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Show 3 TUB DISTRICT COUB1V- NEWS. MORE COSVICTIOMS . Friday :lm:,t: Febi-oai- 19, ISM. x . I' s ... - ;. TIGHT A X5f OtY CASB. OXTB - 'm The ThlrdDistrict Court room was filled with spectators this morning, -- FRAGMKNTS. . . s .'.' 1 - 1-- -- o i -." LOCAL NEWS. Now.-W- e know a fine clean who apples brings gentleman to'raarket, whose orchard is surroundtrees of his ed by the worm-eate- n neighbors. He says that be strips the worms oft the trees and crushes them with his. gloved hand; flow much easier and cleaner work it is to destroy the pests in embryo, by simply clipping oil the eggs at 300 a clip and then utilj . ,! ' nave received the following as a special per ' Deseret telegraph line ; Paris, Idaho, Teb. 12, 1SS0. Editor Dtftrtt Ntviti ij Abijg fire occcurred at th Mont-pelldepot early this morning. It originated from a lamp: ia Murphy's resuuraat. Ghee's saloon, Mrs: and lodging Morgan' restaurant house. Mcintosh's saloon and; Mcwere burned. The carty's restaurant ftmildlnss were totally destroyed, but were some ot the stock and furniture, ' W. Hock. avd Fire at iiU, JOHN P. up. 'i No evn Gideon TnrnbnU, "W. H- - Remington. Elmer Hill, George Tait, Fred Grose. W. M. Ferry. , i Geo. Tnrnball, F. H. Bern in, Fred Grose, James Owens, J. J. Greenwald, X. A.JScribner. W.M.erry. ! i . - James Berry.! Jerome isongara, W. K. Smedley . Bolivar Roberts, nt; -- , The Indictment was read, charging John P. Ball with unlawful cohabita tion with his wives from Jan. 1. 1882to Nov. 80, 1885. Emma Anderson Ball and Phebe Birkenhead Ball were named as the wives of the defendant. Isabel Ball was the first witness. She was lit years old. Mr. D1CK30Q w nas is your iacnecs name? Miss Ball could proceed no farther and burst Into tears, as did also one of her sisters who had been summoned as witness. The defendant requested that his daughter be excused from testifying, and offered himself as a witness in the case. He testilled that the women named in the indictment were his wives, and had lived with him as such durlne the Derfod named. The jury, having listened to the charge ef the Court, returned a verdict of guilty, through W. H. Remington, foreman. Sentence will be pronounced on Sat urday, Feb. 27. The next case taken up was that against THOMAS J OSES. There were three indictments acrainst this defendant, the.bne selected charging cohabitation with Eliza Jessie Jones and Mary Qrgill Jones, from Dec. 1, 1882. to Dec. 31. 1883. as his wives. The following were called as jurors : J. C. Conklin, sell-evide- , lumbers were was taken called, and the Jury stood as follows : George Tnrnball, i. JVK. Hernia, James Owen, J. J. Ureen wald, K. N.Greene, H. A. bcnUner, nt f . , peace and, the litigants not being satis fled, the case is now appealed to the Third District Court. The costs of the litigation are now already sufficient to break the poor man up If they should fall upon him, and would go a long way toward impoverishing bis neighbor If the suit should) go against him. It would have been far better for all concerned if they had avoided going k law, ' but however, reprehensible it was In the in Jured man to sue1 his brother la the civil courts, there can certainly be no Justification for ths other persisting In allowing his animals to prey upon his neighbor, contrary to the counsel of the Ward au- - Jlontpellerr-rW- e ! I er . - !i Eecoverins. The maoy friends of Brother Wml Harrison, will be pleased to tea &at he has so ar recovered as to be considered; entirely out of d$ny er, a his wounds are healing and the bon of bis leg and ana are "knitting" nicely, lie i wishes- tO thank bU friends, :who hayef so kindly and liberally contributed to his comfort thus far, daring bis sicknBSs, and wishes they may never be placed in, a MasUar condition. ' To the power of God, bestowed in answer to the prayers offered l bis behalf, is to be attributed Ills early recover," f A9Ht Meeting. has furnished ns with was gentleraaa who the present h rijK following t At 8 o'clock fon' Thursday afternoon of the 7th Ward Primary the children held their fourth annual AMocIatlon of' Mrs. roeeUng, aoder the direction addition ia Mmnie James, president.!were present, to the Association there Bishop Thorn, Mrs. Harriet A. Shaw, 1 Having determined on making a Other people who have been guilty of allowing their stock to run loose to the detriment of their neighbors should take warning from this case and stop the practice. - Tha youug laaie also sang severaltfaets with organ accompaniments. The secreury, Miss LlUey McLach-Iaa,th- J0LIC9 Frikdlandkb was tried the Police Court this afternoon, for steali ng a watch j Prices of Photographs Reduced at FOX STBIOMH. I- te work done by the stantaneous Process. AH ; report, read the-- sUtiptlcal ana an members enrolled, The Iveraw attendance report also snowed the number and kind of exercises darins the yearJ W. Walker, J; Th treasurer, Master Trie financial statement; chUdrln had donated the sum of $35 ai, thus and H& bad been expended, balance of little lolk ol books SSssfnthS treasury. The. Kth these officers were kept in a (Creditable manner. i Tables were spread and 82 children . at down to a sumptuous feast. the children enjoyed After lunch ana themselves In a number of games, went noBie, at 630 tired p.m. the little ooesGod to wm and asklirg happy, fiister James, their kind president, Who them another mark of her kit gireo love and devotion, especially lots of play and no tedious speeches 09 this annual meeting day. . -- PEKMANElfT. UTRTJP OF FiUH. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleasant to the Palate, acceptable to the tomsf h, harmless In its nature, valn- Cen- es ta tta aition. Cure habitual tuifltioa, uiiiousness, indigestion ana iudrea ills. Cleanses the system. urifles the blood, regulates the Liver nd acts on the Bowels; Breaks Colds ihiils and Fevers, etc; Strengthens rgans on which it acts. Better than Itter. nauseous Liver medicmrs.rllls. free,; and large bottles for sale .'by all Z C. M. I "Drug Store, drujrtsts. w nonesaia gents, aaks uity . lic it DL'CKLEBI A. 3ST 3D I ', 01 In- Dry-Pla- EEDUCTION - will offer Special Bargains in; all departments, and rcspectf ijlly ask tlio attention of the public to the great I advantages we have to offer. Stock, i: ; 1 yo EAGLE EIPOBI ABXICA 8AI.VE. Salts In the world for (if CARPETS immense reduction i It our Show Window, and 99" See 1 Bargains Fail to See Don't GEORGE DUMFORD'S Gp ' : i ter jUnderwearand(entsVl',uisla at UKEAT UEUUCJntUN I 3XT ESI es ?? Xj Fine SjtoBs for Ladies' Wear: -- y - . i , a i t xi7 -- pnv. , Shoesjor Bents' Wearw Fine IT i'oxorsr I 4 "" " " ; df-Mr- FINE " " ' Co-ir.h- JL Ij 1ST 1ST S3 XJm OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ClIEAPER THAN EVER! 3E". LARGEST STOCK of CHILDREFS SHOES r j ........ ' At Less than Manufacturers9 Trices t , 1 . i MAKE FINE SHOES j in tlie 0011 SHOE HOUSE ! O "V E3 3E3. C O JL. Aha allil Heavy Weight Clotliing, Win ' j: QUALITIES, OUT ALL E&MTS mm t was-badl- I COMPARE PRICES The Best Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt XI. i; JBAUST, Kheum, Fever sorep, Tetter, unappea Chairman Executive jCommittee. Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erections, and positively cures Piles. to or Address" ail communications no pay required. It is guaranteed to of Utah suell the Henry Secretary satisfaction, or money Cattle and Horse Growers' Associa five perfect Price 25 cents per box. tion. FOR SALE AT Z. & M. I. DRUG STORE. Qobo's Death. Our correspondent, James Stoddart, who informed s a If & well be poisoned, woe be to few days since of the negro Gobo being those who drink thereat. It is worse the fountain of life for one's shot, sends las under date of 9th Inst., to poison and for posterity. Often by careJOHN Y. SMITH from Oakley, Idaho, the following par self, lessness, or tnisfortune.or Inheritance, was called. There were also three in ticulars of the shooting, which he says this has been done. Ayer's Sarsaparil-l- a dictments In this; instance, charging is according to the statement of the frees the blood, the vital stream.and cohabitation with Frances Smith and restores appetite, strength, and health. : negro Annie Hilton Smith as his wives. The following Jurors were retained. "He was herding sheep on the bills I all the even numbers being thrown out, a short distance from this place, when TO roe nrsi 12 cauea Demg excused m a a person named Fj. Bedke, accompanied 11 body. of them for their belief in oyanoiner roan, roue up to mm aua JOHN C. CUTLER Jfc I1RO., plural marriage and one peremptorily : ordered him to take, his sheep away Agenfs ProTo Woolen Bltlls, Gideon Turnbnll, from that neighborhood. This he reElmer Hill. Geore-- Tait. H. N. Greene. fused to do unless he. Bedke. could FOIt IIOMli 1U4DE GOODS, James Berry, J. C. Conklin. ahow a deed for the land on which he IVhoIesnle nnd ltetall, Ko. Before these jurors were sworn, the was herding. After a short altercation iS5 Hooper nnd ldredge from his horse and, District Attorney stated that, as a ma- - (f Bedke got adown desire to talk the matter Block. expressing some time to confer with others In re- over quietly, got thejnegro oft his guard when he pulled his pistol and comOr. Ilenlcy'a Popnlar Reiaedy, Celgard to the case. S. H. lie wis and menced shooting. Morris It. Evans were subpoenaed ns first shot mast have been aimed Has the ery, Beef and Iran, relieved witnesses, snd the coart took a recess atThe sale, and has his and carried away his eye- and curedlargest 15 temple for minutes. At the expiration of more persons afflicted with UEYNOIiDS'i BROS., ana him brow. Thi stunned he fell. Mr. Dickson asked, and was that time, nervous troubles than any one known attempted to rise, but P. COX CO., granted until 2 p. m., to decide what ' He remedv. beaten head about the the with coilrse to pursue.. sale by Z. C. M. I, Drugstore. WOLF & LOWMAN, and shot again in the hetsd while pistol, down, 'For Roberts & Nelden, Moore, Allen & Co., When court opened at; 2 p;m., Mr. the bullet entering at the back part of vouoe, nits uo. ana A. J. smitn KEL.LEY & MOORE, head the the and to neck, -l indictcase asked ranging Dickson that the oh where it stopped close to the Jugular vJO. ment No. 263, for the year 1831, be con- vein and not very deep from the bkin. tinued for the term. Indictment No. 2K9 was then taken up This has been extracted with very litfll.Ent 1MLK.1I1 PILES 11 THEIN WE CARRY THE -i- ', tle trouble, and was flattened; neither and proceeded with. ..are for Dliod, Bleeding and Sure Dau, no we ver, entered tne sktui. Bedke l'li-II. N. Qreene was peremptorily chal- then Oue box has cured the tt'hlg iaes ct 20 years standing No shot him again, the bal. entering worm lenged by the prosecution, and Gideon his side from the back and cc ming out 6t brfd Turnbnll by the defense. suffer five minutes afu-near the navel, picked up th negro' s nsiSb Wiaiam The following were jthen called : s Indian Pile Ointment and the two Us --.bsoil's tumors, his horse mounted gun, Jerome Bongard, ilayitchinr, Piacts George Tnrnball, ad.! He. as rode d hrtn for away, leaving Win. H. Ferry, Fred. Grose, poultice, rives instant relief were before recovered however, heyj ' for F. II. liemifl. J. J. Green wald. 1 Pilrs, itching; o! the irLM gone very far and heard t) eir cou- - pard uly Bolivar Koberta. James Owens, hothiag else Sold by versation as to the disposition ot the lruggif.tdpart, mailed es receipt of The indictment charges the offense gun, and, after waiting awhile longer, pri :r, c aud viid $1.00 arto nave oeen committea auring ttie started down to the settlement and K? M I 7. bv For sale Drug Dept rived at the house of Walter Matthews year 1883. Fkazika Mkdicimk Co . Prop's, John Y. Smith, Jr., was the first wit- where he now is, in a critical condiCleveland. Ohio. ness. The defendant was his father; tion, waited, on by a doctor from Al1 witness' mother's name was Frances ; bion. Bedke, immediately after the shootduring 1383 she lived in Salt Lake City ; STOr THAT I'OCUa SHOES the defendant lived with her; his ing went to Albion aud gave LILLY, J5 ISA CKJETT C Co., MAKE himself tip By Di. Frazier'e lhroat and child was-1- 2 or 13; to the officers :. mother's youngest using 1$ A. JAMES LuBiK Jalnmu he cure 1 AGISTER, sure for onlj witness called defendant lather? (There is intense excitement over the Colds. Hoarseness aad Sore did- his affair and all sorts of rumors in the whether not know and all diseases of tbe throat WIIIG1IT & 1ZICIIARBS, mother had been called mother In the air, to the effect that it' was a pre- Throat, J ues. Do not neglect a couch. STACY. ADAMS V& CO., J defendant's presence i never beard de- meditated attack on the part of Bedke, and prove tatad Scores and hun- fendant call Francis his wife or M rst but of coarse bis side of the story ,ls It may of ft 4t, gratftul people owe their CHARLES husnor him call her her heard to'comei Smith; yet to Dr lives Frazler's and Thioat Lnnt of never defendant heard came Gobo to this country from Ualsani, ud no band; speak family will ever be bis marriage; supposed they were Africa when very young, and was in (without alter bote using it, and disAnnie Hilton six or knew lor the family of Bishop Hunter, of covering itits married; It Is power she lived In the uext GrantsvilleL several has always unt up ia largemarvelous eight years; Wo have; tlie Best S3.QO Shoe in the Market, family bottles and sold house in 1883, in the Same enclosure been civil, inoffensivelyears; and to generous 15 for the small botoer.ts of M me.-Upiip per took defendant Ladies' and .Gents Wear. a that time fault is for and his esteemed during highly' by tle For sale bvZ. C M I DrugDept with witness' mother, and asked a acquaintances. j for Ladies' Wear, in Also, the Best $2.50 Shoo blessing on the food and offered family f prayer; did notfor! remember him Kid. irand Goat and Hoarseness. The Pebble, Stock Trespass. The question of Coughswhich tnduces witness' mother blessing askinga coughing is Imas his wife; Annie Hilton had five or the rightfulness of turning out cattle ritation cannot bo beat; also, Shoes for Men, 9 of nse relieved the mediatelyby six children, the eldest 11 or 12 years to roam at ilarge during the fall and "Brown's Bronchial Troches." Sold a Children's of and stock Boots had nop Boys' Heavy large old, the yougest about four; seen Annie Hilton for two or three winter months, has aroused almost us only In boxes. s for stock Bool of and and Shoes, Heavy think she much controversy (n this community weeks; at that time did not I All Wear.r will Men's of above the be : No so other medicine is reliable as was about to be confined Annie Ml as In any other, and no small amount Ayer's "Cherry Pectoral for colds. ton's children all called the defendant of bitter between brethren has all! feeding coughs, aud derangmenta of the father; during that! year defendant also time at witness? resulted, which In some Instances resmratorv organs tending toward spent most of the of the time when has.calminlted in trials before Bishops consumption, in all ordinary cases it mother's house all is a certain and It affords sure he was not on police duty; witness or AT High Cohncils and even before the relief fot the cure, had been in Annie Hilton's house, and asthmatic; and consump-t- i courts: civil A of the land. custom has ve.even in advanced stages of disease. had seen defendant go in the house, but had never met him there; during prevailed Almost universally in some the past three or four years, had not parts bf the Territory of abandoning seeu the defendant going to and from all THOUSANDS SAT SO. In the matter turning that house frequentl; did not know outrestrictions Mr. T. Atkm, Oirard, Kan., Octoafter week in the stock first defendant visited the whether tha writes! "I never hesitate to recomj Anoie-saw and defendant house In 188s; ber and allowing free .license to the mend your Electric Bitters to my cuslluton togetner once, put not in issa; animals until entire satisfaction "they the early part of the fol- tomers lived had defendant not know that did and are rapidgio sellers.? Electric BitHowever a much April.' lowing never poor witness Annie with Hilton; ters are the unrest and best medicine spoke to defendant bf bis relations man who Was unfortunate enough to know p,md will positively con .Kidney with her: did not know of any man have some of his crops still In the field and Liver complaint. Purify tbe Hilton's house.bioo-- t and 3 living in Anniewere tho bowels. No regulate HX issued for Frances during the late fall, or bis stacks can afford Snbpoenaes to 'toe without them. family or sufpoorly protected, might and Andrew Smith, children of the will save hundreds of dollars la Tbey defendant. fer from the encroachments of the cat- doctor's bills every year. W raj HUton next testified that be tle of his neighbors,he would jSold at fifty cents I bottle atZ.C. knew defendant; he lived in Salt Lake be almostwealthier U.I. Drugstore. sure f to make himself exwho seen Frances bad Smith, City: lived with defendant; witness had a ceedingly unpopular by Impounding r., by sister named Annie, about 40 years of the animals' or otherwise seeking such Hw to CoimdK Ir. Fo(e, ' Mall. she lived next redress as the law age; four years ago might afford, or even AND door to defendant; a year ago she lived Ser ior, author of 'Plaln Dr. at witness' house ; last saw ner before calling the (owners of the trespassing Rome Foote, "MedlcaU Common the grand Jury, about two months ago; animals to account before the Church Sense," Talk," etc.. etc., would to those 1&l oe? did not know now long she lived next tribunals, jln- fact. It is difficult 'to who would like to consultsay him by mail to Smith's did pot qow where she make can a bare of that list tbey questions somi believe is that It people witness bad siterr Marlived now: and a circular of gratuitous advice by garet ' Bailantyne.the"living on First; contrary tofejtlier Uy or Justice to so addressing Box 414, Salt Lane City. Eleventh Ward South Street, in Tbe doctor bas arranged to have inforthir stock, j did not know whether .Annie was mar- turnout mation supplied in this way to save All the fall and past present 'through be abe that had children; three time. Receiving! such printed matter ried; 4 i knew of; , did not .know who their winter, complaints of cattle encroachcan describe his or tbe , j v i father was; did not jk how whether' ments have been coming to ns from! her correspondent case fullv and direct It to the doe- S3F" TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION No. 879. in New York. Dr. Foote is auc- they were legitimate or oastards. Dickson thought ItVpsssiug strange the rural districts, and not a few tor, au 01 enronic cebsiu lorms treatintr iy not-taken interest queries as!j to the law npon cattle; diseases, a specialty to which he has that witness bad. enough In bis sister to learn more of trespass, it is not only a fact that devoted thirty rears of study and her thin n!s evidence Showed. there Is a law by which the damage so practice. Evldet ces of his success can Witness, resuming: There had been caused also be had by addressing Box 414, as may be recovered, but that no quarrel between himself and Annie; but all letters of consultation was as iguorant respecting his other true economy and a due Regard for the above, and orders Ior remedies should be adhis as other Annie; singers regarding Interests of poor people should dictate dressed to Dr. E., B. Foote, Sr.;, 120 sisters were Kmma, Emily and Harriet. Lexington Avenue, New York City, a different;! order ot things to that N. when we Y. Consultation free. ; The trial was which has prevailed In the past in many An advertisement ot Dr. Foote, Sr., went w yfcao. ' In another place, deserves attention. places in this particular. a eod&s. now set is the up by plea Economy; ' ADDRESS TO STOCKMEN? , some toi wanting stock to run at are bv endorsed '"I Angostura Bitters, more It be ' ' but though , may, ,1 , ' , ; all the leading physicians and chemists, ( ',1 ' Re-- - large, and i. iVJgllance ' Qrganizaaon stock the ' l' economical for t heavy ' ! for their purity and wholesoraeness. r . s vour quired to Prevent stealing. ' owners to1! folio Beware of counterfeits and ask this rule, it grocer or druggist for the genuine arti Advantages of OradlajrtJp Cattle aswl quite the reverse to the poor far cle, manufactured by Dr. J. O. B, Sre- :";.mer who has botj.few animals, and cvrii t oous. 'Horse.; "'):'. could better afford to stake them be? Jn looking over the past year we i - s i as !, the people do almost univers out, AWlLHUaSKEiETOH. It. hold much good that has resulted from to than Mr. E. springer, of Mecbanicsburg, Our labors in the stock Interests. ally throughout Scandinavia, 1 VI we form to 1 first When commenced wasafilxted with lung have his fields overran and his scanty Ha., write Dealers tn x: Manufacturers associations, we met with much oppo- substance wasted by his neighbors' fiver and abscess-olungs, and re- a this has all a duced to skeleton. and Got. sition incredulity; M M free trial botiVs of Dr. Kiug'4 New Disbeen overcome and we hare not only herds preying upon bun. If some peo4 or twenty associa ple prefer to pasture; their laud after covery for lusuinptlob, which did ui organized nineteen oeen consoiiaatea their crops are harvested they should o much, go Jd that I bought a dollar tions, but tnese nave into a Territorial one, which will In the either bottle.. Alter iising three bottles, fence their fields or herd their found next meeting we have be incorporated rojfcif ooije more a man.com-p- h f alrestored to heaith.wlth a hearty stock upon their own land, and not under the laws of Utah. t'ly been and a ginij flesh of 4S lbs." All feelings of Jealously have low their aniniajs (o stray upon their appetiw, are at stockmen Z.U.lli.1. Drug Store and working tail allayed, andjill ' t In harmony. But all organizations are neighbors' domains; and H they do, so get a free trial bottle, of this certain reto be mako not as, yet perfected. cure for all Lung jQiseases. Large willingthey ouizhtto a" Is to Now while It is winter the time for the damage done. A case bottles i .00. hold your meetings and enroll new compense occurred South Cottonwood not long at commembers, and let your executive mittee select detectives. This Is high since, which illustrates the extremes IJJ PORT AN f QUE HI FS AKSWERXt 1 -Ilare von Scrof uKf Impure Blood? J-T- -dto which people will sometimes go in iy necessary, as all the Territories will form a detective force their obstinacy in following out the old Kidney Disease or Rheumatism? Deso that a thief leaving one place with lays arc dangerous. Yon can be cured ' be apprehended In custom of turning out their stock con-- ; now by using ' i stolen property can ' .. to the wishes of their neighbors. another. trary rtROWlVS MARniPARlLLA We have received word that a large A man in that ward who owns a good 'lh lodld Pota herd ot cattle has been gathered in many animals has persisted for years Aad Dnnttrllon ....... li m,j southwest Colorado that was stolen his" stock to ruq at A Mood Furlfler that all Physician that past in allowing from southern Utah; aUo horses Parties desiring any of the above, are In were driven west, unless cae stock-me- n large,; notwithstanding the frequent endorse. Ask your druggist to show commence formula and will become more vigilant these protests of his ' the you using vlted to call and examine our Stock and ; neighbors who were at once. continue to plundering 'thieves will will . YKS! 150,000 boxes of BKOWN'S say that troubled ty .their j encroachments, raid us. Many stockmen and Finding that fair words would not ARNICA SALVE, sold on a positive before purchaslngf cl3cnicro. they have but few cattle or horses have no need of Joining us. To them I avail with him, one of his neighbors, guaranty and not one returned. cures burns, cuts, bruleea, sore will say, that if lose their few, it who rents a farm and ete. Beware of is more of a loss they to them than to a man a poor man piles, ' K taat has many. If a man bas a team, of requires all his land will pro- use ooly Brown's 2ftc. a box.Imitations, horse's and they are stolen he ia afoot, duce to make a living. In his exaspera' Use Brown's Tar Troches for Sore . and who will heln him to hnnt them? tion sought redress for the Colds, etc. Throat, damage Use Brown's Pepsin Tonic for"Dys-pcpslBat if he Is a member of som'e'associa which be sustained bj law. Two trials Indigestion, Headache, etc CORIiER UST zni TEHPIE STS., SALT! UKF Ci'n tiuu, ever utuci uieinoer wouiu u Interested in their recovery. 'There were had! before the Justice of tie No remedy can can compare with it. The Jury were accepted without ex amination. The defendant; Thomas Jones, testi fied that the women named In the in dictment were his wives, and during the year 18S3 lived with him in that reiauonsnip. rne lurv gave a verdict of ruutv. and February 27th was set as the date for i sentence, The two other indictments against the defendant Jones j were continued for the term, and the case against SWSE3E of hll HEAVY WINTER GOODS, preparatory to the Arrival of our Spring B GO T in i J1EISER, f BARGMS DEPAEll'TS Ll' ALL ! THE WALKER BROS. CO. " i !' 1' - s l 250 :6 that a large ! , SOLD AT LOW PRICES . t u. GEORGE DMFQRD'S if DAVID JAMES & CO., LIC un-fene- ed S F3LMBSE ' M; I' '; s It b - 9 M o - ri-- i i - SEMI 0m tern "i? - .... , 'j ( -- - ; iflESilT JEWS CO - - - - iisii Aim J-Ju- rn JU f inter-mounta- in 'Ju ; '.' .;:.. , - '.;, ! Jzrj , :. . ." lrfnv - Al-ws- vs 200 Misses' and Children's: Kewmarkcts and Havelocksj DESERET NEWS COMPANY, ; a, .'JTII WHICI.7B frHl..vH..-ji- ! W AT LESS 'til ARE BELLING ( j .TIIANittAXCrAGrUIirJlS COSTI r LADIES' WHITER SKIRTS ;AT "LESS Wa ara clearing out a lot of ELEGANT at a Croat JLoist. -- fcij r TMSICOST! PATTERN 8UIT8 ! 1 IS litre ' perer been offered bo low at the prlcea w TO re quoUiiK. i . ir t i rndlc' i Clollis, Koincrpntirt, nnd Iltcry Varlrty of Winter Dress Vooila AT (JOSTI re offnrln tbrea distinct 'lfncsj of JU'IIcb fcearkt Umlenrcar, ( thJ fbllowinx Induction ot Prices!. Oar 1.5 qalitr. mluml to 1.00 iVe onr fl.CO to fj.00. As .'-i'l--- quality, reduced to -. t.&0; our lull, iceular $3.00 quiity, reduced SI KAN TU CtKAU OUT TIIKSK LINKS. offering GREAT BARGAINS in ovr Muslin Udcainear. rST'WK utual v our are Our rDOc. j . . Embroidered Back Kid Clove at $r.OD, and are tho Cheapest Kid Ciovoe now ' GLOVU, j will ... O , sold In this country. . ej-J- CLOAK DEPAHTMS NT. 200 Iadlcn t tb left about ! - tsr : ' Ela "... Varlou Style; -- ,,!...(. AN ACTUAL i GSS OarmentB, ronalutlnn jeKJJNT,. BOOK ANU STILAW - it We tUr 1 MANILLA , J IP! " 1 . i Sale?! i Hi; and ' fa. accordance with onr established ciiitoni we have marked DOWif iur Katlre Block, and are toSerltiK many lloea of ,. goood aunog mis moaia Ji HI 1 . 'I BROS. :,; M : Hr r-- -: - k 'a'. i. , .. MM ' r 1 rr a? iej tn ' "1V ;. I I en I dmiSIAKr .1 . . - f i thorltlei. ; , 75 .1 ? j - A Niw Is The Time ll . Strike Them izing them as fuel. cal- ! to-da- If too don't soon clip ' the tops , of Xrolt trees and barn the eggs 70a those f may lookout for even a larger harvest Df caterpillars' than was raised last year? lA ;few days of warm weather Tlll soon bring them onfe. "Obtixo"- for Fehrniry comes to hand a little later than iaaal, but full of Items of interest to lovers of all classes of recreatloaon land and sea. With this number Pouftney Bigelow mounts tho editorial trlppd and proral ees a rlch.'programme for the coming ' summer. I'citMKB. ithe Brother C. 4 jrentlemaaly agent' of the Utah 4 Northern at .Logan, and his father, Almon L. Palmer, who need to reside In this city, but for many years past has been a member of ttje Providence Ward, are in town, having come down from the forth to attend the funeral of their relative, Mrs. p. w. F. Smith. We have received with the compliments of Junius Young &j Co., a photographic view of the Legislative party who lately visited the; Territorial Insane Asylum, taken whil they were at tne . & it. u. station ju$t Deiore iney started for Provo. It U a very good picture, the features of a!large number Jn the group being clearer discernable. Ik the House branch of the Legislature this afternoon of tie claims Zera Snow for $100, Beaveij County for $1,083.4 and Sheriff Johi W. Turner, for $713.20 were allowed House jbill amending- chapter three 'of the laws of lSS4,was read the third time and passed by a vote of 16 to resolution was adopted) to print for circulation among superintendents and teachers 5,000 copies of the reports ot the circular and board of regents of the University of Deseret and the Territorial school superintendent.-Ix examining Jurors tdiserve on the Smith case this morning, Newton Dun-yo- n expressed himself. as having a general sympathy for those; being tried for his living with their wlves "Sowing-tlong residence among tha people. lie also stated that he would find a verdict for convlctioa If the evidence warranted lC He was challenged, and the Court in excusing him, said rudely and sharply, "Stand aside, until you are ablo to answer questions better than that." It seems that a Juror cannot even have a feeling of sympathy for the "Mormons," .without being subjected to insult by the: Court. TjHis morning, W. II Remington, who claimed, to have laid aside his prejudices. In order to be an "impartial" juror, when being examined in the trial of the Smith case, answered satisfactorily that he had ho prejudice, bias, etCpi that would prevent his giving the accused a fair trial; that he presumed the defendant innocent until proven guilty, and other replies of a similar import; in answering one question, however, he remarked, "my impression is that he is gallty.'j The dodging on the part of the Juror was so apparent that xhe Court promptly ex--' cosed him. Ik the Legislative Council this atter-- . noon, the substitute for the bill; to restrain bulls from running at large lug certain portions of jthe year, was returned from the committee on agriculture with several,' amendments thereto, read the first time and ordered printed. It was moved by Mr .Hammond, that when the Council adjourn it shall be until Monday at 3 p. m. ' The bill to provide revenue for the Territory of Utah and the se veral counties thereof was then read the '.third time. Mr. Page desired to amend it by sub stituting three mills for four mills on the dollar for Territorial purposes, and five mllla'for six mills on the doll&r in the county tax, and that a proviso be added to provide for the county courM levying and collecting;; a tax of iiot more than one mill oh the dollar to Improve highways la their respective counties. Mr. Sharp said he was willing that mttor tha hill had ho An K9.rl unit amended , the Council have the prirl-feg- e of adding all such amendments they la their wisdom may deem best. The bill was being read when we went to press. D-jw- and the first case for trial on the endar y, that against men are many n seemingly sr good. loin any organi who do sation, and these may be said to sympathizes with thieves. The good resuitlnx from our last rear's organiza tions are Something over so carloads 01 nne cattle Havel been Imported at a cost of $100,000; the change these will make in next year's caives win oe: at one year 01a inateaa of getting $13.50 yon will get from $20 to $100. and this is no guess work. A Holstein calf at; four months old sold tils summer for $20O;the owner can now get ior it. A great many vaiuaoie siamona nave come to mo Territory, and among these many large ones, t If we had a thousand head of horses. Weighing from twelve to eighteen hundred pounds, we could Una ready sale ior them at not less than from, threei to six hundred dollars a f span. The orders that We receive from the east all want from a thousand to sixteen hundred pound mares or horses; of these w now have but few, and none to spare; hence, I would advise horsemen to get large sires. It takes but little more .expense or labor to raise a good horse than a poor one. If stockmen think that we are not losing stock euongu every year to run our schools throughout tue Territory, they are much mistaken. Four years ago a young man pur chased a herd of cattle at Cheyenne thousand dollars. City for twenty-fiv- e Some time afterwards the man that sold them was arrested by tne wvoming officers lor stealing other stock he then confessed to the young man that an the cattle he haa Jqst sold him . had been stolen from Utah, aud.thathe had better sell immediately, wnlch the young man aiaio sau junsaisn company ior $40,000. And still there are plenty of nientnatsee no nse 01 loinmg caute associations;!: stockmen, you nave no time to Jose; but go at once ana per fect your organization. Let (he presi- aentana secretary visit eacn settlement and see the stockmen, and those officers tnat have not done anything or win not, win please resign ana let those Who will act take their places. . eacn association to maxe a re i wisn of the percentage fa deatnof cat port tie as near as posslole, as we are required to send one to the International Association. Toe leport can be obtained in yotir meetings. 1 especially request tnose memoers who attended the convention to asbist in their respective conntles. opn 00 which will bo MECE9 dlipoel I WIIITK2 IIAMmTKO -- of o at KMIlROIDKRtKS, Afitoalshlngly Ijovt I rice I |