Show miscellaneous EW DRUG STORE ja aib J CO iff I 1 a pleasure demure 1 lo 10 V announcing 1 to 0 1 the 1 citi zou 1 of I aalt 11 al t ao 10 and utah territory 1 in 1 central t 1 they 1 nt opened B lete let and ad stock or f irlue AND PAINTS I 1 OILS t DYE STUFFS NOTIONS IS tice JICE GROCERIES PATENT and I 1 I 1 id d every if bicle adapted to this tin s market y country dealers respectfully invited to call and examine our stock at munson ilki nhon C fenoff old stand i tone door south of yew york lork store ane FAST TE STREET LAKE 1 CITY r prescriptions car f fully at all ay iy HE BIG BOOT TRE THE PIONEER OT AND SHOE boj TO garm 1111 ife go 30 T reino ed their stock of hoots dots nuil and shoes to r gewand new tora on the side lle of sect hext to walker M bros nem buildings ill III be I 1 c d to liam a i call from their old 1 af pf r aase en d a aad cus t corners orners x goods received monthly B 2 ErSS lR lute styles ES S AND CHILDRENS 8 SHOES HOES 1 ft I jait lill ct V s fine filie C calf all and iii kip P 1006 9 WAITERS AITERS AND FANCY SHOES 1 to lo order by experienced wot ork knieri men Is afe teamsters and the alst of man ri r ill find cud it to ba ECONOMY to buy 0 Is LISLE 0 0 raold sold in salt lale cit only by the i per VEER BOOT SHOE 00 Itin i member ember tho the sign the big boot 1 f T ping DING 0 OFF SELLING OFF M 1 I AW AND THIS DAY NOV lot 1 S IT I 1 r OF FASHION I 1 sell out without Ile reserve serve AND N BLESS LESS THAN C COST 0 S T I 1 THEIR ENTIRE STOCK or OF fimby C y C 0 0 D S 19 TO IROM 1 I HAT 1 I 1 11 efrat ATI JR C C M 0 TH 11 ll DENVER S 11 WOOLWORTH WOOLWORTH MOFFAT COJI OllA DO it HOLES ILE IND IM rt DEA IN ii and donit Stati stationer blank standard and school A abs wall papers diaries Diar lf Printers 9 licter ial sow loicl and fane fancy y goods i 0 0 d s aders ers to our care will meet with anil and CAREFUL attention fe 4 W YORK STORE I 1 BRO forner orner Lar laier and r stress street DENVER wholesale dealers in c and fancy dry goods ac TS aua abad caa ac i largest dry gooda st fi latits san francito franci franti to co trade of western and mountain MerJi S vaits respectfully solicited it 8 cincinnati 0 11 1 dem e saco co W 8 walter na r ral city C CT T denver ag t A JACOBS CO dealers in all kinds of V t aming 0 T I 1 NG I 1 AIND GOODS f f largest thing establishment lish ment tween st louis san francisco Frano isco wco 1 ag F 1 DENVER insor artru J H HENSE CO I 1 and artall Da dealers balera lera in I 1 j made jewelry Wa batche tche cloche ant antl I 1 plated ware gold fine rancy fancy goods looking 0 i pictures etc ads if je n ear maile abc to lonnier loonier or der and ami jn tc docu lochs by the cale jt AT MAN 3 street Jl eStiS rayyan X f i cd i q C alty col tn TM ro miscellaneous ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE F street r SIGN OF THE GILT ANCHOR I 1 DENVER DEFTER COLORADO COLOR ADO 1 1 U I 1 not the ib lur furgest Larg gest ft but the CLOTHING KOUSI HOUSE in colorado and from th the last eat and to the tb went are gentlemen dred in alt from andera adlers fall and ad none as yet was wa beard bard to rear that he ever gave mm him a call lie he honestly ho dealt deals as and nothing conceals regarding the wear ol of me his cloth clot hm but bat speaks ft i ith the truth to man and to youth which each of U hs cir chatom r anion i i hence friends one and hi all I 1 walk don dont cowardly for there 11 find ad all obliging and kind with clothing tremendously cheap 1 1 I lie he citizen 6 of utah idaho and montana are sit it all tes cordially invited to call at ANCHORS POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE when in dwer deuer and examine ea hl his most elegant and tasteful stock ot of goett which will be sold old at priced lower ioner than the kloweit HUSET fit MIXER 1 salt lake cit denver U C L virginia city SI 31 T HUSSEY DAHLER GO CO SALT LAKE CITY CITY and HELENA 11 T wu vill WA WARKEN HUSSEY Y CO C 0 denver and central cit colardo Colun Colu rdo lu BANKERS D ANKER S dealers la in GOLD DUST COIN AND CURRENCY draw exchange OB oa i san francisco montana denver st louis new york AND AMI ON 0 ALL PARTS or OF El ROlE ions promptly attended to j aa 1 commercial COMM BUILDING corner main and second temple Tel tiple tf if southern mail aud express too QS to and from SALT LAKE CITY AND carrying 11 II 0 M X ex bt co bai j VIA aa o vc city ith the sau pete valley C arnht une re with ith the line t to aceret Dc seret eret and at reader dom er ith the line to arizona Ar irona via st george coaches leme leaie loftice aa 8 a in na as follow fol lous g dily dally sundays except excepted eN to pron poo 0 monda a wednesdays days and friday s to fillmore Fill mondays to labrana ma making k in time to T gat in 11 1 lays 01 alfice FICE sd south tern temple street lt of faula stables it D CLARK agent abent octa octaf tf FEED AND SALE 1 STABLES VAN Prop rs corner of second south and uc t temple sarce Str ce SALT LAKE CITY double and bingle carriages and haills hail ll ll cluren uren alwa i 5 in readiness readia eig for customers etl tf if NOTICE HE partnership THE toffie e existing between the I 1 under tile the ri ame mme ime of jr bauman ico pj thi s day by mutual cong con pent J W G MILROY EDWARD A EAY JONES salt bait litle lake ci alt no 17 fmc IW NOTICE TIE rr IF undersigned undersigner UNDER SIGNED HAVE ahn lay formed a partnership partners bil in the drug for the tarm U rin of aftic M c ears from tills this dite under the name and otile of J bauman co and solicit a continuance of past favors favora duly ampre c J HAUMAN BAUMAN OEO GEO BAU jan salt lake cita no 17 ima no jalad oro OEO 1 n It LIAMS A L 0 5 WILL 1015 MILLER CO dealers in groceries and provisions STORAGE commission DID I 1 blake street denver colorado cah made on OH irn gari m THOS S CLAYTON dealer in IRY DRY AND AM SHOES table and floor oil cloth flats ua cr cars and nd furnishing goods JV alionar bank block JP adree reet moio below blake hag h DENVER NVER COLORADO J it ORR city new york city ORR CO rb 95 dealers la cole old na aej home and foreign exchange e drawn drawe ou u new kew york bt loul I leahew 0 o rth san sa n fraucisco london parts aud and all parts part of euri eni jt tf JUST RECEIVED yards adi ds standard rd SONS alb tf philadelphia CLAYTON daler in and of I 1 ladies misses childrens If mens fens ilo HO 8 and youths lis mccae mcc cS tE xo borth hind strut E R TAGGART jeaa c street t imp ater fand and deal dealer r lu hosiery gloves threads and foreign and domestic rancy fancy goods if PRICE CO importers Im and jobbers Jo bler of indian goods and foreign and domestic i DRY GOODS xa A 0 market mark ct street philadelphia minita if 4 k NEW YORK CITY metropolitan HOTEL abw icu acu york tit it S LELAND CO proprietors gentlemen from the pacific stites and terri territories will decoi e the highest alheit attention ill at th laotie lf otie c in I 1 tf if IP I 1 bradford 0 H welles wellei J E BRADFORD WELLES co Manufacturer 4 of and tale na dea ers er mens ind boys clothie Clo clothing thim rl 00 2 21 sf A 26 beade street nearly opposite A 1 11 if co yew mew york lork my tf if READ BROTHERS CO STRAW GOODS pur fur and wool hats ti 24 fc ag heade strut vearly nearly opposite A T 7 k S co anew lork waw ti I 1 hill co DEALER y IN W 1 BOOTS SHOES ivo and ml broadway op opposite postle A 1 T stewart co new york city feba t tf ST LOUIS saml mccartney cCartney iI A L lacroix samuel mccartney CO I 1 gr rocca roc cr AN AND D importers of wines and liquors A north ywona street st Lf tilis no yay i ft toa fe K S manufacturers DEPOT I 1 vo ao ab ath 5 strett street corner st charles Ch STLOUIS LOUISI 1 here ill be found every arieti of ff si 4 AMERICAN CLOCKS AND CLOCK MATERI MATERIALS A LS with all the advantages of if the basteni ameni market in regard gard to both selection election and arices send lead for illustrated catalogues cataloguer Catal t HENRY IV EDES I 1 in I 1 proprietor NEVADA STATI STATE i A ASSA S SA Z 7 0 10 M J R MURPHY national bank I 1 8 aired to giva glou iru irvint int aitt tu to all bennem IS titrus tL trusted teil t liim him from utah aw and nagat gold and hilr lul lullau liu nil a aaa aa ed d and refined ores assac assayed ed awl alii anal zed minos eva examined mined aal celab reliably repot reported don in lat national bank ban of I 1 austin augle gal cm COON C 00 K BROS BB osa I 1 mam Iti stin s t i 11 nevada wholesale and retail dealers lu in provisions groceries and clothing utah produce taken in trade goods on storage and u aula gin in attention wood haulers 3 cords wood 7 L are now to lir buy and receive at our W WB camp on the beach ille three certis of wood for particulars particular a inquire of mr THOS A JANNEY nt camp ille mert sons tf just received lbs ibs OUT GUT NAILS and lbs ibb HORSE naila GILBERT SONS hubig tf if just jnet receive ed A fine lot of kerosene anu and atmos LAMPS with GILBERT SONS tf JUST RECEIVED boxes aborted br brazils of TOBACCO it low fi figures gules GILBERT SONS tf if J JUST U S T R RECEIVED EC ya yards ads DENIMS GILBERT SONS uris tf if JUST RECEIVED lopau BLANKETS BLA GILBERT SONS K SAN FRANCISCO FEANCISCO V IR 7 Y 11 daa 1 STA STANDARD SOAP CO S concentrated washing powder IS j au 11 1 im i bul tou alor to all other ir 6 or com coin TI tili pounds for WASHING AND CLEANING it it i made of pure material aud and cou taini taing nothing notting that will injure alic finest fabrie fabric equally as good for using in ift I 1 hard hara as soft water at f no soap ever required to be used with this powder one pound u will III nake make three allons gallons nl lons of sofr SOAP it i put pitt up in in cia of one pound each and in boxes of ten tell pounds bulk I 1 bold BY ALL gloceri st I 1 1 y manufactured N at Sa sacramento craine nto street street san francisco STANDARD DARI duap CO n leo aleo manufacture Oali fonna superior pale Olic Clien mical fical olive and detersive 0 0 A a ae 45 equal to eastern manufacture and SELL TO THE TRADE IT THE LOWEST VEST HATES dawly ift 7 el 1 V ki fask OR oale far by all respectable dealers in alens blens wear da SHIRTS ff sar lake ake no orlim others it if ou c n not procure them I 1 iu salt lake send 11 directions for self measurement anil and pric ets elst r se sag amt t the lie at alo e trade mark Is 1 ramped tamped on the yoke yke ss alie thare arc Oli cheaper caper fit better aud and last louge longer r than lian any other make ALSO wards j india rubber enameled afe W P ell COLLARS AND y M i abid chient AND RETAIL I 1 GEORGE G W WARD WABD lt streel san francisco Tran cisco rj T S coal oil aid lamp stock n we the lie largett stock tock in of t ia lamps amps chandeliers chimneys 0 shades shade S wicks etc 1 also AI kerosene Ker oriene lard polar linseed and other oils 11 A 0 II 11 I 1 N E R Y di L S DELL ORANNA CRANNA CO lin anil and wholesale dealers no ti front street I 1 X isco NB N 1 all I orders ill reodie prompt attention aud and ailant age of the market 96 ghen 1 11 10 40 the purchaser m cylc 1 iv defew ig DRAWING PAPER WAREHOUSE 1 papers i Arti artists ets materials mathematical instruments english twines arnolds ink etc etc v POR 0 R SALE s A L u ISY ii Y OEO GEO B HITCHCOCK CO DIRECT IMPORTERS and sansome street SIN si pace ita e lists lints forwarded on application athe trade supplied sun lied on libo liberal ml terina novt novi ly ryoei op FULL WEIGHT SOAP N A ADDITION D D I 1 T 10 N TO superiority of JL quality LUCY 1 fc HYMS HYMES BOW gi guaran laran tee ee tie of all lie soup sonji they manufacture bei ins the be only soar soap makers on the fio coa who lia e adopted tile the full weight mauu manufacture fActure consumers Cont umers need not pay for twenty pounds of hoap and get but as has been the cage case heretofore with soap in this cita alt no extra price li Is charged and quality equal to an any y Trevi previously outly bianas bearing out oui names LUCY SAN SA ayio ly FIRST rl BILLIARD TABLE manufactory P liesenfeld jia ST san Fran francisco cuse has haa constantly co on hand a lario larice of oatha the best billiard tables with all the modern improvements also billiard trimmings of every description all goods s sold ar are 0 warranted avs best beef tobies hie slate I 1 f ic or ar marble beds fio filin a to S coin aop JUST RECEIVED 2500 pieces of PRINTS of the In lathat test styles 4 GILBERT RT SONS t tr JUST RECEIVED r lk large rge assortment of GLASS 9 QUEEN SWAKE GILBERT tf T JUST RECEIVED mg lb GUNPOWDER TRAI TEA vol SONS egl t f SAN FRANCISCO FRANCISC 0 stationery BLANK BOOKS AN AND D 41 I 1 11 i PAPER WAREHOUSE W AL B C 0 OKE T Q Q 2 r A f STAT stationery stationers STATION ERS printers printers binders biride rs and blank manufacturers I 1 IF 4 A alsa eus or OF 1 timing mining Connner cial find and legal blanks kg S E comer sansome and clay ats I 1 r SAN FRANCISCO ar tho the oid oi alve stationery on coast coast 6 ts v orders w rs front from the trade aftic or ars 4 ac 40 0 from utah idaho neada and montana reliably filled and goods promptly forwarded by express or r otherwise ise la a the clico chico austin or fir colorado river riter routes route 0 47 patronage solicited anil satisfaction guaran ted led te le d wm win B COOKE CO octet 11 op TA V LOR BENI DEL DE L to J G E R I 1 S a II 11 0 go 0 importers and Deal dealers ersin in wines mid and Liquors and clay street san Francz francisco co sole proprietors and manufacturers of or dr ma ads swiss stomach 33 L t t t e x r s 0 T THE world re renowned reputation together mth M alth the ex c and increasing demand for dr rule lands landa swiss siss stomach bitters bettera will at once recommend them to IN fiTo notice of ill all connole and lovers loters of a good and healthful tonic and invigorator vig orator As a purifier of tho the mood blood acting st surely irely ct gently on the secretions of liver and kidneys kidney they are arc and a mot agreeable drink a ta 1 1 1 3 4 for sale at all the wholesale and retail stores on the pacific coast and at the depot of A 11 r 71 VA x LOW BENDEL and clay street lat tva bai ban isome sonic and battery san francisco pla cm HENRY M STOW ROBERT honert POLLOCK real estate k stock broker late colonel 15 years in sacramento Cali california furnia volunteers stowe POLLOCK S f 9 united states and state agents rop soldiers sailors and marines bounties AND AM BOUNTIES 1 TO office washington street I 1 between montgomery and Sau Sa moine some cabi co C atil tl agents for the Collel loii of bounties Romi ties DUI DUE TO volunteers IN AND AM OREGON ORE 0 deeds mortgages all ot othil L legal hv papers carefully prepared prepared abstract of title titie farn as filed let and letters etters patent obtained fur cornew new Ir Irven vent tiOng 2 and ad im improvements attend to the collection action a of rents notes and ac counts count loani loam negotiated soldiers will trill please forward us their discharges olee elee no bounties can be procured ea all communications communication i and linsin business em strictly confidential nova tf asp EUGENE CLICQUOT C CHAMPAGNE ju ramar A G LN J E J A 1 the abbie abo o coat of arms has been lately s tely adopted ai a one not liable to imitation SLY FRANCISCO noa bol ginop JOHN TAYLOR TAYLOE and washington street SIN sl IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN assayers materials druggists glassware Glss ware brij wrists Sw sundries idries and I 1 I 1 photographic stock J T 1 CO lime ham been established in the abono abom bai busi since inc 1853 1832 are importing direct from th manufacturers in ENGLAND france and MA Y as n well as the I 1 astern states and are ahl able to fu fernith anili rn Ili all their goods good at the th lowest imported ini ported rates goods gooda carefully packed for interior transportation norsco op 1 I QUARTZ MACHINERY HANSCOM CO setma X T 11 A IRON WORKS S E corner fremont aud and artia streets street SAY SAV fraacisco manufacture superior mills and machinery for or goli gold and silver mining in noa na hyop aties luif jl coaz commission assion merchant xe 3 front frent street market san sail cla e |