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Show B I 1 : If You Want to I Know H ANYTHING ABOUT BlILDING OR BUILDING 4 If MATERIAL, CALL AT THE ! t ! Whipple Lumber Yard J DEALERS IN OOAL, L MKER, CEMENT AND dlKu BUILDERS HARDWARE t IHHm4 Phon10 MAINSRLET LEHI, UTAH 4 I'roTo llund excuulon dunce, Lehi, Friday, April 7, HUH. Silks - Silks Another Big Drive in Imported Pongee Silk REMEMBER THE BIG NOISE We innilu lust .season about pongee silks and what a big lot wo sold Well tbut noisu will appear like a whisper when you hear this. It's the biggest value you ever saw. Genuine Imported Pongee Sik at 59 Cents PER YARD You have been paying as high as $1.00 to $1.50 per yard elsewhere make us prove it. At this price we must place a limit on tho yards sold to each customer ten yds. no more. AVe can easily sell all we have at wholesale at this price they'd be glad to m-t il as pongees are getting scarce and high, and it is not a question of price any more bui the great question is where can silks bo bought at any price? Our answer is, to I our customers, you can buy it of us but you had better grab it quick, although we hav a good slock now, it won't last long at this price, only 0U0 per yard limit ten yards. We are still giving free theatre tickets, ono for every dollar cash purchase or paid on account. IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH (US- . PEOPLE'S CO-10P. INST, THE BUSY STORE ON STATE STREET 0 "-U-" Mrs. J. M. Thonip and Mro. O. L. Stookoy wcro tho hostess nt tho Ath-onlnn Ath-onlnn club kcnslngton Wednesday nfternoon, .Mrs. Joseph Glovor gave the book review. Tho First Wnrd M. I. A. hns been having a reading cpntest during tho past fow months nm! they havo been divided Into tho "Reds" and tho ""lues," Tho "Reds" won nnd the "Ulues" ontctiilncd In their honor Tuesday night. Mrs. Sarah J. Wnlker, who hns been In Snlt Lnko for tho past two months with hor dnughtcr, Mrs. S. R. Adams, returned homo Sunday. Sho Is stih suffering from rlieumntlsm of which sho had n most sovero attack while in Snlt Lake. Tho Domestic Science (C) class and partners wero banqueted nt tho L. II. S. building Thursday nfternoon. Cov-ors Cov-ors wore laid for thirty. Miss Inn Stratford acted ns tonst mistress. Miss Koch gayo a toast to tho boyH mid Virgil Dorton gave ono to the girls. ' O ! . REPORT Mndo to tho Dank Commissioner of the Stato of Utah, of tho condition of THE STATE HANK OF LEHI Located nt Lehi, In tho County 0! Utnli, Stuto of Utah, nt tho close o( business on tho 20th day of March, 1916. RESOURCES unns and Discounts. . . . $100,836.11 Overdrafts Unsecured... 663JI Furniture nnd Fixtures. . 2,732.71 Duo from Natlonnl Unnks. 11.C25.M Duo from Stnto Hanks nnd Ranks 8,309.CI Checks nnd Cash Items.. 1S8S! Gold Colt 455.04 Sllvor Coin 270.21 Curroncy 579.M Expense Account C55.1! Total $120,13551 LIADILITIES Capital Stock paid in. . . . $25,0000 Surplus Fund 2,900 Undivided Profits, Interest Exchange, etc 1,97:51 Individual Deposits I8.059.H Cashier's Checks J.3I0M Savings Deposits 37,23$ SI Timo Ccrtlflcntea or Do. I posits y,C55 Total. . . , . .$12G,135B Stato of Utnli, County or Utnli: I W. 8. Chlpmun, being first duly iWB according to law, deposes and snystMB ho is cashier of tho nbovo owB cd bank; thnt tho nbovo and fo;H going roport contains n full, truo'H correct statement of tho condition tho snld bank nt tho closo of businci'H on tho 20th dny of March, 1016. AV. S. CHH'MAS. Subscribed and sworn to before &' this 24th dny of March, 1910 E. L. CI 1 1 I'M AN, (Senl) Notary 1,ulllc'.H My commission expires 2nd, darB June, 1919. I Correct Attest: ,. H EDWARD SOUTIIWlCh. WILLIAM 13. RACKKIt. J. 11. (MHDNEH. Director m Stnto of Utuh, Olllco of Hank CaM missioned, , I, O. A, Glnzlor, Dank Coinml'B of tho Stuto of Utah, do horehy ct'rl" thut tho foregoing Is 11 full, true W correct copy of tho Blu,,!'DB tho nbovo named company, tiled in " ollici till. 27lli day of Mnich, 1 !! B C A. GLA.IEIL ., IlituU CoiiiiiiI"81011 Wo print (ho best bull" wrappers In the county H reasonable prices. Onto jB customer, ninny s n custo"2lM |