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Show SNOW STORM KILLED CATTLE Tho icqcnt snow storm was the heaviest that tho oldest Inhabitant remcmbcis, or that fell within ouo twenly-four hour period. And It wns wet, too. Tho twenty-fit c Inches or snow contained about two and one hair Inches of water. Whllo the storm did a lot of good It also did somo harm. Logic and Tliorno had several hundred head of cattle on tho low foot hills near tho Wndlcy homes. When tho snow came tho cattlo could not get anything to ent and seemed to m'nko no offoit to got nut. A lot of hoises wcio used to break trail to I hem so that several tons of hay could bo fed, but befof this wns done at least four head had died, ono from falling over a cllft or rockB |