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Show EVENING NEWS. '. Chined are evicted do hot iH terfefe for their protection Jt will be t bund that the city la liable like wherd Eu-rSk- af - . " ' , ' Cb1 nese the want do not It people 'thdm. The can need not hare they - PRINTED AND PUBUSHEO BY. THE j,r get rid pf them without violence. They DESERET NEWS COMPANY, can refuse to employ tiem, . and the j will soon seek (or more congenial qaar. ters. It only wants a onion of effort (HIARLES VT. PENROSE,! EDIT0E.; to "boycott" the Mongolians or any other obnoxious race or party. It la to withdraw unlawful not February 13. 1S8 and! patronage from Friday trade may bo one; made a legitimate ; and I effective i FRKK SPKECHV Weapon against an evil in a class or ' not This Tribune trying to reply . to ithe Nawsln regard to the "Grand Mis- - ways be expedient, but It cannot be take" about Pre. George Q. Gannon's claimed that it is not mwf uL In anr sense it Is better than vio power to abolish plural marriage, And lence, and It, Is not .open to a suit for dodges the question . entirely rnshtng off on a tangent,aays s Speeco damages.! ureka may have founa a which advises the breaking "of the laws way; to purge itself of the plgtalled Is not free speech." Well, now, most disciples of Conf Ucius,but It has also people would think that was very free found that its plan, was npt veryprol-itabl- e nor its find very ad vantageous. speech. Some would claim that it was a little too free. We do not think any one bnt a person afflicted like the. A STATES ItELJOIOTf. scribe, With softening of would the i brain deny the A query has arisen In the minds .of freedom of such speech, however not a few persons of late as to whether. much he mlght.disagree with Its pro- in the event of the new Edmunds bil priety. becoming law, Mormonym" would But what lsiree speech in the view not be the state religion. Inviewof of the great lingual authority, pf the It being the only .religion tor the direc T6 counsel, a J tion and control of which Congress has Tribunel He sarai even If it is wrong leglslated.and especially as the new bill a to law obey people ' but to fight to have. It amended la a provides for lhe appointment of a free; speech." Shades board of officers or trustees: for the legal way,-i- s lot the patriots! Whoever heard such Church, it would Certainly not be un fa. definition as that before? 'lhe sub-jU- reasonable to regard it as the state efforts of oratory which have How will that sound to theworla given everlasting: fame to ithe sturdy champions of right and that the lawmaker of the United resLstence the Conto . wrong were ' not States have aot free speech t The heroes who stitution in establishing a state religstirred the hearts of their followers to ion but in doing so have made the ' fightagainst tyranny under formrf of stone which ' from . the beginning the law In the Old World, and the grand builders of national law have rejected ' leaders who counseled the casting off the chief corner! ,. i of alleirlance to a foreign yoke in the ;TheOmiha2Trai says of the pendNew World, never Indulged f In free ing legislation concerning this Church : speech I There is no free speech unless "The Constitution of, ihe United jit pleads for submission to wrong if States forbkla a state: religion or the wrong is done under color ot law church, yet the" Edmonds bill, .which Senate, contemplates The signs of idiocy which have been has passed the similar to suenaa t exhibited by that scribe for some time something veryThe Mormons have for past have reached the stage of certain- the management of the abusiness afboard of of their church ty. If be1 Is not cared for at once a fairs of trustees, - the duties strait jacket will become a necessity . thirteen rare which prescribed by the act in-of We claim the right to advocate that the legislature, which was under it which we know or believe to be true corporated, embracing the managethe ment acceptproperty, We accord the same right to those who ance ofrbequests, the advancement of differ from us. If an unjust and the Mormon religion, etc. The Edlaw is always obeyed, munds! bill compels the board to acot fourteen trustees what probability Is there of Its ever cept an additionthe President, whose by appointed being annulled or made Inoperative? duties, as respects matters not polygBut whether it is right or wrong to ad- amous, are defined by the act of and are the to an unrighteous tbei Mormon legislature, vise as those of their Morof course, same, or it lecturing against law, preaching mon colleagues. This majority repreIs free speech, twt as much as speaksentation of the government, whose is to exert an influence on Moring for it ts free speech. ;And object mon theology, is clearly a transgresa person or a paper that wishes to Im- sion Of the Constiof the pose pains and penalties upon any one" tution. Canprovisions the American republic fqr a public expression of his opinions, afford to take such a step?" Is an enemy to free speech. la reply to the last query we may say .. That lathe position of the Tribune. that a large proportion of the people It would punish those who express of the American republic are so badly views on the "Mormon" question that affected with the madiffer from its Own. Its Idea of free nia that they are not disposed to hesispeech la speech according to Its own tate at anything which Is opposed to notions. Anything contrary to them is "Mormonlsm," but seem inclined to not free speech. Anyone who either act first and think afterwards It Is, speaks or votes except at its dictation however, to be hoped that they will la "a slave.!! It donlmates many discover their blindness upon this "Gentiles' and some officials, who before they go much farther. (tare not chirp except according .id Its point The Herald has evidently mistaken notes, and it wants to put a nrhzzle the Intentions of the anti-- " Mormon" upon everybody who will not wear Its so Ions upon one point. Instead of the I filthy fetters. . fourteen trustees for la the The right of free speech as guaran- new Edmunds bill provided lu conjuncacting teed y the Constitution is not iyet tion with those" already existing who denied to the ''Mormons.' PresU are elected by the Church, it is in Cannon has as much right to speak In tended that, they should supersede favor of plural marriage as any one has them. Though not very 'fclejfrly exto speak, against It. And we propose in the bill, it has been so asto have our say on the matter when- pressed serted in the discussion in the Senate. ever we, please, law or no la w, and we It is to be Te served as the exclusive i call that free speech; right of the "President of the United to stifle it, by courts, States, by and with the advice siad conattempt Any ' officers, papers or partisans of any sent of ,the Senate," to appoint the kind is 'usurpation and tyranny, and officers for this specially favored state the statement that a price is. pnt upon the head of President George Q Can- religion. non because of his public utterances, The Keynote (published la New indicates the spirit of Intolerance, persecution and; damnable oppression Tork) pf February Cth, contains au which burns fnthe hearts of his ene- Interesting history of the firm of D. and Appleton ft Co., with a handsome full mies. It U bigoted, despicable, and should be bated and page supplement presenting the porcontemned by all free men and every traits of the founder, Daniel Appleton, soul that believes In the sacred and in- and his four sons. It seems that When "Lothalr',was about to be published, valuable right of tree speech. the members of the firm held quite ah animated discussion among themA CAUTION. selves, to decide whether to print an edition of one thousand or two thouTbk reward which has been offered for sand; some of them doubting' whether Information concerning the where- even a thousand could bo sold. abouts of a distinguished gentleman, It was fiually copiesto venture with agreed suggests something worthy of, consid- two thousand. What; was their asone has ambition who eration by any tonishment when orders camel to figure In the role of a J odas Iscariot. in. which! In the aggregatepourinc called It Is but a short time since a reward for eighty thousand copies! ' Diseswas offered for a prisoner who had raeli was greatly pleased with this caped from the Pen. His name-waand sent the Applctons success, Watron, and he had been convicted a gracious letter of thanks for their of placing an obstruction upon a efforts in bringing the book before the railroad.The sum of $250 was published American public. The story of the as the reward for his apprehension. Muhlbach novels is yet more Interest He made his way westward: j and had These offered to nearly been ing. southward, and then, taking an east- every publisher in New YorkJ includ found employment erly course, be the Appletons, and refused. A few in a settlement not far from Sanpete. ing since, Mr. W.W. Appleton, a son years means was. of the The reward offered William n. Appleton, while travelof his capture, his employer giving Infor- ling in the South, one day purchased mation which led to bis return to the' as a curiosity because ' wretchedly if.". penitentiary! straw on a book; pubpaper printed But when the amount published was lished Ga.( during the ; war. claimed by the amateur detective, he It was at Atlanta,' the Second and Ills "Joseph was coolly Informed that.lt was a misOn reading It, he was struck Court." was amount; take, that $25 the, proper Its elements pf popularity, and de A misplaced period and a missing ci- by cided that his house ought to. publish j pher made all the difference, tt. It proved one of the great literary Now it will be Just as easy to make a successes ot the. time,' and Was fol case of the in latest Similar mistake a long series by the same lowed by reward. It the period be shifted conr author.,.,. made be can $30, easily veniently, $300 by either addlnj or omitting a cipher, It will be seen by reference to the and can be reduced to $5.00 by simply ot a without telegraphic dispatches that' the applichange moving the period cation for divorce of Mr. Crawford, J a cipher. vThere are creatures who would whose t wife was seduced by - that sell their if souls or betray their old libertine. Sir ; Charles DUke, friends to five' hundred dollars. has been granted on the' wom feel j like an .confessing . to her criminal Inwould who but heads their against a wall on tereonrse With her titled paramour. beating 'finding that they had given themselves The strangest part of the affair to away for a paltry V. We impttte no some people who have had such exalt ed ideas of the ."Justice i deception to any one concerned, but British administered 111 will be has what and by courts, mistakes happen 1 the: announcement; jthat the charges been may be again. : ' Therefore, if any one Is anxious for against Sir Charles Dilke have been i . blood-monhe, she, or more properly dismissed, speaking it, should make sure that the -- r amount is. right before attemplng to Geo. once was so, who Asd p. Bates, Disappointment might be TJ. S. District Attorney for Utah, and j would iatal, and then what mourning as an rank old as ever ensue in the community I This friendly figured Jn Judicial hypocrite Termatters Jn this 4 caution is given gratis, y ritory", has shuffled off this mortal coll. as a Denver telegram of ' us. lie has no w gone where it BACK. THE CJHSKSB STB1KB Is to be presumed he will reap his reiTHJt expulsion of the Chinese from ward for the flies he has circulated i Western cities may trove quite costly, about the Latter-da- y Saints J j A suit has been commenced in the t . United .States 'Court against the city of "If there be one question upon Eureka, California, for the sum of which the American1 public Is united $132,000, claimed as damages lor the It is the fiat, The Mormons expulsion ot Chinese from that' city must go.' "Jjutte Miner, about a year ago. Papers have been Ja'st sol But the fact that the public served on the Mayor, and It H believed are universally against the Latter-da- y that the Chinese will recover., f Saints Is no proof that the latter are a cnMtsfifnl suit of this kind wrong; rather' the reverse, for the and rigorous action on the part promise of the Savior to Ilis'dlsciples recent of the Government, like the was that they should be hated of all proclamation of the President with men for II is name's sake..4 The decree troops to enforce It In Washington of the Almighty is that this people and perhaps convince the the work that they are engaged in shall .Territory, will brutal element that even' not be overcome, and the "fiat" quoted and rowdy. the Chinese have some rights which above, theugh uttered by the united the "superior race" are bound to re- - "American public" will prove vain In the future as it has heretofore. spect. i The laws of the land will not permit the forcible destruction of property. James D. Watsox declared his inNo person can be properly deprived of y, of tention law. dne preparatory to becomprocess without property , If the city authorities in any place ing invested with citizenship. 'I look O'CLOCK. u- ! J - f ; , ' . . me : , I only-violat- ed " , r , ot-chur- non-submiss- ; antI-"Morrao- u" j - ! - -- ! - : ; . ' - . I f even-hand- ed ; . ey i go-a-he- ad. to-d- ay la-for- ms ' " - to-da- y. j - ; ,i - " I to-da- ' Tit K ;XJGISLATtrat3 of WStcfs, ttc.i referred to jthe rhet KJebt 1xt fieen. ' health. pd public Hundreds of volumes have' been , Mr. Farus worth was excused ffom written COTjJfClL KB. 11. by the medical profession, upkttscdance 16th until tre instant. . At S p. m. the president's gaVel fell At 4:17 the HOuse adjourned till on the causes .and cures of nervous upon the table, and after the call of the s p.; m. onp.m.prostration, gastric inability, loss of f riuay. roll and prayer by the chaplain, the appetite,; loss of flesh and upon the Journal of Wednesday; was read and of the digestive orit gans; etc., and with what result? In adopted. . Mr. ShortHff wasexcttsed oh account many cases none whatever. Tbe of sicknesslih-hl- s market has been overran with patent faraily alstf Mr. Francis, whoI waa engaged' on commituntil one's lalth in any cumeaicines, WESTER CION TKLEOJU.PII PES ' tee work, rative has almost become exhausted - A message from the Ilonse was read There has. however, m. .valuable com notifying the Council that the Reprepound been discovered tn Dr. Henley's sentatives had indefinitely postponed iseei ana iron,: Which the afoeiery, C. a.iairrsiiHa. of F.No. the further consideration flicted should not turn a deaf ear to. the Give it a trial and be cared. All drug assign32, a bill td provide for ments of insolvent debtors. i gists keep it. Mr. Grover, from the committee on wile Ilerinan, BlTFALO, agriculture, reported back the substi- murddrer, was banged at J iu:43 this . TUK KLOOM or 11KA1T? tute for II. F. No. a,. bill to.prevent mornlntr. Herman .killed hla wife last On Iter brow indicates tut" file o: the spread of malignant diseases among November for supposed inunemy.- - He nnsHh within. YVbail a change fron that the bill be was dissolute sheep, recommended and it was claimed she me ins aud or a few months ago. IK read by its title and placed on file for supported him.by working out as a ser joy know the secret ot her reueweni second reading; adopted. r Witt will tell voo. :" Wheuslx Mr. Barton, from the committee on vant. tout; that the pleasant liquid fruii countiesi reported back the substitute Oov. Heymear'a Coadlllon. Pis--- ls as agrealUt remedy Syrup-ofor C F. No. 15, a bill to determine to U taste as It: is ( ffectivc in Seycleans-uivUtiCa; N.r., the., manner" of defining disputed mour's condition remains unchanged. the system, calmimj the nerves aim county boundary lines', recommended Or. Ford, the phy- .iwjahciiiifj: the Liver, Kidneys;; Stomthat the House amendments be not liOMB, N. .Y.. 12. Horatio Seymour, ach aud Bowels to a attending concurred in, and asked for a commit- sician actlvifj. a newspapere here, sin? begau aains it, undhealthy you see the tee on conference; report adopted and' in a dispatch to j says: "There Is no improvement in the wishing to know i: i.a1i;s House notified. y. He Is Syrup ot Fig really possesses sucl. condition Substitute for H. F. No. 24, a bill to Governor's so strong as he was yesterday and wonderful eCicacy, caif obtain t:;t. of malignant dis- not prevent the spread was e bottles free of Charge at Z (J. si. I eases among sheep then taken up the symptoms are not so favorabie.De-causof increasing weakness. Ills iJFUg Store, Wholesale Agents, Sal on its second reading This bill pro m is one of uncertainty. Lake Citv. vides for the appointment of an in- condition so He little takes nourishment, his defines of and spector sheep duties; the smallest sips ot! milk,' and also for the payment lot said Inspec- only such a failure of his digestion tor byjlees to be pail by the owners thereI is that feel less easv about' him than 1 of the sheep Inspected. Ills mifid is clear wheeler On Sunday, January 31st, at The reading of this bill caused much did yesterday. and the Territorial Insane Asylum, where it was amusement Mr. Grover was opposed though be is a little delirious now found nocessary last summer to place him to the bill because he thought It would then as auyone would belli his condicause litigation among the sheep men tion. His emotions are somewhat de- - in consequence of hia becoming demented, Levi' Wheeler, lately of Lewlaton, Cache and bring the inspectors into trouble, sturbed, but uot his intellect. and in its present phape would fail in but formerly of Weber ; Connty, rynsa. County, the 4 object aimed at. The sheep where for many years be carried on quite an to a was of business is thought Seymour becoming industry importance in the Territory, the men be dylutr. The members of; nis taniiiy extensive business ia running a saw mill, who were engaged therein wtre men have been; hastily summoned to his logging, constructing canfls, etc. He was a native of Maine, and came to Utah in 1854. of intelligence and they conducted bedside, nUOV- - He leaves a wife and H children. Utica, Ni Y., 4:10 p. mrr-their business in such a manner that would the best results. It was ernor oeymour is uyiug..ite cannot to theirbring interests to keep their flocks suivive more than an hour a BuxOX In (the Fourth Ward of this cityf free from disease, and he would move die at any minute. of old age, Teb. ' 12tb 1SSS, Mary Smith that the further consideration of this $ Tbe Faneral AmnstmcnM. , bill be postponed indefinitely. Hi vi. ..! . i ... r Bumly, relict of the late Gejorge Bundy; Nkw York, Hancock passed bornKov. 17, 18o2, at Under hill, Ulouces Mr. Taylor said he had had some extershire, Eugland; was baptized) into the perience as a sheep herder, and would a comfortable night; and rested better Churefc of Jenus Christ of Latter-dalike the further consideration of this than she had any time since the GenSaints bill postponed. There were some good eral's death. The Secretary of War by Elder W. Woodruff, March i9th, 1S40, and raorn-iui- ?. in it and he thought that it wilt ai rive in the city points be wun ner nnsoana to Jiauvoo in After the funeral he will probably emigraiea so amended that it would mightthe 1S13, and to tltah.in 1818. as as funeral the desired. far meet accompany party objects Sister Bundy lived and died' faithful to Mr. Barton said this bill was a sub- Philadelphia. Commodore Chandler Nichols of the nary to ber covenants, with a hope of glorious stitute for another; It was faulty in detailed Lieut. . is proceed to- Governor's Island and resurrection. nearly every section, was not what be tender ucnerai vv hippie ine use oi a Fanernl from the residenoe or Thomas needed, and he thought it Would steamer to transport troops from Gov better to frame a ucw measu re . No. 23 W. Cth South Street, on San Mr Page was opposed to the bill in erudrs Island to New YorkL and after Jenkins, r ' Feb. 14, at 10 a. m. day, its present shape. Ue would favor a wards to Jersey City. ot the opinion A ttalnsterm thnt Iais Oat gooabUl, auduewas TKN TllOVSAND RABBIT SKINS that some suctt measure in regard to motive FlreM. needed In this the sheep iadustry was 1 WANTED! 1 n Territory i, I Nkwxobk, 12. The sev erest rain- Mr. Sharp could not vote for tire-bi- ll stacnv .tor manv vears prevailed ARE PAYIXQ $5.00 PER IIUX-dreiu its present form.)! The sheep in- throughout Rockland County yestec-du- y. for tkem. (if clean and well of the Territory 'had become of West Shore tricks; at Or- - saved.) We also buy Beaver and other dustry The. r urs. Tor tne manufacture ot ell Hats . 4ucb importance, that any bill that afiirelmrir were so covered COUNTKY MKHC1IANT8 ean obtain would prevent the spread of diseases that the tires in the engines were put terms and information concerning size, Htnong sheep, and regulate the manner out. l ravei is greatly aeiayea. nppiyiiiix 10 quuitiy, etc., oy ' of their inspection and removal from UEO. UOUDARD A OX, K. K. ('onveailtm. ; one locality to another'; intact, a bill Hat Manufacturers, gait lAke City. that would fully accomplish all the lleprcsentativcs Jot the Iratiscontt-neirtgood that was deslredi would receive lines met again this morning ilia support, a proposed agreement and considered Mr. Grover's motion to postpone inand pas: teuger traffreight pooling definitely the further consideration of fic. A definite agreement will proba-bJ- y I. j this substitute was put and carried. SaLT laAKB ClTT, UTAH, be adopted I ts uature, ihowever, A message fronr th Liousu was read, could not J8SC 6th. February be learned. GtVEN THAT WHEREBY auuouucing tae appointment by thatu XTOTlcE V. Dates. of Geo. JJ the copartnership heretofore existing body of Messrs. Ilatsti aud McLaugh-l:between the undersigned, nader the as the committee on conference ou firm 12. Hon. George O. nnme Col., Dknvk, of Walker Bros.iis this davdissolved by the substitute to O. F. No. 15. the bill Bites died last- night of 1 iflammatlou mutual: TOnseui. mi uusiness oi inta copartto determine the manner of defining of tbe after an Illness of less nership having been this day mutually setdisputed county boundary lines. The t han a bowels, 71. Bates was a natled and adjusted. aged week, resident appointed Messrs. iBartou tive ot New York; moved to Michigan AN persons having unsettled business fand Grover ou the part of the Council. iu 1834, and headed the party in oppo- with the late firm of Walker Brothers, will A message was received and read, sition to the Doiicv of the reneral gov will ufease call at tht oflice of the Walker lnlorming the Council that the House ernment during tne adininistration of Brothers Company, at the old stand. had passed H. F. Not 43, a bill approSAMUEL S. WALKEU, Jackson; was one of the organizers ot JOSKPH R. WALK Kit, priating $30,u0t tor the deficiencies of the Whig 'party, aud delegate id the WAVID F. WALKER, the Territorial Insane! Asylum ; read by National Convention, which nominated MATTHEW II. WAUCER. its title and referred ;sto the committee Harrison in 1840, and Clay in 1814. on the asylum for the Insane. . Was a bosom friend of these statesfilf V T ias iff sTtwrvr iti TTiniH Mr. Sharp moved that the third read- men vian, Was United and Weoster. ISSC. . 6th, February ing ot the revenue bill be postponed for States Districtfor We take Attorneyin thanking our numercarried. California In ous friendspleasure under Fillmore.; and customers throughout tbe C. Jr. Nof 2a, a bill to amend section in 1870 was appointed to a similar office country for their Patronage, and we resnect- 2, chapter f.'U, session laws of i&t4, in from Illinois to the Territory of Utah, fully solicit a continuance of the same for relation to the Territorial Asylum for where he became famous in defending onr successors, xne vaier uirotnera comthe insahei was read the ttdrd time, the John D. Lee, leader of the Moun- pany and The Union Hank of Salt Lake city, title amended audj1 passed, aud the tain' Meadow tne SAMUEL 8. WALKER, Massacre. He came to House so notified. :S ' JOSKPH R, WALKER, hit resided unIn 187U, Colorado where 1AVID r." WALKEK, A commauicaton from the House MATTHEW U. WALK Ell. was read, announcing the. passage bv til- his death. Tlie River Rnrllan iltlslny. tnat body pf substitute to HtF; No. a bill to restrain bulls from running at Nkw. Brunswick, N, J., 12; The large at certain seasons ot the year. llaritan Ulvei has overflowed Its banks Mr". Taylor said he desired to ask the and submersed the lower Inart of the uieuiueraoii.uecomiiiii.iee to careiuity city All business in the ship ya"rds consider this bill. When it was firt and coat yards alonz the river has been HAGA1T3 placed on his desk he bad. drawn his suspended, and the works of the New pen through most of its provisions, Jersey Kubber Company have been because of its apparent local applica- compelled to snut qown tion; but the author of the bill had informed him that tt was only obligatory in lilch County, but It could be made is a secret aid to so in ail other counties by a 4 t ' voUj of the electors thereof. Tue peoAISTIC llAMany a lady owes her fresh ple ot liich Couaty were every, year .i.ATEST TRANS-AT- I. PATCHES. ness auuoyed with several hundred ot scrub to it, who would rather buds from Wyoming Territory ruoniui; not at large. The people of that county Olvoree Oranted The Chara-etell, and you catif telL were engaged In raising blooded stock, Dlsiutsserfi' Dllke AirMast andtne bill in question was to protect them In so doins: referred to the com London, 12. The trial of the divorce case of Donald Crawford against his mittee on agriculture. wife, in which Sir Charles Dilke is .coAdjourned at 3 :iw.p.m. Great intebegun y. respondent, IIOUSB FEB. 11. rest is felt in the . case and the court CANADIAN ' i room was crowded when it was called. AtJUANTmr OF Enqaire at POPLAR i the Utah Dilke arrived early and took his seat and Nevada Railway Office. At 2 p. m. the House resumed busi- in tho court .room without beness. On motion of Mr. King,' the by njost of the ing i bill was made the highways special peoplerecognized MRS. J. A. TAYLOR, ' In attendance. iChamberlain, order for )?riday. of the local! government A message from the Council notified president board, and many gentlemen prominent Dress and Mantle IIaker. the House that it had amended the in were official and social life Informs her friends and customeis that present. Council bill relating to the code of The case has removed her liusiness to larger and being announced, petitioner's she civil procedure; the bill was read and counsel stated more commodious premises, at' No. 68 8. the first intimation Main St.. referred to the committee on Judiciary. his client bad ofthat over O. W Davis 8 tore. where she his unfaithfulwlfefs will be pleased to meet ber old customers The Council file amending Section tl. ness was on of several anonyreceipt and as many new ones as may favor her of 1884, was readmce mous chapter 4Q, lawsto. the writer! dG8 lm with their orders. ao.l referred the committee on warnedletters, to of .Crawford beware "the j private corporations, member from Chelsea" (DUke); CrawHouse bill No. Mi In relatiou to ford investigation into amending the laws pu private corpor- his thereuponlmade wife's habits andj found she ation, was read the fsecond time, after had been corresponding with- one ; by buvodt :ocd r for hav a p1Ht which the rules were siistpenned ana Forster Thlsfl offense he thatttaniiaof aiuMuti tho ont klndaBdef Jo the bill taken up f of; Its third reading, Captain onrnn, i bjiwui Itandi ine hao Keen r'a. I farther condoned. had Escclvtng but considerable debate beintr aroused letters Crawford taxed his tBltaaffloaer.thAtlwt.t miT0 BUrrfciuf ruaa. on the subject, its farther considera wife with Infidelity. She admitted her tion was poHtpoiiRu im x riuay. ituilt and made a full confession. She A message from the Council stated Maid had slept two nights in the that it did not concur In the House bill same sue bed with Sir Charles Dilke. His CHRISTMAS ! NEW YEAR !! in relation to disputed boundary lines. attentions to her, she said, bad comand asked for a committee on coun menced directly her alter marriage, ties. Messrs. llatcii and McLaughlin lie professed to admire her because of Parties desiring CHOICE CUTS of were appointed ou behalf of the her resemblance to ber mother; . The J House. J petitioner had attrib- BEEF, PORK, MUTTOH orVEAL, House bill 43, making appropriations wife ofthethe annonymous letters to for deficiencies of. the Territorial In uted Should call at the j the vindlcilveness of her .mother. sane Asylum, next claimed the considon case rested his Petitioner's solely eration of the House, ft was, read the wife's confession. Servants of Craw- Aiuerienn Ment Market, ihird time by sections, and passed. OPPOSITE TUEATUE. household, counsel saidi would This bill appropriated $?O,00O to ford'sevidence showing that their mismake up the following amounts: Bor- give WILLARD BIRCUMSHAW.i tress had been absent from home on rowed money, $13,000; for Territorial the she. stated , she bad iept portion. Care and., maintenance of in withniehts DilkA. Petitioner. Crawford.was digent luf ane,$3.5lH.85: for miscellane- called to the witness stand, and gave ous Iiabllltie8.$3.45l.l5. Total, $A),000. testimony supporting tne statements The House oia ia relation to nana of his counsel-- . Crawford said he bad att certain seasons of been at larjro running startled by his wife asking him the vear--th- at is from Januarv 1st to whether he would forgive ;lier If she 1st in each year, inclusive, was had July been unfaithful to him;; His wife's The ' undersigned are now ' pre re&u toe tnira time, amenaea so as to sisters had been shown the anonymous make it (.applicable to all others and agreed that they were In pared to receive Barley in Wagon well as Kich is County in letters; the hand writing of their mother. In or Car-loa- d s ; IiOts. r this Territory, passed by a unanimous her confession witness said, Mrs, vote, and sent to the Council. declared that Dilke had A message irora the Council stated Crawford bad her to enter j the bed with liberal Figures Paid for Choice, that it bad appointed Councilors Car- compelled his Barley mistress; Sir Charles Plump, ton and Grover to confer with the "Fanny" lying beside them. ,; He, then House, committee! in reference to a himself told her again how much she. was tike Substitute for C. F. 15, in relation to tier mother, Counsel jf or. petitioner brewing cd. disputed boundary; lines, h . ' ;JWrs. submitted evidence ' j message informed the House Crawford, but submittedagainst ' AnotherCouncil iw none asrabist that the had postponed In- Dilke.i The court a Crawford granted definitely further consideration of the divorce from his wife and dismissed House! bill to prevent the spread of the charges against Sir Charles Diike. malignant diseases among sheep. The bill providing for a Territorial Of UO Lexingto A venae, Kew Tork, board rof equalization was the next thing that came upon the taDs. Ths ' Byrnp of Prnnea for the Bleed. Hereby aatlM Um pnbli HOT tm hill provides that the board most ot ts not Employ or CammnnleaUo With shall consist of seven persons, namely, only Syrup Prunes the Secretary of f the Territory, the valuable laxative for the cureTof con- mum (yMaia; klamaeU Dr. Jr. Territorial Auditor of Public Accounts, stipation, but when taken? In Jmuall and the Probate Judges of Salt Lake, quantities, Is a great blood purlder; wlfbowt :as)klaisx dM Istsjutry. Z. C.MJ I. Drug Store. Utah, Sanpete, Weber and Cache coun- Try It. - Sold by Tfal maa eaireto Salt Lake dtyrerr-Minttn- f ties. The second section was amended himself as the ton of Ir. K. B. by striking out Territorial Auditor ot -We What be Are iMdebted f te Four of New Tork, the well knowsPublic Accounts 4nd Secretary of the sueolaliat. a abuadanUv broved bvanldaMouth For. Territory, and adding the words Prortcs. as rnmora earoe into Salt Lake Ctty bate J udges of Beaver and Summit ' There appears In our Columns Dakola and Montana frem an expose counties. The bill requires the board the advertisement of the welt known from made there, he cnaneeu bis base ana repre to meet at the county court house In (and universally used In the Southern sented more noted himself as the son of Salt Lake City at 12 o'clock, noon, on States) Simmons ; Liver Regulator. ucciaUst in Now York City than Dr. K. B. well known the author. Mr. Jou.l. the' second Monday Years ago it won its way into every Foots, ' of September of of the well known Trows I , each year. . household of the South by pure, ster- f T BOW, Jn New Vork City i forty rears In tbe Section 6 originally reads Said merit. It there takes the place of Fiunmt boslnens), board- ot equalization shall prepare a ling a doctor and costly prescriptions. The directory rTJLLKK, or utan. ana tne uon. aiua In report, making such changes in the medicine is becoming widely known in ffiKiitw, fo.-- Many years Postmaster assessed valuation of the different tbe North, and whenever used th6 New Vork Citv, also Surveyor of the Port. no are other their alliduvitts that there classes of the property. In any coucty, for it has steadily increased. It rave doctors in New York by tbe name of Foot by Increasing or decreasing the same is a family medicine, containing no or U. E. tbe Koora, lr. Commonloora, to such per t cent, as thev mar deem dangerous and deleterious qualities, tlie authorexcepting Sense, Just and equitable: provided that but purely vegetable, and so gentle in em., nod h s oftwo Medical K. U. sons. Or. r'ooTB, Ja,, the county v court of .s any - county its action that it can be safely lven to and lir. Hubbut T. Foora. The genuine where the property is. proposed to be any person, no . matter what age Dr.i f ooTie. Jr.. will hereafter always em Increased as to its assessed; valuation ploy the imtiHis, E. 11., in designating his tne centenarian or the crow- UHiue. Heretofore he has been known net shall .have due notice to appear by ing i youngster. Working people only at borne bat wherever hie publications and miserable asent, resist such increase, if suctt are often in that nave ueun circulated, oy tne name oi ur. court' so desire." f of health which really renders t ootk, Jr. Greater care will be taken But the amendments made to It were state but they haven't herenfter. in view of tbe fae that an nn- them unfit for so huge and numerous s to almost an- time to take labor; medicine and be sick. EnnCilel ennn baa assumed to profit by nihilate the original section, and its Simmons Liver Keeulator can be taken father's reputation. Those desiring tart her and mere OMailtd father or formulator could not recog without causing any loss of time, and infttrmation in renpect to this matter, will nlze it. Many amendments were also tnesvstem will be built up and invigit by addresstng Box 414, Ball made to several other sections, and orated by It. The Regulator promotes Flab. i.f.e after animated the bill was digestion, dissipates nasty sick headlt:rou b.iviiii information of advantage lost by a vote of debates, to to 8. the aud gives a strong, full tone to to ;laintit!s will kindly communicateA ktoache, was Instructed the system. In malarious climates it rime to J. V. Ivey. with autnrlan4 tJhS2r?Zinl halt Brule, attack members of the is Invaluable, both city. protectingthe Thofie (lesinog to consult Dr. FOOTS House for Salt Lake County to the from the disease and expelling poiremedies botald ad- bar of the House. son after it has entered the system. It tircfs citheror to order The Council notified the House that has no equal as a preparatory meal-cin- e, it had passed C. F. No, 26, relatine to can be safely used when a Or. E. a. F00TE, Sr., cr Dr. E. 8. the asylum for the Insane; read and doctorand FOOTE, Jr., be called in. Persons of cannot w Tork. referred to the committee on insane 149 LexlBgMti ATCn character and eminence Also that it had passed, substitute for theveryhlshest m kw lotto have ConsutUUo Liver Simmons Free. frtven Regulator pfam C. F. No. 82, to prevent the befouling their cordial and hearty endorsement. - a BANKS i coia-mltt- ee t tr. s. - ; jtjEfosrroiiY. non-circulat- ion ' B3 TELEGBA JH. DESERET " ;MTMALM5K. SALT LAKE CITY. "'I sr latest J2-Ch- as. PAID l r re-nt- . . 820.00 . fAMTAL, . . 200.000 Eldhrbok. President, i LilTTLR, ' ice rrcst . John Sharp; Wm. W. Kitkr, J. A. OKOE8BKCK, H. 8. r KRAMOlu ' DIP.ECTOHB . L. S. I.iTTtE, Ja. T,IIilij, Cashier, Asst. Cashier. Stock taking, andl to make room jfor Sprlog Pur- nd Chll4ro'i Wraps, all chases, we tTlll clow our Lstdleo', Miss.' m. a Fasblonablo Oooaa, Nw, Stylish and j IECEIIES EFCSITSFail3LE - 1-- CTP KUHPLIK. 01 Mm. REDUCTIOS OF Bays aud Sella Exchange oa Son Tork, Man rrnnrtsro, 'htcaco, M. LowU. Omaha, Lonilen, and pHtM-f-a- i mmm C'ontlnenlal Cities. AaVMakes collections, t. rompUy. ' ' it remitting procce WR ALSO OFFKIi ; j PER CENT. TffESTY-TiY- E hues of hosiery am km Ladles frm! Children Underwear, Bed ullfcM, Comforters nntl Blanlcets, " j to-da- . 89 BtXWKB8, WHO THOROUGH-CTLALY tho Blowing of til ass understands ' d B.c 2we lUrttles. HO?IE IMADE FLANNKLS AND LINSEYS, irUiinel and IAnsey Sheeting, Jeans, Caastknerea and Itweeda. Apply nt tins Good wages. XRSS ALL WOOL AKI FJLAXNllI, GOOD (51BL TOU GENERAL HOtTSK- - work. f ' I office. goods. GOODS, Latltss" Cloth, Eider Downs and Repliants Ex-Gover- IV A N T Ii I E ' 12.-M(- ! Ciood, Clean Coll on at Dcseret Paper Mill. ltgs, Staple Goods Coiilelo in Every Line. . H. S. ELDEEDGE, Sunt- ; sL - y IchIbro ; 27 EAST Tlllim .STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. - ' ,. tr letli Guaranteed (o be equal to any imported. tea BT FOR BALE I., SALT IAKC CITV, X. C. SI. OODEN AXD LOUAW. Co operative Stores and other dealers and would do well; to patronize these goods d introduce ithe m to their cotoincr. ' OVERLAND HOUSE, W. A. PITT, 1 ARKED DOWN Salt Lake City, Utah. - Clcafaad ' Our Sttick Taking: llnlsbcd; wo liavo MAIN STREET, . - i GRAGKERS.CAKES & JUMBLES, d al ii ' 'FANCY! AD PIjAIN , WE Manufacturers of. tpriator. 1 Best Arcoatedatloas la tbs fityiat the Kat is Ckargc4, f 1.00 to 1.60 per ay. f 25 CENTS. SINGLE MEALS, i i i Street cars Open Day and Kight. ' pass to and from Depots. LtW To such I FIGURES, aatctll fiKtifa y "X - to-da- 1 y; : OFFERED IN OUlt SILK and "VELVET, nnrnn nnnnn SiBlilllA i 1 Magnolia Balm two-tniri- ,i 1, 1,11)1 Ii i FPU ei opr. ls t EiWieries , of-whi- :. - I "U-v- . PAEMEES Two-Row- ed : saltMe cin . . -- Uu : tfcGAJ NOTICE. T, - : - l , , . to-d- ay tMreo-torv- . - ; --demand . -- rect-iv- e - 1 .'f ! ' GIW OYEIUDOITSj Ml In tho Probate Court ia and for the County : of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah.; I of Matter Lewis EsUte Ia the tho of i Hobison, deceased. "NLAllAai KOlJlSOX.thO admlnistratrig V of the estate ot Lewis Kobison, deceased, having filed her petition herein for an order of sale erifled, dely ot the real estate of; said ot certain part praying decedent for tho purposes herein act fortlit It is therefore ordered by tbe Judge of aid Court that all persons interested in tha estate of said deceased, appear before the said Probate Court on Mondar, the Kid February, 18d, at 11 o'cloe'k in; the dayot forenoon of said day at tho Court Room Of said Probate Court," at tbe County Court House, in tho City and County of Salt Lakei Territory of Utah; to show cause why an order should not be granted to tbe said administratrix to sell so much of tho real es tate of tbO said deceased at public or prirate ale as sball bo necessarr ; and tht a copy of this order be published at least four successive week in tbe Dkbrrkt Ktksiku Kjcwb, a newspaper printed and pnhJi&ned in said city and county, J.; Dated January lWh, 1880. ''KUAit A. 8M1TIIV f. ''' i Probate Judge, j and BOYS' WISTER CLOTIIISU Suits to Omer at Cost! i ' ' : ' ' , 'i - - CARPETS: GREftTLY REDUCED ladies f ana Childre n's :: f- Tertutort or Utah, ITats Bonnets, Wings, Tips mj lit will pay j.ou t& Call $r Order .. J -- ! ; ') 188U JaucaryA. D., JOHN C. CUTIFF ; -- i - X ESTABLISHED 1864. ; aw WE ARE NEVER. UKDEHSOLO , i' Mail, -- ; - fry Olt RETAIL.' miZOEESXCUE I. John O. Cutler. Clerk of tho Probata Court in and for the County of Salt Lake, in tbe Temtocy ot Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an order to show canoe in the matter of the estate of Lewis Kobtson. deceived, as appear of record in my office. In witness whereof,. I have Ii hereunto set my hand and , affixed tbe seal t said (Kal1 . i, .Court, this' 19th day ' f ' r ' :. i . iJ i , ' Probr tCXtik. i , Lata at PhlladelpUU, ' !.) ; EYE and EAR; ';, r i i j"!:rn I i : i1 - ' ' i ' i .. ' i . ,v - ri ii . .1,- - -- J. rr.' S it I f jum opened an ouico at No, 43 W. SECUNO SOUTH BTJ : t itoom , ? Dr.FOOTE,Senior, " Wm and Laces, Very ; H 1 r f ' ? . II " to-da- . mm IF A I T ' 1 I'll'lJaJaJ lJIUVliJ e - INDUCEMENTS EXTRA e, up tsiaira, , , , l Ma" Dr. Eoi hot ease no under treat' tent which win neetUatt kU remaining tn th4 city one month store. 1 " DR. Specialty Is Diseases of ' , j " gAIS'8 tbe KYK and EAE ' - j. i" r-l Kinging in tbe Kars, JATA UU H of the Kara, Eyes, Nose, Throat, - v and Alucous Paasagesi v i'jf ; V'l ili'l .i ' jj I WITHOUT and without Chloroform or i 1 ' . . .n'l .rr..--'."l-- tlWLS! . . forms 1. ISi !i Dr. Bain has acquired AS - . GREAT . . BKTLL A u rvu T . .CI'U. a.v.' L . .v- ., u, ii V(e penvrmi rations by the motaartroved and auceens ful methods. Cataract, Cross Kres, Ptcry; gium, Iridectomy and the remoral of foreign bodies from tho Eye, are operations he pert I mm f A. 3IEFS. BOYS' and YOUTHS' I ly tber. ' GRANULATED tJDS. ' ' It is now four veara aincm nv am I..I... began to fall out, and m eyes folt as If sand or dirt was in them. finally greatly interfered with my work;They I tried from tune to time many thins thst I waa tnM vnniii cure them, but my eyes continually grew worse until they looked raw, like two puscea of meat, The evelids were verv mmh thickened and constantly covered with, a thick yellow mucons,which was very annoying to me and repulsive to others. Xext to tbe last eminent doitor that I eononlted told me that I could not look for relief under six months' time. I then went to Dr. Sain, and after being under his treatment six days my eyes were comDarativeiv wn and the inflam They lookaunatural again, anow they are entirely mation is gone, H. A, Bccklkt. . cured, 3S8 Market St., FhiUdelphia, Fa. 1 i " s : Examination for Spectacles'. ! Tn iViBTiortinn with t. . wusiJ. makes cv pociAlty of exarotning for. and lit1? tin awaa with nntanU. . a. .Orlctr . . n.llTnotloal .ff.. a i tl V HJHTT ,- - iiiiUilii mil) For Fall and Winter! - ; i ALSO BOOTS ' '1 HOEB in j:rrur variety. . w& the lenaes stnd tite tlie slaooe. Special attention given to tht fitting of dijjicult and children' tipectatie$. W No charges unlens you hare au examination made. CONSULTATION 1 Ut.lt hours 10 a, m. to 1 p, m., and p m. qrac to 8 p.m. TEASDE L'8i i |