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Show Shepherd the same amount. There I e 'ittle more cutting to be dune an considerable more threshing. Call at the Chronicle office and gt club rates on magazines. Vlnltors to the State Fair report fine exhibit and a large attendanci Millard County carried off some prize and made a larger exhibit than eve Lefore, thanks largely to Farm Den onstrator Welch, who took up the bet of the agricultural products exblblte at the county fair. He said that th Duroc- Jersey sow and pigs that too the prize at Dcseret would have go the prize at Salt Lake bad it bee shown. Moody's jacks and Jennie took first prize, while N. 8. BlBhop' Clydesdale and standard bred mar each took second prize. The IWH. Land & Water Co. had a fine exblbl which attacted much attention a showing what thla favored countr; could produce . It Is to be boped tha Millard will make a larger exhlbl next year aa we have the gooda. A. F Wallace returned Tuesday nlgbt wUI the car of horses be took up and I well satisfied with the results of th trip. A. J. McCaffery and San Diego, Csl, a'io receuily purchased land In 'Aes Delta, arrived Saturday with a car o farming Implements, two pair of mulei ai.d household furniture to become i mt'er with the rest of the Callforn'; colony. Mrs. Harry Matthews of Salt Lake Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gus Faust Dr. Maaon of Chicago came in Frl day to visit the Mason family nea Abraham. John Jlmpson brought In a car o hogs Monday to stock his ranch oi the west aide. Mrs. Annie It. Salmon of 8alt Lak Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fret Cottrell. Rev. C. H. Hamilton, the newly ap pointed pastor of the Presbyteriat church In Delta, went to ML Pleasam this week to attend the Presbyterlac synod held at that place. Ha will soon 'maW fats .tome In Delta and rtgutar services will , be neld begin Calvin Hall Is visiting bis sister Mrs. L. Turner. He Is from Washing ton, Utah. Eva Gardner left for her borne In Salem on Tuesday after a short visit with her brothers, Eugene and Will lam. Miss Sarah Folsom Is back In the Delta Bakery after a month's vacation. vaca-tion. A new baby boy was born to Mrs. William Jenkins on Sunday. Peter Hughes with bis household goods and family left for their old home In Oklahoma this week. Mr. and Mra. Walter Moffltt entertained enter-tained a few friends Friday evening with a duck supper. M. J. McCurdy and family moved rrotn Delta to the Ullss ranch near Abraham on Monday. Calvin Kelsey went over to Sevier 'ounty last week to attend the big 'amlly reunion. Mrs. A. J. Wellman returned on Saturday to her home In Los Angeles sfter spending six weeks with her laughter, Mrs. Fred Barben. I'.r. and Mrs. Jesesle Hulse returned lo Delta Saturday after spending two months at their borne In Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Dammon of rand Island spent last week on a .ixlt to Mr. Albert Leutbelser, Mr. amnion's nephew. C. W. Donovan who recently moved :o Oregon was In Delta last week ooking after bis land which Is being armed by M. J. McCurdy. Mr. Don-tvan Don-tvan was on hla way to Nebraska; there he expects to remain. Mr. and Mrs. Hrrum Johnson of rovo were the guests of Frank Copying's Cop-ying's family last week. C. A. McClain and Bishop Maxfleld went up to the Sevier bridge dam last Wednesday. Mr. McClain returned th lame day accompanied by Job Riding. Andrew Sbrenson and Miss Bennett tent to Salt Lake on Tuesday and ere married In the temple. We honest Andrew was a confirmed jachelor, but we are glad to see that le haa joined tbe benedicts and wis ilsh the newly married pair loni ife and much happiness. There are umors that another wedding Is soon o come off. We asked Mlas Ward f she had heard anything about it ind she asked us to believe it was in unfounded rumor. NEWS OF A WEEK IH AND AROUND DELTA ftecord of tbe Important Events oi Put Seven Day. in tho Newest Town. Sunday had Its usual quota of land-seekers land-seekers from California registered at tbe Hotel Delta. Six of them came ' from Los Angeles and while the roads have not been very good the visitors have been able to see something of what we are doing here and the opportunities op-portunities offered settlers. The first snow storm of the season came to us last Saturday night It rained heavily during tbe afternoon and at night it turned Into snow. It also snowed on Sunday, but the sun quickly melted it off and If the present pres-ent sunny weather continues the roads will soon be In good condition again. A. L. Humphreys, of Rupert, Idaho, a former resident of Delta, paid his old home a visit this week. He Is farming farm-ing and likes the country well and believes be-lieves It responds to cultivation a little lit-tle quicker than our eoil here. Alfalfa Al-falfa ia a good crop this year and sell for IS a ton in tbe field. Wheat Is worth f 1 per bushel. A good many of the farmers are getting Into tbe dairy and stock business In which there is good money. Elsewhere Principal Woodward, of the Deseret school, has a letter to parents. All parents should read it, as tbe advice applies to nearly every district, although not to Delta, aa the enrollment Is greater here than the registration. In a good many districts dis-tricts many of. tbe pupils do not begin be-gin school until a week or two after It opens, and as Principal Woodward points out, this la likely to prove a met bjck to sucb..,pupUa t ,t X " Vl Ms..Wlnterroa haa ( opened her t and trimming and is prepared to do all kinds of millinery work for her patrons. Tbe Farmers' Union got in another car of peaches last week, but it did not go off as fast as the two former cars. There were 1144 crates In the car and they sold $1.10 per bushel. The Union expects to get a car of apples ap-ples and perhaps a car of pears If the prices are right. All thoxe who have signed for stock In the Farmers' Union and all others Interested In the organization should , be at the meeting In Hinckley on Sat- urday afternoon to aMsUt In organizing organiz-ing and Incorporating the association, i The farmera have already experienced some of the benefit of organization, but not very much can be accompllnh- ( d until tbe association ia Incorporated Incorporat-ed and It haa some capital. Come out If you believe In organization. I County Attorney King returned from Salt Lake on Monday. He was a member of the "harmony committee" s which Is endeavoring to unite the dem- , ocratlc factions so that some of Its , members can get their share of the political plums of the state. He be- ( llevea the committee has selected the , winners. Tbe administration baa certainly cer-tainly not been In a hurry to turn out ( the republican office holders of the , atate. I Owing to the storm lost Saturday right there was no meeting of the , Water Users' Association. It will be j held on Saturday, the 11th. f Owing to conference and tbe fair ( the regular meeting of the county , commlMloners wan postponed until the 14th- I Delta sent quite a delegation to the State Fair and conference last week. Agent Aller reports 78 tickets sold. i Tne railroad company is fencing In their right of way between OnMa and Inlta and north. Tbey started to fence across a portion of Clark street ' but Agent Aller got In communication ' with Supt. Van Housen and he will I undoubtedly see that the fence only t come to the street line. Tbe build I ing of the fen-e between here and ' Oasis will cut out psrt of the trav- I eled road befen these two placet ' making It necessary to follow the roao t south along the telephone line and I making It at leat two miles farther. On this account a petition Is being s'gned aklng thst the mail for the cast side be taken from Ielta lntad of Osfts. Frack Copening reports tn !'. ment of four more cars of grain. John , Steele has snipped two more and Mr. t |