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Show j CARD FROM BISHOP SCANLAN. ' f I I feel it my duty to protect Catho- : I i lies and the public generally from f fraud and imposition by notifying I I them from time to time that no per- j son bearing the name and garb of a priest or sister, or anyone else, is au- I thorized or permitted to solicit or col- I ! lect in this diocese for any purpose j I whatever connected with the Catholic I ' Church without having from me per- X I mission in writing, bearing my seal and signature. Should anyone be i " found engaged In doing this unlawful I work of collecting without such a doc- ument, he or she, as the case may be, should be regarded by all as a, fraud and an lmposter. f 1 L. SCANLAN, i Bishop of Salt Lake. Nov. 20, 1S99. AT SCHRA5V3Ii's EVERYTHING MOVES BUT v ; THE CARS.... I ,: I ; ' j 5 THEY ALL STOP HERE ! I 1 ! tiir'i ' .11 .rf ' trr'i-v r-ir , . . : j T!lr 13-t Unci Established X.V1 W. J. HALLGRAN, Real Estate ; and Loans, 14 "W. Third South Street j SALT t.-. v r r-'T' WE TRUST YOU j I- : I pnpp i pn vi 1 1 size 1820. tws 2, I Ul L LLU Alllt magnificent picture has been in preparation for many months by the best artists in the country. No expense has been spaied to make this picture appropri- J ate even to the smallest detail. Upon the I upper left band corner is a view of the VATI- i CAN AT ROME; upon the upper riirbt hand 9 corner is a picture of ST. PETER'S CATHED- I RAL at Rome, the largest church in the world. I Between the two is the tiara worn bv the Sove- I reign Pontiff. In the center of the picture I encircled by a large imposing arch is a picture 9 of Pope Leo XIII, taken from his latest photograph, photo-graph, and giving one of his most benevolent expressions of countenance. On either side of the arch is a representation of the chalice: be- neath tbem representations of six candlesticks I containing lighted candles Lower down on the arch Is a representation of tho Pope's Insignia on the lert side, and on the ripht is the Ostensorium . Beneath this, and supporting I the arch on either side are two figures of angels. Underneath the photograph is a representa- ' Hon of a rock upon which is engraved a cross, R and urn erneath are the words: "THOU ART tj PETER, and upon this rock shall I build my church, and the sates of hell shall not prevail against it." This is particularly appropriate to every true beli -ver inasmuch as the Pope is the direct descendant of Peter to whom tfiese EF words ann ied. and who is dpscrihrt in M Writ as tho rock. The cross represents the si Catholic Church which is built on the rock. J Underneath the rock are two keys crossed to- gether with a rosary, and beneath this is a I tablet with the words POPE LEO XIII in 1 most beautiful type. On either side of the I tablet is a representation of the gutes of para- dise, which are open to all true believers, and t on the other side are the gates of hell, which I are closed in the same manner to all tru be- I lievers. There are many other beautiful and I appropriate symbols in this picture, such as i flowers, censers, etc. It is altogether the most I elaborate and costly production which has ever I been printed, nnd is meeting with n enormous 1 w'iRY ATH0LIU PAMILY WILL i WANT ONE, and every true Catholic will be I doing a good work in bringing this picture be- I fore the notice of their friends. It has been I approved by several of the prominent clergy 1 and is bound to give satisfaction. AGENTS 1 will undoubtedly reap a rich harvest if they I start taking orders at onee. Let there be no delay. Begin at once. . send you a SAMPLE FREE promise toll! try and take 8 orders at 25 cents each As soon as you have taken the orders we send you the pictures. You collect the monev and send it to us and we send you a nice ring !olid Geld finished, set with RUBIES and PEARLS absolutely abso-lutely FREE for your trouble. If you take 1 orders and collect for 30 at25c each wesend vou I a very handsome Gold plated watch, either i ladies or gents size. We have other premiums j such as Pins, Bracelets, Musical Instruments, Cbina Tea Sets, Silk Dresses, etc., in fact you I can get any premium that you desire. Our I watches are all guaranteed to keep accurate I time and our Premiums are exnetly as represented. repre-sented. Don't sell trash, sell an article of merit and see how quickly you can earn a fine premium. THERE IS NO CAN'T ABOUT IT, KOU CAN. Address today, HOME NOVETY M'F'G. CO. I Box 1251, Station "O," Chicago a . . -. . 1 . ' SALT LAK'. : : -rr,,,, " j, THE ONLY ;llL.SF UTAH : I,,.,.,,.,, ,. ' ivelv to Ladic V' and Children's Furr-i J,in., .. Every department '- ,!,: ;..t , ticular attention U i-;.v.V 'If',,-Millinery 'If',,-Millinery and C 1 , - j,,"' ip They are unsurpa--f.i ;i; J,M;tn1''G'J. venience and t;c(.i;..;nv, " 'i TO5' creations of tho v.. ?'.: 'r'' nent design r- !;;: ! ' ' frc';' tion here. 1 '"'-"'-nta- Our pro?re?sive ni-!..;- dwinjr, coupled witr, :!. ' l"'v iZr of business we tran--i,- V..,,, a!r,0:"'-at a!r,0:"'-at the lowest p. , V,r'Le "High Quality" s "'7,' nent patronage ke:,: ' , vY.-aim vY.-aim to make this a ; i ;., : n will turn, not sla;).:-,- 'l" y : you extraordi'-rtry !.;: "';r natural .-oureo to ,'nJ'''J:'h day needs. A XA ' ''"v THE LACE florsK Co. ! j Interior . . i s We Ha-ve the Finest Line cf f in the city all up to date and in all jrrads. I Also an elegant line of Wall Picture Mo.iiJ- ing. Grille Work and everything usl ia . decorating. We have a corps of erperioaced decorators and aro prepared to furnish es- j timatbs. F'RJ$1TJ'RE CO. TumtmnmutHmrtririm'ki ,rtVPW-lJM- j-lTf -m-.. mmm,OTBW TfJ 'i1- .'T ' 1 CALDER'S PARK REMODELED, . REPAINTED. REWIRED. PANGING AFTERNOON AND EVENING CHR,STENSE'S EG0 mm mm uitmiiu and First regiment eao. NEW BOATS. IN'EW RESTAURANT. FARE ONLY 5 CENTS. Admission to the park 10 jents. Each ticket entitles the holder to 10 centn in trade. IT'S CALDER'S J- bergerman, MONDAY JUNE 22nd UNTIL SATURDAY JULY 4th. Entire stock of women's oxford shoes and slippers at smartly reduced prices. , ' . . . All oxford shoes for Misses, Boys, .Youth and Children 15 percent off regular prices. Walker Bros. Dry Goods Co. j ( .. -.. ...... ..... I |