Show WEEKS SOCIAL A 4 EVENTS at the convention of the literary lite iary clubs of carbon and emery counties which met in price last thursday to form a district fe dention i the follow ing officers elected mrs J IV lv hammond price president mrs J M sunnyside Sunny side vice dent mrs H W coupe price sec see ret try and mrs S P snow jr cat cas tie dale treasurer previous to the organization greetings from mrs E E dorffman Cor ffman president of the state sta te fed federation were read AS wa wai the report of the pres dent for 1916 1915 and 1916 it TAS vis decided that the name eastern utah district federation be K 1 iven the organization and that the next annual meeting be held the latter at pal P pail al t of june 1917 at sunnyside Sunny side utah A banquet was served by the members of the price bolosis at the atice academy and toasts from ech each club were given mrs G W V martin aminti cutill addressed the ladies at the methodist church in the evening and the day was concluded with a dance on no the J M whitmore lawn awn the out of town clubs were depre dented sr anted b by mesdames Mes damps J A M graham m J 0 bal ner G jensen S P snow jr 13 VV dalton orange 01 sen and david S Willi Will ims rims of castle dale date desdunes Mes dunes edmunds edwards and harris of castle gate desda mesdames mes J M C H funk and E V of bunny hunny side it was found at the last moment that representatives from storrs could not be here but the club to become a member of the federation the state federation of clubs is not ag yet districted as are other states and an organization of the sort formed in price last week is an independent one there are two othet organizations in utah ami anti all will probably be taken under the bbate supervision within another year chaperoned byj by J rex miller manager of the ea tern utah telephone company and mrs airs miller the em loyes of the company enjoyed a pic pie nic me supper 1 ast friday evening the trip was mide m ide by automobile the truck being brought into service star ice to ane forks of gordon gorden creek ID in the earli earl evening four members of the tile force A E horsley horgle morgan king tom averill and mitt lauber wert at work on the lines close to the camping site and bad been early in the d ly of the tile intended picnic in antel anticipation pation of the event thea the neith neither erite ite drank nor made merry a all through the day so as to be in propel readiness for the feast which the young ladies ladics had bad prepared all good things from fried chicken 0 to o white rook rock mineral water were found in the baskets and about the camp caulp bre fire the tile company spent several pleas pleasant ant houis others in the part parti were mr air and mrs sam sail Willia williams mr air and mrs lynn strong misses edna CI callaway laway grace downard donard vanda mcneil euphi i horsley ruth flora lee sylvia Bl essers fred woods william pexton arnold and the ch chidden idren A pretty dancing d party was given monjay evening by mr and mrs L A ugee for their daughter jane celebrating celeb her fifteenth birthday anniversary the affair was given in the masonic hall which as beautifully decorated in garden flowers nearly one hundred guests enjoyed the evening during diring the evening miss cornelia stevenson accompanied danied ba b mis mi s mcgee g tie a shepherds solo dince en costume and the clever reproduction was highly ap predated precia ted by the guests punch was served at a a long tible in the dining room an orchestra composed of hessels burgener and griffin and miss Aliss josephine Madi madeen enand and mrs airs E P F chamberlain ChamberL nn furnished the mus for the dancing miss jane is one of the prettiest and most popular members of the younger set and is a highly accomplished musi musician ciao and her first party one of the smartest of the summer weeks complimentary to misa mim grace davis of silt sat like who is the guest of miss zeila zella fausett Faus fitt and also as a farewell party lasalle ditmore entertained a few friends at his home tuesday evening laselle leaves saturday for a months training in the citizens citizen as training camp at ft douglas and from there will go to salt lake to enter the university for the years school work the young people enjoyed the evening eveni rg cards and dar dancing cing and the tile refreshments were planned and s served rv by the young host the crests q of the evening were misses grace D di zeila zolla fausett cornelia Co Cot inolia nelia stevenson evelyn olson belle fitzgerald parthenia horsley george fisk russell fisk lynn fau flau sett parley and george stevenson mrs airs robert mckune was pleasantly surprised wednesday evening by a number of her friends inviting themselves to a party at her homo home progressive five hundred was enjoyed thu tho earlier part of the evening when tha ladies decided that dancing was the next thine on the program and ind the rugs were removed and the brought into service refreshments fresh ments furni furnished shod by the guests concluded a most pleasant oy evening ening those present were mesdames charles averill 0 R marcusen george ryland 11 II G clyse C S harris G E nelms george bench L A lauber anna waid wat d J jrex rex miller misses ida tanner and leona jensen A family dinner at the A ballinger home was enjoyed sunday mr and mrs glen Ballinger Ball mger coming down fro P helper and mr air and mrs airs stanley ball nger and miss hazel laze richmond being present the bountiful dinner was served by miss jessie ballinger lUnger Ba and the younger girls mrs 0 T brooks will entertain the members of the bridge club next nelt wednesday Widnes day at one lunel luncheon on the games will follow in the afternoon mrs nora myer is issuing indita to her home tuesday evening august 22 in honor of the birthday anniversary of her daughter berniee bernice miss aliss glenna gunderson agualo son entertained u number of her young youal frienda friends at her bonie home tuesday evening mrs 11 II S robinett Robi Robit uett iett ia Is enjoying enjoys jing ang a visit from her uR epher J 11 galloup of kansas city who arrived last monday and Is on his war way to pocatello on business |