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Show THE Get your watches.clocks HOME SEKTim rubioUd ut . H repaired at Joels B News Depot. We htl the pleasure of seeitu-bust picturt very tiae life of Piest. Maiben on Tueslay la-- t .i-- and jnw-ir- Manti, San I'ete County, Utah ! i j bl The City fathers sent teams to Provo on 1 u ed iV Pleasant DEPARTMEN vear-oi- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. A W4tlbj X(iipciperK March 50 th. Devoted to the general inerest of The work was from Mr. G. E urrouud-WtgCdenominatin': and and Pete Bazar Saa tie Anderson of the Temple tfepe?j.leof unties. " Mr. Andersons enlarging depart d schools commenced on Mon ruent is of tlie b 't in the Terri y- SUTiSCKlTTIOX: artit-anUtah None but tory. There is still some diphtheria $2.05 year, those of the very best clas-- , in the' place though no death l.2o do his wo.k. If you have any have oCcurcd gx months, 75 lately. months, enlarging to be done give him order. Hr. of Six Mile Creek Kenner Advertising rate on application. your sized audience fair a to Conference Visitors will preached All Communications intended in the meeting house on Sunday. ft this paper sheuld be address- do Well tofetch their Bntter, The Joint Session of the Imed ThI Zotfl SsNUNEL. Eggs, Chiclceus, Etc., to the provement Associations was held Utah County Fruit Co. (For- on Jas. T. Jakemax, night the 31st o oi-tri- Bal a d GEORGE A. LOW Saltljalie City, XJta S shad; tre s for theCeme: The teams v.ll bring olio auu T. - of Gi ead an 1) HALER and Lombardy Poplir tries, It tin IV t of is inten ie I to so-- ir Manti the shade tree- i.om IIPLEI AGR1CDLTDRAL ct d NOTICE IX JLJSIJD 1 Mr. Jas. W. Hoggan will keep his Fercheron-Norni- an Peerleiis,' at his residence in Manti during the season of 18b6 Peerless Terms, if 6 and $ 0. orman is a pure bloodPercheron-horse 16 hand high aud weighs 1,600 pounds. SGIIUTLI.br WAGONS, M-li- i List of Specialties Spring Trade: N f and Sulky Plows; ; Bradley Garden Cay Clipper Walking Latest The Impruved g Improved Chillel Plow; l Jr. Planet ; Cultivators Plow ani Best Chille Acpre Harrows; Garden 'J'ools; J. COOPER, Wednesday Manager. merly D, Farr, & Co,) at inst. r. 0. Tor 57. Manti, U. T. Provo, for which we pay Quite a number are eoing to 8P0T CASH for same Provo. Our May Conference Mala Street, Mautl. of the North p la LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. or and the Schuttler Wagons; Manufacturer of all kinds of Tin- Bubkey Mowers and Cord Binders; Ward art among the number. . PER80NEL. P Wagons ; Buzgies, and Road Cart3. ware, All kinds of Water-The Postoffice hours are bein the Mr. Ilid' Rev. preached a and Gutters tween 9 a. m. and G p, m. Spouts, evenMr, Lund of Spring City was M. E. Church on Saturday Specialty. In fact and at Sunday morning. In in ing Get birthday presents in town Monday Anything s the evening be preached at EphJoels Book and News Depot. this line. Messrs. Clawson and Larson raim. All Kinds of Jobbing Work. Eggs are selling for lOcents of Ephraim dropped in to see us . his wlm man The place opened Tin Roofing CarefuPy Executed. and butter for 12Jcents kt as Monday last. on of amusement Sunday, Xotice f.r P 11 a.lon. last week, was fined mentioned of BTj. 2 31 Jacob Johnson, Spring Esq., five dollars and will not do such lir.J. W. Iloggans dry herd Office at alt Lake City, U. T. lnd on call a made us City, pleasant M rch 27, 1886. starts on the 10 of April instead a thing again very soon. V'OTICE is hereby giveb thit t ,e following last. Monday noted. of the 16th as before t named e ttb r baa bled nonce of bia inten- II. J. Geo. T. Oi. J. F. Grant, The most important event of tion Grant, to make hnal proof In Support of his claim Mr. G. the of before W. be made on Hi will Richfield, the week was the marriage, and that said proof Baker, Secty pi President. Bern, to the wife of Dr. Probate Judge, oriu bis absence the county county, U. T at the county John, on Tuesday night, n girl. passed through tosin in route for Tuesday niuht, of Mr; George clerk. of fcmery at CaatleUale, U.T.,on Saturday, home on Tuesday last. Frandsen to Miss Sophia Rolfsen. court8, House,viz: Iluihei and child doing Well. John A. Powell, under act of nay two of E. No. 8J01, for the n e s e H. 1880, are may reptetentatives it, They A Cn Tuesday the Ladies Store President Maiben and a num- of our well ktioaii and highly re- Sec 1420. and10 wXnwK, Sec 21, a, It Tp The For ra ch.s?i on account of the ber of other of our citizens will spected families and enlb&rked General Agents in UTAH and IDAHO name the follow'ng witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of PUss. Westecskow, the attend conference at Provo. A. sed with on the matrimonial of, said land, viz- UreenW. Allred, Hubert Powell, Levi Simmons and Fred E. Grames, all (Grot. and the best of Price, Emery county, U. T. Mr. D. Harrington returned blight pi expects D. WEBB.KegLter. U':e Cweretice rates from from Richfield Wednesday and wishhs of o large circle of friends. Stayner & Simmons, Att'ys. . 8 ; and re,v.rn ate left for the metropolis yesterday. CV..e',t Prvo On Sunday, for apostasy and CoiiHOliddt'ed Xotfoefoi- Pdblicatioik can, at their request, the follow Eeryedy No. 22S0. Oandkml Mr. David was in fkdUlu tare adantageof those named persons were severed Lnd Office at Silt Lake City, U. T., ing Manti on Friday lust testing the from the Church of Jesus Christ March id, 1883 bnr rates. and Deere and Moline NOTICE hereby given that the tnllow-- k Oliver and Gale Chilled exactness of the weights and of Latter has tiled notice Cf day Saints : Mrs. Lar- his Intention to idske'Settler Tr Ihe Y.L. A Y. M. I. As- measures of our Merchants. final proof in npport of -- S-sen, widow! Mrs Johnson, Mrs. his claim, and th.it Said p oot will be made 3P- - -- - -ecCaions of Nmti adjourned of Sevier the before or probate Clerk Jlulge S. A. Kenner, Esq., of Salt Moiling, Mrs. Price, and Mts. County, U T , at Kknfield, on may 3, 188ft, t.hs t tfguh'r weekly sessions on MOLINE and GAL E 'mii i H. Bartiey, Homestead Entry No. TIGER ( self dump. on Tuesday even- Jessen. Wet feel sorry for those viz: Royal arrived Lake, tasb Summer forth 18 bee lor kl. tile ne Trn'ay .seHiS8se bf Jesus 7j5, and n w q n e If, Sec 19, Tp 24 s. II 2 w. r.sor. Tns monthly Conjoint ings stage, Mr. Kenner is visit- who forsake (he Gospel He names the followin' witnesses to prove Peter as Fori says, his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation fessicas nU oa held regularly. ing his father, Dr. F. R. Kenner. Christ, it h id been better for them not of. said lan 1, vtz: James W. Locks. J D. FullWilliam H, Thurston apd osephH.Thurs-teEl Barnson, Ilill.Vorhees to h ive known th way bf mer, all Tkt It uhraim lano (north side) of Annabella, beviei County, rtah. and of Ou Lynch, ulnning lights dav, also, before the Clerk of Sevier during fainy weather righieougness than, after they county,saihe Charles Jensen, u. S. 9500 for the Pitts hv;n & tdproach to the Mir.tr, luve been doing Richfield have kno n it, turn from the s n w Utah. a.? tf and n 4 S w V. bee 11, Tp 21 s It 1 and w. He names the following witnesses t prove other of the Sevier vvi ,'d of Pete fads San parts delivered (a holy commandment hit contiguous residence open and cultivation will the proper au during the past week. Co, '(C uh'to them. of said ltnd viz: M. P. Nielsen. Thomas F. (11 Pet. 2nd ch. Ptterseo. John Johnson and jamee Hansen all tiofit r iak Steps to have it fi pecialtj of RedmOnd.-evi, Mr. U. P. Larson lias returned 20vrs.) county. aterial lITagtfn r Q D. WEBB, Register. from Provo. Mr Larson did not ON THE Hardwood C! 3 CHAPLAINS PRAY- - 8 W Darke 4 co Atty's if agon iflaterial llpecialtr The Relief Society of Gunnison act as a juryman but he was ER. t'.V.ing another step in the employed as an inter peter for arnes On Sunday last during Bishdjj of all kinds direction by building a neat the court in the cases of parties MTntneys sermon in the Salt done as as can fjtu'e around their lots. applying for their naturhzation Lake Tabernacle, he good and as A Complete Stock of Extras for above Goods, Always oni said, aftet be done in the EaSt cheap All Lave or reared and West, papers. already ,.:?y Send for Circulars and Prices to reading the prayer of the Hoiise kinds of taken. & O M;c ia bse a very commodious pav O-rant- ; Mr.. Willis Hanlon returned Chanlain : STVDIO-Run- m 1, City Hall, LAKE-- . vjetmly and amusement hall. SALT from Dixie on Tuesday where he I say amen, (Amen respohd-e- d 3XdA.lSrTI, UTIH. the fcongfegation) and pray The latest Park, Leslie and has been spending the wintef.Mr DaYis, Traveling Agent. WHOLESALE BUYERS Gdd may awaken that Ksyer at Joels Book altd News Harpidn says that the winter everyitne Topol. Alsd the Police (!a:cttc has been vry wet in that section to thb sense of their position, Will find the largest and best seSaturday Xight and many utlidr and tli.dk the damp has cadsed that they way avoid the distruc-tio- n lected stock of Clothing, Hats & that is coming upon the na- Gents lerditig journals both weekly hnd tne vegetables to rot in the Furnishing G'6'ods at lowtions. This hation is measurably est . Monthly can be seen at his stand priees aton Main street. L. GOLDBERGS, ignoring the evils of seertt societies ami brganization of destruc- 205 & 207 Main Sweet, HOME MISSIONARIES. A little five yetr old Sth of tion in their midst, while they Salt Lake City, Lr: Aaroii lliirdy of Mdroni, Appointments foe are deto and . seeking Sunday , April oppress NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. vets kicked bn tllfi back df the a mere 1S86. stroy the Mormons 18th, No. 2210. .'lead by a ihttle sevfcral days ago, handful of hafinles people who LandOffice fountain in dieting a deep and a dangerous atSaltLakeCity,Utah, Green! Pliilp Hurst are endeavoring to carry out the March 4, 1886. & Christian Christiansen. koiitld. The pbor little sulferer will of God and save the country Notice is that Jacob J. II. Jensen' & from ruin. The lingerid iintil about midnight, dn Moroni of our the following-name- dhereby given has settler ChrKtian Christenseil. h when Wednesday, natioa are certainly blind to file 1 expired. notice of his intention to Ind ianola; Morinoh Miner & th'eir own interest. Let us avoid make final Wb Were preeehted wifh the Rdfsoiu M. Stevens. proof in support of auv doing never take the his claim, and wrong, likenesses of the entire force of Fairview : Eniel Ericsbn A John' laV that said proof will in our own hands, but govern bemade before the the Manti art bazar, as an April R. Baxter. Judge or Clerk omSeives in patience, doing good of Millard County, at Fillmore fool; Th pictures aft? fcood, the Mt. Pleasant : C. C. Christensen forevll at all times. Let God work Adel-bethree brothfefs are on oho card irf , & Jens P. Jensep. out His own purposes, and at the City, oh April 24, 1886, viz : B. Pack H. E. No. 5951 for artistic po'f, and Mr. S. stands Spring : Cyrus II. Wliedock & eleventh hour. He will make bare S. E. i Sec. 25 Tp. 17 S. R. 8 out in bold fblief on a seperate John Cartel. Ilia mighty arm in the defense the fcard. They are on exhibition at Chester : John L. Bench & Rol W. of His people. He names the following witthis office. ert Johnson. , nesses T-to prove his continuous Tuttle & Deb&ties yesterday made a visil Ephraim: Luther residence A. W. Bcssey. to A.. M, Mussers residence in upon, and cultivation Are celebrated fbr their lightness of Sraiiht, DRY HERD! Manti: Neils Christiansen & the Eighteenth Ward, Salt Lake of, said land, viz :Samuel Western, and durability. A full line of our ThattUfketuters' Peter Peterson. Mr, Jairms W.. Hoggdn. will City,lduking in vain for an iRi Isaac Whickerf John Allred and lake a dry herd for the summer Petty tlille : Wm. Bown Jr. der. Who he or she wa the Joshua Bennett, all of Deseret, found ht thefollowing agencies: Millard county. I.C.Mellor. !l. P. Meilstrup, Ephraim, General Agent San PeteW 10 offieerswould bodand not state. ommencing April lVill v Viz : William Stewart, H. E, Mayfield: Parlane McFarlane be ing Decemher 1; he , NOTIC Hansen '& Thurber, Richfield, Sevier cbUnty. TO CUKDITORS: A A. C, Nielson'. for all slock put in his No. 4976 for theN. W.L Sec. 21, The Studebaker Brothers ManuFgompany,!! Anderson & In the Probate Court of San Pete Tp. 22, S., R. 5 W. charged The fetock will be tAken Gunnison : Neil ,v A. H. Manti Utah Lund. He County, tefmtf Canyon.names the up $2 per Territory. following withead for the season. Fapette: J. P, Christensen ir In the nfntter of the estat of nesses to prove his continuous llham BCnch, Sr., deceased. Win. Bowden! residence upoii, and cultivation Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons and, Estate of William Bench,. Dover : John Larsen & Fredric said land, vi of, arnkBurreys. Central Branch Repository M. Sr., Joseph CARP FOR SALE; TJTAH-- . deceased, Notice is hereby .given Fishe James LAKE tty. OALT p.uncan.Jr., Henry : Wm. Anderson & A. J. by the undersigned administraG. Labnun, mid WilKam II. Stott JA I nerw have Gefdia6arp'6ne Wales tor of the esfate of Wm. Mc'ffitt. all. f Meadow, Mil7ard J?ench, year old, from fivtd seven in'ches county, Sr., deceased,' to the creditors of, UU1 in longth, and two inches wide, and all persons having claims V,,Viz: And which I will sell at lObjTntseach.' Sunday, May 2nd, 1886. Andrew Pederson, II. E. the sajd deceased, to jt fairs against : Peter Jensen Now is the time to $ocY your Petty ville 4232 for Jhe S. N. go. E,J aiVJ thfm with the necessary W, J S. E. Samuel I William. Lakes, Ponds, Sringjif and i, Sec,32,"Tp. 17, S., R. Frederick R. Ludvigson 7 W r Sloughs as I intend to empty Dover.: . i t A William1 Down, Jr. Ttf.r hetfirst publication of thi-t? i j t itmi H name?, the flowing H mm my lake a3 soon as the Weather to the vuce, t . adminitrator sjd Uckermdim, fioprator, will permit. Mee(qigs wi)jbe held in film sev- -' to continuous i h)S pr.ftve his residence vin Manti a'hklf blocks eait of Main St., TT.nHria.iA.-LLOne and I will inform parties ordering, eraT wards at 2 idlock d. ih. and cultivation City. jes.dfnce Upop, San Pete County t d'Saxohig done to order. ''A Planing Kof, ertjd land, yiz fulof J. Davidby mail when to come and get Can'Yi Peterson, stock. Lakh ,. B in William , jianl t r A;. t , eaecp, Jr the fish. son, ;Jphn J)ewsnip. Joshua Beni Henry Beal, Home Made C off. As in every style constantly d1'v18r'edtrat0r First orders come first filled. B! Wm'Beoch,Sr., if. ,nett and ,J. Maiben, Bishop, all also have facilitiesfyt chopping nil kinds of grain. D. B. Funk. of. Deseret, Millard county, Utah I Presidency of the San Pete' Stake and Oatmeal always on sfanUtL 51 Manti, Utah of Zion. ,, Territory. 1 t). Webb, Register '; AlSO Bi.-ho- ' . L33S3Fl.33SII33NrTJE33D Bl T. Jack, Manti; J. P. Meilstrup, Ephrai ! vice-Preside- lt, saaffii & ffl H, a e -- and MitoHe' BainWAGONS, - And Champion Machines ed - -- T HAY RAKES; Carriages, SprlngVVagons, Buffalo Hussell and n, Me-j-r- s. W- O- k- turn-plV- d er 0 Portraits . f-Z'A California Concord H Odell . THE! Staiebaker Wgos law-make- rs rt -- . , 3 Carriages & 6ugg6s - Carts-Cabriolet- s . , . ex-ib- . f T wit-.ness- es - I : . . - ' I itiji3i, J. Give Me A Call! - |