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Show Page Two - the Eureka Reporter June 28, 1984 Published weekly at Eureka, Utah 84628 11-ho- ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY 143 Subscription in advance, per year $6.00 per copy 20 Publisher Editor Member: UTAH PRESS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION. in Untie 9 years Mrs. Vola Nevers was named On January 3, 1975, Francis M. (Frank) Lucas, 56, died of a heart . Todays Valentine attack while at work at the Dragon Valentines column Mine. Frank was a native Eurekan. He was survived by his wife, Tarsula, of Eureka; son, Jose, of Hanford, Calif.; brothers, Jack T., West Jordan; William E., Kearns; Oliver J., Ontario, Calif,; sisters, Mrs. A. L. (Merle) Pion, Dove Creek, Colo.; Mrs. Roy (Marion) Fly, Hardin, Montana; Mrs. Eric (Regina) Hallquist, Kentfield, Calif. in Dan in the Salt Lake For the past 40 years, Mrs. Nevers has been treasurer of the Eureka Methodist Tribune. Dan said, Church. In addition, a ur shes a gracious lady, and one of the best cooks in the state. Although she has no children of her own, she is interested in the PTA and is one of the towns best boosters when it comes fine-frien- available this year, most of which are in south central Utah. Three areas, the Beaver Motm- tain, Boulder Mountain and Monroe Mountain, will be open area bull elk units this year instead of requiring a drawing for restricted area permits, Open area bull elk permits will have an extended selling period this year from July 2 through October 2. Archery open area bull elk permits will be available from July 2 through August 17. Elk permits are available from Utah Division of Wildlife Resources offices only. In addition, a few more areas will have restricted area elk antlerless or hunters choice valedictorian; Corinne Garbett, Paul Ames, James Diane Bernini, Garbett, Kent Childs, Bill Hansen, Eileen Judge, Janae Gilson, Ethel Ewell and Willie Murphy. Miss Eileen Judge, daughter of salutatorian; Paul Ames, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clelon Ames, was named Tintic High Schools 1975 Betty Crocker Family Leader of Tomorrow. Paul won the honor by scoring high in a written knowledge and attitude examination administered to high school seniors here and throughout the country. Mrs. Ruby M. Bigler, 88, a longtime resident of Eureka, died May 31, 1975 in a Payson hospital after a short illness. She was survived by a son, Mac Eureka;, Bigler, Mrs. Maurice (Alyth) daughters: Howard, Nephi; Mrs. Gordon (Effie) Bell, Globe, Arizona) Mrs. Shannon (Elizabeth) Robinett, Copper ton; Mrs. Dean (Ruby) Manson, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Jim (Alice) OConnor, Las Vegas, Nev.; 18 grandchildren; 36 greatgrandchildren. Mayor Wayne Cook reported that permits available. Restricted area bull elk permits will also be available. - As in past years, application for deer control, restricted area elk, antelope and moose permits will foe accepted during the month of July. ONLY mail-i- n applications will be accepted at Utah Big Game Permit Applications, P.O. Box 16500, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. The drawing for big game hunts . requiring a limited permit will be August 17 at 10:00 a.m. in the Divisions Salt Lake office. Applications and proclamations will be available beginning the week of June 25 at Division of Wildlife Resources offices and from most agents that sell hunting and fishing licenses. A number of general regulations also changed concerning firearms restrictions, motorized vehicle use, use of aircraft and others. Hunters are urged to read the proclamation when it becomes available the end of to school activities. She is one of the Before the joint session of really fine citizens of our state. . legislators, Eureka was named a Mrs. Lelah Wilson of Cedar City bicentennial community, the first (formerly of Eureka), was honored city in Utah to receive the honor. On as she retired. from her duties as behalf of our city, June and Coleen for Utah, InDraftswomen McNulty (representing Tintic is the sister of Lelah ternational. Historical Society) were presented Wall. with a certificate and a flag from the Henry American Revolution Bicentennial Eleven seniors received their .Association. A check for $3,000 was also presented to Tintic Historical diplomas at the 1975 Untie High School commencement exercises. Society for work on the Mining They were: James Robinson, June. Museum. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Judge, and Miss Corinne Garbqtt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Garbett, were selected to attend the Presidential Classroom in Washington, D.C. The Classroom was chartered in 1968 and was designed to promote a greater understanding of the dynamics and structure of the federal government through personal contact with its institutions and leaders. Park Citys Historic Main Street is the setting for the Fifteenth Annual Park City Art Festival on August 4 & . company officials very receptive to his suggestions about expanding the operation in Eureka.' However, a final decision could not be made at rir two of the top that Hm executives were not present. Earl feels, however, that the future looks bright for the local operation, From Palmdale, Earl proceeded to San Francisco to spend two days. While in that area, he visited the site of the two biggest steam geysers in the world... located near Cloverdale, Calif. He noted that when he left California nineteen years ago, there was one power plant in operation at the geysers and one under construction. Last week, he was dumbfounded to count 22 power plants operating and more being constructed! Earl was accompanied home by two of his granddaughters, Heidi (12), and Shauna (14). The girls stayed the weekend arid boarded a bus Monday evening to return home. Weekend houseguests . . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bernini, were their son and daughter-in-law-, Jim and Christine, and a friend, Mike Johnson, of Salt Lake City. The two young men made the trip the hard way. ..on bicycles. Their route coming was via Tooele (101 miles)! The return trip on Sunday was by way of State Road 68 (west of Utah Lake.. .at least another 70 miles). It was also a long trip for Chris, who followed in the Jeep with provisions.- - Members of the United Methodist Womens organization drove to the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon Tuesday evening where they en-joyed a delicious dinner at the Oak Crest Inn. In the group woe: Frances Ewell, Alliene Farren, Virginia Randle, Mary Newman, Pat Brady, Maud Blight, Edna Jasper, Sandy Evans and Mabel Butler. Pauline Elmer, Fillmore post- master, was named president of the Utah Chapter of the National Association of Postmasters of the United States at the concluding session of the 48th annual convention of the chapter. Pauline is a former postmaster of the Eureka post office and was a Blake McNulty is home visiting resident during her tenure as with family and friends during a 2--. postmaster. week break at school. He finds the Utah weather much coder than Eureka City had been turned down Phoenix, and is really enjoying his from the big city life for. by the Department of Housing and escape awhile. Urban Development on money which the city requested under a Larcel and Kerry McNulty spent Community Block Grant He stated day in Ogden, attending the that the city would resubmit and try to gel funds for additional projects. Kingdom Increase District Con- . visual hundred twenty-fiv- e artists and 30 performing artists will participate in this celebration of the arts. Festival Director Sean Toomey said, We are pleased that the Main Street construction project will be completed prior to the Festival. Historic Main Street is an important part of the Pari: City Art Festival. This year, visual artists will be traveling from 26 states, including New York and Texas, to display their work. The exhibits will include and all types of artwork ranging from traditional wateredor painting to handforged ironwork. All of the artwork is for sale and some of the artists, including a blacksmith, will be demonstrating their craft. The artists were selected by six juries from a field of 750 applicants. 5. Two antlerless control permits are Senior Citizens Workshop. He found Second class postage paid at Springville Utah 84663. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Springville, Utah 84663, under the act of March ' 3. 1879. MARTIN W. CONOVER MRS. GRACE BERNINI . After a record session, the Board of Big Game Control set the 1984-8- 5 seasons, permit numbers and regulations. Compared to last year, as many deer only about one-thir- d . Printed by vacation Saturday from an trip to California. The early part of the week was spent visiting a son, David and Sharia Grimstead and their family, in Palmdale. Business was the order of the day on Tuesday as he went to the Paramount Eectric Motor Company to talk about matters concerning the 8-d- season set (UPS-179-62- 0) SpringvMe, Umh Earl Grimstead returned home hunting (She iatreka i&Eporter Pork City Art Festival set Brevities Big game two-dimensio- three-dimension- al Festival performances will be held at the Kimball Art Center courtyard and at the top of Historic Main Street.-Variou- musical styles s will be represented including ragtime, folk, classical, jazz and swing. Improved transportation systems have been developed to accommodate Festival goers. Visitors will be directed to free parking areas at Park City Ski Resort and Prospector Square. Free, buses Will be available to shuttle people from the parking areas to lower Main Street. Buses will operate through the evening. For current Festival traffic information, visitors , may tune their radios to KPCW 91.9 FM at Parleys Summit. The Park City Art Festival is produced by the Kimball Art Center, t a art ' and education ; organization. To offset Festival transportation and operation costs, adults will be charged a $1 admission will be adnon-profi- fee-chil- dren mitted free. For further ' in- formation, please contact Festival, Director Sean Toomey at 6496882 or Festival Office, P.O. Box 1880, Park City, Utah 84060. Predicting alcohol a problems-Expert- s still disagree about whether genetic predisposition to alcoholism exists. Small samples of skin yielding fibroblast cells have recently been found to provide an easy way to test alcohol metabolism. Scientists hope the technique will evolve into a screening method to identify people who may be at higher than normal risk. . ! Til next time... Cook in the will The peas pods. separate and the to float the will surface. Theyll pods vention of Jehovahs Witnesses. 8400 be less work and the pods will add persons attended Sundays sessions. extra flavor and nutrients. Dont shell those peas. |