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Show ifews; Evening nmuM 1 73 1 1 00 WEEKL WIDflSDlT. One Cony, one yeair. with Postage, si x months, y HAZARD POWDER $3 00 1 50 three months, .80 PUBLISHED BT N EWS Territory Congress Is emancipated 01 tue constt from ail tne iiuntations idU ii tntion; well known and justly: celebrated I beg the Senator's C3- - CJIIlIE0"W"CD JEilI 1 . Mr. ftiaxey. such position. I pardon. X tookof uo our power over the Blasting;, Kentucky Rifle, simply spoke Fair lawn, Dack, Electric Fuse. Territories. i: Mr. Call. What does the Constitu . ror sale at wholesale and retail by all the (i r leading fetores in the Territory, and at tion say wholesale only by J. W. Sanders & Co. f Congress shall make no law of speech or Of the agents, salt iaxe City, abridging-the freedom n . THE' DESERET CO., SALT LAXE CITY, UTAH. j CHICAGO TRADE. ; nmnmn . smir nn ioM 5. Jeffertom St., Chicago, z ion wagon scaie, ion,3U. 4 Toa SOO, Beam Box lndudod press. j jS2sSiiM 240 lb. Farmer's Scale, 83. "Little Detective" Xo. to 33 ft. $3. FORGES. TOOLS. Etc. Bast Forge lad for Light Work, SI0 vinw abtu ana Kit or xoou, sio Itmqi liTlKTImutMainklM. Urn Vn . juta strongest j -- I 11 sS of, RecuNiWG Chair im Market, end postal to the following addreai for Informa-- the tt'Vs, ii ygZZ A -- 'I IffjTt Jb i ; WsW aU over tha V3 world and . we to c guarantee Satisfaction I u T- s. Vax j rrm. deose. TT33S3 " ! Lkimht , W1J1TK AHI JOHN C. NEEMES'S i . COLORED. ; CO., j I. SOLE AGENTS. Can le ob tained atJ.all their branch stores tbroaghont 'UASUrACTVBlNO Z. C. ass nit t the Territory. C0NFECTI0M1RS, mm PITTSBUAQH, PA., Mannf actnrers of omctA.cc. i i THJ PASIIAJiDLECAPtPETWARP Ihe Har Hey Reclining Chair Co., ILLINOia tCAQOt - efa g-- Crystal and Colored Table Ware J Lamp Goods,. Out Good are kept by&O. M. li, IU Branch a tore, ana aeaiers gesveraity in the Territory. Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Pails, Etc - A full line of our Goods can be found ESTABLISHED 1X50. Z. C. at. I. and iu branch Stores, Little ft atsja Bonndv's and Clark. Eldredge tJo's. f Mer & Co., Palmer, Wolfe, Piatton&Go., UJOtBD. Wholesale Blanufaetureis of MD DL0DS, SASIf, DOORS o tr aii x lit a--. om: HttnUU. iVir, Church JIuUli, Stair 9. Stair ItaiUftff, Itawtmtrra, Aearrfo, XT. . The Senator from Texas cited the law of libel. Ms it to be held that Con Kress may prohibit the; promulgation 01 opinions upon tne saoiect i tcov eminent or religion whether they be true or false?; Did any One ever hear that ttousrht Was to be aoridired and the expression of it? Does not that mean free speech? Does it not roen a free press? And it they do teach polygamy have they not their legal warrant for It in the guarantee of free dona ol speech) and is it not the principle of ourbvOoverncnent that we are free speech and free sustained as the foundation and support thought or our iiDerties ana an our civil insti tutions? Are we to be told bere to day Stoat this bill is right because it makes wait! anon ODtaion. political opinion, political teacning.tbe freedom of speech, and the freedom of the press? trWhy j sir, the argument is not auvanceato any oy tais just conclusion ii . i proposition, jtg havei af Mormons bjf the Ttecharter tight very by which we defend the Christian religion which for npany ceatnries was forbidden to be defended except ln the orthodox way. It was heresy to differ in opinion from the established creed of the government, and we owe our foundation as a gov ernment and a a people to the freedom 01 speech., tne ireeuom 01 religious! and political opinion, whether it be for monarcv or whether it he to Dromnl- gate false philosophies in regard to so ve reiy upon me omnipotence ciety. of free thought and free speech and a tree press fori our protection and for tae successor correct laeas. We are denartinz from that in this Vermont bill, and ther! Senator, frombecause-wtells us that this is right are dealing with a political hierarchy. Let us ; concede that it is apolitical c, tnat it teacnes laise, nierarcny, land immoral, doctrines. They have a right to teach them and we have a rigm to coniute mem oy iree speeco and free tnougnt. i nat is tne tjonsu tution And the fundamental principle of our government. Nobody ever ques tioned this before : and the Idea that because we pass laws of libel there fore we uiayi aoridge the freedom of speech, of thought, of expression, and provide that:; men shall only think and talk in support of bur ideas of not what we proclaim to be rlgnt, can be defended. Wby, sir, it seems to me strange that this bill should be defended upon that ground. ;xne Aiormon ennren or soci ety have as much right to teach their ideas, as me atstinguisnea orator who assails the UhrUttan religion has ; to teach his, and be has as much legal to proclaim his ideas and to have tight an association to support and disseminate them as we have a legal political right to associate for the maintenance of what we believe to be the divine laitn of Christ, ana that is the lesson of: the Gospel; and the. lesson of the unrtstian religion, it is by moral power that the religion of Christ ibas overcome polygamy in other countries ana otner times, ana it win be by its moral power j that polygamy in Utah will De overcome, wee tne r it be a political or a religious hierarchy docs not affect the argument. The prohlb ition of the Constitution remains the ' same. I insist, sir, that this argument to take possession-- , of this Mormon Church, to confiscate its property manage; its anairs, wnetner it be a political or religious institution, has no foundation; and that this Congress is expressly lorDiaaen or tne pro vixioiiei l at the ConetitntiOD." which forbid any law that shall abridge the freedom of speech from interfering witn tnem because 01 tne aoctrines which I they I; may teach, whatever thev mav be. iAnil it cannot be denied that this is not a bill to suppress but it Is a bill to LsunDres and a sect which teaches polygamy. destroy And the methods by which it proposes to suppress tnis sect, mis teacmn? ot oolvcamv. is iihe eontiscation or Its property, the seizure of the contribu tions 01 its ioiiowers, ana men arDi trary appropriation by Conztess to such purposes- as it thinks properjthe trial of its followers by partial tnrles. on evidence lorcea from tne lawful wife. However grievous may be! the evils of Mormon tsm these unlawful methods are not the proper means for its ovennrow ana can never accom Dlish this ouroosr. Mr. Calf. 1 nove to amend, in sec- -' tlon 13, line 3, by striking out after the word "to" the- words "forfeit and es cheat to the United States the property inserting the words "dissolve the cor poration existing;" so as to reaa :, Thattitlhalt be' the duty of; the Altorncv -- "pstaaHss'sB1 Our foods ars J " a o Sdd -- r "V.-- 1 . it ti i DESERET WE WS: rCBLISUEO EVERY SENATOR CAIXJ m mmmmmtM V, six months, three months," ' BRIN(KERHOFF, TURNER, & CO., RIGHTS THE "MORMON' CHURCH 109, Dnane KsV New York. In the U. $. Senate on Jan. 8th, Mr Manufacturer or and Deafer in Cottob, Iruid Mill A!i. Duck, of Florida, made the following Call, Woodberry.f 1oiji rates' and other favorite brands, a excellent remarks auralicrs Hard, Medium and Soft. Mr. Call. Mr. President, it has been f jbq ii tee cea asserted vet? often that there Was a an axvas Kl ot t numbers u to Cottom between this legislation and inches wide, for Deck, Car, Trunk, ami difference a iaw respecting religion, tnau this Wagon Coverings, Machine Aprons ant for other purposes, constantly in store ant ttll is not aiQenable to objection be cause mado to order, upon the political isolates J ..."Standard'" relations iHoriuotiisuK ouppotie we Agent for U. S. Bunting and " Eaprle," by the Caso or less quantity concedel that this is an organiza These Uoods can be obtained at Z. C, M.I. tion in tavor di polygamy tor tne purpose of teaching it anddefendifig it, how much do we advance the areu- tuent?: What power is given to Congress over it? The Senator jrom Texas seems to tntns tnat Decause utan is a JOtat 63, Flave St--, Hew York. rCBUSHKO EVERT TVESDAT AND SATVEDAY One Copy, one year, with Posi HSC. f3 CO ' ' OP 4 DESERET NEWS: V y SPKECII OF . evtrg Evening, creep Btmaeg. One Cimf. one year, with Postage, $10 00 S 00 ' ' S50 three months, 8BMI-WEBI.- THE NEW EDMUNDS BllitV. HEW YORK TRADE. . , -- oca-poti- - CIIICXA.GO. itll. 1 : 7 Our Goods are constaniify kept tn Stock liv the lai treet I.Bniber Dealers in Salt Lake itr and trlen. - Prire IjsU ftntr dinff Books sent free upon application; O STAR HORSE SAILS, ; 4 ; I POIilSXlKD OB BLUED, WiQ hold ft shoe ea Longer tfcaa any ! other. We guarantee our Nan to be Equal in Quality and Durability to any made. Made from Beat Norway i Iron.TiBlshed Alrovdyf 1 1 I YsaBK4vwvesWI)eJrtia , 99 fh. ts drive, fcy tkw UNION HORSE NAII CO. ror v ah WWbra. jl av Barnes ft Davis, lieere. Alien A Co.. U. AU vo., uiara. jr. xeasaet. vnnuugtoa 104 iworeoge tJO., ara a uddie :. wa asuw nawsas CHICAOO- - Sale by Branrh Stores. ta CB PIONEER ; ! H'F'fl L. JI. RUJISEY a MTfllT CO., ilwmuaciurtrt mmd Jobber pf ; PUMPS AND FIRE ENGINES, MILL ROLLER CD Cftreet, West j ! . BRANDS : HIGH PATENT ' - ?. pgiyg ,Agricnltnral Ira VESCB WIRE, BARB SO WIRE, Uill FEKCfUaEteEttL TslepkoneKo. STL i Oflca Telephone M0.3S7. ELIAJS MORRIS, Bnpt. .1, I0S HOHTH SEC010 ST.. ST. LBUIS MQ. IDAHO STORE, Hatf Block South of Theatre. JOHN BaxterChopper....................... six bona nower Ens-inand &M 00 Mew boiler n to is Acres of Land in iinghton... 300a 00 00 Heavy Wopon........ .............. j.. Ballard Itide, new, cost S75, for....... 45 (4 larse and Fine Salt, UK), SO, 10, 5 and X 85 CO a i .I llp arv Ask for the 2L1 Cnrrnarajtett Nteve .ltw. If gives the Best Satis faction and meet witi Quick Sales.; For sale by Z. Obranon stores, kKnildinx Kock. ' - - ' Pine Tar. ear load or less Charcoal, Car load Cedar Posts. ' Car load Kock Salt.. in lamps. ' i ! ; t .Vir. uvr ; ':i i : e adtertistxo ' JCsta us uai Miabluued last. luei JOSEPH E. TAYjJoB, GOOD I TOR ALL! Pioiiecr Undertaker cl Vtsh, r. U 1 , Tor more I 1 than Porty Tears these valuable Pills have been known and ased. They act mildly but thoroughly. Bilious Disorder, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Headache, Constipation and Malarial Diseases are eared by using these Pills. r afaanfactxrar and Dealer klaMla mt fas' aO CATUOLICO.7. Jk Great Remedy for. all Pemale Com. plaints. This Medicine cures Female Weak, ness and Nervous Disorders. Physicians use this Cathoiiooa la their pracUca. : milUl 051 113 CHI C1TEIEH csFnss isa eiskets. s corns rvKsuma&k ORAEIFIrilimQ faniier kept eonsusuly oa hand. Cblldren'si Panacea. Telephone and Telegraph Orders promyt-nUei. y In their natural con aiUon. withoot extra charge. OPET DAY AXD MIGHT. FavcCry Md Ware Kassss, BT. SSS B Bod tea preserved - 'lrt SocK.lt Htreet, One and a halt blocks East of Theatre. Telephone Mu, 70. EDWAEDT TATLOi, 0rT. aw Sax to a a Offioe In sane bedding, d A safe and pleasant remedy for all Child rea'a Diseases. Acting as a toaie it U positively beaeflclal to every child that takes it. - Send sump for book to Grnefsabers Co., New Tork. lorm. SALT LAXB OITT. UTAH. I.C.B. L - maimed soldiers and mariners; schools of learning, free schools. and scholars in universities: renaira of bridges, portsj havens, anseways,churches. sea banks and nisrhwavs: edncation and or or relief, stock,marpreferment maintenance for orphans; houses of correction; riages of poor maids; supportation, aid and you uir traaesman. nanaicraftsmen ueipoi ana persons decayed, etc. The subject has received larcre con sideration in the courts of the United States. Perry on Trusts contains all tne decisions on tne subject and goes into it-- unere we nud laid extensively oowa tno joiMwinH--i- . If gifts were tmade to establishla Jewish ynagogus, to teacn uuuaisns in opposition w vunsuanity, or to tne suof the Pone, or to edncata chil. premacy dren in the Catholic faith contrary to the statutes, or to promote dissent eontrai y to the acts of uniformity, or to keen' alive customs ana practices, the superstitious chanties could not, of course, be carried in euect as civen, ana the King gave effect totnemaaeiiar.ties, nyiua royal preroga pre mo original purposes. ne,whether But the prerogative of the British-crown were proper ff ljmproper,.or whether wictsijr ciuiasu or; not in tne mj .cic cases named, is no question bere. No such exists in American magistrates, power . . That is tne decision of our conrta. it be the it does not matter Whether promotion of Judaism or Christianity. or dissent to tne orthodox belief, be the object ot the charitv what it may. neid. ov the SDorsme Conrt It nas been irum v ueuwu uniii oy tne uniform course1 of decisions, bv th Chief-Jastlto-ua- y decision of Gray of the State of. Massachusetts, among other men learned cited In this book, that any benevolent charity to trustees wbo can receive it for the benefit uf an In- deanite number of people, no matter what it id in respect to its relizious no matter wnat it is in re leicning, spect to its political iofiuences, is a anu win oe eniorcea ana carcuarity ried put by the conrts. Bat here we have this bilti in rtpflanco w u wuoie course pi American de cisions and of the very words of the Constitution, iu defiance of the whola coarse of English decisions and of the statute oi i.iizaoetn j undertak'ug to put forth a proposition which, wlt5 great respect to tne learned men upon this committee, Is utterly indefensible ana anreasonaoie, tnat under tne doc trine of cu pres you can divert, yon can uestroy tae corporation, lerrminaie it. existence during its chartered life, and its uonations not as the appropriate statute of Elizabeth says; according -to t ii lue wuiui tueuonorj out against tue wui of tne donor, deprive it entirely because it teaches some: hereav. re General f the United States to institute ligious of political. J y' and prosecute proceedings to dissolve the .Why. Mr. President, there anrolr violation in of section u uu cau existing corporation grwunu ior nca propost 3 of the act of Congress approved the 1st of iioa its mat. it isa pure case of re in express d..tlanc ligious persecution Tha President vro tempore. The of all the provisions pt the Constita- tion oi the united States. The SenaqaestiQdls on: the amendment pro tor irom Alabama said this is not Kiortda. posed by the senator-lro- m ? Suppose it Id not, can we say Mr. Call. I propose, Mr. President, to follow this motion bv a motion to what his religion or what is not? In ail strike oat all the words on the eleventh tne coarse oi time those who maintain line after the word "States" down to ed the orthodox religions have decided the word "worsbiD" at the end of the tuai cnose - who a i tiered with them were not and seventeenth line, insert the fol religious, that they were the lowing. l state it in order that it may greatest oi criminal,) bu rued them at be seen" what it Is that I propose to tne stage, torn out tncir tonpriM More than a hundred jthoosand people ao: wers destroyed In one! year on the verv And all property shall be returned bjH the I proposition of the Senator from Ala-ur- t, I on due proof of .ownership, o the bama that somebody bad ' the rlsrht to oeraon or persons and their beus and as- nay .rrmy religion is trae and your rethe smiae: Jxropidot, signs who contributed you; are a political That all buildings on the grounds appur- ligion Is wrong; or a religious hierarchy and tenant thereto and occupied exclusively for hierarchy am satisfied I your doctrine is falsj.' the purpose of the worship of God shall be 1 Mr. President: shall not of court to under the order the riptnin th conveyed trustees who shall be selected by the eon Senate any longer. 1 merely desired gregation or society who constructed such to show that tais pronosltinn rf es church building and who use the same for cheat or forfeiture had no warrant In or uou according to tne aic the the jurisprudence of Emrland, that it tatesworship of their conscience. had no application, that the term did not Mr. President. I wish to say a few bad apply to this case, and that If it applied under the English statutes words in support of the amendment. I the doctrine of cy prea it would have said yesterday that it was impossible been carried out to th win for any one to give any reason on any of the donor an4 according In not the unlicensed or oi law any plausible ground ground of the court. But before I upon which it couldjae asserted that discretion allow me to say one word the Congress of the United States bad sit down r; the right to confiscate, to forfeit the that I think ought to be saldi We have been tlealinsr with a property of this ; corporation or any other corporation. This act uses the public evil.!andone which is growing term "escheat.?? What is an escheat and has grown; and why has it grown? In the law? It is where there ceases We hear uttered the discontents of lato be any right of ownership, where an bor every where in this country. We' inheritable estate falls for want of hear of the hundreds of thousands of women and children of persons designatedanaand known in the starving men, aw to receive it, wnat Decomes oi the sixty million people of the Unitori it? It goes back to the parties, nnder States. We see it in the organizations the feudal law, from whom it was orig- of labor everywhere. There is not such a distribution of production as inally derived, 'if disseminates comfort and abundanm law ;. According to tne tngnsn : among the people. We see in these v Says the definition days of combination escheat denotes an obstruction Of the that the - laboring people everywhere are movcourse of descent," and a consequent deter- - ing for the preservation some minauon oi the tenure by unforeseen impelled by the pangs of of life, in which case the land natu- and contingency: We have foundhunger hen rally reverts back, by a kind of reversion, to upondestitution. our borders, in the midst of n the original grantor, or lord of the fee. trreat and flagrant heresy, an indusWhat pretense is there for alleslnz trial success which candid and imparIn this bill that the property shall es tial men have testified to. Wo ha cheat and be forfeited to the United found a community where the social States? Surely, sir, there Is none, No evil is not to be found, and if we are undertake to say that this reports of honest lawyer will candid men who have investigated and can be a case of escheat, and wby? trelyonthe the Here is a corporation created bv law. subject, the habit of intoxication, tha The Senator from Alabama says that it sale of liquor in licensed saloons, Is was not created by law, that it was not not to be found there. Whatever else religions corporation, that they bad may be said, 1 am told It may be said ce - ; - - a. a . Large rsilliard Table CxlO, marble bed, 150. ,. cpnng agon. sou. Connters, hhclvcs, Gaa Dxlnref and To- A book of 100 otresC nacco utwrs. Oround Cherries. i tiefei dook ror Lncern. and loose adTertiuer to ' Baled , Lumber. ..)",'i cobbqIi. be be ex Stove Wholesale. PolUh, j or other perienced Bntcer and Vinerar, Wholesale. Is eontmiB 'wiso. Bone Ash for Assaying, Ke doing and Per lists ot newspapers and estimates of the cost Ulixintr. ' , too' adverboer who wants 14noid Blueing, Wholesale..(,.,. of advertising, l to spend en dollar, finds in it the informa- t 4 Ton and all kinds of Scalea. tion he reiuirea, while for nun who will Invest i Branson Knitter, bost In th wo CL one Hundred tnoogand dollars in Using, a scheme Is indicated which will ' Many articles of Merchandue.all for trade. meet his every requirement, or can be made to do so by slight arrived at ' easily changes Wells Bored. One hundred and by correspondence. Honae in 11th Ward to dispose of. fifty-thretssned. have been editions Sent, earth, over 90 per cent. lime. roo poat-naid- , to address foe 10 cents. Ap-vl- y forLima fertiluiaa: and makinfr smooth side to GEO. any P. ROWEIX r CO..KEW8. walks. 0c Sample, front of store. Sell Paper burkau, it i ion at lied. $ ' Bprucest. (Priaung Boose Sq.)ew Tork. perHr Call and Boa. '. i .1 v- - Grain DBUB tTOEK. Aft . i , t - ' -- . . . . i - - s . UNION rfCLCGItAPU LINE. XWX ClWdllESS. day after the disposal of the routine said as morning business, 'Edmunds one Senate committee of the Important naa togo to new xorkv y, and other important committees had Con siderable work to do, he believed the public business Would' be best sub served by the adjourning of the Senate irom tnis aiternoon tin aionoay lie therefore moved that when the- Senateit be till Monday adjourn to. Agreed r Teller submitted an "amendment to the Enstis resolution; of inquiry re garding the refusal of the Assistant Treasurer at New Orleans to issue sil ver certificates tn exchange tot silver dollars. Tne amendment directs the committee on finance to inquire aiso Into the loss oi money alleged to have; Orleans suboccurred in the-N-ew Treasury, and whether such loss oc curred In connection with the exchange of silver certificates for silver coin The amendment was ordered printed Amonz the bills introduced was one by, Mitchell ol Orego-j- , providing for the repeal ot all the treaties permitting tne coming oi cntnese to tne united States and prohibiting their coming and oill except in case ol diplomatic cial personages. At the- - request of Mitchell the bill was laid on the table ior the present. Proceeding; to the calendar, the Sen Ate took no the bills in their i order Some bills for relief having been disposed of, private the bill to regulate tne promotion oi tae westi-oin-t graa hates was reached. Sewall, in reply to an Inquiry of Plumb's, said this was the first year tor a long time when there would be more lieutenants graduated from the Academy than there would be vacancies for '. in the armv. Alter considerable debate the bill was passed as reported from the com mittee. At 2 o'clock .tue education bin was laid before the Senate and Morgan took tne noor on it. The bill; Morgan said, was a bill to-create oinces ana an elaborate macnin-er- y of the governments it was a bill c man to tax the'Ronest. in order to educate the children of the drunken, loafing vagabond, who would not worn ior nis larauy. it irons tne 00,000,000 ot people In the United! States were to be deducted ail the: dead-beas, and non-pr- o ducers there would be about 20,000,000 ot people leit woe ironW have to pay taxes to carry out the1 provisions of tnis oni. xne bill itself would be equivalent to a tax of $3 per capita on those taxpayers, and by the time the olQcers were all appointed for the ad ministration oi mis Bcneme oi oenvo-lenc- e. and ail .the clerks aDoointed that would be necessary to Investigate the. accounts of 33 States and 10 Terri tories affected by the bill. It would be louna tnat tne tax per capita would be $10 instead of t$. If the UnitedStateS eenators were men who plowed the neias or worxea as smitns ana paid taxes out of the sweat of their brows. Morgan could have more respect! for them when votinc away the money of one man to educate the children of an other. Then the constitutional ground for the bill, Morgan continued, was said to be found in the general welfare clause oi tne preamble to tne cousutu Bucn an application oi mat tion, almnfw claniM meant thst von nuilii who gotlup by his own put down a man exertions in oruer to put up drunken loafer who would not exert .tUm- -' flVifi e Mi... .Morgan characterized Blair's idea as one involving the right of Congress to educate children ot the several States witnout me consent oi tne atates. . re- Uiair interposed to sav that, he garded the primary duty of education to rest on tue parents; out inasmucii as education was indlspensible to the existence of a free government, if the whether from inability or dis parents, inclination failed m the peiformance of tneir uutv. mat antv leii to t:ie Ntatea ana on our Kepablic, JI tue- - State proper and parent botu failed to edn cate the cbud, since the child would be a citizen not only of the state nut uf the Uuited Sutes. This, however, was a power mat snoma oe exercised only r in tne iass resort.; After some farther discussion. Mor gan ior aa executive session, which the Senate adjourned until afteryieiaca i i xu,onuay. to-oa- . - - ay . j hard-worklm- dead-bead- ts : l -- i house. ' ; Washington., il. Reed of Maine offered) a resolution modifying the order making the. PitzJohn Porter matter a continuing special order from day to day until next Thursday, so as io provide that the bill shall not be considered until after Ihe' second morn ing hour on each day. . ;gl Kandall endeavored to have the order further amended so that the previ ous Question should be ordered loes- das iustead of, Thursday, but be was unsuccessiui tt ana lieeU's resolution 1 Vliwas adopted. . ; UlnL'ham asked leave lo introduce a bill granting a pension of $2,000 per annum to the widow of General Han1 i cock, but Beach objected; wellborn.. xrom the committee on Indian Affairs, reported the Indian apDill, and it was referred to propriation the committee of the) whole. Roarers from the commiUee on iu- diciary reported the bill conferring civil iurisdlctioQ in certain cises arii- ng in the xnaian Terr torr onrthe United States courts which exercise criminal Jurisdiction" over the Territory.- Placed on the House calendar. E. B. Taylor Irom the same committee reported a bill to exusml the laws of the United States- over- certal? unorganized territory south of the State of. Kansas. Placed on the House cal.: endar.ui In the second roornlns hour Adams of Illinois, on behalf of the committee on banklnv and currenev called unthe bill to enaoiA National Banking Associations to inci ease their, capital toe It and change their names or locations. The bill passed yeas 12S nays 120 . Adams entered a motion to recon sider and to lay that motion on. the the morning hour liavingex-pfre- a, table, but final action was not taken. The House then, at 2. o'clock, went into committee of the whole on the n Porter bill. The Porter bill was then taken up for consideration. The de bate was opened by Mr. Haynes, of New Hampshire, in support of tne bill. The strongest prejudice which had ever been entertained bad been against Porter; but it had disappeared when be commenced to examine the case. He did not share in the estimate of Pope entertained by many of Porter's friends, but he believed that ii any ther of Pope's Uenerals had ben in Porter's place, and had acted as Porter naa acted, mere would never have l, been any and no Union General of that campaign would have suffered for more than 20 rears a stig ma worse man death, bad been; Porter's disrespectful anditinexcusable allusions to Pope that had singled him s ! . v - 1 ' - , : - V. ; "I ; For salt I HoYrsviLLR, Summit Co., February 8th, loBO. Editor Desertt Neicn: A deep gloom was cast over our thrlvinz little bure on the evening iif January zotn. by the death of our f rieud and brother, Bishop Alonzo Winters, and feeling that his life has been one worthy of Imitation, yon are tj all Drusslata. ; ' ; Stomach. ' ? KKlXIt Klft.f A. P. S. The folldwlng resolutions have been unanimously adopted by tbe citi-zt- i- i ns of Hoytsville: PKKAMBLK ASD RBSOI.CTIONS bif'i R1S- SPKCTTO R IS ilOP ALONZO WIRTaius. !' Whereas, on the 40ti'nldii Wednesday, it pleased Almighty God, the Creator of ail, to remove irom our midst by the hand of death; jl aiiiuzu v inters, ana Whereat, our deDsrted nrotuer was wormy, or our Highest regard and the general esteem And affection In Which De was held bv i ha nnhiln at lame, as well as by his i i au'i intimate iriends; and. Whereas, it is our duty to express in srwie public manner, our appreciation Of hi worth and ofilcial public servi ce1? ; therefore, be It 4 t liesoloed, That we. the citizens of Iloytsvilie, in general meeting assem- v tor- tue ilie f fa"'-c,:"r fc;aris and tabors of Brother Alonzo Winters, and view his character with admiration aud deep respect, and that while bowing submissively to the decree of an Providence, we i have a keen sense of the loss our community lis su'tainud by the death of so enenretie auaaoie a aeienaer ana tupnorteri f the cause of truth as Brother Winter. Not only In an oillclal capacity did wo prize him: but also in tha closer ikonrl of personal friendship, as he was n deared to us by his many noble tra.it t of charactor.general kindness of beat t. Hospitality aoii lorgivuess oeing among the qualities of h'S nature t therefore, ot January, 1S80, ii-m- , all-wi- sa belt i . a i . . , The above drawing was made frod a showing the lamination of Iron in the Rolled and Shaariag process. I, asri The only effective remedy for throat nd long troubles is Ilea Star Cnuih ' ' CurCl ' ;.'( . . i - 131 Uz-Joh- - See that your horse Is shod wita. thla nail. nsaa. uu avoia ail j; 4smpies by mail; by addressing sent-fr- Putnab Nail Co., court-martia- vi me Salt Laie market. Our VIm-- ! from the celebrated Om-f'r.-- t mines aud we are mining better coal than ever before. No other Welir broucrht to this market can rnmn with It, All our coals are nicely screened and cleaned. Coal 1 iepartment. Union Pacific R ,1 ' N 294. WING CO. FISHER B WOOD! ; . I iVOODIJ Cash paid for cood, ohnd Jit amefcr. THE DESEKEll NEWS CO. MASS. .. branch store I' i SwAssas Mcst Direct Itouto , A CARD. DKSRRKT HOSPITAL, UNDER THK most favorable ausuioes. is now ouen reorpuoa ( paucata, naving radio rod to that large and commodious build tog lately oocimied !by the Desere Waiver- nityl Ths ap(HnntmenU am o w aad of tbe mrt timer. rue nans sou rooms are tnor iirhlr ventilated, and warmed bv sf urn are hiki. viram una tins; apparatus eatenaing through the whole bulliling. Uood aad ca- iiaMc nurses are supplied, and every atteu ion pain to cm eonitwrt aul welfare ot its inmates. The medical department com prises a One stock of drags, and a line of sount of tits moat valuable and elagaat surana appliances ever in itrai inatrnmeau into tha Territory. portedbeen have, made to secure theArrangements Aral medical talent tbe City affords for the benefit of na tienta. A, epecialry ia made of the diseases of women, ana correspondence is solioitei THEEAST TO If pvr ;ib , Santa Fq To'nokd & 7sen Which Conn$ctt is Vepot at; t 0PTTCE3311iO . - tne aiaicted. i. IL &4 ClJt W80N, President. iW. F.SSfKRSON. Medina! Supti . M. t lilXJHJCS. Motiaa Bsnasa. " C XL WKLLS, Secreury. ' A limited nnmbeirtaf students will be wno will boara lay the lasotntlon. re taken, InstrnctioDi ceire preparatorv for future studies, and will be expaoiod la return te devote a certain nortian f ifrf.lr lima and l.ioor to aitenuance on the side. and othei reouiremenu eormacted with, the- IlosnitaL is solicited Correspondanoeoa this vrom iiianopa ana etaer subject antfceciUas sn tbs t asaw ssuianssa. i TSM TIA ' m tho KrO Paper Mill. Mil. leas; lhau rivo ltichca la di .. I.' . j i - i - i t.. Ocaycr & Rio Grande Puiiry , 4 tnira It srjsvT isTxria BpUmi(4lf Xfutpyed With ;:'r I ' , ,, I?ullman Sleeping Cars, I ELEGANT DAY COACH C9 - KaJlrMd ratlag Hosiaes , XsiIsM ItsaarissCi Costtsts-y- I f '4- - DESERET HEWS QtliigflCES CO - M 1 iFtfl! HfffI!J5KFI!3I! ' r 'III I . AND JOB I I t ! tiHlin rlatl!kmmil UP llilllilK CMdUlloiiiliUlU ' u.H.ritiii, Dim. COIXkUADO. : -- r 1r TBCIiJCAGOANo -- I w vnav xtnsoxrrooa os l M - v-i-- r lflf ESTERNl: fd : titk PEIN1INQ J013 1 UIVKR. . B. HAMRUX, r. wnrrit.! wen prat Airentj Deavar, Cola. , t Tu,:Kka,Aan.(. ,( ill AS. T. PARSONS, Travrlinraaa. Ag , Ji'j'li.l ' Ji THK mVSOU I Council Bluffs tr. ajrn os! i a - Tho Best Stylo of the Art' BtsT norjjri and Omaha, PROMPTLY CXCCUTED RAILWAY. ,BTwenal ChicaorOi The onlv line to take for Pes slnlnea. Mnrslialllown.Odar Rapids, ttunlon.liiion, Cliirngo, Milwaukee, and all point I u To the people of Nebraska, (.'olorado, Wy. ih. Inirton and fallifornia Hi oilers uim-i- 1 not advaolaaes oHl. bf;any other line. Anionv a few! of the numerous ftoinia om ity eiijojred by tliej pntrons of thi.nperioi Mmi neiwceu i nnanii aim I Iik h t trams-two Hay of HAV 4 A IIll ttliiCh are the Cuont tlial Imman art an, If. Inpenniiv fin I are AKH. wlu.-M.KPlKt. ( rrruli: of comfort and eloiram-- f Its IMIILul ominsr. Utah, iiUho, Nevadit, Orrirun. EOOK-BIKDnST- G I'll.AI m.t IIRAHI.U KOOll ak. nn.nnae4 wul.-l- , iiit; l.ATIAf. " PAPER RULING IN AU ITS ORANCHKS AT In TV 9 anl in escrct Sews Bcoi-trnde- rj rclrlrutet S. AR.M. equal v which can not be found eiewliere. AtOonncIl Blnff. tha trains of the Union Paciflo Kv. tonnect in I'nion Depot with thoe of the f'hlroro A Northwrilern ly. In Chlcniro the trains of tut line make raw tonnectioa with those of ail l.nstern lines. For Detroit, Columbus, Iallanapnlls, Ola Clnnaii, Msiiara Kails, Ilultalo. l"iltiisrg, Toronto, MonireKl, llonton, Kew oil, I'Miadnlph.a, Kaltimor. Wa.hinalon. tul all points In tbs Kaat. ask tha tu ket arut for tickets via the KORTH-WESTER- way Company. a. GtraorxLL, OCce, Wasatchj.Corner. i. hy . . Bav 1040. '',nosTow P.O. Address Kepons6t.Uass. Tut sale by SB. O. XWX. X. and It !' AKT COAL I COAL I COAX, 1 Weber. Rock SDrina-- . Pleasant: ley and Bed Canyon All the Coai sold A D.A.B.H1 Depots We are stow prepared t mnny supply Hie public wit tteganq KoUled Rear, ot suienor quality, at popi atpricep, v a KalB fi Tslesaeaa, 17B. aty Vcset ! THE PUTNAM NA1X. i I Pbotaffraphs at Fox & Stmoxs. n CO, I 1 . t I. n. llot-r'orve- PERMAKEJiT RKDVCTIOIV . -- SALT LAKH 0ITY. U An, This drawing Was made from, the b0 taken from tbs hoof and eoffla boas ahowa la Flga. 1 and . d and Hammer Point The Only Nail In the World that a not ed Ilorso-Slio- e cut, clipped, ov sheared from the point and s win not tput ; Pitz-Joh- i UoJ i , T nar P.CR.R. Brewery . lol liREWKQ ,.j,...-.w- At the sense of this ir.pi ti ne. that in the death of nureKtpei.-ii..- l i per BOTrLK. 00-- Tor saiai at Z. O. M. L Dns, Stwreaad 4 liodbo. I'llU tOO. L nSIIERr JiemttvciL d. DOLLARS per PACKAGE ALSO. CURES MKASLE r KICK, B 1.23 Horse sfeet . Bbhop, we have not only lieen privedl of the services of an lionorali!.-- . enereetlc and ofllcer. bat sasa. a loved and esteemed ciatioa with capable brother, and viewing his many excellent qualities with admiration we haJd his memory la the highest respect and accord to him a foremost place ia our affections Also, ... i'i. Hf solved. Thai onr heart felt itnim. thv be tendered to the bereaved family who In the departure from this llle oi a loving husband and affectionate parent, have suffered an irreparable 'I , .t J also, Jiesoltied, That a copy ot tbo above reamble and livsoluiions be d resented to tbe family or the esteemed deceased, and that a copy be senttolhe Deskkkt News for publication. . . HAS NKVKK FAILKD TO eIfiTECT " A CURK. tmCEt l 0 THEE LIFE, The drcat lllood pariflsr. '""t ; s DIPHTHERIA CURE, i ers . tf Price $1; six bottle for $5. TWO 1- -b- Aysrs en- - have LOOK WELL to YOtrxa CORRESPONDENCE. : Alarie Merclcr, 8 Harrison avenue, Low ell, Mass., writes: "My soft Was weak and debilitated, troubled whh aors ryes and Scrofulous humors. Ayer's Sarsapa. riila restored htm to perfect hcalUi." Irving n. Edwards, Ithaca, N.. Y., Wrlns i " From tha time I was four years Id, uniq eighteen, I was subject to Scrofulous sore throat Many a time rny bock has been raw sore, from pontttcea pot o to draw oatwetufUuhmatlonl'tltoolt four bottles 8ar ' of and have never had the disease since, sixteen years." Prepared ty Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Mass., U.S.A. Since that time saparUla. Joyed excellent bltJi.' . asked to publish tbe following brief account: lie was born March 10th. 1S&), at Jamestown, Chautauqua x oric ; nut removed irom new county, .V. .. 1.n lucre st au cuuj Kct nitu uta uarruu.he joined the Church of to Ohio, where Jesus Christ oi Latter-da- y saints J He was with the Saints through an ineir . moooings ana arivmgs, and with theru came west to helo build tip Zion. Here be has always taken an active part. Uo settled, land rmui a oome at i.'ieasant school-teactiro ve,h where be engaged in farming, ing, etc., and was one of the first, If not the very first, to plant apple land peach trees in that locality, bavins' carriea a lew oi eitner cina oi trees on his back from S< Lake City, on a return trio, from a General Conference.' Such men as he were needed elsewhere so be was called from Pleasant Grove and came to Hoytsville, where he was choaen as Bishop a calling he ever ined to magnify and a position few ' could have filled: more creditably. In this latter locality he turned bis attention to farming, taught scnoof occasionally, etc., out ne naa yet another duty to perform, for he was caned to go pack to bis old home in the states ana pre sen to. tus ac quaintances, his friends (?) and rtla tlves. the everlasting Gosoel. but his sojourn there was shortened by sick ness. and he returned home, wherel for a. anstaot about years, be aa-baes sufferer, amictea wita a cancer in tbe face, lie could bardiy be induced to believe what the real ailment was. un til it had gone so far that medical skill .pronounced it almost incurable. the doctors' consultation revealing; tbe i act mat mere were out tew chauces for life, by underfolng a sureical ooer ation, while there were quite a number oi cnances ior me opposite result Conseanentlv; he was induced to' lrv treatment under ir. itiggs, of .l'rovo. by medicine, and a very satisf actoi v result waa uutameu.. me cancer. which was monster, was taken: but intact. He has enjoyed moderate ncaitn ior years since tne cancer was removed, but nis constitution had ai ready stood too much and on the date mentioned he passed to another spnere, wnere ne awaits tne resurrect tion Of the Inst. leeliuK that bis suffer ing in this life is a steptoward celestial he died jtlory In the worlda to come, fort uvea, faitniui Latter-da- y ashenai cause of death Saint, l The Immediate was supposed to - be cancer : in (the ' and Healths Ay I , ' . Life! Mrs. II. M. Thayer, Milton, Mass., Writes s "I have been very much troubled with torpidity of the liver, and Dyspepsia. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has cured mo." Mrs J. W. Bradlee, Hyde Park, Mass., writes was greatly reduced by Dyspepsia, and was advised to take Ayer's Sarsa parilla, which entirely cured mt." Mrs. M. F. Hamblett, 25 Lawrence street, Lowell, Mass., writes : "X was sick two years with stomach and liver troubles, and obtained no relief until I took V-- n h saryto II Entirely Cured f '! SfeJfATE. WA8tiiSGTOX.il. let the Senate to to-d- wviH-Iiiow- physical laws. To the unfortuuate ml erer from hereditary Scrofula, nothing ao be more cheering than the eMUimneo tluil In Ayer's Coraponnd Extract of Barsapa lilla Is found a constitutional remedy, which eliminates the poisonous! taint, and restores to the blood tbe elements neecs? will ekaose and invigorate your Mood, and restore tha vital organs to then natural functions, Mrs. J. D. Upturn, 231 Shaw- tnut avenue. Boston. Mass., writes : M Por a number of years I was troubled wid In digestion; and enable, without distress, to take eolid food. After tulng Ayer's Sar-Baparflla one month I was t BY TELEGRAPH f Ett WESTERN iun should find you resolved to give follows generatlou, trawsmittlnila legacy Ayer's Sarsaparilla a thorough trial. It of good or ill, accordinz to Fitz-Joh- Fitz-Joh- Generation The Rising revenge. oneobject of the growlers, and bis punish, ment had been out of all proportion to his offense. Both Lincoln and Grant atone time had equally believed the sentence, but injustice of Porter's been when opportunity had c)en for a review of the case, calm, dispassionate had proclaimed the injustice of the verdict and become earnest champions of Porter's cause, and he was a bold man who dared to impugn the military of IT. S. Grant. If Lincoln tudgraent he, Haynes, believed Lincoln and Grant would have stood together n in the demand for justice to Porter. Mr. Steele ol Indiana took the floor in opposition to the bill, add premised his speech with the remark: "What in thunder are we here for? Why are we Potter? This discussing a question,ofhe said, hadof been asked by number members the Ilonse, and-aleast one democrat bad adder! that the democrats were going to vole for It. auvbow.: He (Mr. bteeiel believed that this was trnc, but he would vote against it. If Jackson marched that nignt, could not Porter also have nurched? There was, not a soldier In the House but knew' that it was Por tier' duty to oVy the order. After dwelling with great minuteness of de tail upon the military operations of the oi August, Air. Steele concluded 2tn as follow : "If we bav his speech wars hereafter, thev will be for our common country. Let as not say by our action that we want any men of Porter's kind to command. When the country's safety is In danxer. let u say to our sons, and our sons' sons: 'When you receive an order obey It, though at tbe cost ol your life.' Let' us pay to our sons ana our sons' sons; ,ven without an order, if you hear thei call of battle, move on to the succor of companions - whether yon like your commanding- officer or not.' " Ap plause. some After farther debate the! com mittee rose and the House adjourned. i : SWJ as an object of suspicion, and as put of Sn Porter bad been and want are not found there. The offspring are taken care of, 'educated, and established in life; shelter Is provided for all; food for all. and clothing for aF. Mr. Presldent.that is the reason why deluded people are dragged- from Europef from a life of almost absolute want comfort; that, is the reason why their religion is propagated, it is because ot the success of their industrial system in a new country. It is not because the religloa of Christ will fall to have Its effect in its teachiugs there. It is became the contest between the life of these poor people in the countries from which they are almost, doomed ; to a dragged, naked life in both sexes of the hardest and sternest labor without adequate compensation because they find in reference to the evils of Europe, in reference to the life of want and degreda-tlo- n tbere, they find comparative comfort in Utah. Mormoulsm can not live before the enlightened rays of the Christian religion, but it does not need tuts Din ana it does not, need tnis un lawful and unconstitutional conasca tion and forfeiture of property to de ; stroy it. that destitution law-boo- po-Ivea- BAKKEV I. wjatia wag at r&oim. Wew : to sfflfj No. 63t Korth Ttnvle Street Eatt. 0jp.ee t 21 South Temple and tiht IVead, Gtl ' ed Pipe JPlaantoera avait Steam Pipe. Fitter Brm xla. Belt-!Ilose aindl PatektaE. t - i I. and its eUftJ ly M BTXB1 BEgCBTPTIOBr, no right to create such a corporation wen, sir, Buppose it was not a corpor ation. suppose it was a political cor bad they not a right to poration, why create itf u Here can be no question that it was created by law, that it is recognized in the act cited by the Sena (tor tram Vermont, one that it U rier tne a u ties ana tne objects tor iorming was createa. mow tne united wnicn it States come in and declare that it shall no louder exist. Coucede that thev have the right to do so, have they the rigut to taice tne property r can they it to tueir own use oy call appropriate ing it an escheat, when under the Bus iiaU laws the property did not go to the Crown? What do the say on tnat suojecir The Entrlish (Parliament is omnlna tent, but here private properly can not oe tacen ior puouc use except on com' pensation made. Under tne law of escheat the land went back to the party irom wnom it was uerivea. ine gov ernment in casi there was no owat mi'jiit appropriate it by law when there was no oue of Kin, no one in tne otder ot ties cum: ana so may uere; oat can they destroy thetney person in oruer to tho acquire property? That is what this bill proposes to do, and what the argument of the. Senator from Ver mont requires. Allticsit, i.jiiow because a corpora tion is terminated that tbere is nobody wbo Is a cettui que trust? And can the Government destroy the corporation by act of law and then say there is nobody to own it? We have de stroved it in the nroner ' term of ife chartered existence!, and do you not call that a forfeiture, a confiscation. ana appropriation oi private property Let us see what was the Enifllsii law There is neither analogy nor is there any Kina oi precept or autnority tor this bill in all the Knxlish Jaw witn an omnipotent parliament, capable with out restraint oi passing any law con nscatlug au property, passing bills or attainder, and making blood unin heritable. Jsven nnder that constitn tion and that state of thintrs there is no analogy to this legislation by which a corporation is destroyed, terminated in the period of its life, and then the of the corporation appropri- property tia iff it at v n tvi a t x ' a iaPk Kv VUV WWU fjVf VAUUItMll i, ' some allusion was made bv the learn ed Senator from Massachusetts to the doctrine of tv ores as an anaibzv to it The hlstoryol legislation on this subject is very piain. it wui oe oorne in mind in this investigation that we start oat with a positive prohibition lrom Con cress irora appropriating anybody's property, irom. uKinz it. ana private that before it can toe appropriated by the government of the United States nnder any proceeding or idea analogous w eBcueat, ii. snau oe wnen mere snail oe no owner ot it, no person, with a le other gal or equitable right to it--In J to be words, when it ceases private i property. rue legislation ior cnarities in the English government! to Which the doc trine of cypres applies finally terminated in the statute (43 Ellz.. c. 4. 16011 commonly called the statute of charit able uses. ini3 statute provides and as it has been extended by Judicial de cision irom time to time, aenues the causes for which a charitable corpora tlon may be created.: Thev are not re. liglous; they are such as beneficial associations. They may be religious or they may not be, Thev are all included within the statute of Elizabeth : Relief of aeedimpotent and doot neonle maintenance of sick or " M the bwt arominoltons. All ticket asenis soil tickets via this line. . HI OBITT. ' R. R. Htllt, U a'l a' answer. Uen'l i"e..it;?r g't CIO. O. ieu'l A (eat, Kuoui ,Wiuiior l.ioi k if yen wish WILt-IAMfiO- Agent. cinti-c.- L s:ni a cct tiEm sil Oeacral ,lrer WAN. liAI'CtX'K t, umatta, K WiUio if |