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Show T r f .Volume Eighty Eureka, Utah 84628 JTT Yinflie royolfy Royalty who will reign at the Depot Days 1984 celebration, were selected Thursday by the Board of Directors of the Tintic Historical Society. Chosen as Tintic Princess was Miss Sheri Malinstrom, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Garbett. Miss Kristi Sutherland, 17, will reign as First Attendant. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland. Selected as Second Attendant was Miss Cynthia Swenson, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Swenson. The young ladies will reign throughout the year and will represent Tintic in celebrations held in other cities and towns. Also, they I sucamed vice-preside- nt University. She was the winner f ran Tintic High School, of a Bill of Rights Essay Contest, sponsored by the Juab County Democratic Party. 28, 1984 Number 26 20 hor4 discuss sulurios, other items School at Southern Utah State College in Cedar City in June. She was a Sterling Scholar in General Scholarship; served as senior class . as well as high school mascot; played a clarinet and alto sax in the band; and was a member of the volleyball team. Cynthia also attended Utah Business Week at Utah State - June High School is being investigated by York. The cost to the district will be Board of Education discussed, City Marshal Joe Bernini. He told $200. All members voted in favor of among other items, salary increases the Board that besides the television allowing Mr. Shaw to attend. for faculty and school employees. set that was taken; money was also . Members of the Board voted The Board approved the following stolen from Miss Monsons desk in unanimously in favor of adopting the increases at the recommendation of the media center; and the latch on budget for the 1984-8- 5 school year. is Superintendent Openshaw: A 5 the door damaged as well as the The projected revenue of $1,020,671.. .with expenditures percent increase on the salary window in the door. cents The of Utah hour increase Office $1,082,777. The deficit is to be State 45 schedule; per At their meeting of June 15, Tintic covered by the current reserves. The revised budget for the 1983-8- 4 school year, was also adopted in an unanimous vote. Jay Evans presented to the Board a list of possible capital projects that could be completed to enhance the educational program. The decision was made to seek bids on construction of a six lane track at Tintic High School. Also approved was construction of a baseball field at the-olhigh school. The following miscellaneous items will also be purchased: 50 chairs; sickroom supplies (couch and first aid); safe for high school office; crash bar security latches; safety ladder for lab storage; property line fence; roof and door for sawdust collector; retaining wall rear of shop for ice 6:00 a.m. control; building 12 x 20 sports and Fire trucks will pick kids up maintenance equipment - block around town, beginning at 9:00 a.m. construction. Firemen are asking parents to Bid opening has been set for July . refrain from letting their children go 23rd. to the tire station to meet the trucks, After discussion with the PTA, it for the sake of their own safety. was recommended that discussion Children sometimes forget about .be held with Eureka City con-- ( highway traffic and play on Main ceming a crossing guard fra the Street while waiting for their rides. school. The Board was in favor of Races will start at ld:00 a.m. at such a discussion. the high school (old), to be followed At the recommendation of the with refreshments for everyone. superintendent, Tom Mederberg Plan on staying in town on me was hired for the 6th grade teaching morning of the Fourth and be position at Eureka Elementary. to have a lot of fun, say Three candidates were under ' prepared the firemen. consideration for the coaching position. The Board approved the hiring of Tom Taylor to till the for hourly personnel; and a 6 per- Education has requested that cent increase for all other salaried Harold Shaw represent the PrinHer future plans, include individuals. cipals of Utah at the Small School's enrollment at Utah Technical In other business, the Board voted Rural Education Workshop, sponthis fall, in favor of a $100 donation to the sored by the Department of College at Provo-Orewhere she will begin her studies in Little League Program. Education and being held in New Secondary Education. Superintendent Openshaw reported that the break-i-n at Tintic The Princess and Attendants were presented a cash prize from the historical society. Each girl also received a gift from The Family Hairloom...Patti C. Robinson; the Pick N Shovel Restaurant; and V & JsGas and. Groceries. (Only three 'businesss are asked to contribute to - Eureka Volunteer Fire Departthe contest each year). Thanks are ment has completed plans for the extended this year to the above $ annual Fourth of July celebration. mentioned business establishments. The days festivities will begin salute at with the traditional n m will help promote Tintics annual Depot Days celebration. The new Tintic Princess is a 1984 graduate of Tintic High School, where she was a cheerleader for three years. She was First Attendant to the Homecoming Queen lastyear; played the flute in the band; and participated in track. Sheri was also the Second Attendant to the 1963 Tintic Princess. Her future plans are to attend the Mary Kawakami College of Beauty in Provo this fall. First Attendant Kristi Sutherland is alsoa 1984 graduate of Tintic High School where she served as a THS cheerleader for four years; was a Sterling Scholar in the field of Business; played a flute in the band; was a member., of the volleyball The Tintic High School Class of team; and served as senior class secretary. She was dusen by the 1954 will have their reunion on Sept. American Legion Auxiliary to at- 7, 1984. Any classmate wanting more tend the 1984 session of Girls State. details may contact: A1 and Mary Eva In September, Kristi will enroll at 2789 West Ranae St. Utah Technical College at Provo-Orem- , West Jordan, UT 84064 where she will major in or Phone: Elementary Education. Eastwood Carlene and Tom Second Attendant Cynthia North 1000 947 East Swenson was Salutatorian for the Utah 84043 Lehi, 1984 Tintic High School graduating 768-82Phone: class. She also attended Girls State 50-gu- class of 54 plans reunion TINTIC PRINCESS Sheri Malmstrom 258-154- 0 . 40 City gets money for FIRST ATTENDANT. Kristi Sutherland sewer project On June 7, 1984, the Permanent Community Impact Fund Board, which is staffed by the Division of Community. Development, Department .o' Community and Another photo from the John Schmitt collectioa...taken on McChrystal Street. Good view of Keystone Mine, looking North. The wagon and driver were probably for the Tintic Mercantile Store. (Picture courtesy of the .Tintic Historical Society). d position.-- . Homes for sale Douglas Wadsworth, Director of the Salt Lake City VA Regional Office reports the Veterans Administration has numerous attractive homes for sale to the public. These are properties which have been acquired from mortgage holders following foreclosure. Wadsworth stated that the VA gives special emphasis to restoring most properties to prime condition. Sales are made through the real estate community to the general public. Use of GI loan entitlement is not in- Economic Development, awarded Eureka City a $346,958.00 grant and a $471,600.00 interest free loan for the construction of a wastewater collection and treatment facility. The Impact Board allocates funds which are generated by mineral volved. lease royalties in the State for the Inquiries relative to available profinancial of providing purpose perties should be directed to local . r . SECOND ATTENDANT (tynthia Swenson assistance to energy impacted real estate brokers, or to the communities. Veterans Administration at 524-596- 6. |