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Show vrK- -' alBfiil and fatal accWeut. if " p ' . Jf Q Q ?he tliird itnil.lest jjy, playing about the IsorKurn'milfor lJro Hail down in rhe. Hebcrville field, gel hi; head ghpwlWjen ; We, w a weep r,Tnl Xp7: 5T. GiV maohiiio rested.aisd was' lipon'-whicdeah.-iUJifeJc,VsbdJy. wh?. cru;hrd,to liie to former home, hut conveyed hastily thr mplhe Vae absent andher, da yvfojlo'h'g,ib.1 Kldtimejilayeil-Th- e to (lie followed wa place of mortal, cOrpta Bro. rest by many freindu of the 4 JEy,' IS PUBLISHED. Ev J) s tO i i faj ,:X MB V AVI V?-- , i ms spicy lime is nublUhod. vet: ly byB 3 n i o van nowatteiherr its 4th no.Wiilji kir promise of future progreat. ..If sqrlf the pricei is - also pmally only Co.-lia- s' - ' . I1 Ociobber 1 H- - j "V' i868 t TERMS: ,1 -i ide "goods rna e . small ''-V.- parcol-un- thing ei earn their;. money; before th$ $5.00 8 Months,! SOO 'Loyswill yolm.n is out; ,,,Eypry wjeUditposfldjimlTcil' VIcnths, r s.oo j Single copies ual should encourHjge oiir youth,. wijen tliei -- iR";f rv.' Sr i i eqere orhes, '. i thit l,e-apac.- ;ype( this'aJie. will bccudvI ; ( e W -- 10 liar, of and Wells apoke forcibly upbo;ilm suii jecV of being self supporting and that we should deni with our own moroltaaut-antraders nna ofu3y)lacin ihc profiig of.e Werifonj $200 1.C0 , , VfV ." f i' -- Vil'.Ai .ic f,K V i tifi ; WAsTn.:r:A.t"3 p warraatgd ti catch a r .iMu're'us. J.Cowhbilei aronad BcfoVj adjourning to Ino Bth'of Anril 'lot ''of dalfiilbitfi, ot ', Cw. -- ..JA . - about 150 jnis8i''r.aries to strengtnn this quarter of town. We are eetting caliod. desperate .the io soutliern scttWmeutSr-WKrf- l.T.Tjrr.. new to CcaeGaarrs Proa oshc., or can , podlyc, make liquid lye strong enough to fool th'i caustic when applied td 'the 'tongue, bring to a.boil.ond keep boiling while using' J i s nowuko youf grapes by thp .sterq and dip, or paper L6f;miWiiscriptj h nd bhd v.qunliiy 0 ink ' draft ami lit ouiih the sdi 'CVnlolh r j JM1 j, our jJrt of it pl'iees beyond Id three of four days iheaice will be dried - ' ' ectuh-nW ei entries The i c ';';i imiricdiypo Qut and a sofuah puly remains. of fruity numbered ;4Q YWv pears Thor are now right forpseking jpjsyers in alniuml, neo a wooden box and. peaches pruuis.-rijpes- , down. Treated as ad hth wl B - ,'t d tlio;-pdtii;nb- ivNKdi - .ill th i1 ; wi , e , 1 PI 1 -- ! Vpi. Ii pressed nnd V f f ' wilb Beldam ma!kd HU ffurt like'- Jbe troubled with moth, U for lidfirvcK dxcelleut spyoiniens.were cxlxibited Of aborethey She Alin Send taJbn" yancemedt. nd they cure hettar, and. ih balf tbs mo the pntriea:' ,$ere nQt..Bg o I vegetables.. 'I"' ' ,as-bfbn.mf.an.d,. ,Ue4. but' mfe'fiukr l ,! quired without the afd of hot lye. specimen's" good ; wheat as soon as may d.j. , Th 30 entries of IIoiuj mcnufacturo An opofoVyis duVifienyy for reglect-TfIasi mobth tb'ere'b'M not boon Frz. For-tb- c were j vpjy'crcJJtnble enterto'notie-thifr lidlble! sootiereffer- of'pleas.intly anti At .a lb of jodaax:sftlo in this whole-regioVVf're rU j PIMr., lsT tho close.tlO wneyafienet-ousldonated vesceccs, has ccaied Jet trgderi remember the'fruits nn-- ( ypgerabtos to thcnSsoi- - ateodalis&litrpiciaourkaunycliras.Ost 1st sold the ' Wp'tske'tiio liberty1 ot. placing the foj tion - a !spiiiteil nucOoncri' r SoonVasixo. tlire we iro in the grea oity 1 0 wrn g private let ter before the public, as stock- 'off at ii'gh figures of St. George, with hut one oirtwprhanda workc!r showing one lainoog many scatzcrd upaiid down iu this Teiritqry'iwta to thq ing part of the tfm'f at'the'ahovi trade, and .I. V, subject of fru- culture a, fcjack of. in i his stofo asd I dwelling en- none at all in .Wshi.agton when ,we eovld ui'adfe os and care," tqaf'njii.v science dii.try, J 'moved: in. : easily keep, a doten .hands repairing, preparing to'iibffng id atilir libines:Tirtt4 comfoYf;' closed and has and catering for the welfare. ef tokt.id fod, ineneqr, Thr Horsley BroV have the .walls of their 'j any pne.,cf al.pu? d oqi es tig .itid iyCri ;$, ?r reeidencecompletcd. Baskets. What kas hecome of all eur Has- j baskoti wSted, for of alice ket 'tJavii Rogers has the foundation ' 3 1 ' oiie to ho bad. grajm "atheriug and nat nay iniah'&'fiU: r . We hppo tor bear, from many."ncili:tren c Eco. Thpmas has a good practical wine ir.iu "ATheBanan. Toil tra VhaeS baeu innd Wil tho laiit, a.s, Bi sb ? p H xrir gtj your troduced iuto.yViii?:p,'iK and other noulh. at the ell works'. Bring along pravers and help of a .gioiily cuniber or 'iraprorrsed I , . V 'J' rrn etarea.' "a'nd ia'doiri aplsndidly, an! n'rb, We iircsnfe' lb afsompliih' ftftich BraP8 . , ' C r tb(a year weighed douTX'ttt fruit. They i tsnd rejutcbiiu the good, for this seem to htve',thckoned,, may be raised here, we must (tRAsanorrER3 fruits-otry. rarest of the i jt;. in'consibcrahly, recently and act as tho they : AneritanFock-STit.'18ti- i l868 tended fVc are In a fin baeko: of toepend the winter With us; lut guess fruic frdh Bro.recifpt.rf 17 H. CrHwfurd. oi W " Prest. J E johnsoTi: Ifir'litir'Seeh iij they wont. ' - ' pfl'tdif, cntaliiiiig sirernl var.iett'a office , tine pap r the and tomatoes aed Euo. Dodge hail already tumc.1 out: eight ..pfachce, apples, hKCiOUS figs ih.snkst thanKs! "Vast Bro too Bat'ucr of wine. hundred gallons d!, tiino enough, dontbo in a hurry. j b Vn emwim? freer - dlince ' to tire- irriiigeefeiu and hare-madmySflod. th e dilhtti fruited pns.4:ifiorii or .It is reported that the indians inflnenoer iixteids-- , wili aa far.ss.-m- y: on in the south called oiT score Sower, a raid mother upon Bearer, taking ileovor, to give.it. aid, andcon.ot fur its. : ' pops..hea'doi stock, cr more. ... .1 )jrct and aim, t re ln every 'respect', tb'niy judgment?. Bro.-Cii'.Fruit..-growerasroeftiiop will Terry; will aecppt our thinks for riilt is the righi iIibgMfl the lijlit place, ., Tha It. it, - i cnc SatHouso next Club cf tha finost watormelona cf this setren. t.. Cor-- hy; meet at thaa Gardeners r,J readily nceivo r.--that. l at-are and local Lr of Jlie All ci t members, oilock. ie ,hil:l;siiiij:S industry urday r m i r Sra, -- T. II. Johnson of rktoi-- , is t:irinesT mrgt.xf-wbi4-hfin- Inre, e- so in r1 gof A ( oi : : in . g, The.-dayvpasse- u i 'll d w ra oi - d( Va d. 'Utah'trndejn the' p'ekets ofltiioijqwjici ore'nol of us , that t strong; while thev atriyto wenken and n, d ! . tu m y - . S!-- . i V1 . bEe4'ivct fne'eriion Each resKTonng s ,i Per ; Y epr.fi M ri ll 1 M SKHR1S our friend Postal linprpvc!neii-.j--Wiat home and? abroad remember that, the unjust hl obooacioiis psnl la w is rtpeal-eacd h'rreafLcj Seo'U.ltoots, plan's and cuttings may be sent through the mall anywhere tu the U"' S.rfit8lTitsV lb , or;, at rate 0 2 cents for every 4 oxfc B?ohs and'pirxntedlrftittef dOnbfe that rate, -- occupied h Cdnuow-ftnd- Q aat bf tne?nd;dBy.S . 'V; . , d Ir Ei ce th . Epcalltcms, is-Uy- . II . - Eno.-Morria'lI- J . - , - M V ' 'j1' i-- ii :?? ' ' at . - V - . I- rISlD5STr,: - 4. i, ' is i ? . ,.ti ;: r -a W, FOR 1 off sett-- PORr VICE-PRESIDEN- j y ' a. oric. v Jl i' f . inakcrs.-TTundteil- y . f , T, :Of31lr4eerid:; : J v-- Aitbo it cannot be expse5 J taily yeara, of a co'onv uistnt . jn Kl'ij :ifcn. tjat : frra c6(n- - fscilites and but rf the tndnitd eupphed with eyrrythlngj bXayi'canlie he iwaginatioji could: in veji. cr even, p.iitse ly ndsh y.efc th(re i rg Bgcs'atlS copcit ions, 'ey yu or all revr11 all-Ah- I'-an- ;' p. V I - . ' ? r : -- . a , V a v r - .'I 1 - ' : . i i pi1gor.uVe - psi cou-'oTtrlSb- - f oP rurilclogf of - W'i' : . ' ' . ovr w . vu hi: sj - ...A d r it, rhooaeloiu, : j(. W e need. here, a perms nnt,., regular. ' constant, live yankeeV trader, With full supply rfxT aj) Jecesary hbmoma i!e and articles aud a eupp'y .to filMhf r.., demand, kcpt,7a ms n, that wil I not on ly take-cu- r nioijeyjl pa p.er gold niidjeelvcr-- ' and giraiu, ouf .cotton, llj bur but stock, g wine, raisii'is, butler, ,cl;crVe ice &c., sn-f- , ; .! S ' ir vv'' ii- .- d-iag .IF' tie J?1 . , .j.' i.i - t'f-- i full , Ifil - rn . . Tiic beat sample of rursins from tho j tr--.i , . Enclosed Cued $1,00 for fc.j .liP , :a.nu.ual,meWi-bsrship- L. E. :r.u! -- IT; bud for our hard working neighbors. Afsame timcwe'Lad a heavy rain storm hefo: riru . The people of and at Washington. seem flojdhill recently An h ive beeu B. ' uiuch j tho as known excited a euenosftHTlive toI-pe- r gras shopTbat miserable pest in their 0 been immedratd'vftihitv for has several days coming iulupoa; but upon ii'.vcs ' taxation it barrens and 'flbpsiij-ft'thai the the from benches, we think, us, rlt . OUR SEMI.fANNJ.AL . j CONFEBFCfi. ' . be lie ! I OLCi0 I . M f c',e the taints, giving' lull in pil things to .the: KiitgclOm f God, qpd avoiding, so fur jjj possible intercourse, and busi.ucswjiJui those whn'iire' against uj. ' the afternoon jdunf,Jfkylor and J. 'v. Young spoke fnjKn similar 'topies, lowing i th?iin parlance of the saints, building up.onr own merchants and' people, : a Ij. tho evening Priethoox 0 of IP puy-,po- rt iit.eHnnlyVto. set i of til . to.the .light, facts, ,Lriat arc ratentito every Kctlitf will I firm, aud is fitio-Urgc i I- and verdure and the glass ia windows exposed in one 8u laiidnhie. r Very Ti itiy Yours, ... T , L. E- - Ilarringtom.. , . it & T i , .j . i : of. iL.. ( .opening a his prettiest io i the new Tbf rnaol.e at Sal: Lake City dn th'e ili . gingfor-such'-stapleas, Calico. Sugar. ri nil drsbn Prutt Elders Orsohilyde. (la aml many other articles, Now this the tornoon, hciwinif ih of condition either Occupied is not a healthy Ihii.gs . q to, - s bs iieaii quaYt-- r requested to he paent, banging specwhole rdckymijbnt- -' pccially &te imens of fruits, wine and raisin '' TY1,' !.. s f sr,m h - le region, henri its nama ;iavcry miate n of only in riilt'bnt jnauy eijter ref pacts is S (org qualrfi&j i-- 'take i .Im led. ' tiod bless tbu , entei.nriz; and half tave grapo crop, tearing topeiew luaftT; Jug. all engaged or who miy hereafter a in renverei in ,4 r.r '.is M-y- - - t' f tfcl4 peu'plef'FS d's:liiil flie- X I ii! . -- A V ix UI s g ? di j. e lh-i- r ?.1f 'i wl v-- 'i - rnd merchantable .atK a, uaily-Co- aii nercbai.t and.tra Jlng .inrn open they might dis- viiir, to a far.sep.ir-- f lliie ir constant there in cover, that region - P zi c: k s . .enlargcd-ad- -- fl V,-- f wWfl-the-rtianrtc'o- 8UcliR?pretar ties fur. isbed, r (he armans, aird mem Ife ofjbe yeople req iite or the bulk of money, IMijHarger ru, mg, go uwayle more dieiar-i- . cuki better eeppfebd market: Notp 8 Cebge'is net v- - ry old. lees fv.u:j eight yeatr, but this City ii the ceu ter cf q .iic .a circjtinferehcr, the raeicln t'leor ccmraprcial focua of all Soalliori-Utand northern A:kz?nial the hub of more than r core 6f cities tovrna arid borough .and tl.e res reen:ative ofpo :ual taxable pfdqonejr-capital, aiid nbinsiguiCcant-auii- ; V: r jt f Sttirrrenti,' j ly'eawf be ! - ! znereTal 1 7j - . . ? n. hi . Icrcantiic; acii,t$ t'v T hi ; f , i : J. ( .f. rsri'f 1 . F pahli;P: B la ir; : J jjf"' e ! Horalid,a SoynaOtips tW'l : is rc bbaLlb,aa-QiLor.lijpjment.lhd- ' . I e L. i tf as.au a. the young wDeat comes for a tlmo. eating M better delay planting whea-' ' , ' t WcAfncn. Most delightful, days shnny and warmwithout wind, nigAts clear and cool enough to sftep soundly: mercury at soon in tho shade up to 580- - sdil a little hazy fix smoky ceueing the distant mountain 'peaks to. looi hiue,1' giving1 a grand artistlo coloring of ontUae of pertpect light and .hide l ? ','! I - Md-meUd- -- fvci. ir ' ' ; 1 opVf GolShiM. : - I Ipture - - - Pumii u . t -- Q FRUIT GROWERS, ATTEJTIOJ We hope that those who were Appointed as viee .Preslden's tf the Roclcy Mountain will each, takeaarlv to 0rgafcize a local britiich' in ,tep9 (hcirT owTt y?r1; Collcct feC lwlf of which may be kepi and used .for current o: - Pgiholog-ealaocli-ty- CR of an c.n t an , A wl on wl h( ' . i - 'VV - 7 S' 1 ly pulntcdrseeriii ig to i'crcasH infiro and bflllihiicy7 ayd to threaten th s mundano be ho the hei.cfit of tho. assccU ion. vWiil thosa who'dcT'if to act. report, to Co tlor.s-fc- r Wl he he firf fA IcMuin'g the, V Oiu'ticw lfm6:rkfln magnificertii 3 1 I prest- - tftbrandyight matorially: 11 ornsird V:i o OairiaH pslrs: The (aan cf recoiviug k (jlmiich of cj d yissiqp, 4 e e (7 f Hf .L'totoJ i 2L of lSifci m weight. f Jim JV-- 'l 'ifhldZ - i . ; jv't ,:'lvCl oii .vr- - - - o k-- ; i . -- j. well ; S' oilJ rr lo ?i cat I :: r v' 1 cc? '.r... v, usiow -- . j . . i .tett'sa ! u if--. fi ,'m:iMP r.S..i j ne oies iL: xdjs!-AI- i vv.uTvi.: . . r ; .. P. M hi j.yE. JoVnslrt.J ill vt "dlnUir. v a IVf tAnt,RUQb eer Wn tho of tho v ,hs ; Pr i?U TliAik rr $ A e s uc i a'.ioo. - - Eli o!j . . ,k; -- . U V f wjAw. .! I I ' T ' pet ww palace, !an u Ao , .'iv fi t;K toto w i.. |