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Show EVERY CATHOLIC in this diocese can now buy the Douay bible on easy payments. Some of the world's greatest biblical scholars refute objections of modern scientism and rationalism. Send postal card and work will be, sent for inspection. Address Ad-dress H. D. Jacobs, INTJERMOUMAIN CATIIOLIC OFFICE. 24S S. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. tf ' AGENTS WANTED. in every parish to sell the great illuminate engra vint' "ANGELICAL SALUTATION." Every Catholic household wants one. Price 25c, tinted; 50c, colored. Large Discount to Aents. Send amount and secure at once territory ter-ritory required. Aeents make $5 to SlOperdav. FOLEY & KUSSRLL, 21-23 Ann Street New York City. E5TAB LI S H ED J ONE PRICE TO ALL NVirER50L OUR. MONSTROUS zzrrr JWNE SALE THE SALE OF SALES WILL BE CONTINUED Another Week The demand has been so heavy for t:;o vq past that we realize that only by doubiinc: ri.e ti can we serve those who would avail tfvm -!ves 7f the opportunity. ::: The second week wili made Greater than the first; Greater in the character of tip offerings; Greater in the values; GREATER EVERY WAY. ::: We have had a general overhauling rearranging, re-arranging, re-marking and Cutting Down of Prices ail over the store, making the values of the second week of this sale truely remarkable. ALL PROFITS ABANDONED! LOSSES TAKEN. Doors Qpzn Monday Morning al 9 0'dcck t MONUMENTS AKD TOMBSTONES, j f LCALL OR WRI .-R -, t 1 139 W. Tirst Souti) St., Salt Lake City. Headquarters for , ' STETSON- IL4.TS. 53333 Agsfita for j ' STACY j'APAlIS SH0IS.- I Established 1871. I I O'REILLY'S, I Clothiers and Furnishers,! aio flAIN STREET. j ONE 1'KICE. ! mmm mmm - 2 L. STcDOS-ALD & CO 11021 ARCH XTorkin Cloths. " -11 T SHT2T1 - I 1 Round-up! I 1 Everything in Ready -to-Wear Garments in Ladies' Dresses, Skirls, Waists Wrara Everythmg at Half Prices. The greatest reliable sale in the hisioryTsaU Ski l : J- Round-up! I 1 ' . " Watoh the Dally Papers from now oo. - - i V 1 . r |