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Show I jj - The latest Irish News. III Antrim. I I -j-jie premises cf J .and J. Uaslelt I j on North street, Belfast, wholesale I " demists and druggists, were destroy- I ed Y fire on May 18- j jyi' other serious fire, invoking the I premises of three firms, occurred in I Belfast May 21. The scene of the f outbreak was a large block of new ! I buildings corner of Waring and Hill I 1 streeets, occupied by Young's Paraffin I I licht company, Bell & Reid, tea mer- y I ufacturers. The last-named establish- 4 j nient was gutted. The other two sub- I I taioed extensive damage, running fl I into several thousand pounds. 4 I The death of Mrs. John McAteer, I r I Glenarm. occurred May 20, deeply and J ! j widely repretted . She was the mother 1 j of Rev- Alexander McAteer, Cole- 1 raine. Horry. J J Armagh. Q i The pirl operatives employed by f Giendir,nin;: & Co., of Lurgan, hand- 2 I kercbief manufacturers, numbering M l.'o. struck on May 11 because the H chief mechanic, Mulholland, had been I diecbarpod. Mulholland is very popu-J popu-J jar with them. Carlow. James Doyle, an old and respected I Carlow man. died on May 11 at the Shamrock hotel at the age of 69 years, j niS death severed many old and I treasured association. The remains 4 I were interred in St. Mary's cemetery, 5 I I Carlow, after services in the cathed-, cathed-, I ml. The chief mourners were Mich- ! ael and Patrick Doyle, sons; P. j. k Byrne, son.in-law, and Urban District i j Councilor Thomas Murphy, brother-jj brother-jj l in-law. J I Cavan. I A fire broke out in the medical hall i j : of Mr. Cole. Butler street, Belturbet, I . ; on May and destroyed hte shop fi.t-1 " j tir.es and a large supply of medicine. ' ; I Eawar.i Burns, J. P., of Bexcourt, i I I Eaiiienoro. died on the 6th ult. Tea i I years a?o he purchased the Bexcourt i j I hoiipe and farm beside Bailieeboro, j I house and farm beside Ballieboro,' t I Mahaffy. a well known solicitor. The Belturbet Agricultural and 1 Technical association are organizing a show, and elected the Earl of Erne a patron. The earl wrote as follows to ; the secreatry of the association: "In ; ricT of the legislative changes impending im-pending in Ireland, I don't feel dis- ; I jused to identify myself further with i the interests of the coutnry." This . nan has no resnect for ri;h the people from whom his family ana himself stole millions of dollars 2f ;crt to which they were not er-r er-r 1 6-W.. The British landowenrs in Ire-i Ire-i laud were freebooters, and the receiv-' receiv-' er? of stolen lands. Cork. ' ; The Ballincollig powder mills are to ; be closed for want of orders, j Mr. James O'Brien, merchant, Clo-! Clo-! nakiity, has been appointed a justice ' of the peace fur Cfo'inty Cork. I The Curl; exhibfjtk-n was opened by Ura Dudley, lord lieutenant of Ireland, Ire-land, on May 2S. hi was a great day ill "Rt-ltel" Pnrl- 1 ; The priests and people of Grenaeh : have triven five hundred dollars to the : J f':n(i liquidate the debt on the ca-; ca-; ttearal of St. Colman, in Queeens- ;' ; town. I , , DW- As Miss Chadwi; daughter of the Protestant bishop cf Derry and Ra- ; !-x-. was walking nar the Diamond, I herry. a man naroed "Vniliam Healey, - titat place, rushed at her, cursing, : j 2-d attempted to strike her, but was I Kerented by Dnvirt R. Cunningham. heaiey T-as later committed to the i,r--ry lunatic asylum. : JniP!! Kradley, of Derry, died re- I l?'":' A meniber of an old and re-wted re-wted stuck, deceased was widely ?sm? a?'3 esemed, as well through -5 laniily connections and personal aararter as through his position as f'- the frm of Mahon and Bradley, j P;-ffi.)ers and gasfitters. Among those e funeral were Bishop O'Doherty 1 : u 8 n"n.ber of priests. 1 o ( Donegal. In a CnnT in Tl.,l,i: nr if I r uujiu uu mny xo ad-; ad-; ;f-Yftaa w&s awarded $50 damages Z 'JT,f('h (,f Promise of marriage ' M'Caffrey. Both reside i ,o;';co- and are the children of . iarniors. --la-Vhf' r"'Uy ses6ions held in Bally-; j C p n; ,vc-'y, Peter Milly, of Fin-: Fin-: 5e;;a,,yhaTinon. was charged with Tar- Aveok for her maintenance. I it's" r''1' er stepson, was fined I F;;iv fcsis for assaulting Mrs. J'''GV :,'(l-;'3'nn- daughter of Peter IrV r-' f,: Istack, Letterkenny, sis-pj..r, sis-pj..r, .JV- Charles McGIynn, of St. r.a' a-i -h' Vj'atte City JIon- G. c j..; " ' c UJ- -tgr. Jiciiiynn, v. of' iv : rilar' and Cornelius Brad-ir'-C ry- cre married recently! OTiojr':11"0-1' Letterkenny. Bishop ; hr V-r''!A-'"iriaed' and was assisted ". Co': . ' G':''nn- Rgv- m- Bradley' of : of 1,1,1 J p College, eDrry, brother Tnp ?n)'nn' 1 Rev. D. Sweeny. I Sr'0 of Miss McCaffrie, the . Chr;j;oJ'ii-y.vro, Scotland, to Mr. f i ffrw'i "! Donegal, was sol- : -W.'va ,at tle Catholic church of St cf Mr. Manns A. Mc- Cread e rf - r f Dminick Mc- kyw.' ',Jla"sow, to Miss Hannah Mc-Mrs Mc-Mrs j'ura ;-,;cr of the late Mr. and '' a 'uDcvitt, Milford, April SO. G.aV-' I: ';!; c ' hy tbe Rev. James rm-r r" Rathmullan. Assisting siETioV "v r-re the Right Rev. Mon L,.,;.. 'ytn. Rev. Edward Mc- :- 'ie '-.f.:il!TJ!iIar' brther of the i s' n. (',, V Joll-n Doherty, St. John- i ; v. y.'-1 Ihe bride; Rev. Flor- 1 f-i to T'"'"'1"' Cathedra1' Glasgow, i orj J"-. Patrick McDevitt, JMil- j ', E :j H0t Brgan, formerly of the deceaf eDtertained for the uteased and her family. Down. I taw Wvl!eat recent'J'. Chief Secre- years waro DCe Hamilton' 49 1' nZf owned i a well on May CT-'infaw nS.d ?Sided With her brth-Dublin. brth-Dublin. mThheHinf-St0Wn urban counciI n the 12th ult. discussed the question of SSCnvmeS on the streets. and de-tabtl de-tabtl ?iSh graDite or mble ti f 5 fuVeral members subscribing towards the cost. , Miss Rebecca McEvoy, an employee of a firm 0f feather dressers in Dub bn, on May 21 was awarded $1 750 from a tourist company for injuries t ' Sv' Ttf0Und dead in a laQe at the back of his residence, No. 4 Glena- geary Hill, -Kingstown, May 16. Galway. Patrick Geoghegan, a mason, while at work on the Railway Hotel, Hill-town, Hill-town, recently fell to the ground. He died some time later, without ever regaining re-gaining consciousness. Mrs Jennings and her family were evicted by Mrs. Kelly from their little home at Clonbur recently. Mrs Jennings Jen-nings is the widow of Edward Jennings, Jen-nings, who figured prominently in Irish political affairs, and who, in '82 was confined as a suspect with Par-nell Par-nell in Kilmainh&m jail. At Caherfurvos, about six miles from Athenry, on May 13, when a farmer named Michael Cloonan was about to retire three shots were fired into the house. Fortunately, none of the occupants were injured. There appears ap-pears to be nothing agrarian in connection con-nection with outrage, as all the ten-ants ten-ants on this estate purchased their holdings long since. . Kerry. ', The tenants of the Trinity College . Kerry, estates have written to the press, pointing out the difficulties which they are experiencing from the College authorities in the carrying outl of their desire for purchase. Not a single tenant has been able to buy out his land. In a court in Dublin recently Hon Edward Demoleyn protested against IJonn O'Donnell of Ballvcullane, Inchi-niscaul. Inchi-niscaul. holding the office of rural district dis-trict councilor. Demoleyn had been elected in June, 1902, but had been sick for six months afterwards and "l.vuucu uu meetings, m February the council declared the office vacant and on March 14 co-opted O'Donnell' to succeed him. The judge granted a conditional order in the case. A dispach of May 20 said: The boats at. Fenit came in this morning with the first fishing of the season, running from five thousand to eleven thousand. Prices, twelve shillings per 120. This is undoubtedly the finest fishing on the coast this year, and fortunately for the fishermen there is I not a big fleet of boats, so that they get ready buyers. The fish are in splendid condition, and the water is simply alive with them. Rev. James Neligan, parish priest of Brosna, died May 20 at the home of his brother Rev. M. Neligan, pastor of Beaufort, deeply regretted. Father Neligan was aged 63 years. Kildare. ; Dr. D. P. Coady, of the Firs, Naas, 1 has been appointed certifying surgeon 1 under the factory arts for the Naas district. At the recent examinations by the London Advanced Incorporated So- I of the Dominican convent, Dublin, passed with honors. She is the daughter daugh-ter of P. Gibbons, of Bray, Athy. The death of Mrs. Bridget O'Neill, of Main street, Monasterevan, occurred oc-curred May 13 at the fine age of 84 years, deeply regretted. On Thursday Thurs-day the remains were conveyed to the parish church, where office was chanted chant-ed and high mass celebrated on Friday, Fri-day, after which interment took place. Kilkenny. The death occurred on the 18th ult. of Miss Margaret Keenan, of Graigna-managh, Graigna-managh, a national school teacher. 'j King's. . Eleanor Mary Corcoran, second ( daughter of John Corcoran, of Thom-astown, Thom-astown, Birr, coroner for the county, died on May 16. At Birr petty sessions on May 22 Mrs. Anne Mannion, a widow, of Fayle's Lane, Birr, was charged with harboring a deserter from the army, Joseph Baxter. The case was dismissed. dis-missed. The local government board has sanctioned the apponment of Mary Kelly as wardsmaid in the workhouse infirmary of Birr at a salary of $60 a year with clothes to the value of $10 annually, and rations. Limerick. Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan, pastor of Castleconnell, died on May 17. De- ' ceased was In his seventieth year, and c was devoted to his charge, one of his c latest efforts being to secure com- 11 pensation to the widow of the railway porter, Ryan, killed at Castleconnell some months ago. At Abbeyfeale on the lt2h ult. Mich-S!!??,eeson' Mich-S!!??,eeson' Deis Bartholomew and William O'Connor, Daniel Keeffe and Richard and Patrick Woulfe were charged with having caused the death of Denis Lane, of Mountcollins. Father Casey said that as no evidence was given against some of the accused, who were innocent, he considered it a monstrous thing to remand them. The defendants were remanded for eight days. j Longford. Patrick Lyons of Cloncoose, Longford, Long-ford, died on May 17. J. P. Farrell, M. P., !s now thorough- 1 ly restored to health, and will shortly resume his parliamentary duties. Louth. The quarter sessions for the division divis-ion of Drogheda was opened afDro-gheda afDro-gheda on May 20. As there was no criminal business the sub-sheriff presented pre-sented the judge with- white gloves. The latter said the town of Drogheda had established a record as the cen ter of a peaceful and law-abiding district. dis-trict. That was the eighth consecutive consecu-tive time on-which white gloves had been presented to him there. o Mayo. Thomas J. Walsh was on May 19 elected clerk of the petty sessions of ' Castlebar. Head Constable Deeves 1 was an unsuccessful candidate. Seven 1 elections were held, of which the ' fifth and sixth had been ties. Walsh ( had served as temporary clerk for the 1 last three months. He is a National- 1 ist. ( A 4- x? t u a meeting or tne Balina Guar- dians held on May 18, an eviction notice no-tice was read at the suit of Miss Florence Flor-ence Lindsay against John Cowell and Thomas Carroll for the recovery of the lands of Crocketown, with house and premises thereon. At the Ballaghadereen sessions on the lt2h ult., an agent of the Murphy estate brought on for the second time the ejectment applications against 32 tenants who had thrown in their lot with the other tenants on the Associated Asso-ciated Estates. The cases were again dismissed. The magistrates agreed to state a case for the higher courts. Meath. Henry Crawley, station master for the Great Northern railway at Gor-manstown, Gor-manstown, died on May 16. He leaves a wife and family. The last surviving representative of the male line of one of the oldest and most respected families in the Trim district was laid at rest on the 20th ult., in the person of Michael Fay. Monaahan. Miss Brigid McElgunn was evicted from her holding of eight acres land at Skerrick Cam, near Scots-house, Scots-house, on the estate of the Earl of Dartrey, on May 9. The bailiffs, who traveled by train to Clones, made sev- j eral attempts to hire a car at the latter lat-ter place, but were unsuccessful, and had to make the journey to Carn and back, over four miles, on foot. Roscommon. In the probate court, Dublin, on May 11, the case of Gavican vs. Spelman began. Richard Gavican, as executor, sought to establish the will of William Wil-liam Spelman, a farmer and road car penter, who had resided near Boyle. The testator left his farm, stock and the benefit of his road contracts to his brother, John Spelman; and to his widow $1,500. Mrs. Spelman disputed the will on the ground that at the time of its execution the testator was not of sound testamentary capacity. At the. Feis Ceoil, in Dublin, on May 19. Miss Florence Gillespie, daughter of Mr. Joseph Gillespie, obtained high honor, having taken fourth place in competition for mezzo-soprano sing, ing. for which there were forty-two entries; Test pieces (a) recite "Victorious "Vic-torious Hero," the air "So Rapid the Course is" (Judas Maccabaeus); (b) Irish air, "Lullaby," arranged by Stanford. Stan-ford. A woman named Stonebam died lately in Ballinleg, Fuerty, at the age of 118 years. Up till twelve months ago she was able to attend regularly at mass, going a distance of over a mile, and up to the last could read her prayer book without glasses. ' Tipperary. Patrick Duggan, of the Square ( Roscrea, died on May 15. He had 1 ouuu master oi me lireat Southern and Western railway for over 47 years. The death of Mr. Rody Spain, Lis-carode, Lis-carode, hapepned May 17, at the age of 85 years, deeply regretted. Office and high mass were held in Kilruane church, and the interment in Clough-prior Clough-prior cemetery. Requiem services and the funeral were numerously attended. at-tended. Fathers Monaghan, Martyn and Meagher attended. Deceased leaves one surviving son on his farm, and another, Mr. Darius Spain, in New' York. Miss Ellen Hackett, of Fethard, but lately residing at Rathmines, was run over by a train near Dalkey recently. TT pr Ipft fnrt ttoo tilr, tj... i ner ien loot was taken completely off. Tyrone. Daniel McSwiggan, of Meenach-rane Meenach-rane ,third son of the late Owen McSwiggan. Mc-Swiggan. died on the 11th ult., at the age of 36 years. The tenants on the lands of Alt-more Alt-more are excluded from the benefits of land acts by reason of the existence of a reversionary lease of their holdings, hold-ings, which was made at a higher price prior to the act of 1881. Westmeath. Mrs. Jane Warrington, of Drumand Castlepollard, died recently in her 90th year. She leaves two sons William Wil-liam and George Warrington i tEIle Packenham, daughter of the late William Packenham of Clonrob-ert, Clonrob-ert, and Patrick Pollan, a royal Irish ' constable, were married on the 13th : ult. at the Cathohurch In Mayn2 Wexford. ' A farm laborer named Henry Dono- -- v, vnimuw; JUINtl 20, 19- van, a native of Newbawn, living with his wife and four children in a thatched cottage in Ballygarven, in the upper extremity of Tintern parish, j wag kileld recently by a steam navvy of the Rosslare and Waterford extension exten-sion of the Sotuh Wexford railway. Wicklow. .Mrs. Dorah Bolger, of Carnew, widow of Joseph Bolger, died on May At the petty sessions held in Bless ington on the 18th ult., George J. Hor-mdge Hor-mdge summoned Charles Fenton for cutting and taking away six trees on his property at Lesheens. The case was dismissed. |