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Show I 'J LEHI LOCALS AND PERSONALS I H. M. Spccr spent Wednesday In I Salt Lako on business. I Mr. Smith Robinson was n Suit Lnko I liltor Tuesday. I l'nuo llnnd excursion dance, Lehl, I Friday, April 7, 1010. I Ncvln Crnbb and Harmon McAITco I were In Salt Lake Tuesday. I T. It. Cutler, Sr., of Spanish Fork, I spent Wednesday In Lehl. I J, W. Wing, Jr., left Wednesday for I Pa) son on an extended business trip. I FOR SALE Good wild liny, call at I Powell's Grocery, Lehl. 18-31 I George Austin of Bait Lake wan in I lci, Wednesday on sugar business. I Mrs. I'. A. Smith entertained Mon- I day nlpht In honor of her birthday. I Miss Dorcltu Turner left Tor lUng- I ham Monday, where she will spend I to weeks I Mr. Walter Nccdhnm of Trovo spent I tho fore part of the week visiting with I his sister, Mrs. H. Chrlstcnsen. I Mrs W. E. Winn of Eureka spent a week lsltlng friends and relatives I In Lehl. I Among the Lehl people who went to American Fork Saturduy night to hear 0. P. Rend lecturo were, Miss I Nina Sldwcll nud Messrs. Hcbcr Dcn-I Dcn-I nlon. Thcron Dcnnlon, Will Worlton I ad Art Worlton. Miss Rhoda Ilutt entertained tho II. E. club Monday evening. Mrs. Suslo Giles of Hcbcr, Is 8t-Ing 8t-Ing with her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Davis. Da-vis. Orem passengers for Salt Lake Wednesday Wed-nesday wore Henry Lewis, Jr., and Charles Gray. Mrs. David Wangsgaard ot Hunts-vlllc, Hunts-vlllc, Is visiting with her mother, Mis. L. D. Wlllcs. Mrs. P. H. Allred and daughter, Uel-va, Uel-va, went to Salt Ukc Wednesday to nttend the wedding of Hllford Allred. Mrs. M. W. Ingalls and daughter, Summers, were in Lehl Wednesday, loading their furnltuic to ship to Salt Lake. Evans Gllchilst and Floyd Uoatcs ttcro In Salt Lako Monday getting advertisements ad-vertisements for the L. II. s. year book. Ptoto Hand excursion dance, Lehl, Friday, April 7, 1010. Mr. Etnciald Hanson of Salt Lako was the guifit of Miss Lcxlo South-ttlck South-ttlck Sunday. Miss Josephine Men 111 spent the t'eok-end Msitlng relatives and friends In Salt Lake. Dr. Worlton wan In Salt Lako Monday Mon-day tlsltlng one of his patients, who is In the L. D. S. hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Pctcisou of Cedar Fort were In Lehl, transacting business Monday. Mrs. Martha A. Taylor were In Salt Lako Tuesday visiting Mrs. Ira Taylor Tay-lor in the hospital. Mrs. Fanny Hone who has been visiting vis-iting with her slbtcr In Sail Lako City for the past month returned home Sunday evening. A number of joung pcoplo gave Cla-r.i Cla-r.i Wing a very pleasant surprise party par-ty Wednesday night. Tho affair was In honor of her birthday. Mr. Hut kin, manager of tho Scran, ton Leasing Co. wns in Lehl Wednesday. Wednes-day. Ho reports ho has 45 men working work-ing for I1I111 and they arc shipping somo real old Scranton ore. Arzy Adams, Mrs. Susie Lewis and Mrs. Sarah Lott went to Hlngham Wednesday to attend tho funeral of tho llttlo two-year-old girl of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Lott. Mr. Mclvtn Stmilit is organizing u now Juvenile band. All wishing to Join will call at tho hall 4 p. in. Monday, Mon-day, April 3rd. 1-lt Byron flock, tho Topllff mall carrier, car-rier, while getting somo hay f 10111 tho bnrn loft last Friday fell a distance of 14 feet, and has been In bed ever slucc. Isaac Aldrldgc, who has been operating oper-ating n pop corn stand on Main St. lias moved to Pi Ice. Mrs. Aldildge will visit a week with her daughter In Provo before 'joining her husband. Miss Clara Devcy entertained at u I "kid's" party Saturday night. The guests laid aside their dignity and eamo dressed as kids. Dainty refreshments re-freshments woic Bcrvcd and cery. ono had a delightful time. Dm id Thomas of Fairfield, wns in , I chl this week negotiating with local , contractors to build a home In the , Cedar Vnllcy mctiopolls. it la icpoit-ol icpoit-ol that a fonncr Lehl lady will occupy oc-cupy tho now homo as Mrs. Thomas. A furcttcll paity ttnu git on Filday evening by the M 1. A. In honor of Arthur' Livingston, retiring picsldcnt if tho Y. M. M. I. A., who left for Elsl- oref Monday, to tvoik us chief clerk In tho sugar factory there. Parlor KnincB -were plnjcd and lefienhmcnls erved. Mrs. II. D. Mcrrlhow and Mm. IS. H. Jones, loturncd ycsteiday from Sen. tea Mo., with tho body ot their moth, rr, who died last week. Thoy were also accompanied by their Bisters, Mrs. Judgo Gill und Mrs. Dr. Campbell. In torment took placo in tho Mt. Olivet cemetery. K. B. Jones and II. B. Mcrrlhow and several Lehl friends ttcnt to Salt Lako to attend tho funeral funer-al services. Miss Mario Miller Is spending the week-end with friends In Salt Lake. Mrs. Gcorgo South Ick Is seriously 111 at her home. Leo Goates spent Monday In Salt Lako on business. ' Mcilln Southnlck or Salt Lako was In Lehl Sunday. v1S jj Miss Mario Miller left Thursday for a tlslt hi Salt Lake. , jj Mis. W. K. Hopkins Is visiting f 1 lends lu Salt Lake. $ Fiank Smith, son of Mis. Dclanio'ro Is imltc III with ihcuniatism. I'rofJIcbcr Dcnnlon was a Salt Lako tlsltor Sunday. , Miss Eliza Fyffc, a U. or U. student was tlsltlng with her parents the latter lat-ter part of the week. Mr. Ah In Klrkham, who Iiiib been leaching bchool in Frccmont, Wnyno County, Is at home again. Mr. Earl Simmons of Salt Lako was tho guest of MIbb Freda Olson Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Peterson lu quite 111 at her home again. Mr. Harold Goodwin, attending the V. of U., spent tho week-end In Lehl. Tho teachers of Lehl arc preparing prepar-ing a play called "Green Stockings," which will bo picscntcd in the Royal 'theatre on April 22nd. Tho Mlssco Cora Thortio and Eva Derry spent tho week-end with friends In Springvlllc. Mrs. Stephen Adams or Salt Lako Is tlsltlng with her sister, Mrs. Charles Char-les Taylor for a week. Tho Democrats will hold 11 primary tonight to elect delegates to tho state convention. Morgan Lott purchased a new Ford Tuesday to bo used lu conducting his plumbing business. Proto Hand excursion dance, Lehl, Friday, April 7, 101. - s Mrs. Emily Subey of Wallsbuig, arrived ar-rived In Lehl Tuesday for n week's tlslt with relatives. k Elmer Jackson returned Tuesday f 1 0111 Bingham, where ho went on horse business. Mis. Anuio Timms of Salt Lake ic-turned ic-turned home Wednesday after spending spend-ing ten days, the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Dcvey. Mrs. James G. Gray ami Mrs. Charles Char-les Hcalcy wcro tlsltlng Mis. May Cowan In Salt Lako Tuesday and Wed. ncsday. . Barrel Brown has puichased the plumbing business of A. C. Adaiason of American Fork and will spend most of his lime thcio. E. B. Jones, tho engineer, was In Piovo Tuesday, an a witness In Hie case o fColburn vs. Coolcy. Intuiting title to somo Utah Lake land. J. E. Btandrlug who wan miIiik H10 William Taylor estate for the p.'st two years for a thlid Intcust In It, has now dropped the case. O. A. Hlado will luato Mwid.i) for tho reservation whcio ho will siipei-tiso siipei-tiso tho sheep shearing coirals for I'avld and Mnronl Smith foi oih month. Will Murdock will also Irate Monday for his faun on the Hesitation. Fied Morrill uiitl da.iRhler, Joseph- 1 Ine weio Salt Lake hltow Saturdat I and Sunday t Fred Men III U-ft Tliurrtaj hit IM I son whoie he him a ilnstiri1R , I tract W Mr. and Mis 1(m1,I, i)t,i,ol r Vnll field weie 111111I1 happ Mond.n ilu nnlval of a new h.iii) k1i t - j I Mis Cliailes. hir-tci of Mm m Hopkins, Is inmciiim hHtiKfmioiilj f 1 oiu all opoiatlon pel formed 'limit, day at the Lrlil liospitHl. II, K. Ostciloh lias ihikIiiimiI ,1 lVud auto tuiek and will Ro Into (he ilileh en bulng ImisIik'sm oh mi ,-i(.n ir scale. Miss Veiniu Jones left UiIk Coh foi Hcbcr, ttheio she Is now emplojed In the Golden Hule store IicIiik opei.iUd by her lirothei-in law. I).iM I'inniik' A number of oiiug people n, Miss Freda l.olt a surpiise pari) Weil nrsday ctciilng. II being hei blithda) Refreshments wire scrtcd and the ctcnlng spent in ga'iies and music The flat tar ot tomatoet bhlppid fiom tho Lehl Canning Co left this week for Omalio Another car will foi low next week Tho freight alono on ono car cost $.100 "Tho Cliilstlnu" ptoseiitid lu the Rojal last week was s.ild lit some to Jnivo been the best photo play ever presonted licr- (Julie a number tame from Ameileau I'oik to see It. Mrs. .1 i; Cotter has been spt'iullni; tho latter pint of the wetk in S.iu Pete County In her olliclal capacity as State president of the Rebecca Lodges. Mis .lames llaiwood who has 1mm 11 nulto HI tor the past two wtelts Is now Impiotlng nicely. Alex ChilatouYihoii has In en hpind Ing the week In Ameileau Fork clip plug fleeces fiom sheep Tor flock masters there. Mis C M. Eduaids, who has been lltlng heie for the past eui, moved to Mllfoid this week. Mr. Edwatils In lallroadlug out fiom Mllford. Tho Rebeccas Joined tho I. O O F lodge In a social piogram Haluiilnt ot oiling. A banipiet was also seited hi tho laigo 100m. Grandmaster Wat-raas Wat-raas of Salt Uke and Deputy Grand master Celboictia or Sprlngtllle wtic prencnt. Lott Kiissuii, Sr., had a leiiiiloii of all his rnmlly except JoMph. last Sat 111 day. Ho gavo them a talk on his past lire, and had each son make a 1 espouse. Ho Is 0110 or Lchls. oldt t fltUenn and la glowing teij feeble Daughters of tho Ritolulloii will hold tholr monthly sifslon Wedui'.d.i with Mrs. R. L. Loll as hostess, when tho following progiam will be tend r cd: History Lesson Mrs M A Lott Duct Ora and Ficda Lott. It-ading Mrs. Emma Pctcison: Song Ml Co in Thome. .spring. Spilng N locked upon l many as tho most delightful season of lh w.n but this cannot bo said or the ilmi matli" Tho cold and damp wclhir 1 bilugs on iheuinatle pains win. h ai" j mi) thing but pleasant, '''ho ' "' ,u j iclleted, hovtotcr. b) appl)lHK bim hei Iain's Llnlnienl ; For sale by II. H M-ull.. lilH. t tali; Win Tliointoii 'i l N'llirl mi Poiki lled'iulsl D""K '.. PI.. is nt (Irote mid all d.-nleis. Thor and ('oiurlliis Cedaistiom spent Tiies.la) In Sail Uihe on hilsl-IIOMH, hilsl-IIOMH, lOIIIIITttll with llm two e.us of onyx they ai getting out for the now thtiieh building east ol tho Hotel Ptnh Mis S I. Wells entei tallied Filday m arieinoon lu lioiinr of Mis. Arthur iflp LIMiikhIoii, who left the da) follow- MK lug for Fountain Gieen, whcio she flUSI will tlslt with iclalltes for ten da)s 'Bl' and then make hei home In Elsluoie ifflili Brv I Mr. nnd Mrs, W. 10. ltiickor spent Wednesday In Suit Luke. James A. Ilrown of Provo wan buying buy-ing stock lieic Saturday. O. A. Olmntcml whs u business visitor vis-itor (o Sail. I.itko Monday. Walter Hlggs lTt for Salt I.ako and """ the noilli, Monilnv, mi a bind n ess trip Hylvnn Smith left Monday for dm land whore he will work for M. A , Ithodeft. EM Mrs. l 1). Wniltnn and Mrs. Marnld P' Ghilnlfiiden spent Monday In Ball jhji ' Mrs. J. W, Frank went to Sail l.aki I3 Monday In attend tlm fum-inl if i if1 Vernon Anderson dan iiiuehased nr is'f mil o lo use In eonnerllon with hi.' K'M dairying business. Ill C. W. Hurl mid W. K. Evans wen Rifl In Salt I nl:e on mining business lh fr Mishap Henry Lewis was In Sal IJi Lnkc on real estate malee kC1 Lake Monday on leal estate mnllcrfl U&I Mrt. I nil . ItusHon wiib hoateas t IlE the II. II. Club at II mcelrng Tuesda H Ployed (loalcH, business mnungcr foi ln llio High Sehool year book was In Sal' yK .. Lnko Monday on matters peitnlnlng I BH Its coming Issue. EK Miss (Hunch Jaeobs returned tit' jHj week from an uxtnmlcd visit with he HE Mister In Fnimlngton. IfflE MIkh lllrdle Adams, attending th HE University In Salt Lake, spent th' KB week-end at home. HHf . Illshop James II. Onrdner speu bK Wednesday In Sjianlsh Fork on Sugn SB; Co. business. H Have your shoes repaired by one k8K who learned the trado at the Kconom BHj Shoe Shop on Main street. Von wll1 HH bo given satisfaction. 12tl Wg Mrs. Thomas Husson entortnlnc Ira Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs HS Myrtlo llolbrook, visiting friends licit I MB from Davis County. lB Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor were nl Salt Lake visitors Sunday, nnd report Tjm Mrs. Iru Taylor as Improving nicely. 'K Jack Thrasher who has been visiting Wm Ills parents, returned to Ulnghnm Canyon Monday. H Miss Mnzollo Smuln Is making an Bffi extended visit with her brother, Jay UK In Ophlr. K M, W. IiiRalls nnd dnughtor Som- B mors of Salt Inko wero visiting MB friends in Lchl Wednesday. HP Kll Untcholor who was In Salt Lake jB Sunday roporta his wife recovering Bh satisfactorily from hor recent opera- fflrH Darrel nnd Kenneth Schow enmr 'j82 home from Hlnghntn to spend the wee! :fflW end with their parents, Mr. nnd Mis mm Jnuus Schow. am Thomas Smith and John Goodwin It ft lire l cported an Intending to locato It n W the Ulntali llnsiu soon as sprint; openi W In real earnest. mm Jt. M, Wilson was in West Jordar, R5 Wednesday, looking up luformatloi HV for putting In a bid on a high lino that HHj the Sugar Co. will build there. HBJ N. K. Darling, proprietor of I.ehi'i Ba only hotel was C9 years of ago Mo BS day, nnd celebrated tho event by hn Bff lng nbout twenty of his friends r. BS relatives Hpend tho evening In gam- Bw nnd bnnc'uctlng. Br W. A. ICyntis, Hyrum Hvnus m BJ Mnrlon Wn'lkor returned Tuesday frot. BS Topllff, vh ore they hnvo been doln IB ' work on the Utah-Oregon Mining tin BjH net. They cut a vein of fine lookln wBf rock that will bo sent to bo nssnyor HB Tho Mlssos Margaret Thurmau HR ' teaching school In Mt. I'lcasnnt, High HE , Thurmnn teaching In Salt Lake nnd HK Mlrlnm, teaching In l'leasnnt drove Bjj spent Saturday nnd Sunday In Lchl H ' with their pnionts, Mr nnd Mrs. I). Hjj ' J. Thurmau. A. J Evans nnd H. M. Roylc, Jr., spent Mondny In the County Sent on probate bitslneSB. R H. Jones tho mining engineer nnd Lott K. Husson were In Salt Lake on business Tuesday. Mrs. Kugcnc Mulsh of 1'ayson wan tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Oeorge (Irocshiek lh flist pail of the week -o |