Show 1 44 twenty five years ago from the park record files july ath 1901 TALA TJ JJ J J y jf T the salt lake herald has changed hands and the tribune claims senators thomas kearns and W A dark clark are the purchasers walter W evans came ot from silver city to spend tte the fourth in park city J A malta malla aulda frank dailey of th the e silver king celebrated the fourth at the bottomless hot pot of midway Ali dway 40 4 jerome paxton came back to the tha park from stockton utah wednesday and will visit with his folks for a few weeks i ab 41 the school sc h ool trustees met this moi n ing in g said appointed S X L to fill the vacancy of the board caused by the death ot of D C mclaughlin the tr trustees have hare had tho the matter under consideration tor for several days and took action in accordance accord lance with the advice ot of the state and county superintendent and the attorney at t aney general the appointment will i hold until the next general school election mrs charles haueter came up from salt lake lak e wednesday to spend the fourth with her mother mrs schlagle 4 40 aw mrs G E hedges and ch childred child ildrem ireni left wednesday for terre terra haute indiana on a visit with her husbandry husban drs relatives they will be absent about two months at six sunday morning at the res Mence of the brides mother rev faher faber galligan united in marriage miss mayme may me hurley ot of this city and mr air J W thompson of pearl idaho mr J B fleming as best man and miss aliss maymo mayme mccorley Me as bridesmaid were the only ones onea present at the ceremony besides the immediate relatives of 0 the bride aw W av mrs parker dykes went down to the metropolis yesterday afternoon on a short visit mr air and mrs air C S vercoe left yesterday lor fox an extended extend bd lad visit to their old home in cornwall land 0 an W D sutton our popular merchant Is receiving congratulations ot or his many friends on ina his marriage in salt lake thursday to mrs annie schaeffer ot of the latter city the ceremony cerel mony vas as performed barev A H henry of the first AL E church in the presence ot of a few intimate friends the happy couple will ot of course make their home in park City andt andi mrs sutton will bo be heartily welcomed to her new home no the fourth ot t J july uly celebration last thursday wasi was a wonderful success consisting 0 of a big parade drilling contests all kinds og 0 sports and enjoyed by sal ant immense throng ot of citizens and visitors the black goat led by jake as part ot of the woodmen turnout was a featt feature Lre of 0 the parade the car ot of state a beautiful one and was greatly i ad by all miss esther weist as goddess of liberty was an excellent choice I 1 4 4 aw at a meeting ot of thie the directors 0 of the daly west mining company held this morning it was decided to raise the dividends from 30 to 35 cents great is the daly west i J T williams has succeeded ed blake biake as shift boss at the anchor mine shipments tor for the week were ai pounds |