Show luma the resolution of senator home which fia las been adopted by tho the senate instructs the committee on public lauds lands I 1 to hao haio ha o their printed m different dif I 1 foreign languages for distribution tit at tile the paris exposition 1 rahe he ob is obvious and will 1 no doubt produce i desired result il MI in increase in the inn im ration to tins country I 1 A s A 1 gentleman living near the state road informs u us that a largo rattle baake nt kowas was estel lly L ly killed ill tile vicinity of the brewery by ft a teamster u who lie showed shoved him the be rattles the they were thirty two in in number such sach visitors visitor tire anro rare in this part of the wry rev F faem s hemy will preach in inde pea demea hall at 10 A u X and at cuip douglas nt at 3 v M v to o monor |