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Show Church News The daughters of Esther Norman Nielsen will honor their mother on her 80th birthday Saturday, June 30 from 5 p.m. at 645 S. 400 E., Payson. Esther Norman Nielsen was born June 28, 1904 in Mt. Pleasant, Utah to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Norman. She married Peter N. Nielsen on Oct. 7, 1922 in Mt Pleasant, The marriage was later solemnized in Provo LDS Temple. Mr. Nielsen died Feb. 20, 2-- 1984. and of Eureka. She has three daughters: Charlotte Colvin, Payson; Christie Mrs. Nielsen is a well-know- n former resident long-tim- e grandchildren; 4 Owner & Stylist Eastern Star -- cuts & styles Ladies' cuts & styles Perms Coloring Frosts Manicures Solar Nails ; Be a - winner. . Potential 100,000 year commission. Must have 1 to 2 years sales Do you need large income to pay for house, car, family? Needed by AAAA Corp. with 23 year track record. 1004 financing, expense paid training. Call Mr. Fox 8 a.m. to 10 $40,000-- $ . APPOINTMENTS ONLY PHONE 433-636- 7 Closed Sunday and Monday No investp.m. CST we invest Profit in ment, paid you. weekly. r.iwk. 0 M HSS0S11 ran mmim rb 0 wra TO FIND OUT "WHAT'S HAPPENING" IN THE HISTORIC FOCOTG EMC3QD3G DDOTDDGV Subscriptions: $6.00 Pur Tuar PHONE: grace beemi 433-693- ..... ., 3 oooeooooooooooeooooooooooooooooeooooooooooooi i . .i....--- ' ANTIQUQO - OPEN - 433-632- Mon. Wed. Fri. Sat. -- -- 10:00 to 6:00 7 Main Street Wed.-Sa- t. 9 -- EUREKA a.m. to 6 p.m. m ffirpi? ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Week Long HAMBURGERS SMALL DRINKS ...... SM. ICE CREAM CONES 4 forH00 "Thanks to everyone for your patronage over the past year." WE INVITE EVERYONE TO ENJOY OUR SPECIALS! TOAJUffS ,rom R.C.i Judy and Fam samBgssssssswmrsBsga v . Jewelry Gift Idea Phone: ... STRIKE IT RICH Flooring Suggested Owner and Operator it Blow styling and cutting Perms it Coloring it Bleaches Frosts it Expert Styling and install your storm windows." Appointments LYMAN LONEY, and . 1 brother, Herbert Norman of Mt. Pleasant "Let us furnish a Men's EUREKA, UTAH great-greatgrandchildre- Page Thrfee Patti Robinson, Ray, Perez conducted Worship Service at the United Methodist Church on Sunday. The congregation first heard a A potluck dinner preceded the tape by Mark Gaiser on Church regular meeting of Tin tic Chapter Order of Eastern Star. Irmina Eden, Apportionment. Opening hymn was Holy, Holy, W.M., presided at the session and Holy, followed by the responsive she was assisted by Charles Eden, reading, 0 Lord, How Majestic. W.P. Routine business was disposed of Scripture readings were from the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2- and members were reminded that verses 8 and 43 thru 47. the chapter will recess for the Rev.' Perez entitled his sermon, summer. Meetings will be resumed Why Pentecost?. The service Sept. 17, 1984. came to a close with benedition and Out of town members attending of the hymn, singing were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles EdenL congregational Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Springville; Mr. and Mis. Lawrence Blessing. Butler, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Frank DOC Coombe, Pleasant Grove; Mr. and Darwin Larsen, Spanish Fork; LYMAN'S BEAUTY Mrs. Mrs. Carol Ainge, Payson; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuckett, Santaquin; and SALON Mrs. Pearl Hester, Santaquin. Kropf, Provo; Lena Greenhalgh, Provo; 10 grandchildren; 20 great- - FAMILY IHAIRLOO Rev. birthday The Eureka Reporter THE METHODIST: celebrates 80th - 10-2- The Feast of Corpus Chris ti was celebrated at St Patricks Church on Sunday. Father Alcuin was celebrant. Scripture readings were from the book of Deuteronomy and the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians. Hie gospel of St. John 6:51-5- 8 was a discourse on the Bread of Life. In his sermon, Father expanded on the theme of the gospel Mass next Saturday will be at 5 p.m. and the Sunday mass will begin at 11 a.m. Esther N. Nielsen 28, 1984 Beethoven as a child made such a At its center, the sun has a density on his music of over a hundred times that of poor impression The Eureka Ladies of Elks Club teachers that he was pronounced water, and a temperature of 0 met in regular session Tuesday hopeless as a composer. million C. evening. President Rosie Jameson conducted the meeting, which is the last meeting until September. Included in business discussed, R.L. BRACKENBURY was the date of the annual Steak Fry. The event is scheduled on the second Friday in August. CONST. & Prize winners for the evening were: Faye Wall, Bridge; Card COMPANY STORE Castleton, cut; and Marsha Tilby, Utah raffle. Eureka, Refreshments were served by Building Materials hostesses Marcella Chambers and Alice Peart. Hardware CATHOLIC: Esther N. Nielson June Lady Elks i . . , I s |