Show LOCAL BRIEFS mrs ada hufty in of silt like is the th e guest ef her patents mr and mrs 1 rs carroon br ncr mrs robert mr and mrs 0 N orr of Ilia wath i were in price wednesday mr and anti ars cirlos Gunder gunderson and mrs its NV R And andrison pison are tire spending a few days it t carls sheep camp neat scofield miss hazel cleveland returned last evening from sin fr ind other caliroi nit points herp here the hid had h ad spent the summer 4 no word his has yet been received from dr E 1 L mills lehrue to the services in the methodist church next sunday so it cannot be told at this time whether a minister will come to occupy the pulpit or not f A pirty including the J J lion fimia AW and their euest guest mrs llod 1103 d sister mrs airs justice and utah thomp son anil and others returned e ei terria morning from a two weeks fisenn trip the camp was aride on the yellowstone about mile n rth of here and they report a splendid trip and a good aitch of fish |