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Show BEET SLICING STATION A HIVEJL INDUSTRY I Concrete Flour and Foundations Kovv I llelng Mntlo ami Machinery Soon to I Arrive. I Work on llio sugar factory slicing I station Is now beginning to assume' I nctlve life, n force of men arc pouring I concieto In the foiimhition and fnt I the cement floor that will cover the I entire building, 7G by 1B0 feet. These I fltois and foundations arc being madi I tery massive because of the bcaty ma I clilncry that they will have to carry I This part of tho woik Is expected It I be completed within tho next week; or I the forms for pouring tho cement hate I all been put In. I Soon as tho foundation and floor art I In, the machinery from Spanish Fori' I and the eastern foundry will com inonco to arilvo and tho heavier pie I ccs IH be put In place bcfoic tbr I side walls nro erected. A foicc of I men nrc now busy at Spanish Fork I tearing down the station there, nrcpnr-I nrcpnr-I ntory to moving It here This week tin rnlliontl company completed liiuning v I spur from tho Salt LukoHoute track to I the side of the factory building to make I the unloading and placing of the me B chlnery the more convenient. Iltirk and Co. of Salt Lnko have tic contract for tearing down tho plant at H Spanish Fork and erecting 11 hoi -H but have advertised for bids for doing H the brick work and erecting the high H lines, which bids will be opened Mnn H day H Ihcro will be two silos each 150 I H tOO fed and ouo of which is now com Hj pktcd. Excavation work on the otb HJ cr Is progtcssing. A doublo ben'c H house has been put In for wclghlnr H beets, pulp, itc. A now 80 rod ioiu' H is being opened up so as to councc' HJ with tho lower county rond, and mule H It more convenient for tho farmers H John H. Ilono of Loll I who has lint' H chargo of tho slicing station at Span H lsh Fork will bo In chargo of it when Hj erected here, nnd tho company vi' H erect him a cottage near tho plant. H o |