Show 1 L. L D. D S. S U. U QUINT TO MAKE DEBUT First Team Plays Its Initial Game With Alumni Five Today When the L. L D D. D S. S U. U bump hump up UD against a picked team from tho th alumni a association this afternoon a apart aa as part of or the pro program ram In celebration of or Founders day a tho the hoop game g-ame at the church school will be given its formal introduction 1 for the season of 1 1910 From then on a Il regular prescription of ot hard work ork will wUl l have ave to be taken with regularity b by the hoop aspirants ts for Coach George has the scholastic scholastic scho scho- lastic championship but bug buzzing in ol his bonnet Co Coach ch halls hails today's game as asono asono ono one of tho ho important lt contests of ot the season as it will vill enable J him to get geta a line on Borne ome of the forty players who have been grinding g aw away on the gym gom floor for tor several weeks The Tho quad Is IsI I largo large re and hag has a a. lot of ot promising materIal material mate mate- rial in it hut but as yet ct can only generalize on en the abilities of or tho the players play play- ers erH How thu tho perform to today today today to- to day will go o a long way in fl making the tho choice for tor the first string squad and anI consequently t the h pla players are arc expected to give gl a good gooI a account of themselves s. s The class 1 series which was completed about bou a week ago aso uncovered a horde hoide of ut knights of f the wax floor noor vho ho will clamor damor dam clam or with ith tin thu older heads for berths on the f school chool quintet Some Rome of orthe the youngsters youngsters young young- showed real class In the recent series and one or t o of them will un- un l find themselves In first squad squal com company pan during the season Rynie already has hag a J. J strong stron nucleus for his team Elmer Dean captain of ot I the tho 1916 Orson OISOn Wright Leo Robinson Robinson Rob Rob- inson on Milton and Br Bryan all I West Yest one of oC the forwards on last years year's e rs r's Pheasant ant Grove team form orm a formidable array of or talent To them have hac been added Romney Mecham hay Ilay- Thatcher Fernin Freeze and nd who have done one s 4 goo good work on this floor this year and will be a great reat help to Coach Rynear son clan in building up a champion scholastic scholas scholas- tic learn team |