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Show Vol. I. MANTI . zrr-E " U TTORNE HOUSE CHAPLAINS PRAYER. Washington, 27. The chaplain' opening piayer thia s as follows : "Give ear, O God cf Jacob! ind 'awaken us to s the which - threatens the civil-zevorld revolutions more tremen-lou- s than any which histnrv tell, jn 'which scent of na . of terror may lie enacted ,n every capital of Kur pc and America For long the few have mastered the many, because they understood the open secret tool to them that can use tht-- ; bu. now many hare learned the of organization, drill and dynamite. Arouse the iich ot the world to understand that the time has' come for the gi hiding of selfish monopoly to cease; that corporations may get souh n them, with justice, honor, conscience and human kindness Teach'' tha rich men of thi country that great fortunes art s .ei)t them by Tht-- for other than to build and decorate palaces, to found private collec iions of art, to stock wine cellars, to keep racing steeds and yachts, and find better company than hostlers, grooms and 'ockeys, pool sellers, and Teach them, Oh God, that it is Thee who has given'them powei to get fortunes, that it is to prove them to know what is in theii hearts, whether they will keep Thy commandments or no, 'and that those commandinvifis are: Thou shalt love the Lord, Thy God, with alllhy heart and 'thy That it neighbor as thyself. the rich men of our land keep these corinnandments, the poor will follow the example, and v( at h ast, will he saved from the days of tribulation that arc fa a doming on all the woild, helppi.-O-God-, and save us. W f-L- Y--A A morn-tng-wa- . f da-me- HARRINGTON. Notary Public. Notary work carefully atten-lo- ; JAKIEL -- rt-ig- at Sentinel office, Mauti. Utah ca W ILliAH id an T. Attorney UTAH. - JiANTI, i BBi'D, Probats J. H. HOUGAARD. bnty Surveyor and Land Agt, , - U tab ' REPKEIBNTINO llautj, C. Bailey, :o- -T -rrmr c: jLAND AqEXT.( In the Land Office Build-ffiij Salt Lake1 Gity, Utah;1 . I pur-poke- g, R. L. HOWARD, a Chief Clerk, U. S. Oil a?ioE t" Agent Lnd Office. Attorn?, book-maker- s. Box 395, Salt Lake City. 1). ! I'lill information given on lann . Injuries by mail i&Ut-rs- LOE ceNextanewei'ed', 16 V. S. roiHpt-- rr- Land & s Jra. II. Bird. Lowe SIPlird (Si L6 O ; Office. 7"rn Jas. Low - P.F ii 1 C w, r layner- Su7ner n & r.AnJ bniAry tha ij. Scenic 1 the tollow eettlcr hu filed nolle o us intAutioA to make final proof in gnppori ol claim and that aanl piootwiU be mil jefora the Probate Jndga. or in hia abn '9 Comity Clerk of Emery County, U T . a he County Cou- -t House at Castle Dale, V. T. n atuodav, April 3, vt: John F. Wakr-i-hi- , unoer act ot Mae 14 1WW, Homestrat it ry no. the north 0c2, V t r'Ph-e- a lt. union 3t amt w ot.i settiou i'J and north weat aooth rtb ?ht , section W, township 17, ge a raet. lie names the flowing witneaaee to piw Ms eoutiuuoua residence upon, aud cultivator t, aai land, vt: Job H. Whitney, William A lermon, C. W, Caldwell and . P. Johnson, aF if Huutinctou. Emery County. Utah. V. WEbB, Begister 5l t4vpers S'ramoit, A ttys. C VOTICE i hrebT ing-ntra- fr stutb-wwe- 1 fWAR st-l- e -, y J FURNITURE. Prices neat Wholesale when lie Cash accompanies theoriier. Now is Your chance for Jlargrin And Dont You Forget It! Li "tFurniture p. urhiture . E V Ns : jo. -- Route e n g e r B TWE N HIE EAST AN'P IVF' I'. The only line between Salt Lak and Deuver without a Change cYv-iT- cirs! BinDtiOB If ANTI h So ve - hi rieuat y iptio W)1 15'S ; X E , . ismfs tb( onlintd d land tj. , uflvfiaf CITY; UTAH, Harness! Harness! Teeih extracted without pain Vapo rProcesv rockpriees. Second hand harness j ,y Teeth, - $20 to $3C) per set taken in exchange for new. Highest price paid for produce, Hides, and eahi wanted. ReWm. H. OL6TEN, M. D., pelt, furs, Call and be a specialty. pairing convinced that you can get good anti :tgen; w,ork, Cheaper than cheap, and a "Mui EPHRAIM CITY, UTAjfN" at Drug Store. Surgeon of tlie San Pete ley Railway. Consultatiani at Railroad Office, Moroni, eyepy Konday ffPm 12 m. to 4 p. a. Office Cj rES Q F. Banc-O- f 0 AtDiTS FSS Koeoir - LAKE cITY, gLT TEASDELS IMMENSE ARID VALS. MENS BOYS BOOT, SHOE, and HARNESS NAKERS. ITtrncss, Saddles. Harness-IIarware, Wliijis. Bridles. Nosebags, Hobbles, Etc. Repairing promptly attended te Califot nia Leather. Richfield, Utah Main Street, Bartons Lunch House. sxuare de;,d at tin bins Harness Shsp, directly eat of the Meeting House, lphi'aim, Utah P. s. I will not he undersold hy A full of Candies, any otlier harness making scrubQ- - in Nuts. Canned Fruit, Fish, and Utah. Trv me and see, Meats, Crackers, Cakes, Figs, and YOUTHS CLOTHING For Fall and Winter 1bo MainStr-et- , Is thej jr:-'f- - nee $4,00 per ton, e t ft All SEW- - 1 1 gro nelgroY n g r o y r 1 r alter e nlgrov(y Suit Lake C Gepefftl Western Agent n 160,000 now in every 1,500 sold month. To le found Hamlet, eveir To n mi City of An erica and raking the lead in Europe and otlier foreign I for th- - I ent. . J F . 'Fatey A N O 1 ' . t Martin Guitars; Gunckel, Pomcelle and Iligham gST'Bruno . 20. CAUP ASO l5r " WEBBER,. powewpful in tone, Oil Finished and Handome Case. O Q Oi.a With Chiming BB au all late iuipi's Seet& Countrie'. .JrOaud .' Instruments;.: CS7Accordians, Banjos, Violins 07Sheet ; Music $5 worth for $P ; fTTEven thing in the Musical SallLake City. K.ING S.P.V.R.R.Co. CHESTER t 1 asdels The White of 1 sui-?- 1 n Snelgrom r g o y y i o v r g ESTEY ORGAN, & Snelgrove, ilain Streetf UCCESSORS ioa a. ; L-i- 0,alt jake Qitj. J. W. Sanders & ' rs o o -- . thoe-make- t At ING MACHINES. See it before buying any other. CENTRAL WANTED.-For -- AGENTS RAILWAY ana further particulars address PEOPL,E! DRUG STORE, NEB7 TIME CARD. Coffee, Etc. VAUL VON NqhpECK, Sqwlks & Miller, PROPRIETqK ' - July 0th, 1885. . Attached to the lunch house is iri . $kler Salt hake City. leave Nephi a neat Barber Shop where Pare Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Passenger Trains ' follows as an easy AGENT daily you can gei JACOB FIKSTAD, Articles, 'Wines and Liquors at 2 :15 p. m. shave and your hair iGoing South for medicinal purposes. 11:45 a. in. Nortfi cut in afiy style, Prescriptions accurately om Manti ; Arrive atSaltLake at t :40 p.m Main Street, pounded. Leave' i7:20a.iu EPHRAIM, Saig Pete Co:, UTAH Trains leave Salt Passenger jOT at Ordert by mail solicited , and ' Lake daily, for the North., to tended to promptly. connect with the U. P. Rv. :md C'-OALthe TJ. fe'N. Itv., at 8 a. m; ; I TTarness cS3 3 addles and arrive in SaltLake gt 7 :3D honf and all kinds of p.m. les, and Harness-make- r T,Ffeight trains leave Nephi icori'fof the riorth at 7 :40 a. m. and Supplies. s to call th I i Hon5'5 ttnUon of ,th Tubll f WILL SELL COAL AT for the south at 6 :15 p. m. th t ctl and t (founty fnrUy. ioti Gen. F. tfr P. Agt f't iht I kp contntly of. hand fU Francis Cope tions t v. John Sharp, Gen. Supt l.i jt Iethr, hkraM, and fAdillM ir'd ,A-Give Me a Call. General Ojces Main Street Salt entik L. C. KJKR. La;e City. urniB Utah. Mauti , 1 r e r Coalter t Raiaim, Prunes, Pickles and Sauces ; Tobacco and Ci gars ; Bologna Saus age ; Hot Tea and 1 Main Street, & Shoes Boots In Every Variety T e t o o a a n e 1 Successors to Daynes k Coal ter. in Lamp r 1 m r, Receiver. Woniifrfull C. R. Colfr. G. P. A T. Agt. ' Yb d Quinn, the harness maker, is selling everything in liis line at bed 3 (X 5 fc. Glass and Lamp Goods Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery, , Jlamcss! P V t Crockery, L- paTisT pii 3- - P Ogden daily at tkr.Oa.u 10:-L KaltLakeCity Dir-cemmet turn is made at Pu'ebl-uBenvor for Omaha, Kai sas'Uit ' and all peint- I o c m Leaves I a? cr 2. The Atlantic 'Express. Little, Roundy c&S Oo., W HOLE8ALB Op 1st i ind c- - fS'Tl'e Only Line from" Sab JjtoT'La'ke City Running Ship Cars Free for the use of JjSSffPasse 'gers holding Scconu J.ST'elata and Eniigriiit tickets H. . i, p Zo On allTLrough Passenger Trains. Post-Offic- I c pi SLEEPING CARS for of H Hie only line between Salt Lake aud Chieago with but - a:- - hi D o 3 -,-. ! E'-- . the ;3-a- HOUSE. East - a r 1 For Bingham and Alta at 7 . m. For Ogden at 5 : 10 g. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City : From Bingham and Alta at 4:50 Ogden at 10 :50 a. m. 0STicket:-- for 'all points Eas and West cn be purchased a tbo Depot office and City Tieke office, White House Corner, Sab Lake City. , S. W. ECVLES, . The Spencer Contest & AppealMining FaJtentsapplied fof, com panics Incorporated. Squires Building , 57 Main Street, Salt Lake City, 17. T. of 'im h GRANDE - Street, between Third and Second fcjouth is the bumf nturdy-j Mormon Family Hotel only in the centre of the City ; and i, mdSu has the indorsement of many of 587. f witoMW t). the Loading Men of the Country upon H h 8. utu. Settlements. Prices are ReasontpmiB able the Accommodations are u a Grets equal to any Public House in the 683, from territory. Brethren coming nun' Teamcm with cuntimro the Settlements id lnd. ded ne Accommodations all find n8n, Hut" cfialty e Block the i, Jr., b to Being cyi j,.,, .rH1J)s promptly respoudau Utah aud uear all the Wagon' and E. so ik lb, A 3 E, mC Machine Shops makes it a most t )fOT9 des rabl,e HEADQUARTERS for lvitns H E L, B. B R U Edtno L i .i-- ; Country Visitors. rid thra 1 oofs u - ' e. orli! WKTEKX Ktll.WAY. Univervally conceded to he - -- ' HNotavielic.)-mdst-w- o p?ujtu all classes of Land Iv BIO A If The Pacific Express vt'liolesale and Retail Doajers. Arives at Salt Lake City from tin )ne Door West of 'JVinple Block. Salt Lake, West at 5:(l5 p. m. and leaved fo at 5:10 p. m. making eonhec Our patent Folding School Ogiien tion with the Central pan fie for th ' East. Desk Is the Best Loca. TKApS. For terms see our Leave Salt Lake itVa,i follows Agent, Jas. T. Jakeman. fo-op- i'no Simmons. DENVER l Bu-.eau- 'the i P ULLMAN BUFFET and to tin Nntifo m will r'eope of Sao Pete Rinl Sevier coio-iParlor aud Beiiroooi Suite, Bedsteads, chairs, Softs, E-hairs and Itocker,-4nianyth ii.j els iu th6 'uitln-- r Li The Only Line Befwven the Vest anil the East Running Through Salt Lake City. , y Aitmnej'! m lan t oases t)t u p9 oijast firm ill th busies. Alse-prti T.Uui,mir-jfi- n J. - So. JiOl.'J Lake City U. T., ' exCdoorto Uuited State Lan Of3ve, Salt Lake City, U tab. o: Notary Public in Office.': tal Proof . . - , u w... Notice for Publication. rn; K . BTI I D, Vf u . n(it Sanpete Ca, Utah. Office at Court House V , .. W . - n' A ! , $o . SO. 2, 1886. FRIDAY, APRIL ' i SAN UTAH, PETE COUNTY, . S CITY, v , Oo to issa Dealers in Wool, Hides, Pelts,IN Ftps, Etc, HigDOSt PRICE PAH) CJASH.0 17 19 W. ; : South Temple Street, P. O. BOJf C. 8it Lake Branch House at Nephi. JOBS COWAN, AGENT. |