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Show A Ilrcr on the Trnrk. Whilo extra train No. G71 was com. lng oast Sunday afternoon a few miles cant of Aloct Hope, on tho Delaware division, Knglneer Edward Taylor, osplod a large deer descending tho al roost perpendicular bluff on tho north sldo of tho track. Tho deer reached tho track u few yards In ndvanco of tho engine, nnd those on tho cnglno expected to boo It run down, but Instead In-stead it started down the truck in ad. vanco of tho train for a distance of n quarter of it mile, and then bounded down tho bank toward tho river. Tho men on tho engine Baw tho doer until tho train went out of sight. It was u buck with flvo prongs, and must havo weighed in tho neighborhood of 500 pounds. It scorned to bo greatly fatigued, fa-tigued, and was probably started up by a party of hunters in tho heavy woods back of Mast Hopo. Taylor and his firomnn confidently expected to havo n saddle of vonlson for thoir Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing dinner. 1'ort Jervis (N. Y.) Gaze Ga-ze tto. |