Show Utah Grown Vegetables Are Arriving On n S. S L. L Markets at Inexpensive expensive I Prices I With Utah grown vegetables selling sell sell- seU 1 Ping ing g at the lowest prices priceS' in many spring seasons Salt Lake markets are offer offer- in lag ng careful housewives every induce induce- ment ent to provide their tam families with the ic fresh green foods so necessary to o health A shipment o of beets turnips and carrots from Utah's Dixie country Thursday marked the entry of vegetables vegetables vege- vege tables from rom that region to the local markets Although slightly small as aset asyet asyet yet et these vegetables are o of high qualIty ity ty and sell for 10 cents per bunch or two wo bunches for 15 cents Locally grown radishes and asparagus gus jus are arc at their peak season the radIshes rad rad- selling at about 2 cents per bunch and the asparagus us at 4 or 5 cents a pound Other Utah products include rhubarb at 4 or 5 cents a I pound bunch onions and parse parsley at 3 cents a bunch spinach at about 3 cents a pound mushrooms mushroom at about 30 cents a pound and apples at 5 to 8 cents a pound The first shipment of cantaloupes was as trucked in from the Imperial valey valley valley val- val ley ey Thursday as an addition to ta the California alifornia cherries an and anil strawberries already ready on the market Strawberries have ave stiffened slightly in price as the northern California season draws to a close ose They are selling at It about two boxes for 25 cents Local strawberries are not expected expect expect- ed d before about June 1 On the meat markets markel lamb and pork ork arc holding their own awn but the beef market is stiffening slightly Some butchers report that a tern tern- oversupply of veal will result in in n veal cuts being featured over the weck- weck week eck nd Prices will vary from about 25 cents a pound for the choice chops and teaks steaks to as low as 5 S to 8 cents per perI pound for stewing meat I More spring friers are arc available on the local markets than at any time this season Prices range from 18 to 25 cents per pound according to the size of the bird |