Show r L ax ITI IT NI yesterday Yeste 25 iday afternoon n ia assembled just opposite our domce nud and r awed considerably excited excite il about something m kt cof of wa ei er cr re ady ady for tin nn item ran V rass the street mith 11 ll paper pa and ul pencil in in boa IBI abelin han a six shooter met our gaze aich abiell mik ih bho gleam from froia tho shining blado blade of A bowis bc wiS caused us lia to halt for tile pur purpose loso of gsg observation vion tit at ft a distance after con rio no loiso 3 rind loud lond talk tile tho two corn com ata who lind had NN on oil tho the attention if not the die of tho the idle crowd arrived at AC conclusion elusion that in tho the presence of tho the ig magi magistrate strato mho ho by this timo time mado made K appearance baranco Ca ranco on tho the scene of fiction action that I 1 tion m was as tho the better part of valor and T k I 1 wt rma to 0 ft neighboring neighbor ilig saloon to adjust mat 1 j we lea diloro amicably on inquiry wo we found it cf only oaly a little commercial difficulty but a leq ry common ono a creditor and debtor were about nn nil account in the wild west eru ni we ge brush but the presence wits i fim cantou pro prevented vented any serious result 1 I a adrun about a week since jaaes train left this city for tho the purpose of eting am ing flour from camp crittenden or nhat B n more familial ly known as camp floyd to kutin etin ku lit tin two of the teamsters had a quarrel nhea hen 4 one of them shot the other through the I 1 head bead ile assailant refused to submit to an i arest arrest but the active and determined police officer from provo succeeded in making the 1 arrest and corn come ying eying the culprit to provo th the 0 mounded o eluded man at last accounts was ba sup i posed d t to be past wo are aro promised j 1 the names of tile the parties before going to p press and iamo if 0 o are successful jn in obtaining I 1 t our traders readers shall han 0 the benefit of tho the 1 information |