Show J TELEGRAPH TO TOE THE washington december 13 Sel senate fate A joint rosio lution to allow ste steamboats to carry cany friction in fitches vit without hout s stowing them in fireproof fire proof safes was m as passed howe inowe offered it a remo revolution lution instructing inah acting tile tho committee on public lands to report on oil the expediency of printing a report of the commissioner of the land office for the 5 3 ear ending june in hi different foreign languages tor for distribution at the paris exhibition the district suffrage bill w N as talen taken up lip on oil dixons dixona amendment to attach a qualification of reading and writing cowan opposed tile amendment foster spoke in ill favor of it Wali washington bIgton december 13 house diddell offered a resel resolution in binic ting the post office committee to into the expediency of establishing reestablishing re the Sout southern bern overland mail route from san sail F francisco ran via sift los angeles to mem memphis chig adopted ste stevens enfa introduced a bill to le ie establish ch il government in north th caroli carolina lin to enable it to resume its former relations ns as one of tho the states of the union he that lie he did so at the request of oase sex cral gentlemen from north carolina referred to the committee on oil Tem tories the iloie patted concurrent concu nent ieso resolutions lutious to tale take areces reces from the of december to the ad of january Ju resolutions beio CIO passed calling on tile tho president for all the documents ac in acla to lie new orleans riots and the repine e of crawford keyes and ot others heris convicted of tile alio murder of three united states state soldiers in the house then m went cut into a of alie whole on oil the deficiency bill new york december 13 the steamship cuba arrin arrived ed from liverpool with dates to the I 1 ast 1st st two anio gunboats gun boats left Sh cherness erness foi ireland with vath large quantities of arms and ammunition on of not ember at Decu dalk percussion caps w ero ere seized alio army and navy gazette denies the rumor 1 u that the afie english militia ia regiments were being enrolled for the service in ireland A london telegram in to the dublin F freemanb freemans Fre reeni emans alls jol journal limal ta says that stephens stephen is hourly expected in n london if not already there and that de u ere on the alert for mill him A I 1 paris pans letter gives a rumor that Step stephens bens li aad armed there liming inning passed through london there beio some demands for rebel bonds in h london on the of november and prices imp improved bowd to G ca 11 11 maximilian wag lo 10 looked S lor for by tho the west indian mail steamer which way was two day das 8 ol 01 ocr cr du due when ewhen the cuba left A french steamer ha liaa been sent to watch for her arrival AU all the signers who signed tile ho treaty of paris had agreed to recognize tire prince of koumanias Kou mania of france giberta speaks inthe in the following terms the great preoccupation of the moment is american 11 tin the at aich rh al of the next packet is looked fo for with rith intense anxiety till then the public mind will vill bo be i influenced by a any ny secondary 2 indications tending to throw n light 11 upon C 11 t the e real state of things for instance it giai has been remarked within a few days da s that tho the american funds are lower at london frankfort and new york the conclusion shown is that the relations between franco and the united states must be very delicate it is rumored that the loan quoted lower lom er in fit london buffalo december 13 to all editors and agents agent I 1 am authorized by sir simonton to state that the report tele graphed ir d yesterday by craig that simonton gi bad R albeen been remo ed CA from his position as general agent and that there was fits a general row ac is a baseless falsification as ar nothing of tho the kind has occurred if craigs report has been published you will please pIti publish blish a denial signed nashville december 13 the weather on oil tho the memphis and chaales ton and and chattanooga roads was ao 0 o severe on tuesday that several trains draing were nvere detained detainer by tho the fires going out and persons fre freezing enzig on the road washington december 13 sten ens will renew his bis proposition for foi the increase inci ease Case of currency at sin nn earl early lay day tile alio report that tho the nomination of general dix as ag minister to franco france has been confirmed is iq erroneous new york december 13 the posts washington special says that washington people manifest no excitement over tho the suffrage debate the lef leading lAing evening palem lime hav come out in fm fin or of impair bial house the committee on oil elections han luno e agreed to report a bill establishing one day for all congressional elections washington december 13 senate sumner said lie he should vote against dixons arrien amendment dment the example set ret by Cori congress gress now was to be follow folloni ed cd by the poo plo pic of tho the disorganize states as congress votes now so will they vote hereafter if ill an educational standard is set up ill it will bo be followed throughout the south tile otes of the black loy loyalists alLsta are ara needed now in the dis die triet of columbia congress avas beginning ing the great work of on which tile union was to be based the previous question dixous amendment wm then taken up yeav yeas 11 nays 31 absent 7 wilson an air amendment in two sections the first fint punishing those who A ho offered to bribe at ele elections cdon second punishing those who vile pocketed it various verbal were then offered and adopted after tho bill passed aas y 32 nays 13 on oil motion of tho the deficiency bill bilk passed by the house was wag taken up or dried printed and referred to alie lie finance committee adjourned washington december 13 deficiency V bill ill of IRS moved to strike out the paril paragraph graph appropriating for deficiency for work done or being done by tho tha corporation of washington city in hont of ani and across government property ile ho mid ho he was not disposed to ote money for this city the paragraph was vas shuck out by a vote etc of f 56 to 47 schofield mon moed ed to strike arwe out the appropriating for tho the state department and requested information about it ile ho had heard beard it said that it will was to induce to come to this coun country and his arii pardon as there was yo io pardoning agency dished in europe laughr Laug assaid lie he had bad himself been to recommend that item ibern the committee Commit tae ho liaa before requested who alto is iq a young man laughter to 0 o call upon ulion him and give him the necessary information and sewald had dono done so 0 o he in would sri efty to tho the gentlemen that they had hotd not talked a about out any anything arthu except juul and sox aid had com convinced ince Nim him that the appropriation was necessary and prof proper as it comprised vartoui in attern the gon go eminent had idl go suits suite pending in euy elly lopo lope princ lUy in england mill aid france to recover or property pio perty which hika bud belonged to the F t ad those very verv the aggregate amount in vo c 1 I vas oel aud and eliat A tory avery I 1 large proportion pio portion of it bould be recoN recovered cred tho age e x of tw tracing acing Su natt europe europ e wio ei 0 ill eady laig and fit alio ata department part ment would lia liao haw o to pay additional expenses of the vessel that vas conveying to this country the state slate department paid aid I 1 the expenses of the reception of K emma mma in ill this country and of her to honolulu it also had to pay the iho expenses of recent cp expeditions editions to mexico Sell schofield ofield ex 0 himself satisfied with nith the explanation but ut said that lie did riot not know inow but that some part of the appropriation might have been in tended to pay the expenses ot the ti e identa party a swinging winging around the circle stevens assured hun that no part of the appropriation N would bo ba applied to that purpose although lie he understood there acio ore souie boma unpaid bills it in connection with ith that eliat trip S lickfield Schon c lic ifield cId alien 1 withdrew his motion washington december 13 the house passed the deficiency dill bill one of its items is for facilitating telegraph communication mu bet between icen the atlantic and pacific bill bicho to etab establish HIi civil government m ill north carolina Cai ohna pr provides oides for hold holding nig a contention of delegates at raleigh on the day of may 1867 to frame a constitution to be submitted to Cou dougless Congi gless for approval or rejection and that all citizens ao 70 who can read write or 01 own may ote for delegates the united states marshal mal to appoint judges of election and the delegates take tin an 0 oath a th that since the ith of I 1 march 1861 they would willingly lime hao complied with ahtie quire ments ot of the ilie pl presidents resident es ident s pi ocla mation of the ath of december 1861 had safe opportunity been worded london december 13 the rile barnsley aji nelcy colliery containing the laig cat st pit in the district exploded the shaft is ards deep and lateral fuiks extend two 1111 mues from the bottom nearly dearly men and boys were ere in the mine milie at the time of the explosion nearly neaily all of whom pen hed ur r J r december 13 E cry aid is being ga git on en to rescue i the sui sun v hors i ors exploring parties have counted thirty air eight lit d dead ead within a space of fifty yards a few of the unfortunate victims have hai e been bi ought out ach e but badly mutilated Engine engineers eis are of tile the opinion that owing to foul air there can call be no more ali ache a in hi the works if this is so be 0 ov cy cr human beings lio lie deml lit in recesses of the pit the excitement among 11 0 9 families in town ton s most intense and al painful i ld 1 11 tho works anil lilt dicinit vicinity havo have been it ft scene of waning wailan and despair ll 11 nu day A bifilar accident twenty years ago it at the samo same pit by a aich entys three thieo h lues ea v ere lost barnsley december 13 another explosion took place in the sauro same pit at 1 9 this morning ni while rile ing parties were finding tz and drawing di awing out the dead several officials officiaL 4 and a number nui liber of lol ol 01 note in the pit and it is feared they hav e all perished the exciting scenes of yes berdi vote ed later some of the N s han hao 0 been taken out alie new nan orleans Decent december ber 13 it is reported ported le that many senators and rop resen es propose to spend the I 1 a ag yg in new and other southern cities thoy they will urill bo be i received NN ith satisfaction the is expected it at tho the mouth 0 of f tile the river tonight to night geneal sheridan lias iraq be sent nt a dispatch boat to bring canil campbell I 1 gen sherman and their buries to tins city chicago II 11 new NevY oiL papers papel S aty ay that gre great it britain Britti in la is increasing her deni demand and for grain the large laigo amount of a quarter quirt cr of a million bushels having been shipped the 1 last a 4 t two W 0 days la 3 6 tho the oil en tile he stock of OR all kinds in the now new york mar mai act doch doc riot not probably pio bably exceed arche rye he milbon bushels t aw w ita 1 t X ak the cuba s mail bi fam iv af aal gi cat IA coll sir ster nation in Irelan dpn account trouble leg and of coy A correspondent from that city writes that the feeling ot of is increased inci ille eased leased by the measures resorted to by country trades people and comfortable fain farmers nors to get into their pos possession sesMon nil all the money they can scra 0 together which they jhc thc ate into goki gold and ting shopkeepers dalue dachno ing their stocks of goods alid payment of outstanding accounts while they draw nom the banks balances in ill their heir fivos the tanners farmers also are arc drawing their money from the bankland banks bank sand and 1 ic quiring ilin gold pigments for jhc thc their r produce pio duce T etc aie are nohe mole p py than an the catholic clergy they say the people p e now mold avoid their instruction although they usually mabs they withdraw Nith draw from their other duties and the observance nonobservance non of religious requirements is not confined to the male population I 1 secretary Sec mccullochh mccullochs lochs new tariff bill is in print t with the present rates of the house eia bill 1 passed sed last july and the lire prepared a ed new t i 1 r parallel columns at aan n glance I 1 77 it atia is been tho the new liew is for tho the most par part t re cil enacted acted fi aiom orn the existing tariff in I 1 le e in which it differs it favors importers more than homo products the ways and means committee appear to be about equally divided upon the subject of contracting burrene currency tho the pi ob ability is that the committee Commit leo a will a dhein to tile the present monthly rate of contraction mccullochh mccullochs lochs plan foi fbi wore moro rapid contraction all hardly meet with pa divor vor as tho the temper of the house is such that i or 0 tho the matter to come up in that ilia t shape a strong attempt ii be m ide I 1 to withhold the to withdraw even four wil millions liong per month the opposition of tile the house to contraction is quite maikel I 1 the concurrent resolution for a lccy lc access cc from december to january ad v winch passed I 1 the hoi house to 51 will meet serious opposition in the senate I 1 the secretary of war reports report tile lie of indian expeditious expeditions as follows quartermasters department in expended ended nine amne lillion il ono one hun hundred dreI and ten tell thousand thousand dollars I 1 the same year expended fifteen and a half million quartermasters 1 department in ill 1865 e expended nineteen and a quarter million commissary tho the same yer year expended million biml fionin lio nin u pay eleven hundred thousand homcy v i riles a letter urging ruling thad ste eric ens to run for penney pennsylvania IN ania senator four petitions ima lia 0 been pre presented to congi glass ess for the impeachment of tho president ill west costel of connecticut noted agal nt the ditrich Dittri ct bill because beci inse lie he said the educational basis lind had been ie jetted washington 13 A settlement was made by consul arone at london with rt frazior rizier trenholm enbohn ti co the disa di Nowal of which by the united states was mentioned in a i lecont dispatch purported to lie be a settlement of all claims ot of the united states against that firm involving many thousand pounds steil Bt eiling hig it appears appe irs proceedings edinga in ili ancery were being i ky prosecuted by our consul nt at lh Lher pool dudley who had succeeded in foiling rial pia pi a ider Tien halm co into a position pofi tion th they eyvere were to malce make full disclosure dis closure I 1 on oil oath of till all deal dealings higi of the firm with tho the confederate government including all cranfi actions with I 1 lie rebel secretary of ther tho treat reat nry and malc a full exhibition of all their books and pip papers IT 0 oid I 1 dis clo clesine cl osine sule frazier ni co C ought and effected a settlement which was i made through gli consul como ind and ono one mont gomery gitlin gibbs reputed agent ortho of tho tic i department which agreement provides provide pio vides 3 fr for 4 cl claims aims in and the dismissing england united I 1 i giving i up fill all claims claims and met merely cly I 1 le estates estate quires that rr brazier azier trenholm co state now under onali v aliat liat a to giop erty they have luid had in their pg session that the they rhall dispose of the same and after pay i ing without au abuys 3 statement of |