 a - WEr.'IERKL'S ) Vponrolieor b- - X SAM Hail PA0T j C Itrovo Foundry AND Ees'Ltfencestdl.cnl- o ed to m.dtch I'4 shades RAILWAY Company. 1 r at-- d - MA St GcoMetWiatCo. LE'D end PAINT fQ 56wanufacturers, Worth front t PKILADA, PA. TT E the N0.6SI3, for D. WebB, Bird William T. S. IP. Atorney IMe Atty fet Applicants Darke uorih-tja- Co. Insurance' Agents and Land north-we- - lb TU4 if atH b'aetit bo mu d slid epeta u (ic prlncTyta ftJ ymirbli riStiraM Vonuirei lrf f u tuking tt f H. Sift . .imly undef , kimisof , tp . , . 1. . , . grah ml lor ircnla n s, Saw Mtil to inentios Uul In ea 7 ME CCL aud a tion outbiweelj sto tion i9 and noith ttet 7, aouth amotion 99, towunhip - 2203 CHICAGO COTTAGE QRGm . , excellence which Has Btiainrd a stanflard of . of no superior. 1 c contains every lmprovomontthatlnyenuve pvniuu, skill and money can produce. iKliot'iS Land Office at Salt Lake City, March 3. 1S8G. Notice is hereby given that the settler lias filed notich of liis intention to make fin.fi proof in support of his cl iim,and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver of the Land Office at Salt Lake City, on Apiil 19, loiSdvix: Dorcas A. Crockw ell, widow of J. following-name- d ORGAN aim. IS . 2 D. M, Orockwell. deceased., H. E. Sec. 488 i for the N.W. N.W, N. E. 1 & S, W. N.' E. 11, N. L Sec. 11, Tp. 2d S, R.,7 W.-li- i Of-- l e every ODE, FOB TO , FIVE excel YEARS. , .. These Oirans are aetolwated for .volume, tcinei qttmk rorponw artistic wikij quality of fioisii, beffooT construction, ntftKU beauty in them tho most desirable oryans for homes, schools, churches, lodges, soaetjes, etc. fice Agents. ESTABLISHED BEPrtATIOS. names the, following witj Our Mr. Darhe practices in Iht nesses to EK EQUALED prove his continuous SKILLED WORK 5 EX, " Supreme Court DUt rid Courts, and cultivation r residenc BEST MATERIAL, upon,, Pwfate Courts and' the James II. . r()JUIII( y , " t Nrt Land . Office door south of Jcufiinga, East Temple street, Salt Lake city, said land, viz: Crockwell, of Clegr Lake, Millard county ; Edward Webb of Oasis, Millard connty; James King of Edward Fillmore, Millard ; Milliard Co. Webb of KaiK-h- , Also James ll.Croek well, ILE. of, . i r s, . Esli-mat- 2? es 2939 for the-- S. W, S W. i, Sec. S. E. and N. W. 1 S. E. 2, S. Sec. $, Tp. 2U S., R. 7 W. lie.' names the following wit- . MAKE 1013 COMBINED, r OBOAU THH POPULAR n C . ...w .... 4 r f Piano Stools. Instruction Books Md . I C-p- 1 , 4 V st Vhu4 -( llulier iiia hinea. 4 CONSOLIDATED NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-No- . 1 f .mi mi- jor Publication. range 9 east He names the folowmg witnesses to prove li a eontinuoua rtauJoULe upon, aud ciiltiMition of, bs d Lind, u Job H. W uuney, William A. Guyinou, C. W, Canlwell.mil j. I Johnson, all of Huntington. Emery County, t tah. H. W EBB, Register. f0 Stayner A Simmo is, Atty'e , manti dl , sr aoutli Notary Public & Lowe Atty's for Appl.50 February 3, 19H JJO ICE is hereby given that tne loiU w- in" named seithr has hiod uotLO of of hiaintu uu to make hut proof m Mipporj hi claUi. and Hint said p oot will be lined 4 Impure Jhe 'iooute Judge, or in hia alpsee the Cor u y Cierk of Emery County, T?. T , at the Coumv Court House at Castle Ulefc If. on rat:ii tv, April d, lss, vu John F. Wakefield, unueraiToi Mav 14. IHoh for Hit norib K Palter Darke, V I4 S Vf m'I UiM T vv- Regitr. No. 2201. Land Offlce at Sal t Lake City. U. T 4 E., end names th Toll wiog 15,R to prove liis continuous reeidend D. WEBB, TUgiMer & Notire i i. CotDesigns for School-house12 m. arne, Stables, Porche. tages, Cornice?, Interiorf)ecoration aia ? 4 :5 0 pv m. Remodcjing of Old Houses, iE c furnished, onihort.notice. a aicom and d Chest er for a I panvirg' danq. Spec al atten at connect Stages Wtirkshps : Corner L and tion given to the ventilation cf Seder. 9th streetsv! formerly known as pahs of San P(te and BAM BERGER. Manage. buildings. Plena furnisiie (, by fluffs HaR. Old iron bought. IT S.' S. KE9.R, riuperinteudant. mail. Correspondence slicited. P. O. Box 23, P oyo L. S. Whitehead, Supt. d. AWH:TE t. and after Avgust 17, 1SS5, trains tcill leave daily , Sunday') , -- county, Ltah, Peter Larsen, Sec 9, Tp north excepted, as follows: Going 8 :2, at jBL.nCIUTECT& Leave Chester M. Leave Moroni TXYL0R BROTHERS, 9'JfO Ca'-t-ing- s w.f W.1PW, Is tkat tk fc lowiu r named ssttleis have hied notice f to make tanal proof m mpurt ei tkeir rpocti i laiiua, and scrim final entrj tbeieuf, and that saul proofs will be taide be tore tke Probat j judge of ''an Pete Counuv, U. T f or tu hN absence bstore the Counts Clem of paid County, op Saturday, may 8, IBaSk at the Court Hout, mpntl City, U. T, Arehiba (1 O Livlngton, H E No. 4517, for L the N V Sec. 24, end B. , B E. Sec .18, Tp 14" , n a E. Ho nimattie fuilowtof wttneaae to piove hla eontmaons reeldence upon end cultivation of aid land vis; loeeph S Ottisoa. filieo cheomtn, "amuel W. Chapman and Willie n Livingston eil of Fouutem Green, ea PcU On CHINE COMPANY. of Steam EnManufacturers atest and cornomAnnii gines, Pdmps, Boilcfs, FeederB, PountainGrecn .Jr of eolors in liqsc Rra'is and Iron Castings, ng. paint, at Nephi Arrive .not If yourijealer he Aim for Store Front-- Mnl .WorK. ' going South, got ourporn''iho, ask You , i iron Wofk for J li is, Bridfe$ j to sci d to u." for mu, at leave Nephi enntfcon segexRctrvLow &.nd .Buildings, Fencing and Sasl liofse will your , Fountain v. hn flushed. Weights,. Machinery fof j Lath, use .'.Pis Di f:,is , Grcenu Saw. Grist, Miniiig.and Mola'-e- s Pantd ve Led Moroni vourscu satibftion. Mills put up to erder and 4Joe ourGvniraX'Tce. Arlixc at Chester terjPdint arldshowinctb'1 Readi-VIxs- OflSt 3 BEFORE' -- ( ind witnesses upon, and cu tiatmn of aaid land, u- La ireta Laratn, Frants c. Christensen, Made Andereep, Sr , and Mads Andersen, Jr, ell of mount Pleasant, Utah Terrritory. 1ANDLAND william r. Thomas, Hi E. No. 4991, for the g. It 3 E. and names tht WfeANDLAND lollLlng witnessesto pr lii coniUj- mt rwidenu-uponand cultivation of, still U11A rtz: Nathaniel Edmunds, Edmund Edmunds Thomts JCdinunds and David rihomas of walap, U K- - D fcaa PftaCuunty.rtuh and AUdAtt'ie same time and place before the , ft Personal Funeral DirectojcL county e rk of ,aid county pra eAption declaratory loc. N w when desire- d.and r atatemeat, No 997, for the M h , & 35, Tp U S, 11 4 E, and name the 15 per cent, below Provo or Salt IvllowiUf Nic witnaasea to prove hi tontiuuou raliivation oi, aaidlmd, feaidence Lake City. viz. A11 Ireab mina, John cn&ta. Joseph Irfttl) vav of mouut PloaaAnt, hfiii 1ett In one half hour I can furnish a N'ele mUtah county, superior coffin, tastily lined, d la .aorv john wlfeon Pre emption for the wist u nortn cot 8atinntno 1M57 superior mountings, north-eaN a t south eat :i , e. iu tj with an extra box. and names tno f .dowin 19. Ip 11 it 2 . witneikea to prove hia continuous rosidiui Burial robes for gents and ladu-supon aud u tivation of eaid laud via br.ktun Discolor, itions luadsrn, H nry jensen. cbnatia.11 T. P'lllv ntul tiirei I Proaanck of maytu id, hau Pet avoided bv using my preparation coui'tv, I tah. i took .and Caskets furnishe in hours. wenty-fou- r irawwiwSHOaRaTOBlCBBS TXSTSaW'.' -- ..a .UM-.fWH- , you ' Co dim trimmings kept in Z2ILC TI2TI3 & CO., ti 41 Warren St., NewYoik. k .. 2227. bo, Lk Citr.Utih, march iOIIOS t!t hereby jtven ta f 1 having Battiro'c. AND TAKEtO OTHER? GOLr BY ALL GROCERS. ; :.s - v 1 uj,and Webb, Register ' nefsr vary. APSESOB TOR ETEE1TGTT!, QiJALXTY, i PURITY, ECOR Oils , I TU. M de floin Selsctpd Frcili sed Prices, fe Joshua tinfe1:'! ia Finest Dewsnip. bjrTtuMbninnUlk i v , and. M Territory. Ai3 a John Unites, N..E. Sec. 20 Tp. 14 S. R. 3 1 Section 20, Towship 14 S. ILingo Scknoulcdged 3 E., in San Pete County, Utrii, with a' view to jthe eanceliu' ien jofsaii imry ; the s iid partn-ar- e hereby Fumrnoned to anji'ar at tni-- ; Odico on the 15th' da of Aptil, 1884, at 10 oclock a m., to lespondand furnish testimeny concerning said alleged abaiiddn-menH- -, David lhonri JM. Bishop, 11 nett of Deseret, Millard county, Utah1 a- rstf jurJl wit- Tie names the following nooca r residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : Olof J. D - I, .tji-- w. MAIN STREET, $ Carry a full Stock of Diugs residence upon, and cultivation Chemical, Toilet Articles, Ci- M. of, said land, viz : Joseph Cigars, Paints, Oils, and Fisher, James Duncan, Jr., lienry yarnishc. G Lnbnun, and William II. Stott to compete with any I ini Prices all of Meadow, Milard county, in the Best. Utah. BY MAiL SOLICITED ORDER Tiz : Andrew Pederson, II. E. No. 4232 for the S. 4 N. Eh' and W. S. E. Sec, 32, Tp. l,b., R. V WOBRUILL I prove I S. Sslt hake J . af-i-- -1 DRUGGIST 1 & i C. SMITH & CO Wholes ile it Retail ci lS. t .1 fur-tej.'.h- er to ' . rmc-stLe- nesses ib--f 3 CL i Taylor Son o o 3O Buckie t c -i ! acres. testimony concerning lie names the following witabandonment. leged to prove his continuous nesses D. Webb, Register. residence Bird & Lowe, Attys for conupon, and cultivation . 50 of, said land, viz : A. C. Boyle, testant. William P. Hill. Leander Lemmon and James M iller, all of Mill NOTICE. Cretk, Salt Lake County. D. Webb, Register, U, S. Land Office, Salt Lake' 52 R. II. Watrons, Atty. City, UtahjMnrc.') 5th, J" r Complaint t.aving been entered at this Oilice by ThVmms 0. Thomason against George Wilding for abandoning ins Homestead Entry No. 3279, , CHRMPIOM COMBINE. dated Nov. old, 1877, upon tbo ' Clover Grain 1 hteshet Whos Your 1876. ? Notice ip lie'by given thnt b p Cracked about the ponys ear, settler lihs ha shouted, Dick, you rascal, get the followiig-namet- l It availed not. Then came down the filed notice of his intuition toj g! is d INSTITUTE EECAUTILE ni .o be a bringer of peace and good- I to the rough ones in the household. b id power over animals also, as the fcusg shows: The fanner was goinj next morning, and agreed to take f! J i -- K.-Z Catalogues and Pries psts, on appUcaUoiVEB COTABE CH6AH CO. , nesses to prove his, continuous residen upon, aud cultivation ol. said land, viz : Dorcas A. Crock well, Clear Lake, Mill.ml Co., Edwaid Webb.Oasis, Millard Co., James Kirtg.FiUmorejMillard Co, it An'thony Paxton, Kanosli, Millard County. D. WEBB. Register. ' 51 S W Dark k Co. Attys, Cor, Randolph end And StS., CHJCABOAlL aiO.OOfifiUjaPlOTtrnrei OT tlu! drcttl is SwfrftJrslhJrirf-iT- r t been pernanBt! Ohne.imptkm. hfms tp Stake known all cure. To be will sends cor' rf b ? preserif-tio' i r f T with' the ttlWQ WhiLh.tNy ntd And a P? to j wl5V,StLr?.s , -- Asthma, Coughs. Ootcfs, Oonswmption, t l. VrUawSy' MERCHArJTGy by thir eronchips, e ml ITim, will pi" Penn SL,' Wil- l- . double profile jfoodii.inflifpecBebie toell lnuJihei.wt fti ) parUeuin mi, H JIiIl4 Aren't ' |