Show I Death Roll Rol S LOCAL CHARLES RIES E. E CO COLE Charles Chares E. E Cole a prominent mining man manof manof manor of or this state for tor many years died at his hla residence resi rest dence in South Monday Mr Ir Cole Colo was born In Allegheny hen county count N. N Y V. In 1818 and came to Utah In the early earh Os lie le located and worked some of ot the largest and richest mines in the tho west west He Hp leaves two sons eons Charles F. F and Henry and one daughter Ellen Cole Brady He LIe Ie Is also survived suni b by tho the following brothers and sisters James M. M r. r of oC RI RIgny by Ida Francis A. A of Murray Heber D. D cf ef t Pleasant Grove Israel Israe Cole of oC Eureka Mrs George Graham of oC Rigby Rigby Rig Rig- b by Ida and Lul Louis Anderson of ot Union Funeral services will wi be held In the Union meeting house Thursday at 1 p. p T rn in lt I I. I O. O WIGHT Mrs tIrs L L. 1 O. O Wight wife wIe of L. L O. O Wight ight n a c civil engineer died at the family residence cIvi N. N Main street last nl night ht from a complication complication cation caton of diseases Mrs rs Wight was wag 7 72 years old oid and Is survived sur hed h bj her husband and two sons Arthur of or Colorado Springs and Ernest Ernes of Salt Sal Lake Lalee She was a member of or the Eastern Star and of the Rebeccas Mrs Wight came camo to tc Utah twenty one years cars a ago o when Mr Ir Wight left leCt Kansas Kansa to make hi his home homo In this state She was born horn In th the te testate state of oC Kansas and spent her early girlhood girlhood girlhood girl girl- hood there removed to Idaho when she was married arid and ad then returned to the st state tC o 01 Kansas Kansa The Alcott company compani has charge o of or the STATE lIt IH S. S A LICK ALICE D. D WILKINS s l PROVO ROYO Provo Nov Not o 11 11 Mrs Alice Alce B Barney Wilkins Wilkins Wil Wil- l Alexander Wilkins kins kin wife of or the late died led this morning at her home in tho the Sixth ward She was 81 years ears of or age and general genera debility was the cause o of her death She Shena Shewa wa na a pioneer of or 1851 and crossed the plains wih with her parents Two years later she married married mar mar- ried ned and moved to Provo where she lived the thc remainder o of her life She Is survived by tho the following sons eons and daughters Mrs tIn Derning of Coalville Briah Brish Wilkins of or Kimberly Ida Ida Mrs tin Hatte Hattic Hattie Hat Hat- tie tic te E. E Dunn of Provo Alro Alroy Wilkins Wiking o or of Roosevelt Hoose Lorenzo Wilkins Susa SUs' SUs W. W Poulton Poulton Poulton Poul Poul- ton and John G. G Wilkins of or Provo The rhe funeral services will wi be held in the Sixth ward chapel Thursday at 1 NATION MISS CORDELIA CORDEI A KYJ KYLE E. E Des Moines In Ta 10 Nov 11 MIss H. Miss Cordel Cordelia K Kyle le CC 66 well wol known throughout tho the middle west in educational circles circle died tonight a aa at ata in the high school a n hospital She taught hish here for Cr six twenty years ears IF Ry GEORGE GEORG Washington Nov No o Former H.-Former 14 Former Congressman Congress Congress- m man n Henry Benr George Gcorge son of or Henry Henn George o ot of single le tax fame died here her toda today after ater a long Ions illness Inness Ho Ha formerly represented the tho first ty-first ty congressional district of oC New Now York He lie was Gl 51 t y years ars old and m maintained his home in New York City S |