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Show ? " I The Russian ambassador at Wash- 5 I ington has given our government a strong hint to mind its own business . regarding the recent massacre of the t Jews. He says with much force that ; t his country has not protested at the I burning alive of negroes, the killing of Italians at New Orleans or the ! f massacre of Chinese at Rock Springs, Wyo., things not done in Russia, and he expects the same forbearance on ' our part. It is . the old story, and our hands are certainly not any too clean. t ' o ! i, Chamberlain is advocating a protec- 1 tive tariff for the British Empire. This f ; . Is a mighty change of faith for the - i 1 one-time radical leader, and is be- , , lng made a cause of rejoicing by cer- :K tain protectionist organs in this I ; country. It is hard to see how the i : Imposition of a hostile tariff by Eng- I ; land, our best customer, Is going to ; help us, however. Protection is a I faith to which foreign converts are - ; not wanted very badly. I: - ' In another page will be found an I I account of the silver Jubilee of the I Sacred Heart academy yesterday. It was a grand success. Twenty-five I years is a long period in the history of one's life. In the life of Bishop Scanlan it embraces the best and most; active portion of his life. When i he undertook to build the Sacred Heart academy he was a young man full of energy, possessed of an in- domitable will with confidence that ' " Providence would aid him. when j working for a noble purpose and a f cood cause. Wi'.h these qualities and his unselfish nature he succeeded. Twenty-five years ago the Catholic , , population in Ogden was very small. The founding of a Catholic school was considered Utopian. The discouragements discour-agements offered to iis Lordship, then a simple priest, were many. Encouraged En-couraged only by the Saintly Archbishop Arch-bishop Alemany of San Francisco, under un-der whose jurisdiction Father Scanlan Scan-lan then labored, he undertook the work and succeeded to the wonder and admiration of all. The exercises yesterday, and the jubilee celebration must be a source of joy and gladness to the good bishop's heart, and like Peter, James and John on Thabor, in the utmost recesses of his heart he must have said, "It is good for me to be here." The Intermountain Catholic Cath-olic extends congratulations to his Lcrdship, and greetings to the Sisters on their Silver Jubilee. |