Show PORTLAND SPOKANE SPOKANE SEATTLE SPEED SPEE RECORDS BADLY BROKEN all elapsed time records for the automobile d distance e from portland to spokane were broken saturday when ray P F mcnamara in his maxwell covered the miles in 15 hours and 31 minutes the car left the broadway broad way bridge portland at 3 21 saturday morning moral he passed through the dalles ut at 6 05 being four minutes behind the time made by 0 W R N limited train between these two points the car reached pendleton at 1150 beating the best previous record by over an hour formerly held by boy ROY P pitner a aner in a cadillac eight spokane was reached at 13 51 saturday eveni evening nir after beating the franklin record between pendleton and walla walla finishing up with a new record between portland and spokane not content with these records M mcnamara gamam turned the car west again and started for seattle mac forgot all about auto records for this distance of miles between spokane and seattle and vent went after the fastest train time which be succeeded in breaking his time wasl was exactly 11 hours and 55 minutes cutting the train tia by over an bourand hour and pr passing issing all former it automobile records by over five hours hour considering the fact that this run was made across the eastern washington desert crossing blewitt pass in the wenatchee We natchee mountains and snoqualmie pass pam in the cascades without adding water to the radiator and without a mishap whatever this record IQ in little short of phenomenal the run was officially checked by spokane newspapers and douglas shelor of the seattle post intelli veneer |