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Show W- - 'u r.y y - ' 7Aa v J ' ji . J. .V, jv. .4 fr 'V V T fcW-Ao- v A 'OnrpABini' preichei hii fsKwalj . i ' men ??- - t- - s N Jiie irweli - 1' astohljhed. a. ho leaves for California Immediate, t.i,: Bio lysftcr the ; orrtleoa are concluded. brother haa written for him to cone Ilia Aii congregation will be sorry to part with hlmj end h eapoelaHjf tor he comforted fne exi In Morrow,' and pointed ; rue to the Ixmli of (Jodi The hypocrite! I mentally exclaimed. ,I wtdgw'a In n burry and went , te headquarters, got Charley Reset and nroret'ded to N wtsn'a house to arreet him But the bird had flow:.; He had gone, Me bouie keeper. a ld, to speed the night with a friend In the lower part of t&e city. V e wern ehryrined at our - defeat, and resolved to arreet niin before he reached ' the church. We went to the church at an early hour, bufc our game was already .there, cmd. the choir was eirglng. We entered and occupied a back eeat;we were eumpelled to do eo for the church was .tiiled wltli people who had come.to hear the farewell diconrae. The pre acher roe and took hie text, which I tnink red as follows: "Be ye holy, ti r I am holy! The discourse was a iplendid one, in which hie talents shone with all their nrigbtnesa. He concluded by exhorting, hja hearera .to take ex a mple fend following him aa he . followed Chnatl When the sen Ices Were concluded, he descended from the pulpit' to receive the farewells of lito congregation. Theladhs gathered arouud him to receive the parttowarde the ing kiss. At last he started " V: door. 7 v$ Nows yoiir dime, Harry, whispered Charlie Ross, as Newton neared me. 1 stepped np to the and pious robber, ' his cried out: arxh; gra pine Mr. Newton; in the name of the com morjwealth of New York, I arrest you! ..A',hnt for? he stammered out. 'For the llond street robberies.' pale as death, and many of the.women Tainted. His hand moved, towards his coat pocket, but it did not reach '.' f, ti . Wl Jiv V ; . . - . . : I fc , H tsapplyef rK, il tll r.'T .. grain. KEED, lie-turne- r...' flock. , "r . . MEAL. CHOP FEED. . - KQ i?:: vegetables udtbr - i f i U00D8 VEBY KINDI of tV TERMINC8 ' 'j li ; - P R B Hi Foists is CO!LQiMI5, SoU ct Out , UTAH; ; IfEW WEXlCOt at Lowest Market Rotes. Teamster and Emigrants supplied in 'any quantity. y' Good Stabling and Kraals. Back Charges: Paid CIUUGES RE-UO.VAB1- St- - Qiorgt . Drug Store I B i BALSAM, ALL-HEALIN-G F or ' Coughs, Colds; Reatleasiieas Affections of the Lungs. MOJVTAJfAf ar 2 gI FLOWERS! RANCHING Have ! a few flowering shrubs, bulbs, purchased of Mr. & M and bedding plants for ssle, vis.: HAVING the undivided half of the ROSES. Ranche k'0.vn as Hamblin LILACS, In Ranche Valley, esit of Spring Valley, 1 SPIREAS, solicit patreoage t ( Dixie stock growers, STOCKS, Ivouch.no Being brought p VERBENAS, better Ranche aW on, own or ever saw PETUNIAS, north of Mason A Dixons line. BLACKBERRT, WILLIAM MOODY. JAPAN LILIES, A-Bla- irs. lr-Tex- 3-l- ESSENCE OF LIFE. For Diarrhaca, Cholera Morbus,' Choj ic, Whooping Cough, Pain in the to or face, and as a Soothing Gordi .1 infanta gives immediate relief. Chrysanthemums. '. ' . EYE SALVE, For weak, inflamed or troubleeomo Lids, Sore Eyes, Ae. TONIC PILW, ALSO The Unersigned offers a superior artiWorm Medicines, Salves, Ointments f ste of double-woun- d wire fastened Itch, Piles, Ac. Hive Syrup, Compoi Brooms, at wholesale or retail; Grain BLANKS!! BLANKS!! BLAMKS !! and miJ tion, SyrtJB Ssmparilln, and 1 zuo Produee reeeived in payment. other Medieinsa. J. E. JOHNSON. Foreale at the gS!L!E'u!i popular Family ALSO A CHOICE LOT OF antf good sixe rnd bent varieties; also ornamental Trees and Shrubbery, and other plants. A choieo y. of HARDY GRAPES, such os stand this northern climate, and Fruit abundantly. B.F. JOHNSON. Spring Lake Villa, Utah. 3 1 PMVSflea m i Bwmsm nails ! ! ,W. D. JOHNSON, South TcmpleSf., 5f.L&JteC!tE Keeps an extensive assortment of Fso Goods, Toys, Confectionery, Bod Medicines, Stationery and Yankee K tions, which he offers at the lowest mi ketfignrea. Look in no charge for shoving w 1 Curiosities. will be prepared to supply the with all sorts of CROCKERY WARE Residence in the north port of the City, Good clean Cotton and Linen Rags waaUf hy the middle of February, 1868. 1 at this office. A little newsboy, to sell his papers told a two blocks west of Clark's Tannery. will take Corn, Wheat, Flour, Butter, lie. The natter eame up in Sunday School. While theii for patrons thanking my cents? asked lie Would you tell a fur three Cheese, Ooiton, Cotton Yarn, Storepay, favors in the past, I. wish to inform Cash a teacher of one of her boys. or Lead in exchange. Pottery is answered Dick, very decided them, as well as the public generally situated on the , , "No, naam street running to Washwho may need my services, that I have Agency for Findlays celebrate tj. Pot ten ccnls?" ington laborthe New from received Vork just Itf JOHN EARDLKY. Matches, wholesale snd retail, at . "No, maam I atories a good assortment of Eclectic "For a dollar?! ST. GEORGE DRUG STOKC Medicines. Itf A 2 r.-- i: XI Sticks. "No, maam ! For a thousand dollars? ! ! PLANTS! PM NTS I Dick 'was staggred. A thousand dollars CRAGUN. JAMES looked bigr Ob, would It not buy lots of things? A few. fine Cabbge, Tomato, Vigt I have a choice collection of While.he.wss thinking,: another boy behind ' him retired onV Joiner and Cabinet Maker. St, George FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL ablfsFgg, phints for (sa!est25ilf .. isaow ' - ' will execute orders in bis line wiib per. doz. at Johnsons garden St G t"Why not?! asked the teacher. !e all . "Because, when the thousand dollars Ilf. dispatch with have of good sixe for transplanting, to and the all. got they gbne, things them arti gone, too, the Uo is there all thesarae, EXCHANGE for GRAIN and other answered the boy. J. W. NIXON, Produce; consisting of Several cows, Oxen, and yonng etocl It is an. ' A lie sticks. Everything else may Pear Quince, Plum, Apricot, the older branded J. E. J. os the he ks gone, knt that is left, and yon will have to Copper, Tin and Sheet Iren Worker, Apple, Peach, or will Cherry, whether Pomegranate, Al- -' with around you St. end most all with a 6 inh circle with (I Utah you, eauy it Itf George, ' JnteUi-geacc- r, not-mond, AUanthus, Catalpaa, hard, heavy load it is.CAri. insido on left shoulder I will reward tk '" . Honey Locust, Mulberry, finder etc. ; etc., WHTPS AND LARIATS. etq., Also- - some New, J. E. Johnson. as well as St. George Apr.15 LOANED! Fruit Trees 4 '' - 1 1 STRAY EDI ' . . Choice, JOI1N LARSEN, : A ; Ispe. rme wcB borrwed tome St. George. All work in braiding, Ordlnany, Native atid. foreign Grapes. time ago, from my place. Will I he Ac., done with dispatch. Also, Flowering and Fruiting Shrubs, person regard the injunctions of Scrip-tnrand return before being exposed ! Strawberry Plants, Flowering Plants I CRAWFORD HOUSE, Washington. Utah, Travelers so and Vines, Houso Plants, etc. Boarders aeommodated with the ief 7 J- - E. JoHjreoH. ' As the above stock is small, those table comforts the I expect to remain in St.; George and market affords. continue In the Business of painting, dec- desiring to purchase i should be iu FOR SALE, CHEAP-&c.. Those who . wiah to employ I Itf . W. H CRAWFORD. 4 Two wrought Iron firorgum rollers; orating; me Can leave their orders stBro. enows Si. JrE. JOUNSONj Georjgk. Log House my present residence, apply soon to the f , e, 5 . . !?) . tea--so- it n. ! . i- ; Editor. 1:: SUBSCRIBE ' TOTB-qAcm- s I Veekiy and Enlarged, 0iUY,82.03 PR AMtfM ! 1 shortly have 'on hand a complete j will of Paints, tock Ac., Ac. ? J.W li-t- f ' E 8. RUSSEL ' :St.' Ulaii,J1 Gebrge April 15 1868. -r- SOOTiSlXGSYKUP. flP ' A Mediciiie for Whooping 1 Sat-be' issue No. T of Volume 2 tw)ll sujrior wrdiiy September, lV,4t the T:m Office Gough i:vdahs,;Cold, Hives, aid XikEi Tiasar si ttZ TrruhnierricE. all uCfeottoh ftllie Throat, or Liibgs: Correspondence should be addressed Every-bod- y I W?:X should (akoHt GAGTm, tit. Gxobqk Utah. 6ANG10VANNI & Co , - i.fi a.' COMPOUND OilSr-Varnis- h, gives immediate relief teir can be used. Bold nothing t St. Gaorg Dng Stor. AT J OU NEONS DRUG STORE, St. George, Utah, may be founJ Stock cf well-assort- ed a good sranr mis Will eleanse the Blood, remove Billion! Complaints, sUmnlate the Liver, relief Dyspepsia, break up Billious and othi Fevers, slp iclled.iche, drive awl Flatulency rnd Loss of Appetite, bell the Jaundice; ap a Had Urrorc - le he best family Pill inszir DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY,' &o.,the tight kind 'Of Medicines for the People, .the, dim ajei. ''afid the Diseases : ' tcxrce.' ' of tDo Gonntry1.' DRUG STOBI GEORGE bet Sold t St, Prescriptions put up with cue, by en MTMonej Trftmd.d vheo ntbfMti experienced Druggist. tST Two loir. bT. St. Gmp H.1J- - it not given. Ctl-:,'cnr- ? ' quiring outward spoli cation for Man Beast. The very cost Horse Linimal Will cure the Ague, Chills ami Ini miitent Fevers immediately. BROOMS! Ar t NERVE AND BONE LINIMEN For Rheumatism and all diseases m WALLFLOWERS, 8napDragons, Irii, Tuberoses, and many others; also a choice collect bn of Chinese t nf 1 REFER TO STOCK BOUGHT AND . SOLD. BUSINESS MEN : GENEBAUtOF DENVER. W m.1 Ling. CANKER 8YROP, OMAHA or. St. George, Jan. 15. 2668. Itf For Canker, Sore Mouth, or Cicero SALT LAKE CITY. Humors. - 8 REdEVB antl'FOBVf ARD i Times Office' Blank Deeds, Bonds, Mortsges, Deeds of trust, 7 Quick. Charley, the bracelets! I cried. Powerssttoruoy Bills of sale. Subpoenas, 1 he next instant Charley Rasa sprang and many conveiuent and useful business . forward and dapped the bandciffs en, blanks. and Mr. Newton was marched off amid the shrieks and gmans of his congregation Blanks of any style printed to order or When his trimil came off he made a full short notice- confession, aud ; went to Sing Sing for a term of fifteen years. C. WILKINSON, AUthe fruits of his robberies were re' Rod-ma- n covered, save the money, and Anna WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER wfllioglvgave up the. widow's ring. A block and a half south of the Publi 1 he Philadelphia detectives vreae so beat Square, on Mein Street. Good timber and at mv success, that they did not come in work aone well and with neatness and side of our headquarters for a long time, A few weeks later, 1 was presented with despatch. a fine gold watch, by the people of Bond street, whose church Is in charge of a man & G. HIGGINS. . who is not a wolf in sheep s clothing. j ME.0EATH& Co The undersigned keens juastaatly on Lend ? , i UP.I Store : . I "W I i ; ,rVrmotl 2 Ixied, utterly v h met .r f |