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Show UNINVfTED vqKVyfS.PBJ BBBJ It U to lie Hoped That Alt of Them H BBfl lt.ud This Article, l4 BBfl It Booms as If measures ought to bA BBfl taken to put an end to promiscuous vis-wiBBfl ltlng; In regard tq which ,thoro is ;,vBb dontly no dilTcrcnco of opinion, write .a tBBa corrospondont ot tbo Country lontlb- '"&9JH man. In these days ot' inco jpotont; ;BJ sorrsints and anxious hoUsl ocpcrsji jS ovon tho doarost frlonds cannot fool Jil quito suro of a cordial wolcomo. But L JH whon a liordo of uninvited guests pro- JjH olpitnto. thomsolvos with coIosboI '$U LfBail frontory upon a quiot, and perhaps bVbBJ frugal family, It becomes a,raost oxasv 'jVaBtB porating and intolorablo nuisance Ii J BBfl is worso, It posslblo, than taking board-j H ors, beoauso Visitors oxpect to bo ontor- ' talnod and liberally ontortalnod in jBBB many cases. BBBB Ono ot tho most hospjtablo ot hot C' BBxl pi Ublo Westerners said that ho rja.vo up JbVbI his homo and ondurod a boardlng-hous'6, .H beoauso ho was "tired of looping a, BBBJ I hotol." Anothor gontloman doclarod JBVsWJ that ho would put a small-pox no tic o qtJ liouso It would hoop' amBBBJ undoslrcd visitors. And 02issiBWsVtVsVsVsl somo frfondflfljBBBB them pathetically kBBxBxVfftVsiVJ becauso now W0lBxBxBxH iVBB In her houso sBBBBh if sho A VsBtVtwtwtl i BsbbVJ traveling wifo'iBBBBH BHB thought It would bo vory 'SbYbB sbV tho Governor a cortaln EasttH BHB Ho novor had soon any momborBjBB i BB family, but a nioco of his had maruSBJ BBB ono of bis sons. Ho drovo ftp to tbo&iH bouse, and had his trunks dcnosltod bo- i ,BB j foro tho door. Tho Governor's wife .VWBxi howovor, was a woman of dignity nnd tH dotorrainatlon, and tho Western travel- vffWJ ors did not soo tho Inside- of tbatstatoly !' iCv3 mansion. Thoy dopartod with trunks ti)jyBl unpackod, and also with a good doal of t-vuBafl wondering astonishment. !lBxBxl Ot courso, this cruelly destroys tho hbVJ bcautlfulhalo surrounding tho bosptta- BxH bio homo with open d.odrs over toady rwBxl for tbo ontranco of "angols unawares." v 'llH But whon good Robert Collyor naivo- ( 'H ly declares that ho does 'not "wish to "monopollzo thoso angols," sinners t H suroly may bo pardoned if thoy, too, i ? BBV Supposing each porson should put this BBV notico on his houso "No uninvited vis t HJI ltors received" would ovon that bo H 'BtBxl offootual? i H "''-bVJ u'vJBB g BTBJBJBBJBJBBBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJJ |