Show new theatre will be on dewey site the contract tor for the e new 5 00 00 moving picture theatre lias has been let work of 0 excavating abing tor for foundation will next aleek nd the new building will be ready tor for oc capa acy no later than october ast alst next the tha old derlein sits site is toe the location ration lo tor for the new theatre as announced to the record by manager john rugar this morning this news will bei be halle balled with pleasure by our citizens beca because e ot of a handsome hand structure taking t the place ot of a longtime long time Uti unsightly sight Y site on our main thoroughfare if you doubt the beauty of 0 the structure to be erected by rugar ands and knotts step in the record office and see the drawing and be conven ced the structure will be ot of brick 50 x feet arld will set in the center en of the 83 toot foot lot it will be of 0 the latest and hauf handsome tome egyptian architecture with the latest and handsome egypt egyptian ian interior f anish ings a seating capacity of 0 and a perfectly equipped stage with ample facilities tor for the tha best road shows the heating healing system will be the latest oll a matle matie devices which will be install ill pl on the outside of the building the entire structure will be ot of the latest design and equipment throughout with every modern facility and 4 will be one ot of the largest best equipped and most attractive play houses in the state outside ot of salt lake and ogden and not a small theatre as mentioned last week park city Is surely to be congratulated on having sua men us as hilgar and knotts whose faith in park C future la 13 demonstrated by their expenditure tor for a modern theatre and whose enter anter prise and progressiveness are deserving and will receive the highest commendation from patrons and citizens liene generally rally |