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Show favorite of every stftWfjto whoe4 courti was ;;:ho invjlfed, lie foandhimifclf encoatSref "''ImI tlt prodvfiCbtt of lltAai'-triumphs loT JUs. which rendered rame Wiui hare, gcnina ffb 'amobh'vseTFtfie wSldrJir'o10iif-t?'Bop- ApAfcrtirtAnfl fijUQl&CCSt vVl in v ra ;;.77toitoAwtsTsboybobd passed ln'acqnlfin tfiff fiSsrpoWible education - ties, , bin, laeWytkfridnii; - ,J af ire at 01 HiK .intwefp, tabapiaktndHwbgib'feirftdTMm.iat' rpssjug rue of ; ' ? ' W. II. - . 1 Room, Whita ,ef. tho, Bauotinj: 7 - ' ' TanhW - r f J ; : J-E- ' Brrinch'SeS r J . Jh-- j ' fn'll'i I . lineon Prest find V A R S .A J JIB 1 . . O B B 'v - tfi yieej ; tfiV.'O j. - w.l !',,i33 oH : ? Jr i' AC ifli rarjf 4 Valined ppyjtp Mnoune, ; .yn v 1 IT,! ,ro tiia ciwSni-,J;- - - - J7JOLS3.tCJiX2SO ?Afi-".OA.T- hoar; every x is; i TcblsJ franc licfy'tr .nw&zxsolicited. Ofdfiyiitttrectfutly luivrni on, ltf GOODS 7 r (R8 --Of tfcfietrt'ttnA! IntpYtmeii'tir JV'os. 3 Ortfi A FranX-$Me- H:4-th-e kOTttW place, !T.yS' &' Mining- IW jxvilllmeot at the Gardifere'rGlah;mll lJOthe O K . W?.vmon : P TAX, i:;1 " tliilpchy rJ,,.l M 1 y lo thi 80. . Sept St GcOTkGfirancftbf ' t and' Carriers; St. Gkiorffe, 4 M. n tinted.3' ceiling '?: &, CLARK,;; 7;'v', t their'Glub llairqverj; i. x.b Tuwlay eTenintlieTye.r Vouod. .,i UNTOBTII;. KELLOGG?. K.UL;fe aY'liberty tc at Any wifi) (Hucmton to ."tfc" 'Jgwgi fay ft Or,) ,j; ' EiettyarrwaBl;rbWifii-WSe;'-"- " tude of bis Flemish studio, lio produed mer.ua maHerpejgrrwith which be td tho pftblfcuflffinga oflho Low CounfriSiir' ' jiln?sig.uie forwarded fo them, P1?11 worm - tor gram. j Reubens pioceod- - weeklv meetings tsyfozspme-tinalpi- minx f exciting and thr lling . . UMlh(yCilly - , vwmKsYj ;,fS King ,, oy&ftxou ififes: Office?' letters te (ho D Attfl in n 1 (X jQQT.- mfiii&e W" who. gave. Koebeiia The last Hall, aHbe cfirnestVtecpifat of Charles Hie let nthtr SAtnrilav. a.wlnckiueetin;ni''m . fJLypt-;iewijh wbpxn lo. pnyUVfyas'a ners-anTh wH.a of Reitfrina Atjiera ai;e r jnvited to t:ik.c flno Ion rceord cf fip; specifttM afi MW per, never ceftsj? to w old tho pencil till staved d . 1 ; J. E. Johnson Irest Geoffrey CfirTucJeV. the23lh of October Ttfw (Ty dietJ 'Whrc ,vr Geoffrey. r.i ts.aiwi rare vegetables are solicited also specimens oP'mineraf ties .. for Vtiimal, or vtireut)1; , curios a ; wWf If; Branch See: !':ij;'Sfc"Gege.20:'U68 24 t f t M -- . " uhieb foryarietv of eubjopt, ecojie iiiamkdo.dw'ciwer&ffiy? and bannty of uont versiil liter.! t ure: Lul us use the pq jiuprifi'r Chaucer1 Well deherveil Its Jje8nCdTferr8 which 1 rcetr." iliJ liter-- i "Tbe Father 1 ' ;! - PAUTOdK. . v.: .! i'Avnreyfrcal f :. v J :B-ow- Tti d - A 14 n ji' '' v 'r- l & ; and r- - iirexchanffe. for" such seed.? and cuir '. i ris a 5 n r e de s lr ed bv .tbo club. dis-- i preparing ts ira'c ..- T I SVA'IIS (proposed to csM r. Tanners.&Curriers.Kcep pn'e article: of. seeds of rat wild (lowers by mail, fiiuihbr Jfifttf.sofn lta!herf MffUcixifJhirow awcll fi'ted Lahorafory' for I have ! - flie cabinfit. .of Jptifeonjrj-ifth- u ritur bTs 1 , V8tf.TS - j ye . : r-- r: i -- (inw-hid- e, 1 Kin, calf, Period- .HaVne feather ect.. Reports,- vt-v liicb . elslchaaa- lor they ofietf-tTliltl s'Th'iToGlir' sY'lj c i .'eXTo r' lbV 1 ib r ary v train and oilier prodwee. ' E.',fehhfOn,: v Prist. J. ParoWan Utih Anl 20' 1863. . ' V. iriv virnfieular d.iirprcl. and Scpply . Mot laicRtrcl wiili h lailiul- - to the amane-jr- , - o lilte-- . or roo a. dndtlPd pipin' v.iio 'liHjVnver Trvr-- oil 1 ,:- 1 Seci'v. 0 1863 May ;j.rci dt c.rry his badiefijo to the vrj'ftnf if. uiactorily rewled. v rcmainlnif fiienJs'wiib k!l ti.ol n.-fin) .y ntwu'rri f th mo'.lerroiuwd ho'auitfi.-J-. Waji Geo June S3. 186S. . . 77 . 5il 5JJ tE, Johnson. , . r I . ; OiJ ' , ' 7 h.ayyr . ril Wm vw Av ,v,,i tiytiiriy of poefry Chanter ii aliinin' " opknoTiTi ' GeV.ffrcyexcoptby Chancer, we,' ' hoid -W 1 , ' Javo ISiS. the sc: J locrf 'i ; scat ered on the nngc 4Gco. r y' Tva1 i :0 0: . rpN'-'V'- J &J 7 7 7 tt Ar iJbyl Seeds of all bcautifnl or .jeeirible wild fiowers, for .which a . liberal ro ward will be pa tdV if hcrcoinpariiedb pcimcns of pressed leuve- :JtndlIow- ers of the 6hrub or platit. V J v,- jJiQsro2t. . St. George Utah Mar'27 1303 v:. ' H2. dofinsohi, - .In ah Co.. Utah. V-- W anted . - - i. .I . Wool Cardifig,; Having ren'ed th first' cftfiS' CirllMg. -- lw on his refilni, received a'pcbsfonfoin i .ittiiftird tbsrd, wei faThrilo nr.TMin 'Guaafr. at whose house at the savoy, be wrote poem, and in 1373, wai a- porsdn ofiucb fionaeq'ttccfi,ihs,fv liw .Was tent cnal tnecial micaionto Genoa to biro ships far the Iflngi service. He iibWeqaehtly embraced the doctrines ofAt'yeljlffe, Trhiee he .afterwonlv rc- canted lie served in lniiiicnt r knibt e"of t2,.coiir:ed oftha abire, and died at tbe ami honoured by men of iiVeVy Tjree. be Canterbury Tale" which some of thegteafeat o? modern vyt r have delighted toparaphraao and 'imitate ard which as a pictute of never been excollcdr is. bis bcatknewn ihA public. Mine-oMi- is - I t -- man-&ei-h- as and greatest rofkr-pp- '4 tbev Squire waa a1 good 'main bht' some, on. wye. Early in 62 ho; milled B-- 7 , R.fF,J.. Y . fl gf i'l " i t""1 . j A ' and beard nothing of bis whereabouts until be found him oil. hlsihaok in tho hospital at Annapolis. U'by John(tfid ha, 'tow came ,yoU Lcac? Why did you leave Weil fwiber. lioae? o aay ihit I tou trins Jit my. lefi-Jiatidvi- l ml - " ' . 12-- lf stqpX;lrie. est metal for Geo rsi Gbxkssawv - 0 Apl. lSliS, Parowan . I. ; ; ' I fiOOILlL P I CUSTOM suit purchasers-Aptlf to the undersigned at EaieVille. Promptly atUndad to. or to J i Ei Johnson 61, Georgs, J . t. J'tUfliZ v -- I. -- .'o:. ' r . a.i.... f j.i- Jos Bee'rioftJ , f' -' . T "I h of , JT VI OK&L v d. ' Grain-,.,- , t . - L . i iVjM.T I have row in succesnti'efftttan' a4; :..S 0T s hen- .they broaght me;4Qrc. Jlgh(rand . - .T-- , s5 WAS HING-TON- , Sl,bk''aTfflr and, .the jlu. i..l4thiUtf:u).KU0 . box-Jrt'gif- or ,T.i &BiLwas.fip.nftbu& fit,iriifij;s.ometJi4pj ?iuiined mo,.and ,1 fell. .1 Iny .ihere al bcv .jsrwo i 4Mov rady with all tho laiost. ImprovaoxMii, u4houses with two rooms each, on first-cla- ss rtiJ-I- h with Krjnl3, Yards, and prpared to turn oat a , i o-cr,. , . From GOOD W1ISA.T; .Twelve acres ofi'lls) land near by 11 ME or in parcels to F L O O R'rchansd fir fire to b- -, together . .I.wvtin, bcuiiij,di loiel,. I Tpro-pjs- e e to re.ye'wooraddeliVerroWsiiVtfiVlafc ' ; ;:V.V' ' of xMrfy. ' I rarecfull the patronage ''ef he tlt'Tsni'rtr'niViAliAil 'hiljaceut sell' outs.,. vilfe'mHMble for nay sort of gram and vegetables well fenced asul in crop.1 ras'nt fit for r.u'hlt1.' sn I ennie down kere with tho twrntyfirsf, , We At tlia last charge ftAr.tisf rtouf Jftgiment Afuijfirk Pnroway.-iiidb- ..nr-sTR-ijm-s- p used in. "tho wy. Urns ' the EdI:or. ram for Sa3&. what hard one of 'hi aona, ! ''' laaciinery, mil's die., for sle, nr" exchange for grain Ir.quire'at lhs.TimevQI5.ee,.. . Bw E. SiAiw1, owned J by pattirgfi up in MinVSeine,bnut '20lArd., long rBr Persons liuniitfg cf.ttlc aro yc qne- tod to observe anti reovtj1 rtny stock bearing: sttcli brands, or brins jb.etn on they shall recive pay, for jlheir 1 Jr Ku Johnson ; t VTOulde SOtli tC6. Georgo Mjiydhw t Madiin-- e - t!, Vlk, lst.1813. WOK RA1.P 0'Xl.i-iJj- lleah. snd horn .. . , both tay have. . . 1 I"?";1- ' 7 Mona '! - - w '7 .it.'tfvwcvt W i si w' X. V V- a V |