Show clean hanels Disc diasis xa g oms lea lead d a hand to mouth if it the human r csc rsc would learn ern tb theop eap the tile unwished hand away fr from oin the mouth miny many human diseases dif eases would be greatly diminished we handle matter more or less lees constantly and wf we contina illy carry the hands to the tile mouth if the hand h his is 1 been in contact with infectious nutter matter the tile germ germs of disease may in this wy be bf introduced into the bod body y many blany persons wt their fingers with saliva before counting money turning the tile pages of a book or performing simolo acts in tilis this case the process ts is reversed the infection be ing ing curried to the object hand handled led there to avail carriage to the mouth mouth of some other careless berbon in view of these facts the tile unitt d states publio health service has formulated the tol following lowing simple rules of personal hygiene and their adap tion by every person in the united state wh the hands immediately lately I 1 before eating bofo e li adling nd ling pt sparing ng or 0 ing food after using the toilet after attending the sick ind after handling dirt birti |