Show I ines Mining Stocks Industrial and Commercial Quotations SELLS illS ALTA CON AND ANDr r UTAH MICHIGAN MAKING ij EXCELLENT PROGRESS r Reassuring conditions are tro described it t the properties of or tho AHa MLa Consoli- Consoli I dated Sells and Utah Michigan b by byI fit i General Manager ger A. A C. C Jacobson Jocobson who IsI Is la laif I I if Jn In touch with tho situation at r c AHa ATho The Tho Sells h has a carload carlond of or first class 1 oro ore en route to the smelters and anc anther an- an ii c other ther broken In tho old workings adi ai ad- ad Ii i joining tho South lI cla Tho The oro ore Is Js IsI isI I I f coming from No 1 raise Only the ore I encountered In tho the way of or development K r work vork Is taken out It 1 is estimated I that the ore oro will carry crry 30 to 55 35 35 a aton aton ton ton In lead and silver I i. i At the tho Utah Michigan Utah an-Utah the thc ne new ore I body discovered In the tho Lavinia fissure h continues to pro go o down strong strong- It looks Ilko tho making of or another bi big big- We e estimate I declared Mr Jacobson that tho the Utah Michigan now no has at ath ats h s least t of or ore broken and ready J K for tor tho market Somo of or the ore oro from Ij 1 tho nc now strike carries up to 50 liO per cent p ad lead and to ounces of or silver i r The Tho now new being sunk tunk oh ob the bl big h ilow Jo grade oro ore body in tho Alta Alla ConI Con Con- at a n. point lOO t feet et In from I tho portal of tho main level is now If dOwn ten feet It Is all nil In ore which 11 11 to 12 a ton tot This ore Is r making In tho the beddings and Mr Ir Jacobi Jacobson Ja- Ja cobi on thinks It gives gl promise of 0 a lot lotto to CO profits for tho company Recently Ja-I Ja R. R A A. A Drown Brown consulting engineer sam sam- pled this oro ore bod body zor ono unu ny-unu reet Ho put In drill holes every five lve feet feel it Is Js an on Iron sulphide carrying some Gilver and gold and 39 9 3 to 40 10 per cent Iron Some think It must be the tile capPing cap cap- Ping of or a largo large body of or ore Arrangements have e been made mode bytho byI by bytho I tho Con with the tho Utah Michigan Utah to run a now new drift from the new Copper Prince tunnel Into this ore body tody od This will give additional l depth and willbe will willbo willbo bo be to feet from the surface Il It will require a drift ah about ut feet to get well under thin vein elD SElMA FACE IMPROVING CHIEF IN LIVE QUARTZ J i Iner Energetic operations are arc being carneil carried car car- neil ried on at the large largo domain of the theelma elma Mines company In North according to A. A E. E Peterson uno ho ho came In from Irom camp yesterday The Tho company Is now employing a force torce of eight men aud and tho main cross cut Is being pushed of off to the east cast to tap at nt depth sonic somo sonico o ot or the tho south north fissures which run hito thc the from the thc Chief Consolidated Con Con- ti now ground Around which adjoins I Selma on the south Tho Selma Solma hasa has has' a modern plant and the machinery Is IsI I f all an operated IJ by electricity 1 The Tho main shaft Is down do feet teet this tho cross cut has been sent out east Cost for 1175 foot foet The rhe face Is now 1100 to 1000 feet leot vertically under tho the i ground It Is be becoming more mineralized miner miner- i. i as the work progresses The roc 4 lace face shows some lime a n little quartz 1 and Iron Mr Ur Peterson reports that theono the tho ono one shift Is breaking four tour feet a n day 7 or at the rate of more than feet a 1 month Tho face tace IndiCAtes Indicate tho close n approach to ono one of ot the main fissures outcrops prominently on tho the surl sur sur- 1 l tac face ace e. e Tho The Chief Con Is carryl carrying on exton- exton dye o development work ork to tho the south of ot the tho Selma Se-lma In the tho ground This shaft t Is about feet teet to the thel l south of or the Selma Scum It i la Is down 65 foot and cross cuts are arc being sent out both east oost and aDd west Some water Is coming In n one of the faces which Is 15 showing somo some excellent quartz and Iron It I la one of or the best mineral showings s sI I ever seen In new work In North Tintic that was not actual ore declared Mr P Peterson who ho Is a n. practical miner con con- with the Selma force 1 Paloma Has las Rich Ore Orein If t in Two TIVO Places on i K I Is 8 looking exceptionally V t good at tho the Paloma according t to Supt m- m j C. C J J. J Graft Graff who Is up from Beaver Deaver county The Tho main Incline is now down 10 l the tho GA level and It II is being sunk to tho the Hero Here a n. station will be cut find and drifts sent ent In into to the tho main fissure In In a a- adrift drift on the COO level out about Ahou t sixty feet ore Is exposed In 1 the tho lo Samples from ono one face save returns of or 2061 per cent copper 19 per cent lead 37 ounces sliver silver and j 40 Q cents in m gold ol Another face tace on the 00 shows 18 IS Inches of 45 Hi ore I and Keno eno to top p Hold Special Meetings I Word Vord from Provo Prove Is that the nl J Knights have called for two Special r. r stockholders stockholders' 5 nt at Provo Pro on December 4 1 They ate for the tho and tho thu Keno The l lutus recently Passed pasHed control f from ro of or th the th tho g nights Knights and md David D Evans Bans to the Chief Chiel Consolidated It Is proposed to 10 change hange the tho place of ot business from Provo Pro bolt laIt Lake Lr Tho I Keno to te eno proposes to Increase in- in crease tA the tho capitalization from to o or to shares of or 10 0 cents each The Reno Keno ground five lve Patented claims Is in Beaver Deaver Count county SALES DAY MY MYE DAYON I UN ON MINING E EXCHANGE Tran Transactions on the tho local mining e ex- ex change chance yesterday totaled more than and aUlI maintained the normal of the past tow row weeks There Thero was nothing nothing noth noth- ing approaching a feature The Tho bu business business busi busi- l- l ness continued broad broadi with thirty one one different nt Issues participating in the tho morning morning- trading trading- and thirty in the tho aft aft- Utah Michigan again was probably the strongest issue It opened at 29 9 and Uld reached half a n point hl higher her Silver King Consolidated fluctuated between and SOl South th Hecla brought SIiri Walker r sold for Yankee Yanke held around 24 cents rents and Howell at IS 18 cents Antelope Star sales totaled from 21 1 1 to In 19 cents centa Paloma brought G CJ cents The Creole was started 1 at 20 O cents Sales yesterday totaled shares valued at The Tho clo closing ln quotations and sales were as follows I Forenoon J It Afternoon II Bid Did I Ask AsIc If Bid J I Ask Antelope S S. S 18 iS 19 19 1 20 0 Alta AHa Con H. H 29 1 O AHa Alta Tiger 00 02 01 01 OH Albion 10 11 10 11 Am Con C. C H 14 K H 15 A Alta Ita Tu Tun n. n 11 12 11 12 12 Alta AHa Ger 0 05 00 OC O Oi 05 O 0 Addle e 02 Bullion 25 28 18 23 26 6 Boley Dole 01 01 01 01 01 Oia BI Big Four E. E 11 12 1221 10 lung Anal Amal 11 11 11 Black Jack 06 08 Big Bis IE C Cot t. t 06 o. o 00 06 lC 05 Q g I l ul 1 U 0 I 95 I Beaver COP 01 02 01 no flay State 01 OU J On Doa Boa 1 Met t. t 01 01 2 01 01 OH Big I Kin King 10 10 15 Cedar Ex 10 10 Cellar Cedar TaIls Col ne flex 14 U 14 lih Cob Colo Con Cofi 21 1 22 2 21 22 Cr Point Point O 05 05 06 0 Ot Cardiff i. i 5 CrofT 04 04 Cot Kin Fing 00 11 OO 01 Cot Metals 05 06 OC 06 07 Creole 21 20 21 Daly Daly Dragon Sl 32 3 Deml Demi Con 02 03 02 04 0 Daly J. J Ex rj 05 Cop r E. E Prince OO OO E. E B. B Bell 1 7 1 87 1 1 Emerald 05 22 Emma Cop 1623 i F Earl arl Ea Eagle le 40 0 50 to j 10 O I ro 0 E. E Cr Ci- Point OO 01 OO 00 01 E. E Tin Con I 03 O I 03 03 F. F Corbo Carbo 1 I 10 Galena Mm OO 00 OI On in Gold Chain 17 2 25 I IS iS 25 Gd Cd Cent 58 62 I 55 61 G G. G Western 09 10 09 I 10 Howell li 1 18 I 17 18 Home Run nun 01 02 I 01 I 02 I. I 11 11 7 1 1621 LBS I. I Queen Ol 01 I 02 I 01 02 Ibex 01 J. J King 05 Jud Judge c MS Keystone 1 58 is G 62 SS 62 King DavId 03 15 15 Lehi Tin oi 01 Leonora 02 02 02 Little Bell 12 35 12 IA o L. L am A 03 05 Or 05 Lo Logger fer O 02 10 03 Oi 07 Y 00 00 I Luck Lucky Boy 05 AS 0 Midwest S S. S 5 59 I 61 j. j 59 6 65 01 oi 03 01 03 1 2 70 76 11 iO 70 80 Miller Hill I. I ns 1 I. I I May oa Da Day 10 11 10 1 12 l 1 Mason on Val SOO I GOO Mm Plat Flat 0 05 05 05 oi Moscow 10 Hi 15 11 Hi 15 Maj Evans Eans 01 03 O Mam fam CoP 01 05 Utah 28 8 28 29 9 Midway 1 n a N. N QuincY 17 lii 18 lri 15 09 10 Nc Hills 2 30 I O. O K Silver SIl 41 48 8 Hi 60 50 o. o 01 01 01 On OriS' OriS Ban 61 65 Gl 61 6 Old Crater oi Park Pari C. C M M. 35 20 Pioche D. D 01 OH 02 OHI 01 OU 11 16 14 IG 16 Prince Con 1571 15 Paloma OC 06 06 06 06 Paloma Ex 03 11 03 10 Price Mm Un os 06 15 OG 06 1 OS 08 Provo O 02 03 O 02 02 RIco Arg 01 OH 01 Peal Peale 10 11 10 10 Rico Con 10 60 ell eil 24 1 29 2 24 30 Hoeh Mines 69 63 68 S. S Stan Sian 12 1 12 12 Santo Sant King j. j 01 OO OO 00 S P. P M. M D. D O 01 10 Sell Selbi 09 08 09 j Syn Syndicate OO OO Sparta 24 1 27 S. S Troughs 04 G 01 0 05 S. S Tres Cl 3 10 10 to S. S King I n Cl 3 I 0 0 1 0 3 S. S Con Lii Sioux Con 15 IG 16 1 16 Swansea C C. 0 OO 01 OO 01 S. S 1 1721 1 SO 1 i 1 1873 SH Sit Sil Shield 27 35 H 3 35 S. S Ilecia Hecla Ex In 13 1 13 Santo Sant Chief Chic 00 OO OO Sil Tun Tung OO OO 00 Moon O o 02 S. S Keystone 30 90 30 GO 60 Secret Ol 0 01 03 Texan 10 10 IG 16 1 12 Tar Baby O A 05 On 05 Tin Cent 03 03 Tin Stand 91 92 91 n 92 U. U OO U. U Sam 06 08 OG 06 Utah Con OU OH V. V Chief 03 05 03 0 05 Victor Con 03 01 03 O 01 Whirlwind Oi 07 06 07 Wilbert On 08 08 08 W. W Toledo 10 11 11 Walker Valker 2023 2023 O On 2073 Woodlawn 18 O 18 21 Yankee Cn 21 I II 20 21 Zuma 05 1 Of FORENOON SALES Antelope Star Str 1100 at GOO COO at Alta Germania at it Sc Bullion at Beaver Deaver Lake Ike Metals at ot lie He Talisman Cedar nt tt Colorado II at Colorado 1800 at Cottonwood Hing 1000 at Ic lc Cottonwood Metals 2000 at Ge Cc Creole at at seller 10 days 1000 at 1500 at lc Great Western at 9 c. c Iron Blossom at Leonora 2000 at nt c. c Midwest Sullivan at Mammoth at ot Ma May Day 1500 at 10 lOic c 1800 at lOc hOc Michigan Utah an at 2000 at 2 c COO at New 1000 at 2500 at licO lic O. O K Silver at He Original Bannock at Gc Bristol at He Paloma Palonia at G Gic c. c Reeds Peale Peak GOO COO at He lle Silver I Kins lm Consolidated at South Hecla at South Hecla Extension 1000 at Tintic Central Contral 1000 at Tintic Standard 00 at Utah Consolidated 1000 at lie lAc Walker ZOO at 2 Yankee tit ut 4 e at c. c Total shares sold Bold selling value AFTERNOON SALES Antelope Star 3 O at Oc at Oc at ut Inc Alta Con 1000 at American Consolidated Copper ZOO 00 at ICe ie Bullion 1000 at al 2 2 Ic e. e Bolo Boloy 1000 at lc Ic Ic 1000 at He Uc seller seHer GO 60 days das Big BlK od 1200 at 1000 at Cc Beaver Deaver Copper at lie Creole 1000 at at 21 c. c UTAH APEX FIGHT IS SETTLED AT MEETING According to word from Boston BOlton at the Inc annual meeting of or stockholders of the Utah Apex Mining company at Portland there thero wore two tickets presented presented pre pre- for the board hoard of ot directors PresIdent Pres Pros ident and Secretary and Treasurer Schirmer headed tho the opposing ing InS forces The directorate was re reduced re- re front from nino to five and the fol tel tol- lowing were elected elected- John T J Murphy Dr Nicholas 9 du Valley Valloy William K P. Coffin CoUIn R. R F. F Jr and Charles G. G Schirmer This Thin Jrr loaves t tes es Frank A. A Schirmer recently resigned Hiram M. M Burton Durton Clifford M. M Brewer Drewer William L. L Creden and 1 J. J r. W. Saladino who were directors lost last year rear out of or orthe the present line Dr Ir du Valley one ono of or the new di directors dl- dl rectors represents represent his own Interest In Inthe Inthe inthe the stock He has 1135 been a shareholder shareholder share share- holder eight years Mr r. r Coffin Cortin who Is assistant secretary of or tho the Puritan Trust company compan represents other hold hold- ings CREOLE IS liSTED ON MINE EXCHANGE I Stock of the te Creole Mining company wa was listed yesterday The statement contains the following Information N. N W. W is president and J J. M. M Reynolds Hey Rey secretary There are ale shares of 10 cents centA par assessable assessable asses asses- sable with shares share and 2500 in cash in tho the treasury Toe The two debts on two claims amount to There is no bond conflict or litigation The rho property embraces nine claims clr of or which five are arc patented located in III Lincoln district Beaver er county count twelve miles from railroad Tho The developments consist consist consist con con- of feet Ceet of or shaft of or tun tunnels no Is 30 of or 15 of or raises and of or cross cuts There are arc ton toll men em- em The improvements consist of ot hoist holst blacksmith and ln other buildings s san an and mine equipment The ores consist of or copper coppel silver lead an and gold It Is estimated there aro are tons of or 12 grades glades In sl sight ht In 1916 ono one railroad carloads were wore shipped of or one fifty ne average tons which netted noo Gemini Will Wili Change Time of 0 Its Annual Stockholders of or the Gemini Mining com company pan are arc In receipt of or a u notice from Secretary J J j. E. E Berkley of ot tile the annual and special stockholders stockholders' meeting meeting meet meet- In ing to be hold in Salt Lake on Decem December De De- cem cember er I. I First the directorate for forthe forthe the ensuing year car will be bo elected Then Thena a a- vote will bo lie taken on the tho matter matr of or amending the articles so that after acter 1917 Ini the annual meeting will be he on the first the In February and hereafter terms of r office shall b be one year ear only Two New l Tunnels in Big Cottonwood Canyon n. n D. D a director of ot the Logger Loger Logger Log Log- ger er Mining company compan said yesterday esterday that the lower tunnel is now in feet It Ills Is expected that another twelve twelver r feet ct cro the Logger Log vein at al ata ala a depth of about feet feel This Tois lower ower adit is making to gain aln depth on oro ore opened In the tue thet t foot 10 tunnel l above Some distance to tho the west of or the tho Logger Los workings the Bankers Bankers' Mines lInes company Is starting a new now tunnel It Is reported in about thirty feet feel These properties are located westerly and southerly from the old mine in Big Cottonwood canyon canon Herzig in Arizona Looking Loo Over Properties Charles S S. Herzig managing director of ot the Emma Copper has been down ti Kingman Ariz looking over the property property prop prop- crt erty of the Arizona of or which he ho Is consulting engineer eng J J. J J. J fleeson Deeson a mining man who has been heen for tor months studying the tho geology of or Emma Copper Coppel has gone gono to Arizona to stud study the formations of or the While In that state Mr r. r al also o inspected the Monster Chief of or Jerome This is another Issue which Geor George c Graham m Rice has Just brought out outon on oil the New York curb Big Indian 11 Machinery Reaches Railroad Point According to the Grand Valley Times much of or tho the machinery for the Big Dig In Indian Indian Indian In- In dian mill has arrived ed at Crescent and will be freighted to the mine within the next ext few days ays Tho The force at Big DIg Indian consisting consisting- of thirty men Is la bull building building- houses and laying the pi pipe po line from La Sal to the Work Is being being- rushed rubbed and the erection of the mill will commence shortly Preston G. G Peterson secretary of or tho nl Big In Indian Indian Indian In- In dian company is expected to arrive this w w. ek 21 Tonopah Production for Week eek Production of or tho the mines of or Tonopah the past week totaled 97 7 tons valued value at r sa says the Tonopah Miner Tho The Belmont sent to |