Show it I 1 I 1 NOTICE TO sur subscribers SCRIBERS 1 1 I 1 0 rua rul after an this aate clate OM camiler arar will collect 1 I 1 I 1 cri eions from our city batrous EVERY sved 11 0 to da and we w hopa bope every 1 il indebted to the will be prompt in ray pay 1 f 64 I 1 1 I elliote i lose abroad indebted for subscription or ad adern erk I 1 g will also ako be expected to remit us u the cash as a i I 1 ya I 1 s af bills lil are re received by them 1 l wa go w will be t altu flet to a distance ditt auca paid ild lu in rp f iid ance anc alt lake laka city cit november 5 1866 UNITED STATES MAIL UTAH TERRITORY PO n 0 S T r 0 omal 1 11 C 1 department D r baitt jr washington S october octoba r 31 I 1 liis i ill be gecels cd ai at t the contract office of thin until 3 P 51 of february 15 7 for com eang the mails maili of the united sa s1 states lates in the territory of utah from froin july 1 1867 to june fune 1 0 18 0 on the routes and by the schedules sched til of departures d par tures and arri mn heron specified fied beir T boutet routes established ed by acts of congram ed march 14 and july 18 awl and 26 I 1 bea and others decisions announced by february from cahl by se ere cro valley and rort onni aison to saint george miles and bael back once a r 11 CLI lea acae e nephi monday at 7 A 31 arril arm c cat at saint george by 7 P 31 leavo leave saint georgo at 7 A k M arri e at friday v by 7 P M J N K lf laci Ci arom lo 10 logan gan to oxford 25 miles le and bad back once a acl lea acae e logan monday at 7 A st if arrivo arrive I 1 at oxford by 5 P r M lea ican c oxford tuesday at J 1 7 A M arbro at logan by 5 P 31 10 16 P ay iy 0 bennington I 1 j baff once am acl lome lem 0 monday at abc atc G k M X an at bennington by 12 st if lew acae e den kington at I 1 P M X arrivo arrive at hunts file by I 1 7 1 P mi i I 1 lwin from logan to lo dexton 23 n milia and baal 1 I 1 once ai a macei eel loave leave losan logan monday at 7 A M arria c at dexton by 5 PM P M lean e at 7 A M ar arrtie rh e at logan by 5 P M lic ai itom from alchi b cedar vallo valle to fairfield t 15 asbin la ana A U car 4 fc H eck eci ace I 1 J aernt t 7 abt arrive ri ail lwft IJ by 12 1 anai I yi fit field ld tuesday at 1 P F M X r alrh c Q at by 6 11 at form of proposals guaranty and certificate an and for requirements io ac bidders aro am referred to the general of utah routes I 1 dated july 31 ibo at the principal post off offic icAm a ALEX NY RANDALL ANDALL 11 1 dea aj postmaster general as THE PIONEER JEWELRY STORE I 1 J MEEKS Z H hab if just received tile I 1 arge 31 tock stock of etc etc eier brou brought glit to utah to which the attention of those thone in 1 aut t of i HOLIDAY PRESENTS P II 11 E H E N T S ls Is united also alao a luo assortment of mailles aud and cru cibir a both black lead and sand ar en as aaa a large lot of stubbs flits files and such other articles ai a are by watchmakers JH 40 J 31 barlou Dari oft jad frodsham and richard britton all will vill havo have charge of the V N atch making and jewelry department delim del im lm A N paw ARRIVAL ivl or OP FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS kt at the bet beat and cheapest house ILa UTTERS TEMPLE OF FASHION del dell I 1 oni 1 WELTON tt a 0 po MEnor S S 11 A y v ic K E c it 9 I 1 31 JC st si the agh il 6 t prices paid for gold gola dust salt lake an aln a aya y s on filo file at the office ditt tf if I 1 I 1 A gium p ft fa f N is LA that mr 0 0 J Goldri cl i no longer agent for the uro arf F L fa CO JUST RECEIVED COOKING G STOVES GILBERT SONS auls tl t JUST RECEIVED lbs ibs ROPE assorted sinev GILBERT SONS auls tf t just received 1000 bunche COTTON YARN YA RN GILBERT SONS ivela tr tf JUST RECEIVED Y ax A TOBACCO GILBERT SONS auda tf OLD TYPE FOR FOB SALE olt OIL 1000 POUNDS OF old type T efer for sale at this office ma brai 1 will I 1 nud old type vile filially as good at as babbit metal for journals to ac JUST RECEIVED pieces SHIRTING PRINTS I 1 OMBERT GILBERT SONS awls tf lt i JIA Reft received ived I 1 76 7 5 bags shot k A gilrert sc SONS auala if I 1 miscellaneous Z FOR SALE I 1 0 4 feua dud aud boys boots I 1 I 1 mcgrorty MoO MoG geror atry c 1 C 0 14 f commission merchant tr q a 0 SL SA city U utah h 11 I 1 4 FOR SALE 4 aba fine leaf lard 40 ib cans in iota of 1000 lbs at 40 acts per tb would close cloge thi the invoice at 35 cad mcgrorty A HENRY nou merchants a 0 S L city utah FOR fon sili SALE 1 bao boxes boie 11 pins Pair Soap ip 20 11 ib to jv ft bobet I 1 mcgrorty HENRY 1 I 1 merchants merchante Mer chanta 0 S L city utah FOR SALE boxes boxed window glass all sizes I 1 mcgrorty MoG HENRY HENKY A PA ry 4 CominIs sion Mer hantis Q S L city utah aj T VOR FOR SALE I 1 cases hats has and japs cheap mcgrorty t HERY TRY comale don merchants merchant 0 G S L city utah FOK FOI SALU SALE the largest assortment of ladled La diezi fine fille shoes iver offered to a discriminating 0 public I 1 MoG mcgrorty henry commission rallon merchants merchante a G S L city utah FOR FOK SALE lOO Boxes tobacco different brands I 1 mcgrorty HB HENRY TRy commission merchante Mer chanta I 1 0 S L city chanall utah volt foll SALE aale A acom complete P lete line of staple goods good s vb VIZ i bed bickings Tic kings hickory deninis denims prints alec bleached bed and unbleached muslin strips and Cotto nades in itts lots to suit purchasers I 1 1 1 e HENRY I 1 11 merchante I 1 G SL city butali FOR folt SALE I 1 I 1 i A large and well selected assortment of at retail and at prices which on inspection purchasers will find to their interest hi terest to make their purchases Purchase of mcgrorty mcg henry he commission averch merchants anasi c 1 1 L CITY R V W T I 1 ahe T I 1 Z it 7 N r faba 1 dua I 1 PW PS JOHNSONS dethronement threatened 1 ashe EAT 1 Z r THE of sta AD A D M A X I 1 M I 1 L I 1 AN A N in propria per persona gome DIAMONDS N D S RUBIES PEARLS 1 JEWELRY GOLD AND SILVER PLATE WATCHES L ETC ETC ETC tumble promiscuously from froin lofty prices down to COST until NEW YEARS DAY li under linde r tho the mantle of night c the glad tidings that nu all my may bo be ben bell fitted tho the hosts of children Childr tn gladdened and mado to remer remember riber the valuable ablo Ite purchased by belos beloi ed parents and fri frenja enle at the ni ell known stand 0 of r 1 I w WAITERS next to SON nw york store east street burcet der lm great salt bako city VULCAN IRON WORKS GO 00 established 1850 F FIRST NATOMA AN D BEAL BAX ia k iq FRANCISCO iron Vo foamier tinder steam dicine and quartz mill kill bunder BuNd cr holier makers aud aha workers in a sheet iron hiram mid and copper I 1 I 1 1 I hese toflia have lately been in cread by the aili d tion cf new DW shops hop on oil fremodt street doubli arth capacity ot of the oie original their facilities for out machinery promptly nad d efficiently ate are n ow now unequaled in the state the company are prepared to execute orders for t all t 1 1 el a s 0 of f machinery t i a e h buc r a and u ll 11 boiler 13 0 ll 11 0 r W 0 i k a lucli u t h a s 1 mining 1 ini n g ta c li I 1 n e r 1 ty 0 a d 3 machinery f a c iain er y F floering flouring Flou 1 0 u rin ring g mills nariz ugar milli saw mills mill housings and irons irona and ry of every und they have hate also a clarizo of pastern Pai rai tern terns for h md d hoisting machinery ocarina gearing arunies Pul lies IN water ter mi mill 1 I 1 irons iron hydraulic Hydra ulio aud and screw views re ne tort furnaces grate grata ears eam house houle front ornamental recce fence posts and palling stove ranges etc etc quartz ista miers shoes and dim of the best hard iron quarta screens screen of brusil iron punched to order nolo lyls FOR SALET SALE HAVING H received one of I 1 lloa toos im power er pred greaten Pr eaten ats we offer for sale at a b bargain bar garn am P a hand vms pr sa no 3 platen 1 4 x ti anches also we havo hare for sale eala reams of printing paper d double the also of the Te vedette dette news new ink colum rules leada dashes ac and gome or lbs of long primer T pe tecona fiand amud but in good condition tion alao abao tingle single and double brass rules now in abundance aban lance P L CO 00 if SAN FRANCISCO TAILOR 11 MYERS ikIYE RIS 1 I alac abent nit has enst received nil in elegant stock of goods embich lo ho la Is prepared to milo v ull lit in a manner unsurpassed vast lut or west y main street a few doors lalo alow v the post onice 6 alt rat ako city U 1 de dea ani jut JUA Reft ived NOTIONS S NOTIONS 4 1 1 I 1 UMBERT GILBERT 9 I 1 larm K 1 I 1 W 13 1 r I 1 7 xo A ID to enot ff 0 11 1 I 1 to H r Q r TERRITORY kV IMMENSE 10 3 loeis p 40 aee s I 1 closing out of staci st 00 i 4 hp J I 1 east temple st str 11 AW early tile the T I 1 ta toab hal ing an e larga and rn w 1 bmw I 1 on haud fro from CaH romIa and th ili lyt 3 I 1 GENERAL 1 01 STAPLE DRY otto FALL DRIESS DRESS GOOD GO Aula riou article adwir ac py i i 1 y we NYC hv bave cude brasda GREAT LV PR lk t I 1 TO ro clo 5 0 I 1 our block and ni mako ni korom wl y g ft I 1 y I 1 IT 7 we e are now offering or eriD to the pauw af rud chea nt ayk a I 1 3 VeI uIl in QUALITY god I 1 louse home in tw I 1 1 r AT COST we direct to our om BOOTS SHOE 1 which 11 we are now BOW ogro mg AT 1 I art COST COM I 1 out of that branch of basinow 11 i it 1 I iulo atud rot kot I 1 0 1 AT A GREAT I 1 OUR OF or 1 DRYG DR YG i 00 AP A X D OLO CLOTHING G I 1 1 0 d 10 14 a fr mcd to no roco e 14 4 i i all IN hs also co cooking i I 1 carpenters I 1 I 1 7 ai i N botio st ati ri ta I 1 r tobacco i i 1 i 7 I 1 se S I 1 1 4 I 1 a vi briety of 0 ther 0 I 1 I 1 in erom to til I 1 AN WE INVITE ONE DENBURG 10 awls ti tf v |