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Show ' F.TT. - 1 1CAB8KX. ' . 11 K. CClOOKOl i f f RMEIBEK THE BREAKFAST STOYE. EARLY i EVENING NEWS. - 4 ; Friday' jrw ... ' Fcbraarr 12, 1886 t ' BY TELEGRAPH. U!hl! WKSTBBX WOST PERFECT MADE Prroared by Dhvslctnn wlth'snecial r ir ard to health. Mo Ammonia, Lime or Alum so p J r. -- H1DS0 4 W. nr jujuz) XT-1-. CO; First Souili St, Blind S3 TKLEUKArH USX. Wired frem VFaahlactoB. Washington. 11. Pillahnnr and Chase, nominated respectively to be Internal Revenue collectors of tbe Eastern District of Massachusetts and the District ot Maiae were heard this morning by the Senate Committee on Finance in their own defense They explained; their connection with the Garcelon controyerer, and declared that the subsequent action of the State authorities was a vindication of their course. The President gave a state dinner toin honor of the Supreme Court night of. the United States and the members of the Senate and the House Judiciary Committees. The Executive MauHiou was handsomely Illuminated and artistically arranged for the occasion. The House 'committee on public lands at a special meetinz this afternoon, agceed to declare a forfeiture of the Northern Pacific railroad land grant to ail lands lying opposite that of the line which was unconstruc-te- d parton July 4, 187?, the date on which the committee construe the granting actito expire. Certain lands are exof the forcepted from the operation ... , feiture act. The cabinet meeting was devoted to the Consideration of the silver riots in question and the Washington Territory. The Senate in executive session confirmed the nomination of Peter Galla-ge- r, agent for the Indians in Idaho. Tbe Remains Placed in a Steel Casket. 11. The Secretary of Washington, War and several proiniceat army officers will go to Philadelphia Saturday to receive the remains of Gen. Hancock aud, will accompany them to Norris town. The President desired to attend the funeral of General Hancock, but finds It impossible for him to do so. Tbe cabinet will be represented by Secre tary Bayard, who will act as pall bearer, Secretary Endicott, and possi bly two or three others. Secretary Whitney Will not be able to attend, but wiu aetau a number '01 omcers to rep M resent the Navy. New: York. 11. General Hancock died poor and the fact being known to nis irienas ana comraaes, a subscription has been started for bis widow. The; plan was originated by Gen. W. F Smith, Gen. J. B. Bry, Win, Hums and T. Li Crittenden J. Plerrepont Mor gan is treasurer 01 tne fund. These sums have been signed:. Samuel S Wm. li. Grace. $500 : M Tilden. $1,009: ttor.rt . TnkU It but..' "WWi WUUU It. Uiunu, VylCIUUllUIfi $250. The circular accompanying the was kept tbe General subscription says poor oy tne cans upon nis oniciai nos- puaniyhe and! tne constant cuarities which gave those in distress. The remains were x taken from the bier this afternoon and placed in a steel casket, dressed in the uniform of a The following order was issued to- w uignt: Hkadquautkus Division civ Tint . a, Silt bit C T EVERT DESCRTJON ; to-d- Jib fc P RIMINI Kt TH:isl RETURNED TO TIE EXBf-ftA- it. ' .. j OST PERFECT MADE PROMPTLY EXECUTED Frait Fla forest and stromrest Natural Vaiiil la. Lemon, ' Orange, AJmond, toi tote., flavor as delicately and naturally Boss, astnexrwi. Price Bakinsr Powder Company. Chicago. Illinois, aaa w. ixms, aiissoutu Omeei - WASTED! OLD STAND. ! Geod, Cleau Ciltou Itags UNITED ORDER MERCHANT TAILORS. se anti-Chine- W W.B at Dcseret Paper Dllll.t UENRY VAGNiSK ,4 ay 8ALT tAKK CITY. ! ' , . !....:.. 1 g iff 8-- 1 i? 5 1- 3 S3 -3 LiQM BEER"2r and PORTER : WHOLESALE AKI RBTAEU ifacoild 4toUA fireot.lSJVee Door fros Afai Street. f Ear ul Major-Gener- VATSON BROSi, ! Stonecutters and Builders, . 34, U-i- STIZJSBT, OPPOSITE Z,: Tr S-AJE- CITY, Xj-AjECI- jT 1280 SOUTH '5 EM PI-Opposite Asstmblt) Hall. C.M T. TJT-EE- C. NT. E ; Atlantic, j ... Mill. The. following are the Authorized London. lu!t. J.I. Brigkdn dig Co IF. Huhne. try, inquiring into the extent of the distress existing among the working people: oat of employment and inviting as u tne nest measures for tue rcuei 01 iuu suuerers. . The Crown Solicitors have advised tne uovernment tuat a conviction can probably be obtained of the Socialist leaders who took part in the mob proceedings of Monday. Such a conviction would entail two years penal ser- ; vuuue on eacu neienuant. The mass meeting of the nnemnloved men of the southeastern part: of London, called to assemble in Deptford has been postponed until Saturday. Six hundred ponce recruits hav been engaged ; by the government for service in London!. The,'new men will go on duty at once, and while waiting for their uniforms will! wear nlain clothes with a badge on the left arm. rue movement lor tne relief of the unemployed worktngraen is spreading to the provincial towns. Two thous and rations and a large quantity 'of clothing are distributed In Glasgow daUy.That the eilsUnce of the dlstrses severity 01 tne winter isowmgtoitne Is undisputed. Striker la Leicester A dispatch from Leicester says: The operatives here are out on a strike.. They are parading the streets and smashing tue windows 01 tne fac tory. The police: charged upon the strikers, but were unable to disperse them. A meeting of unemployed workmen was held at Norwich last night for the purpose of urging the authorities to give work to the unemployed laborers and mechanics on the new barracks, schools and Jails, instead of employing convicts. .Similar meetings were held at Jarrow and elsewhere. fi. O. l.T. - a remedy for x :oakiltaU4u. all DrnrffsUi nd Cnnt7 nral ! JUrokeu-iluw- a 8ld fcy F IMITATIONS. BEWARE TAKE ONLY , J!r. K. lUa uuuceiu tre bUcs, rwiaes ta BId,U aea ta lumtth. Aple a M ar aU DracrMU aad Cmtn alcn. abUtae for 75 II BRIEF TELEGRAMS. The California Sugar Refinery made a reduction of ten cents a gal ion on syrups. n John G. Thompson, a Ohio politician, died at the Occidental Hotel in Seattle yesterday, of valvular insulliciency of the heart and dilation. Two more classes of the Greek naval reserve have been summoned Into ac Uv service. .The Greekr fleet in the Gulf of Vola, Tuessaly, has been to return soon to Salamls in the Gulf of giua, near Athens; The schooner Lizzie Merrill, was discovered near Queetz river,? W. T, lottoin up. All bands are supposed to be lost. The schooner went ashore January 2. Hi. It is thought she was boarded at sea after she capsized, as several holes were found cut in her bottom. y? iwell-know- eniral Eailroai UtaJi NKW TIME CA3RI, MAIt- - SO, I-- 18f5. iPASSENGCB TRACTS uKAtW SALT LAKK DACL1, AS FOIXOWSt ' I l' ntnar Hanlh. CMlM Noritla. .. 8.00 a.m. MilforJ Express st...... 7.20 turn. AtUatla Express at... H 5r Pasenger Trains ArriTe in Salt Lake, daily as follows: . Frona Bonttau j Frana Nrth. : 7.51 jp.m. MUford Kxpresa at. racuta Express at.. 6.40 p.m JOHN SUARP. aBANCI9 COPE, Ueneral Freight and Passenger Agt. General Superintendeat. ': ol . Air-tig- 1 ; : . . , LUIVIBEK YARD PLANING MILL, . a a 1 riALf-A-BL0C- K ! ; WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OP THIS COUNTRY, WILL'' SEE BT EXAIWIWIWQ THIS WAR, THAT THE ?W y? j ' '- - 'ZIwy--TW"--. Stillwater .. , lT7W'jk zd " , ; tr - :s ,i . ! i - . ! -- CHICAGO.! ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY of its central position and( close relation to all prindpiU lines East Mid ftjr reaaon at Initial and terminal points; constitutes the most Important that system of tbrouU transportation whicn invites and facubetween trafilo cities of the Atlantic and Pacific Couests. travel and lties It :U Also the favorite and best route to and from points Enst, Northeast and North west and South west. iOutheast,and points corresponding West, The Koclc Island system Includes m ita main line and branches, Chlcatro, Molino and Boclc Islandj in IUinois: VfViet, Ottawa, La Salle, Peoria, Oenesoq,Fairfield. ' StVeniiort. Washinzton. Miucattn. )t.tnmwA nVninnan .x7m. Iowa City, Dos Moines, slndianelA, wmterset,-Atlantic- , -- t.odubosL Harlan. Guthrie . Centre f iniiatir. and Council Bluffs, in 1nv'Knoxvillo, uameron ana Kansas uity, in Missouri; lca von worth and Atchison, Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis, and St. PauL In Minnesota; Watortown la of intermediate cities, towns, villages end etationa. .ije&ota, and t, :.frty, I . i THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND larantees its patrons that sense of personal ROUTE! J a solid, feecurlty afforded ballasted road-beemootli tracks of continuous ateolby ;t'rouKhlyouilt rail; as culverts and bridges; rollini? etoclc as near perfection ; ii an skill can maJce It; the safuty appliances of patent buffers, platforms nuu uini. ma prncucai oitKJipimu "Viuc.i guvema "deration of all its trains. exacung Other epocialtles of this route aro Transfera at !r.ill oonnectinar points in Onion Depots, comforts and the and unsurpassed . ItAuries of its Passenrer Equipment. 1 h The Fast Express Trains between Chios gr and the Ml eourl Elvor are of well ventilated, finely upholstered "Day Coaches. Maffnincent Pullman of the latest and sumptuous Dining1 Cars, in which Sleepers cooked meals are design, leiaurely eaten, "erood Digestion waiting on CA'joratolyand on both.". Between Chicago and Kansas Health ypetlte, City. and A UUsoa are also run the Celebrated Reclining . Chair Cars. ' l s MkUbit I.BH KUU I U rMlilWWg and favorite line between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. PauL' ,f rha direct connections are made in Union Denots for all in tho Territories CX:i British Provinces. Over this route, Fast Expresspoints Trains are run to tho summer ifiuerinur places, resorts, picturesque localities, and hunting and finh- I ? srrounda of Iowa and Minnesota. It Is also the most tletdrabie route to the . J ih wheat flelda and Dakota. interior lands of pastoral Still ano"aer DIRECT LINE, via Sonoca and Kanicakeo, has been opened News, Richmond, Cincinnati, IndianapoUs, and Lafayette and Newport .,twenBluffs, Kansas City. Minneapolis St. Paul and intermethato points-Council see Maps and detailed Information as and Polders, obtainable, cut well at all principal, Ticket Onicea in the United States and Canada; or r"'diots, .. daresding' Y d: tmb-Clantia- lly ijDi - 1 com-;.Vis- ed , I : lib - f -- , i R. R. CADLE, Idat ia4 fisaeral Manager, Chicago. ! C. ST. JOHN, 6enaral Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago. - J : : ' i : I i TORPID LIVER. hot-head-ed - i i- ur to-d- ay nrxs "1 SiSiPElU I I'lHlHfiv-Jllln- ! dms-Ktat- 0 CROSS CDTUEE COLORS PAHKER, PAINTS. HANDY PABKtR'S FINEST 1AINTS IKMK1IT FAIXT, QUALITV OvimANTEBD. iDary, Ogdrn A Parker, of Paints. For sale Z. U. M. L and iu branches. nil-nflacture- bf EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO., CentenW ....Cassia Creek, Idaho Charter l'.:!i OAK j ..........IHraper " Deseret - - rv-- . - - v-- - . j Escalanle ....Ephraim ...Eureka, Juab Co Farron, Emery County Olendale IF. Foote IF. Pierce.l........ P. Petk...aenliie B. F. Cook....... l. Gleneood VaUey, Oneda Co., Id W. PUTt TIN Grouse Creek Goshen J. B. Johnson!. ....Ileber City it. Jeffs....... t ..Ileber A. Ilatch Co............. George DavisX James' Crane.i. Charles Pulsipher...., James A. Daines. Bennett....... B.II, Totnutn. City Hooper City , i Oi BY r X., 3hSlm Sole Acrents in Salt Xako City. Huntington Hyde Park ..Boldest ..HonryviUe t.IIyrutn Henneer .....HarrisvUle A Jones.,.,. Peter Later..! W. D. Paee... Hone Petersen.. Harmony HuntsviUs Hebron T.8. Seth Johnson.,... ...... HUUdale, Oarjteld Ca O A. Murdoch........ ....JosephCUy Xastat Joseph Warr Gqrticelu Silk ! t. Trrv... " 1; ! ......... ......Inverury M. Christtsen...... Seely F. Mhin Street, St. Jlouis, Missouri. FOR SALE ..J?rrima James Vnswotth. 1 axvs a weebap or 46 YEARS SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, Indianola ..unction John MorriaJ........... Xanab ..Knab R. W. Bamee...... XaysvW awrra A. B. Orifln.i. J. C. Andersen.. .................XoMharem tK Kingston ......Kano A. Ifadauld.; AT, TifiNERS' TOOLS, & ..Garden City ....Georgetotcn B. 17. AUrtd.4 tl. A. Lewi.!.. Robert WM SHEET IR ON, STAMPED C 12-1-8 ..Gunlock Huntsman j.T. 8.lfilliams.... .................... OrantsriUe K. t s o "V :hi s, ... : se & QCDEN Fillmore Idaho J?"orriw IT. W. Santlrrson ir. J. Underwood, Fairtiem, Oneida Co., I. ft. If. I.ewellyn.. ............. Fountain Green .......... Fairjteld, Utah Co IT. Snyder. Jehn Bartholomew:.. .Fayette ...Farmingtpn Farmington t.. tt. kennard. Farmington A. J. Allred. ........ ...... .Fremont, Piute Co ... Fish Haven J. Ftock Gunnison Grtnnixon Co op en anti-Chine- mi ,...............FranUin, Co-op- .. if-i- s THECALt PRUNE LAX ATI V E i Tk nl Mvlhrt TValt remcdr far CaasUpattoB aad BilloanacM. HIM aaa efMin UlUacttea. aaf rr ladles, chlldrea and weak caaaUtatloaa. ClaristoH IHtreff...,....Cotllnston and Devegtille Chester X. Allred.i C. .. y. ; ....Charleston R. P. Allen.... Ephraim P. F. Cost......... W. Taylor, fun J. L. Roliuton. i f- UTAH CENTRAL DEPOT, S. L. CITY. ....... i half-a-doz- HALF BLOCK SOUTH OF THE WAREH0USE--0N- E R. L. nubee...... ...Eagle Rock, Idaho W. M. Parker.... . Egln, BUighoM Co., Idaho Eden James A. Thompson.... Echo R. HTcH...... James Brotcn., ...Evanston, Wyoming Elrinore T. Belt. Tc. to-da- ..Castle Dale ClifUm, Idahi. Joel rarrish.... John Osterhout,., J,rmes Jenson., Joshua Bennett s ; T1IEY WILTj PAY THE TOP M&llKET lUICEt ...Coal , C. Murdoch John Jardine... ; DENLEfS. TANNERY. wmen ..Bearer Hurrvillt .Bluff Cilp Cedar Cit ............ ....Cedar Fort U.S. Ilowtll.i y to-da- Brigkam City liloomington, Idaho .....Bmr River dtp S. B. JN THE BriMon BeAaoa trillion Ilodton. Jasper Petersen J. coxsvuiTior FOR ......BunkerrUe, Kenula ItriiUon.... Roger. Orinthaic.. O. C. C. Burr...., J. XeiUen II. W. Ileybottrne. Cellar Port Co op. to-nig- ht, ho-ler- op..... Crotbg.', B. for LOT DP Atma J. Hansen......... s m THE UKEAT SERVE TOMK'. i;nnriMW4l Hart......... to-nig- ht, suitge-Huuu- Hides,W:ool,Deer and Sheep Feltejursto Aljrin No disturbances re- - Jame Down.. Aim orted in any part of London W. a. SUtck..,. Alpine, Apache Co., Arizona 'uhlic conUdence is restored. The C, C. lion leu... Ashler, Uintah Co Government iiaM caused circulars to be S. y'aulenven.. Aurora sent to oiiicials throughout the coun 1 .he-- .- American Fork American Vork Cauia Co., Idaho Co-o- p If. S. Lcit........AUAon, John Dereg For the information of all concerned. it is hereby aunounced that the Lieut. has assumed immediate com vuL-i--iJ Ueneral mand of the Division of tbej Atlantic and the Department of the East until the successor of the command is as- mgtiea oy tne rresiueni 01 tne united states., iiy conimana 01 P. II. SlIERlDAX, J Lieut. General. Attest: Wm. D. Wiiipplr; f Ass't Adi. General. CORRESPONDENCE J r Oiders were also issned detailing four battteries of the Filth Artillery to WEST COVN1IFCL ITF.MH. act as an escort at tue funeral ceremo a. issioncd oil! WifiaMl tiles: sixteen non-coWest Bountiful, 3 1SSG. ca. manufao jeers to accompany the remains to Nor 8ciia:ffe February?, of Mar11ol.ed Iron and Slate ristowD, and a detachment 01 sixteen tnrcrt M VRTTEI.H and (J114TFH. dci.lPrs in men nnder an onlcer to lire salvos over Editor Dcseret Neio$'. TILES. bin; FANOy (RATE TIUBIMINOS, The West Bountiful Ward Is not a giatc. Bit m GOODS, etc. Cmcinnatti, O. that can boast of a great popu M,rc Tronble Ahtlrlpa4Hl lis Seattle place nevertheless we are enjoying lation, attd Tllnlr. MnnufacLnera ARcnts.teop a comidclc liri-oa and in general very good pleasant the above goods conslanlly on hand, d n S battle, W. T., 11. This city is time. ,' . are patroving Our new Blshon Is a straightforward. Troop quiet tbe streets, but there has been no cal- - plain and pleasaut man, and does all In Itslou. Tbe mob has dispersed, but nil? power to strdngthen his ward in TAYJLO R WJL OSEPii thoUsht that it would their love;tor God aud Justice to man In an hour if the troops were with by a Godly walk and conversation, and Iovs the good will and drawn. Martial law continues and consecttientlv ha is placed to prominent agitatorsinhave respect of those who r1 Ud.u.tthe fireside over.' been arrested and are confined lu.il. Anions these prisoners is the Our Y. M. M. I. A. Is In a flourishing chief oitiser of the Kulghts of Labor condition, under the able and praise 01 u rower job. in this city. management worthy a MnLi Can Hist wKaiti la aoalararl In aaa miw ID woowwu mj U .a nuviu r)Jv Uaderlaksr, Funeral Director and trocble in poetland anttcipated labors by two of our energetic young Embalmer. Portland. Ogn., 11. There are fears men, Duncan Kippir ana Drea. Muir. of trouble here next Saturday or Sun Brother Joseph Argvle is am exemA full line' of Fine Cloth, Metallic and a day tsimilar to that? at Seattle this plary man, and there Is probably not Se!vrod CofDns and Caskets. week. If it comes at all, it will be on man in this Ward who enjoys more ")uk Oases and Cakct. general respect, from young and old A .oanilcte stock of llnrint Knltcs and Un- - a much larger scale. At a large meetthan be. dertaSiers Woods of every ttertcriptHn, kept ing of organizations held alike, The Y. L. M. I. A. is also la an ex nere jan. z, me louowing resoiuuons nana. cuiiMianuyon Ill cellent condition, being conducted by or White Hearse. were passed:! liodies preserved ' without ico for any We tbe citizens of Portland Mrs. Josenh Wood. Mrs. William Hi Whereas, ot time. .enth in mass meeting as- Mnir and Miss Marv Roberts. all ladles 1'arUcHlar attention jriven to emhalming, and vicinity, sembled, do believe, that unless intel of undlsputable eiuclency. to i Neither liiiiiiH7 antl are of bodies. J that as the ladies that belong ligent action be Immediately taken by are nd sbippinpr a specialty. EinUalir a.Aanctattnn second to those of anv as at.4 grava ' furnished in any cem- us on the Chinese question, the de sociation in the Territory in 'point of struction of life and Dronertv will be etery in the city. v Al' orders by tctefrnvph or telephone, day the inevitable result; and inasmuch as ability; r night, will "w.ve prompt Brother James nood has been there are thousands 01 our wage- Prices lor .id terms f oasnaole. workers out of employment with no teaching lessons in music for the last Office Never Closed. Telvnono No. 3S1. at the end of which time future of securing work three months,was piospect toinearn held in the school bread for themselves a sociable whereby 33 S. We$V Temple Street. and famillej, and 01 house, which was : crowded till there realizing that under the present state anairs tucir con- was no sitting room. The entertaindition cannot be made worse, and see ment, under the kind and able care of ing as we do the danger that threatens lilshop Grant, gave entire satisfaction it our duty to hu ourcity,towe deem aaopc tne louowing resom singing, and recitations beingu special manity Hons: therefore, belt features 01 tne anair. Brother Hood la a competent music lleaolved. That a congress be held Jn the City of Portland on the second Sat- teacher, and has by bis suavity and desirable, characteristic, won urday of February next, lor the) (pur other! himself a good name and the respect pose 01 tatting intelligent ana concert and love of his pupils and the people ed action in this matter; be It further ' He general, 'both young and old. and " corpo in Jtevolved, That all companies, w a llAnu H a will teach music another quarter, uu sirv a vji vi av4v0 Antna huiwuoi auyupt ac HAST' OF DEPOT. sanitations be and are hereby re- - has the good wishes of all who are and being a bright, meetings and elect quainted with hlmi auested toto hold voung man. it is reasonable represent their respective energetic to believe that he has a promising organizations; each organization, trade before him.)' j IMIOKN, LUMBER, ji union, company or corporation to. oe future A home dramatic "club is also in entitled to ttree delegates to rearesent " NASH, operation In this .ward, under the LATH, theii refpective locality. Walker II. Pack leadership of Brotherdetermination hefeS Satconvene will anc This NIliXtiLEM, Congress whicb.ludging byhis Would there mornins. Ordinarily will prove urday of the the abilitv members., FRAMES, CEILINO.be very little la such a convention to to be a perfect success and an honor to ' - ' excite alarm, but last'l nesday evening this place. . I'lCliKlH, Unrnett G. Haskell, who styles himself a good spirit speaking, Generally the "Organizer 01 tue international prevails, aud the love of uod ana ins Kl'MTII.;, II A UD WARE, Workmen's Association, and a dele laws and ordinances and due respect LAh iAt. KAfcll WE1UIIT?, gate from the Confederated Trades and for His authorities seem to be increas Labor Organizations or California, lng. Arizona and) Nevada." arrived here. Your Brother in the Gospel, and by common consent .has been ;i John Thokqkirson. 1 at the head of the movement to ALItSlLLS PROaiPTL,Y FIIitEO placedtue cmnese oy iorce. in an in expei teivlew published yesterday! evening, James Steers, an On February-3d- , answer w a question oy a agent uasneii, insaid: tbe Mutual Acct of caiiipmia V We don't intend to dent was reporter, Association,: caught ., in a 3 ra . commit any violence or precipitate any snowslide on Lion 'Mountain, 33 1 x X3ji ' near i but we do intend to have tbe Uecla, Montana, and killed. strife,; usurers. Man uf The way we Chinese leave Portland. and Contractors, ' i if 1 intend to remove the Chinese is to remove their goods and chatties and Marvelous and magical are the effects TAYLQil. BflUBET & MHS1B08C, themselves to tbe wharf, put them on and board a steamer sailing for San Fran- of St. Jacobs Oil on rheumatism . cisco and say to them, 'God bless you. neuralgia, Late I atimor, Taylor A Co, You are not wanted here. Depart in" I; f.23. hi.. COX , I. Ot .''. 'peace.;j Sakb, reliable, and' pleasant to Physically stated, the situation In inKr.V:-i.iiaexceiieni preparauona uv, Portland in this: There is a Chinese IIeDleya Celery, Beef and Iron. of between 2,700 and 8,000, flala M. I. nmrKtAnii population For and a white population of about 32,000. mvm t,ui mi 41VIUVU1rillUUlCt AliCU flb lMt five Sixths are of the Chinese Nearly L, Co. and A. C. Smith & Pitts Godbe, In on Second CO. quartered eight blocks s Street, between Washington and Taylor, and two blocks from the harbor. There are five companies of militia, twoof them with sixty members each and the other three numbering less than f twenty each. The Vancouver Barracks,! where COO United States troops are stationed, la distant 10 miles by boat, but from the experience of Seattle this week It is thought their assistance could not be had till much damage is done should an outbreak oc- ' cur. ;. V The steamship Oregon leaves here : 25 YEARS IN USE. for San Francisco on, her regular trip Th Greatest Metieal Trvnwpa of ths Agal next Saturday night at 12 o'clock;- Her evHDTnMQ r w! A bassenger capacity is limited to about 300. A steamer leaves every lire days. There is a Svery "strong sentiment Lm liewnla eoatlve. Fata ta among the genuine laboring classes in the f BDDetlte. la tho with a dali aeaaatUa favor of law and order, and the only hackhead, e, aart Pala aader the shoalaer-bladfear is that some profesadl- With Paliaesa eatlac. after sional agitator will do something Incltaatloa ta exertioa of aadr ar mias. which will lead to bloedshed. of temper, Law spirits, with It is estimated that 700 to 800 men; Irritability semedatr. afeeliagefhavlncaocleeted will Join in violence towards the ChiWearlaesa, Dlzzlaea. Flattertag at tbe Headache Jbota i. erea. before the nese. :H':fHeart, with rsr the rtrht ne. Ilestlesaaeaa, Portland, Oregon, li. Fifty-fofltfal dreams, II I ably colored Urlae aad Chinamen at work in the mines at CarV COMSTlPATlOri-- bonado, on the branch of the are especially adapted Northern PacificPuyallup were driven toTTJTT'S railroad, effects such a one dose out and are now at the station cb&nsnobofcases, as ton is b tbe sufferer. as in feel to go g awaiting transportation to Tacomaand e They Increas the Aro thence to San Francisco. 1 lie Tum Is tnu"nd Vxiy to Tk on A ettoat oa nonrished. ant by UielrItTonlo r ralars o tne 1 teatl vo Orcrana, A Stolen Child. ' .urn' Erfi!l"r J krsky .City, N. J. 11. On Friday nleht last Mrs. Charles 8. llogan, the TUTT S EXTEiGT wife ot a Pennsylvania railroad conKencrmtea Uie body, makes healthy iWah. ductor, who resides la an apartment ptrengtheiia tlia weak, repairs the wastes of house at Jersey Avenue and Eighth the system with pure bkxxl and hard muscle;, nervous system, invigorates the Street, called to a little boy who was tones the and imparts the vigor of manhood. passing to get her a physician. She brain, Sold $1. by was about to be confined, and as Dr. OFFICII 44 IUurray St., KewXerlt. r. Fork WiUiam Oromt, 11. DEAUCIIS IN . Nkws in their respective towns : : - Dksrrkt Agents for the F O RE I GIT. All LEATHEB MANTTFAGTUKEBS, WANT A LARGE America V J.W. SUMMERHAYS & DESERET KEWS' AGENTS. or-der- ed City. 2. General Order No. CASH FAH) fOB Gnnoles, llurtaps, Old nope ami Old Ore Sacks, at this OUleo and at Dcseret Paper . Govkrnob's Islvnd, New York fir h & Tombstones, MonnmentS, BlaBtols, Iron aiantels, Urates and flcarlh SUtna'. al. lolromb. who lived npar hv. hinl at tended her. She asked the Hot ta nnm- mon him. In a few minutes the boy returned with a man who said he was Dr. A. T. Savers. As Mrs. llogan wa a in a critical condition, she accepted his services. He immediately, she says, put her under the influence of ether. When she recovered from the effects of the drug she was alone in the room. Tbe child, of which she had been delivered, bad disappeared, and the only evidence of its existence left in tbe room was a small nackam which contained a little curl of golden hair. Mrs. llogan is of the opinion ; that the Doctor either killed the child bv mis take or was trying to secure a subject. There is no physician in Jersey City of uie name 01 oarers, xne ponce are searching for the alleged physician and the boy who brought him to the ; house. Antedattntr and ExdelMhar : I all Competitor. -- t ' . jr0.................... . S. JT. AMem...i.......:... fFUliam Yates,...., George Morrison. Joseph IruHn.tt. C. B. Robbine., J. ir. Shepherd ltnston, LeM .Leamington ......laketown : .J.Logan Levan Leeds B. T. MeMuUen....... S. C. Berthelsen...... ......Lajara, Cot JardiH.....Lwisrille, Bingham Co., I Hilit Hie John King.....:. R.-F- . ...MontpeUer, Idaho da ;.l,Ma1an Idaho Ed. Burgoyne,.' F. K. Jones........ D. Fan Wagoner J. C. A. IFeibye Mendon CORTICELLISP OL SILK ......Midtrat .....Manii .'. : PEMtJtMT THE, SMOOTHEST arid! ST ONGEST. .................Vendor Co-o- H. IF. II. Stott.... M. ChrUtensen 8. M. mUiams. Meadow. ' ....Manussa, Colorado W. I........ John Morgan,..'.,,. .Mill ::;vi'?' J, ffj Barker. .......................... Xevton John XeJ ............. AVy ', East Mitt Creek, 2-ce- lji r -- rr i, !l 1 !:; 1 r- nr L X) )BHICKEtti ) K. J. W. II. ; PLANING M ILL. KKUQKK. a4ke,Oai. ; ? ! f ff DEALERS lll. LATH, Shingles Blouldlngs, Frames ti Doors. Windows.' Bllndii Wood Pumps, Packing lloxca, llutldera WeighU, GLA$S. Etc., Kt3. ;)P .llIlardwaf ' Sl H3 ST A TO IlaH Bleck : ' C B. n. thsmim " " t tOf A SPECIAXTr. 'i' J. 9e4 ' ' I'V i .1, f OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS MADE TO ORDER WOOD TANKS n R. B. Gardner...... .'i...........JHne Valley H. P. MtUer..'....J...............ichJtcld T.Oi boons ..,i:f.i..i.,.Rockport M. tr. MerrHl, Jr.... .....i....Richmon4 John SnovOaU...... .......... L... .Randolph C. X. W. Paul..... .Rcxburg, Idaho John Johnson..... ........... i... ..Redmond f. L. Peacock.. .....i....,...,.Stirling 'r-. i ... if 1 Valley tr. C. Parkinson... ...... ....i.Prtston, Idaho J. B. Marrisonir.......................PirJo Waee ...Peoa J. A. Marchsnt..... - ... 4 Pleasant Grove V. J. RUhards.......Plymouth, Box Elder Cn O. D. Qtbbs...c.. ...,.:,........... ...Paradise ITilliam Gedtles..................-,PlaiCUy -- j AND Bait Lake, P. Richards,...,..., Ogden it. L. OruwelL......... ...Oneida City, Idaho, A. M. Findlay... ............. Panaca, Nevada J. W. brosby.i. Pangwiich n.J. Rokwer.r.......,...........Park FOR WEST AMD SOUTHI ' S3 West Wnf Street, Cinclniaui du Lamp street, nw Orison. i r St IT. rcrter........4.'---'-Perlervilt- nt SALESROOMS 217 Broadnvff. Se. LtHtit; L. A.BaiUy : V.i j OUR aXXTJSTRATISD BOOK on Knlttlnsr (No. will bo sent on receipt of lirccj stamps. ....Morgan City Creek, 8, L. County tr. H. Branch.... ....Price, Emery Co., Utah S. F. tFiUon.i...Pima. Grahat Co., Arizona Paris Co op,. i, ............... . ..fori, Idaho t. V. Maddicm......L..........ProciUnci I. M. Coombs...... ................Payton I. D. G'dto.......i...:...... .....Portage Provo J. tr. Aeaa. . 4.... ...... ...... ..Parovan Paroum R. C. Jea...... ........... ......orafrooWa BEMKMBKB TnAT j FLORENCK KNITTjINu SILK .Mesa, Arizona Muna . Nephi Kerth Ogden 8. Stevens.. CA. North..? ...... ..'..S'orth, 8. L. County L. A. Pace,...,,Nutro30, Apache Co., 'Arizona Peter Andersen........ .......Oak Creel OrdervUU. ...i. ......... Thomas Ckamberlain C. Mehaw.... ........... ..Oxford, Idaho Joseph Hall.. ........................... Ogden Ji jr. Reid. ......... .............OrangeriUe 6U1 r n 1 J. Jotly........ ..i. ........ ....MtCarmcl . Jensen... ....... .............It.Manfua C. . Robson.,.. fFUliam Newton.. j.. R. Fry. CONSUHXBS j AVOID INFERIOR BRAWDS. iMayfleld Casper Christiansen.... Muddy, Amery County fF.A. Pierce, ..Moab, Emery County S SUnonsenJ ........Monroe miUam Wood, sen...... .....Minersville P. ' STAMDS Stott...i.. ..Moroni laurit Larson: ............... Mount Pleasant . ' - LYXS, Ma p ' r . -- , SmUh....J..Roelriae William ramaU...:.,...,,.4...SprinfrviU SmUhjMd Co op. n is.1 ......"Spanish Fork Spanish Fork j- -i cz. Cj W H ; o j .Smilhjteld ffm. McFadyen.......,................SaUna John Holt. ..80. Jordan Thomas rates...... .................... Scipio Wm,M. AUred ....... ...SU Charles Idaho ow... .................. F. R. George ...... ..... D. P. Dans..:. '......Samaria, Idaho St. John's, Utah O. tr. Burridge. O. C. Overson...........St. John's, Arizona J. McRae.St. Davids, Cochies Co Arizona A. Kngberg...... .....................Salem .......... Santaquin .....i......... Santaguin F. J. Parmley.,..........ScoJleld, Emery Co J. N. SmUh.........i..Snou Flake, Arizona ............ ......Snowville A. Coodliffe.:... ........ Sandy George Marriott...... Summit Anni M. Dalley..!.......... John McLeaes. ......... ...St. Joseph, Arisona tr. F. Lesuer..SU John's, Apache C, Arizona R.Blain. Spring City Jesse M. Baker ...Teton, Idaho James Lewis.. ............ ... Taylor, Arisona Teasdale F. 9F. Young....".......... G. W. StrtHoam.. ..Thurbsr J. F.Johnson.. Temps, Maricopa Co., Arizona V P I o re p ! Co-op.- Tooele Co-op- .. John Batty... ...... ............ Toqverritl Phillips. ..j.. A.J. Workman..... X. J. W. C. Sharp.......... Crook.. JfeUsriOs Co op. JT. W. Goffl. S. MuttaU. Creneford....... G. M. Tooele W. J ' : 1 ,1, i A. ' 3 r-- -- i 3 crczi ifl - I" tiio a S ? 1 I g li Firpin Citg Vernon Wantkli. WtllsHlif West Jordan WalUhur,, Warhing'op Bremerton.. WUlard A. S, Eastman... .. Woodruff, Rich Co., Utah .....Wale? J. K. Reese.............. . H. Clark Weston, Idaho W soar Co op.. Woodruff, Apacha Co., Arts T. s i::i:ii'Ii.g. Q: i '' r f- -3 , , |