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Show i.. - y i'i' o' - iT. ; .. ' i . l.. ' . i . f .'. 'j v A- s k - - .. :,. fe i r i "rm SCFIPTURE ' i- - .1 FtjLFILLFDc-TH- K DESERT SHALL BLOSSOM. AS THE ROSE. ias ffr f ST. GEORGE UTAHj WEDIMESDAY, Vol. 1. OCTOBER 14, 186- 8- Na 25 i I "4 . sintss T3H053 Caik QEEDS, SEEDS! For Sale, Seeds fresh and pare pf iaost vegetables needed for the garden, tad a ohoiee 'ool lection of Flower Seeds 3 1. George Drug Store. , At TO 8URVF.YORS. set of first-ra- te SURVEYORS feENGIEERS 1NSTRU MBNT8 FOR SALE. Inquire at the Times effice. A S9$a;py The undersigned will attend to the 'seoution of Doodsy Bonds, Mortgages Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, Busi- 0 on tracts, and all other Official ness required of a Notary Public. rooms, Offico at Rio Virgen Time St. ' George. Public. J. E. JOHNSON, Notary YO&JAl SHAVISG, BAIR DRESSING, AND SHAMPOOING, THE BEST STYLE, AT IX e, SHAVING g! TIMES RIO VIRGEN ' A in toke?i of its miraculous origin. The nr :d Reformatory Schools, she aleofe; forlorn con dition of tho new settlers was mentions n visit to the Home for Aged made still worse by domestic feuds. They Governesses'9, at Kentish town, weroeh&! Jjti increased however, in numbers played lively Swedish . songs onkUi gradually h publish'd every WEDNE8DA F r.d strengthened themselves yet more by the piano, and recommended theflf to fol- Morning at Vis tines building St Georg Improvements in their military discipline, low the advice pf Mr. Sang (the fepnaryf r?f Utah Ter while they established a reputation for secretary) and livelong and happily. LfVl Amcri'cjJ-L:ywhich as in as well she afterwards war, courage Shortly yislted cruelty From Homo made their name terrible throughout the and made aquaintauee, more! or lean V valley. In nearly a hundred years from tiraato with most of its celebrities, Long- - ' Sketches from PrescoPi the foundation of tho city, an event took fellow, Lowell, Sigourvey.nnd others Mexico. Tkere too the met one she had knows tn Conquest place, which ere 1 ted an eulirc revolution own country none other than theSt in the circumstances, aud to como extent No. 2. in the character of the Aztecs. This was Swedish TTightngile Jenny Lind, wh The Primitive Races. hr? as since been famous for her philanthe subversion of the Tezcucan monarchy 'Of the races most conspicuous, were the by'the Tepauecs. Then was formed: that thropy, as for her vocal powers. Fred Teltecs. Advancing from a northerly di- remarkable league, which indeed has no rika Bremer did not shrink from tho theal rection they entered the territory of A'U parallel in history. Thatthi states of j rampant horrors of slavery, but visite! huae, probably before the close of the Mexico, Teeuzco, and the adjacent little the slave mart and similar places. When seventh century. According to tradition- kingdom of Tlaccpan, should mutually her attention' was called to the mirth1 cfi the bondmen, the only sinsibly remarked!; ary Irgends, the Toltecs were well in- support each other in thei? wars. The allies for some time found sufficient all the more sorrowful is their condition!'; structed la agriculture, In short, were the :: true foundation of the civilization which occupation for their arm in (heir ,own The highest degradation Is, not to feel ' In later yaars she visited Switzerland distinguished this part of the continent in valley; but they soon overleaped its rocky later times. Thev established their capital ramparts, and by the middle of the fifteenth Italy and the Holy Land of which tours at Sula. The ruins of religious and other csiituuy, under the first Mintezauu, had she lias left abundant record in two interedifices still to be seen In various, parts of apread to the Gulf of Mexico. esting works. Of her literary productions much can Year after year mw them return loaded New Spain, are referred to this people. After a per.od of four centuries, the Toltecs with the spoils of conqured cities, and here be said. They are ail characterise! f ';j who hod extended their sway over the throngs of slaves. At the begining ofihe by the same cheerful spirit, and earae j.-' weak or erring humanity, , borders of Anahuac, having been sixteenth century just before tne arrival sympathy with touches of humour abound with andgj; j reduced by famine pestilence and unsuc- of the Spaniards, the Aztec dominion reach- - and Home of character. into been insight berjj. cessful wars, (Reappeared from the land, ed across the conlineut, from the Atlantic the rather be views veryVv, mistaken, rasy as silently and mysteriously as they came to the Pacific; and under the bold and 5 of her sympathies misled her. She warmth A few, lingered behind hut the greater bloody Ahuilzotl, Its arms had been carricould sse the good and not the evil of thf number probabi 'spread over the region of ed far over the limits aready noticed as minded wo- defining its permanent territory, Into the efforts mideby tha strong Central America and the neighbo-in- g men" of America; and yet where isle?, and the traveller now speculates on farther corners of Gautenala rad Mcangua This extent of empire however limited we find a softer hearted, more womanly heimjesMc ruins of Mitli and Pnlenque, e& as possibly the work of this ex?n ordinary i ic comparison with that of many other woman thin herself as manifest in h Casse Ufs IlUuirat d Fomili people. After the lapse of another hun- states, ist'uly wonderful considering it as writings. dred years, a numerous and rude tribe the acqusition of a people whese popula- Piper. called the Cbickemec, entered from the tion and rescourees had so recently been DETECTIVES-STOKY- . regions pf the far North West They comprised within the walls of their own followed by ether races of hghcr civili-ziti- petty city. BY CAPT. HOWARD. perhaps of the family of 'lie Toltecs. Frodrlka Urctnur, the SytcmI-Is- la whose language th-- y emtn haye spokAuthoress. en. The most noted of thes i were I he CONCLUDED. Az'ces, or Mexican? an I the Acolhuaua II.?t rama Anna in possession of thaj F.'.glih lips lixvo sighed, and English vailius them? e! re? of the strength dehomes bea hushed for a moment by a rins? I mast ascertain; n I hastily pvr-- I , not rived, chafed a pen. and tuek mv station outside. ,'i only from t.!ih increase of num para ga h copied frrm a foreign journal, of ths store to wall: her 'exit. She cam' her, bm from their own superior refino iho death of Bremer. Fredrika walked rapidly away, announcing out at an.l last ncut the Acolhuana pr.idually slrctcheJ Tbiii lady was born ai Aura, near Abo: followed her through several streets, atilt s their einpiro ov- -r the rnier tribes in the in Finland, at the beglning of the present when in the vicinity of the Bittery. sh'J wu? jotned by a man, who, as the light north, while their C4 pita was filled with Her father was a merchant of of tlie century. lamn fell upon bis face, I reconizsi ' a nun.enou population employed in the thit place, but when Finland was ceded as Noah Newton, the minister. Presentlib v many useful and even elegant arts. to RuMii he patriotically removed to Swe- Newton came out aud walked away withjf In tlii p iliny stale they were suddenly followed. den. and continued true to his ancient oat being After waiting an hour longer, I saw f , assaulted by a warlike neighbour, the The family usually spent their Anna emerge from the building; I rtepnei loyalty. Tcpsuecs, their own kindred. Their armwinters in Stocklulm, and great care was forward and laid my hand upon he:." ies worn beaten, their king asnssiuat-d- , b0stowcd on Fredrika's education her par- shoulder. and the flourishing citv of Te: uco Who arc yon? t ents intendeng her for a governess. Tftis i Harry Howard. tbe priss o the victor. The uncommon ener- she became but is was not the station in A detective? yes, 1'vo heard of you;.j gy of the young prince Ncxihu.ilcayotl, the life ha was destined to fill. Anns, I am engaged ia my leg!limat I want yon to assist heir the aid to the crown, by rightful Of She was first known to tho Eng lish lit- business, and '.I ' villain a his Mexican Allies, redeemed tho state erary world by a tale called "The Neigh'I will do so if I can sir.1 and opened to It a new caree of pros- bors, which was so fortunate as to find Thcu nlease inform me wfrs gave yoy even more before. brilliant than that perity, ring? I said pointing to the staloi atranslaton in Mrs. May Howitt, a lady The Mexicans, after a aeries of wander- whose ring which was still on her finger. coneenlality with the authoress 'Noah Newton, a young man- - who lira: ings and adventures, at length halted on every way'fitted her for the tack. Tin's on S street. the southwestern borders of the principal the 'Was it person who-- you- met ai appeared in 1843 and was followed in while lake in tne year 1325 They therv beheld succession by other narratives. ago? They wero ; It sir. was, perched on tho stem of a prickly pear, nearly all translated into the continental AW to that 'Then, Anna, ring belongs which shot out from the crevice of a rock iungnages, and Miss Bremers reputation Durant, and that man whoa you met to.1 that was washed by the waves, a rtyal becaran European. niulil is a preacher, and the celebrate eagle of extraordinary size and beauty, She first visited Englanc in 1849 when Bond street robber ,Why yon don't say sot He raid hwith a serpent in his talons and his broad the cholera was the land. a jeweler, and gave me many was raging through H: wings opened to the rising sun. They When she came again in 1851 the pesshe exclaimed. as this conversation Will bailed the auspicious omen, as indicating tilence had jaivj ' passed away; On visiting the would a you keepAnna? .. secret, the s't of tbir future city, and laid its Crystal Palace her footsteps first turned to I and hopswjil citctyy Yes, sir, foundation by sinking piles into th j sh il the simple Swedish department standing him,1 she answered', and valk&l.ltvay.ij lows. On these they erected their Ught be'idc Russia's was ten oclock ikmv, 'bb& I 'determlj:: ; gigantic show, to use her nedIt to visit th widow She received m;l I r fabrics of reeds, an 1 sought a subsiatance metaphor, Mike little David beside huge kindly, bu her face wore a look ofedis-tf- : from fishing, and the wild fowl which fre- GoIiAh." appointment wiieu l'toldher I had foiled, It was not tho lion" alone, of England no clue to the robber.' After wo hash.v quented the waters, as well as the few vegetables they could raise on these floating which gVmel the attention of the gifted elUcci awhile she said: Concluded on oarfApugf. gardens. The piece wsa celled TenoehtWsn Swede, shs took great Interest in th? Rag- r -thsm - our . cf re-mt- eat ! SALOON OXK BOOK SOUTH OF PRINTING OFFICE : J. E. JOHNSON. Auction end Commission Merchant St. Gejrge, Huh, Will -- eneive and dispose of, as instrnc ted. Goads, Wares, Merchandize, Grain Stock Ac. upon liberal terms. WHEELWRIGHT A 1 AG0N8 W Uf made or repaired, and usua Jobbing dwue oil short notice st ELMORE'S. Harness For Snip. V sooft.,-- hvi 1 harness for Silo vt.Angs fur grain. on f ALSO W ATT EH. and fe - picket? on sub vrrlption or in exchange for lir pay. J. 11. Jnbnoon. f , 1 CANE MILL. A pair of w ou-- ht . iqri Sorgum rollers ior tale, inquire of J. E. Johnson. HOUSE PLANTS, St. George Floral Gardens, A nice collection of bedding dc pot-iii- sj plants, for sale. Chrysanthemuma Verbenas. Stocks. Pansies. Ice plant Geraniums. Oleander. Putunias. and many other varieties. J. E. Joiinso. 5 ne . . - g by-catchin- , - XI J PL ATT r-- i 8ADDLE & HARNESS MAKER The best of Work dom. Next door south of Printing Office, St. George. Itf S. M. RLAIR, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. St. George, Utah Ter. lif GUiS ! GUNS! ! few guns for sale, or exchange A at Ibe, St. George Drug Store. , - th-rgs- T BV j' |