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Show V.revr over lOOl'ectlli MliMrcu Years. Monday morning tho tall bluo gum tree standing at tho northeast corner of Gorman Scnter's liouso wns cut down. A careful measurement of tho tree showed it to bo about 115 feet high from tho ground to tho topmost branch. It was four feet In diameter and about twolvo feot in circumference at tho ground. Wo aro informed by a Portugoso that ho sot tho tree out ninotoen years ago. Think of It! A tree only nineteen years old, 115 feot high and showing a diameter in proportion. pro-portion. Th residents of that qunr-ter qunr-ter watched the fall of tho monarch with gouulno regret, but ita great height mndotho cutting of It down necessity, m it wns llablo to break and full orf somo of the residences noar. --Sunta Clara (Col.) Journal. |